Erika has been living apart from her parents, but her steady mother, Makiko, temporarily suffers from memory impairment and believes that she is her best friend. Her mother and her daughter start living together, but...
the story of a vagrant (Ishibashi) who arrives in a town in Hokkaido. With only a threadbare suit, an old pair of sneakers and a bag containing all his worldly possessions the proprietors of a local convenince store (played by Jun Murakami and Akemi Sakurai) taske pity on the man and bring him in.
Adult video store clerk, Issa, feels like a total loser after losing his job and being dumped by his girlfriend. He is blessed by a stroke of luck when his invention, a curry package squeezing tool, suddenly gains immense popularity. Not only does his invention attract buyers and money, it even attracts unwanted attention from the Yakuza.
Hiroe, a high school girl, kills Takezo Murata, a man who is an enkou dating partner, from a little momentum. Hiroe abandons Takezo's corpse with four friends, but Takezo revives.
동사무소 공무원 우인. 그의 업무는 자질구레한 보고서와 쓰레기 분리수거 확인, 세금 통지서 배부 등의 단순한 일들이다. 주위엔 그에게 관심을 두는 사람도, 관심을 기대하고 싶은 사람도 없다. 단조로운 일과를 마치고 집으로 돌아가 혼자 맥주를 마시며 인터넷을 뒤적이다 잠이 들고 다음날 다시 동사무소로 향하는 뻔한 일과. 그런 우인의 일상에 한 여자가 들어온다. 도발적인 빨간 머리에 주변을 전혀 의식하지 않는 독특한 성격의 미아. 동사무소에 개설된 제빵 강좌의 보조강사인 그녀는 왠지 낯이 익다. 그녀를 훔쳐보다 용기를 내서 말을 걸어보는 우인, 그러나 미아는 냉담하기만 한데...
A girl commits suicide by jumping off the school roof, a walkman beside her body still playing a tape. Her friend listens to the tape and soon finds himself standing on the same roof. Despite being a devoted girlfriend, a young woman finds out that her boyfriend has merely been taking advantage of her generosity and has already replaced her. Suddenly she’s found dead and headless and her ex-boyfriend is haunted. A student in the school is found hanged. Shortly thereafter, her friends see giant balloons with faces floating around town. The balloons have nooses attached to them and seem to seek out their owners to hang.