Thorbjørn Harr
출생 : 1974-05-24, Oslo, Norway
Thorbjørn Harr (born May 24, 1974) is a Norwegian actor.
Kasper (voice)
The three thieves Kasper, Jesper and Jonathan lives together with their always hungry lion in the little town of Kardemomme town, the home to a fair but kind police officer, and the strict Aunt Sofie.
Oscar Torp
Fredrik isn’t the bravest of men, but now he is faced with a great responsibility and an enormous task - to get the entire Norwegian gold reserve away from the Nazis during the invasion of Norway.
Tor Anders
Seven long-time friends meet for dinner. They decide to share their text messages, emails and phone calls. Secrets are unveiled. Harmony trembles.
Norwegian remake of the 1973 Czech film "Three Wishes for Cinderella" by Václav Vorlícek. Since her father's death, Cinderella lives with her cruel stepmother and spoiled stepsister, who treat her like a servant in her own house. During one of her daily escapes to the forest, Cinderella prevents a couple of men from hunting, amongst them the handsome Prince of the kingdom. Cinderella and the Prince immediately feel attracted to each other, but he is expected to find a suitable bride at the next royal ball, which Cinderella is not allowed to attend. Equipped with a great deal of courage and empowered by her three magical acorns, she decides to stand up for herself and determine her own fate. Will she be able to break free from her stepmother's tyranny and find true love?
원전 사고 후 굶주린 한 가족. 식사 제공이라는 유혹에 이끌려 호텔에서 진행하는 연극에 참여한다. 하지만 진행될수록 어딘가 수상한 연극 방식. 의심은 곧 현실이 된다. 관객이 하나둘씩 사라지기 시작하면서.
크리스마스 이브, 가장 행복한 순간을 고대하던 사람들은 터널에서 유조 트럭이 폭발하면서 칠흑 같은 어둠에 갇히고, 설상가상 거대 눈보라가 휘몰아치며 구조에도 난항을 겪는다. 시간이 흐를수록 터널이 붕괴되어가는 최악의 재난이 닥쳐오는데...
Charlie Olsen
1925년 겨울, 최고의 썰매개 조련사인 레온하드 세팔라와 그의 개썰매팀 선두견 토고의 알려지지 않은 실화에 관한 영화다. 디프테리아 혈청을 작은 마을 '놈'으로 가져오기 위해 세팔라와 토고는 위험을 무릅쓰고 거친 알래스카 툰드라를 향한 감동적이고 희망찬 모험을 시작한다. 그리고 이것은 그들의 강인함과 용기, 결단력을 시험하는 여정이 된다.
Per Erik Lundemo
전도유망한 노동당원의 딸이 우익 정당 고위층 인사의 아들에게 심각한 상해를 입히고 결국 아들이 죽는 일이 벌어진다. 사건을 수습하려는 노력이 점점 힘든 상황을 만들어간다.
여느 때와 같이 우당탕탕 사고를 치던 ‘에스펜’은 공주 ‘크리스틴’의 19번째 생일파티에 초대받는다. 분위기가 무르익는 순간, 누군가의 계략으로 독이 든 술을 마신 왕과 왕비가 갑자기 쓰러지고 설상가상으로 이웃 왕국의 습격을 받는다. 때마침 전설로만 내려오는 황금성에 만병통치약이 있다는 소문을 들은 ‘에스펜’과 ‘크리스틴’은 위험에 빠진 왕국을 구하고자 운명적인 모험을 떠나는데…
Christopher Lind
다니엘 랑 (Daniel Lang)의 1974 년 뉴요커 기사 "The Bank Drama"에 실린 유럽 도시의 1973 년 은행 강도와 인질 위기에 대한 비범 한 사실을 바탕으로. 인질들이 체포 자들과 붙잡혀 당국에 대립되면서 "스톡홀름 증후군 (Stockholm Syndrome)"이라는 심리 현상이 발생하면서이 사건은 세계의 주목을 끌었다.
Sveinn Are Hanssen
노르웨이에서 실제로 벌어진 충격적인 테러 사건. 극적으로 살아남은 한 소년과 가족을 잃은 사람들, 그리고 전 국민이 악랄한 테러범에 맞선다. 삶을 위해, 세상을 위해.
남아메리카 부통령의 초청을 받아 저택에 모인 사람들. 분위기가 무르익어 가는 가운데 초대받지 않은 이들이 쳐들어온다. 무장군인이 혁명 시위를 하다 감옥에 갇인 군인들의 자유를 위해 인질극을 벌인 것이다. 정부에서는 아무런 이야기가 없는 상황, 무장군인들과 인질들은 이러한 생활에 익숙해지고 점차 동화되어 간다. 그리고 서서히 외부인들의 관심이 잦아들 무렵, 오페라 디바 ‘록산 코스’(줄리안 무어)의 노래가 이들의 마음을 적시기 시작한다.
Løveungen (voice)
Casper and Emma spends their summer holiday at Emma's family cabin. They find a chest that Emma's grandfather buried on the beach when he was young. It contains a treasure map that will lead them to a hidden treasure.
A young woman invites her literature teacher to a discussion on a story about a man who wants to freeze the moment. She suggests that he is writing to disguise his own inner desires. They fall in love, and life takes an unexpected turn.
Løveungen (voice)
Casper and Emma get the opportunity to go to a real theatre. An adventure that sparks the idea to set up a play themselves. A play about yule lads who light lamps outside houses in the dark days of December.
하는 일마다 사고만 일으키며 '쓸모없는 놈'이라 불리는 '에스펜'은 정략결혼으로부터 도망친 공주 '크리스틴'이 숲 속 고대 전설의 괴물 '트롤'에게 붙잡혔다는 소문을 듣게 되고, 형들과 함께 '트롤'이 살고 있는 산속 깊은 곳으로 그녀를 구하기 위한 위대한 여정을 떠난다. 과연 '에스펜' 일행은 숲의 제왕 '트롤'을 무찌르고, 무사히 공주를 구출해 낼 수 있을까? 전설이 깨어나고, 모험은 시작된다!
Løveungen (voice)
During the autumn holidays, Casper and Emma are going on an exciting camping adventure in the Norwegian wilderness, but when Casper plays matchmaker there is bound to be trouble!
내전으로 분리된 노르웨이. 왕권을 몰락 시키려는 음모와 배신으로 권력에 눈먼 주교의 추종세력은 왕을 비밀스럽게 살해하고, 아직 젖도 때지 못한 아기, 마지막 남은 유일한 왕위 계승자 '호콘'을 없애기 위한 은밀한 계획을 세운다. 역사상 가장 혹독한 노르웨이의 겨울, 주교 추종세력은 '호콘'을 추적해오며 숨통을 조여오고 호위무사들은 마지막 혈통을 지키기 위한 험난한 여정을 떠나게 되는데....
A young geologist ventures out into the vast tundra of northern Norway to finish his research on meteorite craters, only to get hopelessly lost in both the wilderness and his own mind.
Løveungen (voice)
The two best friends Casper and Emma travel to Africa with Emma's mom, grandfather and their faithful companions Miss Bunny and Lion Cub. There they meet the five-year-old Tiri and her stuffed animal Turte. They take their new friends on a safari, and on the trip they find Leo, a lion cub that's lost its mom.
The Doctor
23살의 디노는 일자리를 얻기위해 스웨덴에서 노르웨이로 이주해 왔지만 하루하루 생존을 위해 일해야 하는 현실이 불안하기만 하다. 공동 숙소에서 지내며 불규칙한 임시직에 방탕한 파티가 무의미하게 계속되던 어느날, 그녀는 우연히 한 중산층 가정의 베이비시터 일을 맡게 된다. 가족 구성원들과 친밀한 관계를 맺어나가던 디노는 아내와 별거 중인 스테펜과 사춘기를 겪고 있는 그의 딸 이다 사이에서 미묘한 삼각 관계를 형성하며 예상치 못한 위기에 봉착하게 된다.
Løveungen (voice)
Casper and Emma are looking forward to Christmas! Will Santa Claus visit Petra this year, or will he leave the presents outside her door, like he usually does?
Løveungen (voice)
The two best friends Casper and Emma goes on a cabin holiday for skiing fun. Tough guy Petter is a good skier, and Casper thinks Emma likes him more. Maybe he can prove himself if he competes in a ski jumping competition?
Løveungen (voice)
Casper dreads to start at a new daycare, but when he arrives he meets Emma who has a stuffed animal that can come to life. From that day Casper and Emma are best friends.
Jonas is 7 years old and lives with his mother. They have just moved to a small municipality. Jonas is used to moving, but now he is scared that his mom is ill again.
Young Bjarte Myrdal
Europe 1990, the Berlin wall has just crumbled: Katrine, raised in East Germany, but now living in Norway for the last 20 years, is a “war child”; the result of a love relationship between a Norwegian woman and a German occupation soldier during World War II. She enjoys a happy family life with her mother, her husband, daughter and granddaughter. But when a lawyer asks her and her mother to witness in a trial against the Norwegian state on behalf of the war children, she resists. Gradually, a web of concealments and secrets is unveiled, until Katrine is finally stripped of everything, and her loved ones are forced to take a stand: What carries more weight, the life they have lived together, or the lie it is based on?
An eight-year-old boy is hit by a car, and a deep rift develops between the two neighbouring couples involved, which will prove hard to repair.
Follows the Junior Olsen Gang as they hunt down missing tax money stolen from a bank in 1835.
At the psychiatric clinic Varden the attendants are mad and the inmates are sane.
Ida and Mathias is a very "normal" couple. Her architect, he was a kind of production manager. They have two children, is still horny on each other. But life has set in: The kids interrupt the sex, she earns more than him, and the apartment is just too narrow and too unopposed. In short: It's time to dream. She wants to finish his life's prestige project. He would like to have a boat. Old sailboat even made of wood. One day, Mathias makes the fatal (or maybe the right thing :) He just buys the boat...
Karsten (35) is at a standstill. He has been since his wife died four years ago. He thinks he's fine, until he meets what could be the love of his life - but isn't she all what he despises in a woman?
Mathis Wergeland
동시대 노르웨이 젊은이들의 꿈과 사랑, 그들의 문화를 엿볼 수 있는 는 대니 보일의 재기발랄한 영화 을 연상시킨다. 빠른 템포의 편집, 시공간의 교묘한 불일치, 빈번한 인서트와 흑백화면, 분할 화면, 점프 컷, 프리즈 샷과 스틸 등 을 이용한 형식적 시도는 단편영화로 명성을 쌓은 감독의 독특하고 감각적인 연출 스타일을 짐작케 한다. - 제8회 전주국제영화제
A director feels he is about to lose himself to the market forces and thinks that the only way he can protest is by making a political film. He contacts Thomas Hylland Eriksen, who will become his mouthpiece and articulate what is wrong. But along the way the director becomes distracted by another person, a young, fumbling girl reminiscent of himself.
Tired men are everyday story of a young couple where man suddenly get heart problems. He must deal with his new situation, like working, as a young father and husband, and struggling to accept that lifestyle and stress has he sat back with a risk disease at a young age. The film is based on Ulla-Britt Lilleaas' research on men's terms of health, work and family.
This kid has to move to a farm in his summer vacation and don't get to go to Norway Cup as he had planned for. Out on the country there is bad cellphone reception, cow smell and inbreed farmers as far as the eye can see. The family Volvo get stolen and the foreigners in the small town automatically gets blamed. From there is a chase to discover what truly happened...
Strømgren, a dancer and choreographer, and Hodne, a stage director, send a theatre group on tour into a corner of the then Soviet Union, where Vassa, the leader, is increasingly despairing over fruitless ambitions and audiences lack of interest.
Destination Moscow is a lopsided view of the last decade of the Soviet Union, as seen through the eyes of an incorrigible idealist from the provinces. He dreams of conquering the glamorous stage of the Pushkin Theatre in Moscow. Art, love, hope and dreams become heavy burdens to bear when society is literally falling apart. Smuggling sugar puts some bread on the table.