Taped at Los Angeles’ iconic Orpheum Theatre, this staged presentation of The West Wing’s “Hartsfield’s Landing” episode stars core cast members along with special guest stars. Act Breaks feature commentary from former First Lady Michelle Obama, President Bill Clinton and Lin-Manuel Miranda who share messages about the vital importance of making our voices heard in every election.
Shelley Zydowski
Don "the Dragon" Wilson is a man pursued. Branded a cop-killer, he must fight simply to stay alive, and to clear his name... with the very police who framed him.
해스 박사(아놀드 슈왈츠네거 분)는 아주 안전한 임신을 보장하는 마술적인 약 개발에 일생을 바치며 실험실과 결혼한 의사이며 그의 동료인 아보개스트 박사도 자신의 가정은 까마득히 잊은채 남의 가정 문제 해결자로 불임부부를 위하여 수정임신을 연구하는 괴짜 산부인과 의사이다. 그들의 라이벌인 난자 저온학 전문의인 여의사 레딘 박사(엠마 톰슨 분)는 난자를 냉동 보관하는데 성공을 하였지만 실제로는 용기가 나질 않아 행동에 옮기지 못하고 있다. 그러나 두 남자 의사들은 그 인공 수정체를 훔치게되고 해스 박사에게 꼭 미관 임신 가능성의 실험을 하게 되는데 그 가능성은 현실로 나타나 임신의 증상인, 피부가 부드러워지고 기분이 달라지는등 임산부의 과정을 똑같이 겪게 된다. 한편, 해스 박사와 레딘 박사는 같은 실험실을 사용하지만 서로의 관계는 썩 좋지 않다. 그러나 해스박사의 이상한 행동과 변화과정을 지켜보게 되면서 레딘 박사에 대한 해스의 저돌적인 사랑에 혼돈을 느끼지만 마침내 둘은 사랑에 빠지게 되고 그녀는 남자인 해스박사가 아이를 출산하는 과정을 지켜보게 되는데...
Sherry Steingaard
In an erotic update of "Strangers on a Train", airline pilot Ted Beaumont and his lover, Erin Davenport, scheme to rid themselves of their respective spouses. Ted's wife disappears mysteriously and thinking that all is proceeding well, he plans an elaborate scheme to kill Erin's husband. However all is not as it seems.
Sister Sensei
An unassuming karate instructor, with the help of his movie star sister, accept the challenge to meet a really bad villain in the fighting ring and attempt to stop him and his unscrupulous crime bosses in their tracks.
Joe and Christina's marriage is in trouble when they take a sailing trip with their married best friends. On the trip, Christina vanishes and is presumed dead. Joe is suspected of her murder, but he believes Christina isn't dead at all when strange things begin to happen. Joe isn't sure whom he can trust as he discovers disturbing information about his missing wife.
Detective Sam Dietz is paired with a shady FBI agent to track down another serial killer terrorizing Los Angeles.
After being bestowed with demonic powers following a phone call to Hell, a psychotic teacher begins a rampage of death and destruction in a small town, forcing a teen and her boyfriend to fight him off so that they can get away.
Party Guest
At a spacious house in Los Angeles, Helene is turning 40-years old and her friends whom include French filmmaker Martine, house guest Sophie, and Lydia throw her a party. But also there is Kate a friend turning 30, and Sadie a Hollywood film agent turning 50. So, all of Helene's, Kate's, and Sadie's friends arrive for the party where Martine films the events with her movie camera and the shocking secrets revealed by Helene's mother Whitney, and her younger sister Nancy whom confide in their interviews about their obsession with food, and their roles in life.
Failed drama series pilot about events at a trauma center run by two doctors struggling to keep the Emergency Room open.
Two Los Angeles police detectives, cynical veteran Malloy and cocky rookie Dietz, hunt for a serial killer, an ex-cop named Taylor, whom randomly chooses his victims from a phone directory.
혹스와 스파이크는 방을 마주한 절친한 사이. 건장한 스파이크는 나약한 혹스가 불량배에게 괴롭힘을 당할 때마다 그를 도와준다. 어느날 혹스는우연히 스파이크의 주머니에서 이상한 전화번호를 발견하고 호기심으로전화를 하는데, 그것은 바로 악마의 의식. 그는 화장실에서 자신이악마로 변하는 모습을 발견한다. 저주는 이미 시작되고 그를 괴롭혔던 불량배는 물론 미녀 안젤라까지 혹스의 무차별 공격에 희생되는데
Young Mother
A family living in an isolated cabin in the woods are terrorized by a gang of escaped convicts. Their leader, a serial killer, is a disturbed Vietnam veteran. What the gang doesn't know is that the family's father is also a Vietnam veteran, and he has no intention of letting his family come to any harm.
A beautiful woman married to a successful lawyer and the perfect suburban mother turns out to be a closeted bulimic.