Yoshi Katō

Yoshi Katō

출생 : 1913-01-12, Tokyo, Japan

사망 : 1988-03-01

프로필 사진

Yoshi Katō
Yoshi Katō
Yoshi Katō

참여 작품

The Yen Family
Set in Japan during the bubble era, this unique home comedy cheerfully and humorously depicts the daily life of a strange family that works together to accumulate a small amount of money, while mixing irony and satire.
하치 이야기
우에노 교수는 제자로부터 하얀 강아지 한마리를 선물받는다. 초롱초롱한 눈망울의 강아지는 단번에 식구들의 귀여움을 독차지하고, 우에노 교수는 힘차게 땅을 박차고 서있는 이 강아지를 보고 八자라는 뜻의 '하치'라는 이름을 지어준다. 하치에 대한 우에노 교수의 사랑은 부인도 질투할 정도로 각별했다. 이에 보답이라도 하는 듯 하치는 매일같이 시부야 역으로 교수를 배웅하고 마중을 나간다. 그러던 어느 날, 우에노 교수는 강의 도중 쓰러져 다시는 일어나지 못하게 되고, 이를 알지 못한 하치는 여전히 역에 나가서 그를 기다리는데...
Spectacle of Buds
Yoko Kon, a former rock singer, plays a stripper with unique nipples called Buds.
Noodle-making Master
트럭운전수 고로와 그의 조수는 라면이야기를 하다 잠시 트럭을 세우고 라면집으로 들어간다. 그곳은 바로 담뽀뽀가 혼자 꾸려가는 라면집 '라이라이'다. 담뽀뽀는 물이 끓지도 않는데 면을 집어넣고 라면을 끓이고, 적당히 먹고 일어서려던 고로는 담뽀뽀를 연모하는 패거리들과 싸움이 붙는다. 그것이 인연이 되어 담뽀뽀는 고로에게 라면 스승이 되어달라고 간청하고 고로는 담뽀뽀를 도와주기로 한다. 이들은 아침마다 운동을 해 체력을 키우기도 하고, 라면집을 순회하며 미각을 강화시키는 것은 물론, 경영전략을 익히기도 한다. 면발을 연구하기 위해 쓰레기통을 뒤지고, 몰래 남의 라면 국물 비법을 훔쳐보기도 하는 등 갖은 노력끝에 담뽀뽀는 점점 자신만의 라면을 만들어 가는데...
Nezumi Kozō kaitō den
Japanese comedy film.
Deep in the mountains of Japan a dam is scheduled to be built, thus forcing a relocation of the farmers. One of them is 78-year-old Denzo, whose son and his wife consider him senile. Left alone, he befriends a young boy, Sentaro, who has heard that the old man was once a great angler. The unlikely pair spend lots of happy time together, until Denzo has a heart attack and dies far upstream. The dam is completed and the entire area is inundated. Everyone will move away, except Denzo.
The Shootout
Seisaku Araki
A run-in with the police once again puts three former reformatory inmates on the wrong side of the law. Their situation becomes increasingly desperate as events spin out of control, culminating in an audacious hijack at sea...
The Black Hood
A horse-riding samurai fights villains.
Aoba gakuen monogatari
1981 Japanese film based on the novel by Naoshiro Yoshimoto.
May Love Be Restored
A tragic love story between a prostitute and a young trainee monk.
어둠의 사냥꾼
Yataro Tanigawa, a one-eyed hired assassin, impresses yakuza boss Gomyo Kiyoemon with his skill. Gomyo hires Tanigawa as his bodyguard, or yojimbo, to protect him during an inter-clan conflict. Tanigawa quickly rises in stature in the clan, but finds his boss's enemies almost overwhelming.
Haruichi Yamao
Hell manifests itself through the sins, shame and desires of an upper class rural family and a mother's grief from beyond the grave.
Love Me Tenderly, Love Me Wildly
Yuichi prides himself on the fact that he is a family man but contrary to his conception of an ideal family life, at age 24, his wife has already run out on him. In utter confusion, he tries to reason out where he had gone amiss that such a thing should happen out of the clear blue sky. About this time, Yuichi helps Ayako, a young girl, embroiled in trouble. She returns Yuichi's kindness by making off with his precious camera. Then she returns and since his wife has washed her hands of him, he forces himself on Ayako who acts as if she had been waiting for him to enter her. Suddenly, Yuichi's wife returns...
복수는 나의 것
떠돌이 카츠는 두 명의 남자를 살해하고 현금을 훔쳐 달아난다. 자신을 쫓고 있는 경찰의 수사망을 따돌리기 위해 그는 동거녀와 부모님께 남기는 유서를 써놓고 투신자살을 위장한다. 이후 그는 대학교수, 변호사 등으로 위장하여 살해, 절도 등을 저지르며 여자들과 놀아난다. 사상 최대의 수사망에도 불구하고 극악무도한 범죄를 저지르고 다니던 카츠는 하마마츠의 하숙집에 머무르는 동안 하숙집 주인 여자의 정부가 되는데...
악마가 와서 피리를 분다
1947년. 긴자의 보석점에서 점원들이 독살하고 보석을 도난하는 흉악한 사건이 벌어진다. 츠바키 히데스케 자작이 용의선상에 올라 조사를 받지만 칸사이를 여행중이라는 알리바이가 성립해 풀려난다. 하지만 히데스케는 딸인 미네코에게 유서를 남기고 실종되어 2달후에 시체로 발견된다. 히데스케의 아내인 아키코는 자살한 히데스케와 꼭 닮은 사람을 목격하기 시작해, 아직 살아있을거라 의심하여 '모래점'을 통해 그 사실을 밝히려 한다. 미네코와 토도로키 경부는 긴다이치 코스케에게 참석을 의뢰하여, 의식에는 긴다이치 코스케를 포함한 10명이 입회하게 된다. 하지만 참석자 중 한명인 미네코의 백부 타마무시가 살해당하는 일이 발생하고, 긴다이치가 이 사건을 조사하던 중 츠바키가의 서생인 미시마가 히데스케와 칸사이의 스마 지방을 둘러보고 왔다는 사실을 알아낸다. 긴다이치는 스마에 이 사건을 풀어낼 열쇠가 있다 생각해 스마로 향한다.
Lord Mito
One of Japan’s most popular historical characters, former Vice-Shogun Tokugawa Mitsukuni, whose travels around the nation are legendary has made it to the silver screen in a dynamic and exciting tale featuring megastar Toshiro Mifune as an expert swordsman drawn into the action to fight injustice. The Elder Lord travels about disguised as a retired merchant with his two trusty bodyguards Sukesaburo and Kakunoshin by his side and secret agent Yashichi close by. After a chance meeting with a dying man and young woman who had been brutally attacked, they set out for Kaga Province to wreak vengeance on the responsible parties. Don’t miss this exciting journey into Japanese history!
The Fall of Ako Castle
Yahei Horibe
This is the story of "The Forty-Seven Ronin." Based on historical events in 1701-2, the movie tells the tale of the Asano clan's downfall and the revenge of its former samurai on the perpetrator of the catastrophe. Lord Asano was goaded, or tricked, into drawing his sword inside the Shogun's palace -- a crime which carried the death penalty. The newly installed Shogun was furious at Asano and ordered all his clan's assets seized, meaning some 20,000 samurai and commoners were unemployed and landless at a stroke. Forty-seven of these ronin (masterless samurai) banded together to take attempt revenge on Lord Kira, who had goaded Asano into drawing his sword.
억척스러운 아내 오우메와 함께 인쇄소를 운영하는 소키치는 고단한 인쇄소 일에 지쳐있던 와중에 키쿠요를 만나 외도를 하게 되고 세 아이를 낳게 된다. 경제적인 도움이 전혀 없는 소키치에게 진저리를 치는 키쿠요는 결국 오우메 앞에 나타나고 세 아이를 맡겨놓고 종적을 감춘다. 금전적인 어려움을 겪고 있던 이들 부부에게 세 아이는 큰 짐이 된다. 세 아이를 어떻게든 돌려보내라는 오우메의 등쌀에 못이겨서 갈팡질팡하던 소키치는 자의반 타의반의 사고로 막내 아이가 죽음에 이르게 되자 남은 두 아이를 직접 처리할 결심을 한다.
The Okinawa War of Ten Years
After World War II, when Okinawa was under control of the United States, the local yakuza prospered. But when Okinawa is returned to Japan, the mainland yakuza tries to take over; the local yakuza tries to compete. Now sides are drawn among the local yakuza guys who used to be best friends since their childhood, and brother fights brother. It results in the biggest yakuza war in Okinawa.
하나레 고제 오린
선천적으로 앞을 볼 수 없는 오린은 연주와 노래를 하며 떠돌아 다니는 맹인 여자 예인들인 고제가 된다. 남자와의 관계를 금하는 고제의 계율을 어겨 홀로 떠돌아 다니는 하나레 고제가 되어 힘든 생활을 하던 중 한 남자를 만나게 되는데...
Igawa Ushimatsu
비행기 승무원으로 일하는 테라다 타츠야는 신문에 난 사람찾는 기사를 보고 한 오사카의 법률사무소로 향한다. 기사에서 찾는 사람에게 있다는 특별한 화상이 자신에게도 있기 때문이다. 타츠야는 그 곳에서 자신의 외할아버지라는 이가와 우시마츠와 만나지만 우시마츠는 그 자리에서 돌연 급사하고 만다. 그 후 친척인 모리 미야코의 안내로 자신의 고향인 팔묘촌에 도달한다. 미야코는 타츠야의 이복형인 다지미 히사야가 병상에 누워 있기 때문에 타츠야가 다지미가의 뒤를 이을 유일한 후계자라 말하고, 이 팔묘촌에 얽힌 기괴한 과거사를 들려준다.
Mount Hakkoda
Two infantry regiments of the Imperial Japanese Army—210 men overall—tackled Mt. Hakkoda in the winter of 1902 to prepare for war with Russia.
The Corporation
Drama and intrigue about defense contracts and corruption.
Dragon Princess
A karate master played by Sonny Chiba is attacked and left crippled and blinded in one eye. He trains his daughter (Etsuko Shihomi) with the intention of her avenging not only himself but a murdered friend.
Main Line to Terror
Akiyama is an intern, disgusted with the noise pollution caused by the bullet trains and the heart attacks that noise has been causing in older hospital patients, plots to disrupt and, in ten days, destroy a unit of the operation. He warns the Japan National Railway, that, if nothing is done to reduce the noise, he will derail a bullet train. Takigawa is the police detective sent to stop him.
A Bird of Africa
A group of kids find interest in birdwatching.
Chief Public Prosecutor
호시노 관방장관의 비서가 2억엔을 빌리러 금융왕 이시하라를 방문하지만, 이시하라는 바로 거절한다. 이시하라는 이 관방장관을 신문기자 후루가키에게 조사하도록 시킨다. 후루가키를 통해 현 정부의 부패를 알게 된 이시하라는 가미야 의원을 통해, 국회 결산 폭로하려고 하지만, 가미야의 배신으로 결국 후루가키는 살해되고, 이시하라는 세금 탈세로 붙잡히게 된다.
만개한 벚나무 숲 아래
A mountain man beheads his many wives to prove his love to an alluring woman he meets in an enchanted forest.
Great Jailbreak
A group of prisoners attempts to break the Abashiri prison. This film can be considered a sequel to the Abashiri Bangaichi series, written and directed by Ishii Teruo. The friendship between two men on death row, a fleeting love affair with a traveling dancer and a deadly battle with the real culprit who has hunted him down filmed over a long period of time on location in Hokkaido.
Without Complaint
Based on the novel of the same name by Seichô Matsumoto.
Virgin Blues
Chiaki's father
A young woman fails her university entrance exam and starts shoplifting.
모래 그릇
Waga's Father
Two detectives are tasked to investigate the murderer of an old man, found bludgeoned to death in a rail yard.
The Beast Shall Die
Japanese crime thriller
The Key
A college professor wants to bring the joys of sex to his frigid wife. He convinces his son in law to sleep with her because the idea arouses him, while also making him insanely jealous. The professor keeps a journal of his fantasies in a locked cupboard and hopes that his wife will find the key and read it.
이복동생과 사랑에 빠진 무당 여왕 히미코의 삶을 이야기하는 상상 속 프리스타일은 그녀의 힘을 약화시켜 그녀의 위치를 위험에 빠뜨린다.
Men and War III: The Final Chapter
Final part of epic drama about war and its effects upon human beings, follows the fortunes of the Godai family through the Sino-Japanese War through the Soviet Union's sudden attack upon Japanese troops at the end of the war.
아들을 동반한 검객 5
Kuroda Naritaka
아들을 동반한 검객 5
Miyamoto Musashi
Sado Nagaoka
In Part I we see the young would-be swordsman setting out to achieve greatness in war, achieving nothing because fighting on the losing side, & then beginning his long period of wandering & training, with the goal always in mind of his duel with Kojiro. Part II builds toward that great duel on Ganryu Island, with considerable focus on Musashi's planning & forethought as to how to gain an advantage.
의리 없는 전쟁: 히로시마 사투
Choji Otomo
Repeatedly beat to a pulp by gamblers, cops, and gangsters, lone wolf Shoji Yamanaka finally finds a home as a Muraoka family hitman and falls in love with boss Muraoka's niece. Meanwhile, the ambitions of mad dog Katsutoshi Otomo draws our series' hero, Shozo Hirono, and the other yakuza into a new round of bloodshed.
Internal Sleuth
When 150 guns are stolen from Iwakuni base and two police officers are shot dead, a detective criminal tries to find out the truth.
The Wanderers
Follows the fluctuating fortunes of three ronin in feudal Japan who wander from castle to castle, selling their services to whichever lord will fill their rice bowls. Though they use the servants' entrance, they still feel themselves bound by the samurai code of Bushido; and this tension leads to tragedy.
The Fearless Avenger
Thirsting for revenge, Jokichi rashly attempts to assassinate the evil Chogoro but ends up being captured by Yakuza. His life is spared by Boss Juzaburo, in order that the harmony of an important commemoration not be further disturbed. Though now even more of an outcast, Jokichi is asked by another Yakuza boss, Umezo, to guard Oyuki, the wayward daughter of Juzaburo. The tragic consequences of this assignment will lead him into a deadly trap and a final confrontation with Chogoro.
샤도우 헌터스: 운명의 메아리
Michinari Shibatsuji
The great Daimyo enlists the aid of the three Shadow Hunters in ensuring the delivery of an illegal cannon in this sequel to Toshio Masuda's bloody adaptation of the manga by Takao Saito. Despite the Shadow Hunters's remarkable skill, this mission is no walk in the park, and in order to survive they must face a relentless army of ninjas and female warriors willing to sacrifice their lives to disrupt the delivery and claim the cannon for themselves.
Special Boy Soldiers of the Navy
Japanese youngsters enduring hard training in Recruit Camp and then going to Iwo Jima in the last days of World War II.
My Voiceless Friends
A man who survived the war carries the will of his comrades in arms, walking across the country visiting the bereaved families.
아들을 동반한 검객
Danjô Tonami
오가미 이토는 한때 누구도 당해내지 못하는 최고의 검술 실력을 자랑했지만, 지금은 반역자의 누명을 쓰고 야기유 가문에게 쫓기고 있는 신세다. 그것도 어린 아들을 동반한 채. 두 당 500냥을 받으며 비정한 자객의 삶을 살아가는 그에게 어느날, 아와 지방으로부터 암살 의뢰가 들어온다. 옷감에 쪽빛을 내는 비법으로 고소득을 올리고 있는 아와 지방. 막부는 이 아와 지방의 염료 수익에 눈독을 들여 그들의 이익을 착취하려고 한다. 그리하여 막부는 쪽의 재배 비결을 알고 있는 아와의 명주 마쿠야를 납치할 요량으로 무사 삼인방 벤, 덴, 라이를 보낸다. 형제로 구성된 이 삼인방은 가공할만한 검술 실력을 자랑하고 있어 천하에 두려울 것이 없는 야기유 일가조차도 맞서기를 주저할 정도로 흉폭하고 잔혹하기 짝이 없는 이들이다. 그리고 아와 지방으로부터 의뢰를 받은 비운의 검객, 이토가 바로 이 삼형제의 마쿠야를 없애야 하는 것이다. 그러나 이토 역시 야기유의 추적을 받고 있기 때문에 삼형제를 대적하기 앞서 야기유의 닌자를 따돌려야하는 위기에 놓인다.
Old man
Two Jesuit priests encounter persecution when they travel to Japan in the 17th century to spread Christianity and search for their mentor.
Blood Vendetta
Kōnosuke Ushio
The film tells about Masayoshi, a noble Yakuza who lives by the laws of honor and humanity, and who is bound by an oath to his brother in a conflict between the Gamblers' family and the Tekiya family.
Patience Has An End
Young coal miner Takeda leaves Kyushu in search of a better job in Tokyo, only to fall into the lucrative yet dangerous life of a yakuza.
Blood For Blood
The Akiba and Shimura crime families run the streets of “K City”. With the construction of new buildings and new factories underway, the city has sprouted into a boomtown and business is good. Two of the most infamous mobs of Tokyo want a piece of the pie. As out-of-town yakuza flood the city overnight, the crime boss of the Akiba family, Tezuka (Joe Shishido), is released from prison after a five year sentence. He does not like the "change" he sees.
A Woman Called En
Set at the end of the feudal period. A woman spends most of her early life in prison, incarcerated by political opponents of her father. When she is released at the age of 44, the power struggles of her clan continue to disturb her life and the man whom she loves.
내해의 고리
It was five years ago when Minako spent a night with Sozo, younger brother of her ex-husband. She now lives in a local town with a rich old man who owns a dry goods store. Minako travels to Tokyo on business every three months, during which time she continues to meet Sozo, who has married the daughter of his respected teacher.
Just for You
Yumi Ishikawa (Mari Atsumi) is nineteen and a popular geisha. Orphaned when a child, Yumi she was raised by Shizuko, the madame of a geisha house. Yumi is impulsive, out-going. And although she cannot claim to be good at Japanese dancing or playing musical instruments so necessary to a geisha, she is a whizz at go-go and will dance the hula at parties. But before becoming a full-fledged geisha, Yumi must go through the ceremony of the "mizuage", when a budding geisha surrenders her virginity to an experienced man who makes her a woman. Takida, a rich money-lender, is chosen for Yumi's mizuage but she offers herself first to Keiichi (Ryo Tamura), who she really loves although she knows that his world and hers are too far apart for a successful marriage.
The All-Out Game
When Daisaku Hotta (Kosaburo Onogawa), the cheer leader of Tonan High School, hears that Rikiya Kudo (Saburo Shindo), the captain of the Judo team and Shiro Usami (Kei Wakakura) of the boxing team are about to fight, he breaks it up that are apt to erupt so suddenly on campus. Rikiya is an honor student, recommended to the Toa University by his school and is almost certain of being accepted next spring. Shiro is long on brute strength but short on brains. Naturally, they waste little love on each other, so there is very little ground for any understanding between them.
An Ode to Yakuza
Akane's Father
Tatematsu Minoru, a yakuza belonging to the Ishikawa group that runs the Shinjuku area, has a beautiful sister named Akane. He dreams of sending her to college and turning her into a perfect young lady. He's extremely fond of Akane. His fondness for her goes beyond how he feels about his mistress, Kanae. And yet, Akane feels alone. Now, a new tutor comes into her life that seems to have taken a liking to her...
Sex Revolution
Story exposes free-sex among highschool students.
괴담 승천하는 용
Jutaro Mitsui
Akemi is a dragon tattooed leader of the Tachibana Yakuza clan. In a duel with a rival gang Akemi slashes the eyes of an opponent and a black cat appears, to lap the blood from the gushing wound. The cat along with the eye-victim go on to pursue Akemi’s gang in revenge, leaving a trail of dead Yakuza girls, their dragon tattoos skinned from their bodies.
Cherry Blossoms in the Air - The Suicide Raiders - Oh, Buddies!
In 1943 Japan is facing defeat. This makes Shinkichi, a straight, selfless student-patriot, ever more restless. He can no longer stand his soft "behind-the- gun" role of munition factory worker. School-mates one after another are going to the front, where he feels he should be. The last straw is an official report of his father's death in the Battle of Attu in the Aleutian Islands. He rushes to the naval air corps training camp at Tsuchiura along with his close school-mates Naito, Yamada, Saito and Tagawa as Volunteer pilot trainees leaving his mother and sweetheart weeping and helpless.
River Without a Bridge Part 2
Second part to "River Without a Bridge" (1969)
Rainbow Over Paris
A young composer falls in love with the beautiful daughter of a wealthy company president and flies to Paris when he learns she is studying music there. But, when he finally wins her after many difficulties, he somehow feels empty, because his spirit has always been aroused against barriers before him.
Gambling Den Desire
In a small town on the Kasumigaura coast in the early Showa period, the Masukawa clan from Tokyo is trying to take away the interests of the local Isetoku family. Setsuko, the adopted daughter of the Isetoku family, falls in love with Seijiro, a travelling raven she meets on a whim. However, Koide, a businessman connected to the Masukawa clan, wants Setsuko to become his mistress... Setsuko puts aside her love and her regrets and bets on the greatest female challenge of her life!
Sleepy Eyes Of Death 14: Fylfot Swordplay
Getting an opportunity to meet with another half-Caucasian swordsman, Kyoshiro finds himself involved in a series of dangerous encounters.
Married Woman: Another Law of the Night
The film takes place in Yokohama, a night city where you can revel in the neon mood. A bartender who wants to become a singer and a beautiful married woman burn fierce and ephemeral love in a confrontation with a ruthless yakuza.
Love and Crime
Komiya (segment "Abe Sada jiken")
A series of short stories about bizarre crimes committed by females in the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa Eras. Discover 4 famous Japanese murderers: Takahashi Oden, the last woman beheaded in Japan, Sada Abe, a crazy lover, Kunihiko Kodaira, a rapist-killer and finally, the Toyokaku case, a woman who did everything to own a hotel.
Bloody Territories
Kôjirô Oonogi, Oonogi Clan boss
A once-powerful yakuza clan disbands as a result of a police crackdown, but one small group refuses to bow to police pressure, and launches a campaign to take over Tokyo's drug, prostitution, and gambling rackets. Someone wants to stop them. Is it the police? Rival gang members? Or is it an entirely new group of hired killers who will stop at nothing to gain complete control of Tokyo's "bloody territories"?
Japan Organized Crime Boss
Coming out of jail and hoping for a quiet life, Yokohama yakuza has to take the lead of his gang after the death of his boss. His small group is is taken in a crossfire between a big yakuza group from Osaka at war with the Tokyo alliance for the control of the city. He tries to keep to the old yakuza code but he is no match for the new thugs who live and fight without honor.
Broken Swords
The tragic, yet exciting story of the friendship between Nakayama Yasubei, a member of the 47 Ronin, and Tange Tenzen, a relative by marriage of the vile Lord Kira. Remake of Hakuôki AKA Samurai Vendetta (1959).
동반 자살
오사카의 상인 카미야 지헤는 유녀 코하루가 있는 곳을 자주 드나들며, 장사는 내팽겨쳐 두자 지헤의 부인인 오상은 생각다 못해, 이대로 간다면 남편은 동반 자살밖에 할 것이 없으니 헤어지라고 코하루에게 편지를 쓴다. 코하루는 그 말을 이해하고 지헤에게 정을 띄는 말을 한다.
Girl in College
신들의 깊은 욕망
Ritsugen Ryu
도쿄의 한 엔지니어가 가족을 두고 오키나와의 외딴 섬에 파견된다. 그의 업무는 설탕 공장을 세우기 위한 사전조사. 그러나 섬 사람들은 그가 들고 온 장비와 코카콜라를 보고, 그를 신의 전령으로 떠받들며 2대에 걸친 근친상간으로 태어난 여인을 떠안긴다. 마을의 전승 무녀와 근친상간 관계를 맺은 그의 오빠가 마을 사람들에 의해 강제로 이유없이 구덩이를 파고 있는 등 엔지니어가 이해할 수 없는 일들이 계속 벌어진다. 결국 엔지니어도 도쿄에 돌아가는 걸 잊어버리고 여인과 함께 마을에 눌러앉게되는데...
The Sister Gamblers
Third film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
Black Ninja
Historical action film about the struggle for gold of two feudal clans in the Edo period.
Young Boss, Fugitive
The Woman Gambler
Second film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
Contemporary Tales of Chivalry 4
Fierce war breaks out when Shujiro’s rival clan attempts to sabotage his lucrative construction business.
Portrait of Chieko
Sokichi Naganuma
Takamura, a poet and sculptor, marries a budding artist named Chieko who dreams of becoming an oil painter. When a series of hardships befall her family, she finds herself unable to confide in her husband, and the pain she carries within begins to weigh heavily on her sanity...
Rebellion of Japan
Suzuko, a woman in her twenties who has a brother with political problems (due to communist reprisals), lives for over five years in a love affair with Tate who's a young lieutenant in the Army, ultimately becoming a right-wing fundamentalist revolutionary. She marries another man, one totally dedicated to the rigorous practices of Noh theatre, in an arranged marriage, but the bond that connects her with Tate is too strong.
The Great White Tower
The story contrasts the life of two doctors, former classmates and now both assistant professors at Naniwa University Hospital in Osaka. The brilliant and ambitious surgeon Goro Zaizen stops at nothing to rise to a position of eminence and authority, while the friendly Shuji Satomi busies himself with his patients and research.
Seven Gamblers
Hanjiro, a one eyed vagrant arrives in Okinoshima to save the town from a violent Yakuza group with the help of six handicapped guys.
The Betrayal
A naively honorable samurai (played by Raizo) comes to the bitter realization that his devotion to moral samurai principles makes him an oddity among his peers, and a very vulnerable oddity in consequence. He takes the blame for the misdeeds of others, with the understanding that he will be exiled for one year and restored to the clan's good graces after the political situation dies down. As betrayal begins to heap upon betrayal, he realizes he'll have to live out his life as a master-less ronin, if not hunted down and killed.
A Chain of Islands
When a US army sergeant is found drowned in Tokyo Bay, an investigation is launched to determine how and why he lost his life. The investigation uncovers a black market scheme involving counterfeit money, murder, and conspiracy.
일본 도둑 이야기
Lawyer Fujimoto
Gisuke Hayashida is an illegal dentist during the day and a burglar by night. One night during a burglary he witnesses a train derailment. Some communists are found guilty of causing the incident, but he knows it wasn't them. He can save innocent people but for that he must confess his own crime.
Ryuji's Journey: The Crest of Man
The new head of a powerful family faces danger from an evil rival out for blood.
Yae's Father
이차대전 직후 일본이 재건에 몰두하던 시대. 태풍이 몰아쳐 홋카이도와 혼슈를 연결하는 연락선이 침몰하고 훗카이도 어느 작은 마을에는 화재가 발생해 마을 전체가 타버린다. 이는 어느 전과자가 자신의 범행을 숨기기 위해 불을 질러 일어난 것이었다. 이 전과자 이누카이는 도피 중 어느 사창가에 들러 마음씨 좋은 작부 야에의 환대를 받자 그녀에게 큰 액수의 돈을 건네주고 사라진다. 거장 우치다 도무의 후기 대표작으로, 단순한 범죄영화를 넘어서서 전후일본의 경제성장에 대한 비판적인 안목이 잘 살아난 걸작이다. 주연을 맡은 미쿠니 렌타로와 히다리 사치코도 최고의 연기를 선보이고 있다.
Lord Tokugawa Ieyasu
In turbulent 16th-century Japan, the leaders of a minor fief have their child taken from them as a political hostage. His mother and his clan endure years of tribulations until he can return.
Gamblers and Racketeers
Komatsu Takioka is boss of a Yakuza group rival to Masakichi Kijima boss of the Kikuya group which supports the town vendors unlike Takioka, who will stop at nothing to undermine the vendors and take over the territory. Masakichi will do all he can to protect and support the people. Ryutaro Kijima is senior son to Masakichi, though disowned, he keeps interest in the family from a distance. He will be there for his father and his hot tempered younger brother Katsuo, if they should need his loyal help.
Police Department Story Pt.24: Missing
Two people disappeared, engineers of the company Yamato Matsui and Koyama. The two worked overtime, and it is proven that they consumed alcohol together. According to the sushi restaurant employee who delivered the order around 9 p.m., the two were arguing loudly. Traces of blood were found at the scene, and it looks like a murder occurred. The Investigative Department begins an investigation… The 24nd work from the popular series "Keishicho Monogatari", which documents the activities of the First Investigation Division of the Capital Police Department.
The Scarlet Camellia
Kihei Musashiya
A young woman begins murdering all those responsible for her ailing father's condition. Because the girl is so outwardly sweet and innocent, the detective looking into the deaths does not suspect her.
자토이치: 혈소려
Temple priest
Blind swordsman/masseuse Zatoichi befriends a young woman returning home with her baby. When gangsters mistake her for Zatoichi and kill her, Zatoichi determines to escort the baby to its father. He gains the reluctant help of a young pick pocket and together they travel to find the baby's father. But they do not reckon on the father's reaction to their arrival, nor on their own growing feelings for the child.
Denbei Niwa
This tragic drama shows a young man fettered by Bushido, the way of the Samurai, who tried to escape the chains of his position, but was being forced to die. When the Tokugawa Shogunate ruled the land, Tatsuno castle in Wakisaka Clan's home of Harima held an established custom, the inspection of the arms warehouse. The Government Inspector Okuno Magodayu found a slight bit of dirt on the point of a spear and mentioned it with disdain. Ezaki Shinpachi heard it and started an argument with him. Magodayu then sent a a letter of challenge to him because he felt insulted by a low-ranking underling without a title. As it turned out Magodayu was killed. Since then, Shinpachi and the Okuno family have had continuous revenge duels. The tension mounts as this story builds to an extremely violent climax, when blood must pay for blood if the clan is to survive!
The Glamorous Ghost
Hospital Guard
Based on the novel by Naoki Prize-nominated author Taro Takeshita, a thriller full of black humor. A jealous husband murders his adulterous wife, then embarks on a crusade to extort all the wealthy men whom she had affairs with.
The Great Duel
In this gritty tale of gamblers battling in the samurai era, Okawa Hashizo gives perhaps his greatest performance as a gambler returning to his home town. Swearing allegiance to his fiancée’s father, a decent boss, he had taken to the road after a gang fight until things cooled down. While honing his sword skills in his travels, everything in the town had changed and he descended into a virtual hell of violence. Opponents were being slaughtered by a former samurai ‘Bodyguard’ played by Tanba Tetsuro at the height of his amazing career. While these two master swordsmen are fated to meet, before that can even happen they must survive one of the longest, bloodiest swordfights in movie history!
Shingo Hamamura
The main character Tachibana Isaburo is released from prison and discovers that his boss is dead. He is offered to become the leader of the group, but refuses. A young fashion villain, a Yakuza boss wants to get into politics. He makes a deal with the Osaka Railway Company, leaving many poor people homeless. Tachibana engages in a fierce battle with villains for the poor.
붉은 살의
사다코는 소심한 남편과 시어머니에게 부주의하다며 매번 꾸중을 듣는다. 그녀는 남편이 출장간 사이에 집에 침입한 히라오카라는 남자에게 강간을 당한다. 이에 사다코는 자살을 시도하지만 아들 때문에 감히 죽지 못한다. 이틀 후 히라오카는 다시 돌아와 사다코를 범하며 그 후로 사다코에게 강박적인 애정을 추구한다. 사다코는 히라오카를 떼어내기 위해 돈을 줘보기도 하지만 히라오카는 거절한다. 후지하라의 원작을 하세베 게이지와 이마무라 감독이 함께 각색해서 만든 작품. 이마무라 감독의 작품들, 예컨데 등에 등장하는 여성들은 사회적인 약자로 남성에게 강간을 당하거나 모진 수난을 겪기 일수다. 하지만 어떤 어려움 속에서도 좌절하지 않고 당당하고 강한 모습으로 거듭나는 것으로 그려져 이마무라 감독의 일관된 작품관과 여성관을 엿볼 수 있게 한다.
Kemono no tawamure
From a novel by Mishima Yukio
The Third Ninja
Three Iga ninja are on a hunt for Chidoken, a Takeda ninja sent out to assasinate Lord Nobunaga.
Sleepy Eyes of Death 2: Sword of Adventure
Wandering samurai Nemuri Kyoshiro (Raizô Ichikawa) finds a bulls-eye on his back after befriending the shogunate's tightfisted financial adviser, Asahina, who's earned the wrath of the shogun's self-indulgent daughter for cutting off her allowance. The enraged princess promptly hatches a scheme to have Asahina bumped off -- along with his protector, Kyoshiro. Shiho Fujimura also stars in this installment of the enormously popular film series.
Zoku Haikei Tenno Heika Sama
Based on Muneta Hiroshi's military novel. The main character, Yamaguchi Zensuke, is a military dog soldier. He joins the army and winds up sent overseas to China as a part of the military dog unit. He's ridiculed by others due to his inability to advance.
The Fight of the Gamblers
Ryuji Oshima, a gambler, kills Saiga in self-defense, and considering himself unfit to lead men, secludes himself in a temple to atone for his misdeeds. At home, when his mother, the boss of a construction gang, bids for and gets the job of building the Town Hall, other gangs set out to disrupt her business and try to kill her.
The Dragon Crest
A violent story of loyalty and revenge among the many "yakuza" or gambling groups in Japan.
The Gambling Monk
One summer day, the chief monk of the Hojuin Temple dies. Harumichi rushes back to town hearing about his brother's death and requests for a grand funeral. He had been unwilling to take over the family business and had chosen a life as a middle school teacher far away from home, but considering the circumstances, he changes his mind. As the new chief of Hojuin, Harumichi scrambles around day after day for donations. He has kept strictly to the straight and narrow, until he passes a bicycle race track where the sounds of cheering fans induce him into a new way of life...
Prince of Wolves
As the post-war turmoil continued, Take, the boss of the waifs, stole the money of US soldiers and lived with friends. They were like children of wolves. By chance, they were found by and became a members of a yakuza family. Five years later, Take dominated the port town as a young boss.
The Navy
A tale of two best friends in the WWII era Japan. Takao is a young man enthusiastic about joining the navy to fight for his country. He convinces his best friend Shinji to join him. As it turns out, however, Takao's poor health prevents him from entering the navy while his friend is chosen instead. As time goes by, Takao becomes a painter and changes his mind about the meaningfulness of war and fighting, while his friend goes the opposite path. Meanwhile Takao's sister falls in love with Shinji.
사투의 전설
Shintaro Shimizu
A Tokyo family escaping the war relocates to a Hokkaido village; their daughter is set to marry the local leader's son, but her siblings disapprove.
Tale of Army Brutality
Seikichi, Yahichi's father
Director Jun'ya Satô's debut film focuses on the inhuman training of recruits, the brutal drill system that reigned in the Japanese army during World War II, where in the first two years of training, ordinary people were turned into inhuman killers. For his first film, the director was awarded the Blue Ribbon Awards in the Debutant of the Year nomination.
A Samurai Never Tells a Lie
Makino Bingo no kami
The shogun's vassal Harima Aoyama and a chamber maid are in love with each other, but they cannot be together due to a difference of their status. Soon, an offer of marriage is brought to Harima. Trying to test his love, Okiku breaks one of the plates of the family treasure of the Aoyama family, but Harima doesn't notice. However, someone surrounding her witnesses the moment Okiku breaks the plate on purpose.
Bushido: The Cruel Code of the Samurai
Takahiro Hori
After a salary-man's fiancée attempts suicide, he recounts his gruesome family history which saw generations of his ancestors suffer and sacrifice themselves for the sake of their cruel lords.
The Sunshine Girl
A young factory worker struggles to figure out what she wants to do with her life.
Life of Hishakaku
After eloping with a prostitute named Otoyo, Hishakaku takes refuge in the Kogane family’s turf. Indebted to Boss Kogane for his kindness, Hishakaku swears to dedicate himself to protect the Koganes in time of crisis. Hishakaku’s humble life comes to a sudden halt when the Kogane family becomes involved in a fatal feud with their rival, and Hishakaku’s services are called upon.
Gang and G-Men Part 2
A gang plans to steal twenty billion yen by safecracking tactics; however, they discover that one of the gang members is an infiltrating cop.
어느 배우의 복수
While performing in a touring kabuki troupe, leading female impersonator Yukinojo comes across the three men who drove his parents to suicide twenty years earlier, and plans his revenge, firstly by seducing the daughter of one of them, secondly by ruining them...
거물 도둑으로 유명한 이시카와 고에몬을 권력에 대항하는 반역자로서 그린 무라야마 토모요시의 소설을 영화화한 작품. 탁월한 기능을 갖고 있으면서도 신분제도로 인해 최하층민으로서 살아갈 수 밖에 없는 이시카와를 이치카와 라이조가 연기하고 상업적으로도 크게 히트하여 시리즈화 되었다. 당시 황당무계한 내용이 유행하던 닌자영화에 리얼리즘과 호쾌한 액션, 권력투쟁이라는 모티브를 도입하여 시대극에 새로운 지평을 여는데 공헌한 사회파의 거장 야마모토 사츠오의 작품.
Gang vs. G-Men
Detective Ogata
Two rival gangs of gangsters clash for dominance of a neighborhood.
Tokyo Untouchable
Ryosuke Hosokawa
Chibusa o daku musume tachi
Japanese drama.
Ken ni kakeru
Tokyo's  Business District
The Sentencer
A man challenges a territorial fight between gangs.
Tokyo Bay
An investigation into a drug smuggler who is assassinated in front of an insurance building sets two detectives, Sumikawa and Akine, into a sprawling investigation through Tokyo's underworld.
The Mad Fox
A court fortune-teller loses his mind after a conspiracy leads to the death of his lover. Hope appears to be on the horizon after he becomes romantically involved with his dead lover’s twin sister, but more complications arise thanks to a chance encounter with a clan of shape-shifters.
Mother Country
In 1919, a group of Japanese immigrants arrives in Hawaii. Among them Yoshio Inoue and his wife Kishimo and Sumi, a young woman ready to get married soon. With the soil that is hard to work and the subtroipical climate, the immigrants have to cope with a hard life. But after years of hard work, Yoshio finds work as a teacher while his wife manages to open a small grocery store. But with the war around the corner, life becomes more and more complicated for the Japanese immigrants in a foreign country.
Ushimatsu's uncle
우시마츠의 아버지는 그에게 자신의 하층 계급 유산을 절대 드러내지 말라고 말했고, 몇 년 후, 그는 이제 그러한 차별에 맞서 싸우는 운동가에게 비밀을 털어놓을 생각을 하고 있다.
The Christian Revolt
In the year 1637 in Shimabara of Tokugawa-era Japan, oppressed peasant Christians revolt against the shogunate with the aid of a charismatic Christian rebel leader Shiro Amakusa.
The Catch
Towards the end of the Second World War, a downed U.S. pilot is captured and imprisoned by rural Japanese villagers, who await official instructions as to how to proceed with their “catch.”
Feisty Edo Girl Nakanori-san
Daughter of a lumber shop in Edo strives to protect her family business from the competitor.
Immortal Love
Sojiro, Sadako's father
The year is 1932, and a woman, whose tenant-farmer fiancé is fighting in China, is raped by the landowner's son, who has returned from the war with a crippling injury, and then forced into marriage with him. In four more chapters, presented over three decades, their children undertake their own searches for love, while the parents try to make each other as miserable as possible.
Man with a Funky Hat: The 20,000,000 Yen Arm
Shinichi “Sonny” Chiba returns as the reckless son of a private detective takes on the case of a minor league baseball pitcher who disappears right before signing a contract into the major leagues. Meanwhile, the body of an orthopedist is discovered in the river.
Fateful Birthplace
A sad love story between young Umihiko Kojima and a beautiful girl named Yukiko Shino.
Haitoku no mesu
Man with the Funky Hat
Ichiro (Chiba) is a scrappy little sport in a big car and funny hat always looking for some fun and some extra cash on the side. He and his friends get themselves involved in some shady business dealings involving a kidnapping.
Kihachi Yamaguchi
Japanese "kayo" film based on the song by Tsuzuko Sugawara.
Tale of a Company Boss
Japanese comedy film.
Zero Focus
Mr. Murota
One week into newlywed Teiko Uhara's marriage, her husband, Kenichi, leaves on a short business trip and never returns. Teiko travels across Japan to search for him, and along the way discovers some surprising facts about her husband's past. With only a pair of old photographs among his belongings to go off of, Teiko tries to figure out what has happened to him.
The Harbor Lights
Incidental Murders
Kimiteru Soga
The daughter of the wealthy Soga family is kidnapped and her fiance is murdered. But the kidnappers, Tatsu and Sanko are unaware that Tatsuko is the heiress to a fortune. Two strong-arm brothers, Kosaka and Takeshi, learn of her identity and join the gang in an effort to shake down the tycoon for ten million yen. Upon joining forces, their first move is to rid themselves of the driver whose identity is known to the police because of a cap which he left behind at the scene of the crime. Upon obtaining the ransom money, the brothers murder the two kidnappers and go to the port city of Kobe. The younger brother, Takeshi, has fallen in love with the prisoner and refuses to allow her to be killed and they take her with them from one hideout to another.
Mahiru no wana
On his way to Tokyo one night, a truck driver picks up a country girl and has his way with her amidst a forest. A few days later he loses his job after a run-in with some punks, but is offered a job by a gangster impressed by his fighting skills. He tries to make amends with the girl he ravished, but becomes caught up in the ways of the underworld...
전국 시대, 가이 지방의 후에후키 강변. 사다헤이와 오케이는 아들 셋과 딸 하나를 데리고 농사를 지으며 살고 있다. 농사를 싫어한 장남 소조는 입신양명을 꿈꾸며 다케다 신겐의 휘하로 들어가고, 부모의 반대에도 불구하고 동생들까지 데려가 버린다.
World War III Breaks Out
The lives of several Japanese families are shattered as the USA and the USSR move toward war, Japan finds itself caught in the middle, and Tokyo is ultimately evacuated as the two superpowers invoke the 'nuclear option'.
The Sand City in Manchuria
When the plague threatens a small town in Manchuria, a young doctor finds himself struggling to save the lives of his townspeople.
Won't Stand for Dying
The son of the murdered Yakuza, Kenji, at the request of his mother, worked in a stable company. However, soon the girl Kenji Amy, who was in favor of the director of the company, is sexually harassed by him. Kenji beats the director and resigns. He asks his brother Ryota, the manager of the cabaret, to find a job, but his brother refuses him, and he is taken in by Senba, a yakuza boss specializing in smuggling and drugs...
Outlaw Under a Blue Canopy
Sheriff Goro goes undercover to investigate drug smugglers.
The Man of Seven Faces
Officer Kihara
Detective Tarao investigates the deaths of police officers who were involved in solving a kidnapping case.
The Great Road
The story of a certain engineer from his youth until he retired from the Japanese National Railways after the war .
The Prickly Mouthed Geisha Part 2
Young geisha Kohana scrambles to realize her dream of bringing back her grandmother’s restaurant business.
Speed Crazy
Four Hours of Terror
Airline captain saves passengers from a brutal murderer on a plane during four hours of terror.
Tokyo Detective Girl
Woman private eye Emiko goes undercover to reveal the truth of a murder case.
A Dead Drifter
A Dead Drifter / Hyoryû shitaî
Based on the Nobu Koito story
Moonlight Mask: The Monster Gorilla
Fourth Moonlight Mask theatrical film.
The Outsiders
A drama about relations between Japanese immigrants and the indigenous Ainu on Hokkaido, the most northerly island of Japan. From a novel by Taijun Takeda.
Points and Lines
Jutaro Toriumi
Based on Matsumoto Seicho's classic mystery novel of the same name, the story centers around a group of detectives who are determined to find the truth behind an apparent double suicide.
The Sword Knows
In the midst of the warring age, a young samurai Kyonosuke defies his former lord Hojo Ujikatsu in order to avenge his parents’ deaths.
Detective Duel
A friendly rivalry turns into romance for Yukiko, an elite female detective, and a handsome private eye named Mitamura while both are investigating the missing person's case from a wealthy family.
The Adulteress
Following a yearlong attendance upon his shogun in Edo, samurai Hikokuro makes a long-awaited return to his home and doting wife, Dane. Initially greeted by the effusive welcome of his family, spiteful whispers also reach his ear about an adulterous affair carried on, in his long absence, between his wife and a famous drummer. With Hikokuro’s honor imperiled by rumor, his family insists on a formal investigation into the veracity of the gossip. Through the combined testimony of many witnesses, a tale unwinds around the visits of a traveling musician hired to tutor the family heir, the spurned attentions of the man who started the rumor, and the ultimate truth behind the accusations. The conclusion of events prove as much an indictment of bushidō as it is of the reluctant parties involved. Adapted from a 1706 play by Chikamatsu Monzaemon and based on a true case.
Wind, Woman and Road
A chance meeting between two traveling gamblers leads to a case of mistaken identity when the farmers transporting gold to the governor think they are about to be robbed as the two gamblers face off against each other swords in hand.
No Advice Taken
A comical love story between two college students — Hitomi, a strong-willed girl, and Shogo, a handsome, earnest and poverty stricken man.
Police Precinct: The Pickpocket Killer
After discovering a slaughtered corpse, the investigating team of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department began canvassing the area around the crime scene. As a result, they found a wallet with bloodstains that seemed to belong to the victim, a woman's wallet that did not fit the field, earrings, and other valuable materials, which led them on a foot search. The woman's purse had been picked up by a male prostitute on the subway, and from the prostitute's testimony, they were able to identify the pickpocket's face, but the next day, the man was found dead in a road accident, apparently murdered.
The Eleventh Hour
Based on a 1956 television feature on Japan’s national network, NHK, this is one of Uchida’s rarest films. A socially conscious drama with a contemporary backdrop, Dotanba focuses on the attempts to rescue a group of trapped miners. The title is a figure of speech — (essentially “last minute” or “eleventh hour”) — that refers to a situation of peril. The film boasts a script co-written by Uchida and Akira Kurosawa’s frequent screenwriter, Shinobu Hashimoto, and stars Kurosawa’s frequent star Takashi Shimura.
The Story of Pure Love
Junai Monogatari AKA Story of Pure Love is about two poor youths, Mitsuko and Kando, rebelling against society in various ways, who are desperately trying to be together despite tortuous circumstances. The film depicts their lives as thieves, menial laborers who can get little pay, society outcasts, and of course, lovers. Junai Monogatari depicts, mostly, their struggles within the Japanese reformatory system and Mitsuko's worsening sickness.
Ghost Ship Part 2
Gensai Ihara
Jiromaru (Kinnosuke Nakamura) investigates the dark "Ghost Ship" in search of his father. Meanwhile, Princess Yuki (Yumiko Hasegawa) and Chacha (Eiko Maruyama) are kidnapped by pirates, so after dedicating himself to rescuing them for the second time, he decides to accept his grandfather's challenge to become a navigator, just like his deceased father.
Showdown in Blood
Hayata and his best friend Ushijima came to Tokyo to become champions. Hayata repeatedly sought to join Tamura's boxing club, but Tamura fell in love with Ushijima's punch. Then Hayata decides to become Ushijima's manager and make good money on his friend's talent. Ushijima himself is a peaceful, kind guy who doesn't really like boxing, but under the wise guidance of Hayata, he starts to defeat one opponent after another...
The Boy Detectives Club – The Iron Fiend
The Fiend with Twenty Faces
Fourth film in the Boy Detectives Club series.
Shonen Tanteidan: Kabu to Mushi no Yoki
A man with many disguises uses robotic beetles, man-made monsters and other devices to try and steal atomic power.
続二等兵物語 決戦体制の巻
Third sequel to "Story of Second Class Private".
Case of a Young Lord 4: Bridal Robe in Blood
A murdered pawnbroker found clutching a blood-soaked wedding gown, the kidnapped daughter of a Shogun vassal, mysterious robberies, brutal killings, a vault with no key, a suspect killed while in police custody. This fragmented trail of clues could well be one of the most baffling cases that Young Lord has ever had to solve as he attempts to unravel the mystery and bring the guilty party to justice.
A touching story depicting the harsh lives of farmers in Kasumigaura. An attempt to start a fishery business to revive an ailing farming community creates friction amongst the proud residents.
Police Precinct: The Left-Handed Killer
Sakata Goro
Mother Peacock
Japanese drama film.
Meiken monogatari
Japanese film.
Tengoku wa doko da
Japanese drama.
Darkness at Noon
Police beat a murder confession out of four innocent men who are then sentenced to death. Based on a true story.
The Seven Faces of Bannai Tarao, Private Eye
Detective Tarao goes undercover to battle an evil gun smuggling business.
Seven Masks of Revenge
The eighth film in the "master detective with seven faces" series. Bannachi patrols the town in his taxi when he sees a man heading into Shiodome Town. Next day the man is found brutally murdered and the mystery starts to unravel.
The Further Adventures of Genta
The Sacrifice of the Human Torpedoes
Lieutenant Ishimaru
Foul Play
Chief Inspector Udagawa
Private eye Bannai Tarao (Chiezo Kataoka) and his assistant Masako (Chizuru Kitagawa) investigate the mysterious murder of a baseball player who was killed in the middle of a game.
A Billionaire
Sanpeita Den
An ethical, young tax collector new to his area encounters increasingly absurd individuals and groups coping with their post-war woes.
The Ditch
Toku, a factory worker gives food to a starving woman, Tsuru, who then follows him home. He shares a shack in a shanty village in Kawasaki with his friend Pin-chan. The two men try to get rid of her but then let her stay when she gives them money. Tsuru tells the people of the village that she lost her job due to a strike, then was robbed of her severance pay, then sold to a brothel in Tsuchiura. She ran away with a friend from Kawasaki. Toku and Pin-chan sell her to a geisha house and spend the money. She is thrown out. The owner demands his money back. Tsuru earns the money to pay their debt by working as a prostitute outside the station. The other prostitutes beat her. She fends them off with a policeman's revolver and is then shot dead by the police.
The Street Without Sun
Students in a small rural school love their poor but unconventional teacher Mr Matsukuma although he is misunderstood by most of the villagers and is forced to leave. After his departure there is great depression but there is a chance to rekindle the lantern of the title and the values Matsukuma represented ...
The End of a Day
Based on Philippines war experiences. Military doctor Leutenant Hanada deserts with a local girl. The officer in command orders Lieutenant Uji to shoot Hanada. Uji takes a sharpshooter called Takagi and tracks him. At first Uji cannot forgive Hanada but as Uji is isolated from the main force he too starts to think of desertion.
Hideo Endo
세키가와 히데오 감독. 1955년 제5회 베를린 영화제 장편영화상 수상작. 히로시마의 원폭 피해자들의 수기를 엮은 문집 '원폭의 아이, 히로시마의 소년소녀의 호소'를 바탕으로 영화화. 일본교직원조합 제작. 히로시마의 중고생, 교직원, 일반시민이 약 88,500명이 엑스트라로 참여했다고 한다.
At the End of the Clouds
A movie that depicts the tragic fate of many Yokaren flight-academy pilots.
A Lonely Woman in a Lonely Land
Onna Hitori Daichi wo Yuku (A Lonely Woman in a Lonely Land, Kinuta Production, 1953) was the second feature film directed by Kamei Fumio, who is known as a master of documentary films, and followed his “Haha Nareba Onna Nareba(Become a Mother, Become a Woman)” (1952).
Tower of Lilies
A group of Okinawan high school girls are drafted as nurses during the American invasion of the island. As the enemy army advances further, the situation for the girls becomes increasingly desperate as food and shelter run out and the number of injured climbs, leading to the film's tragic finale.
A documentary about the life and art of wood-block artist Katsushika Hokusai.
Vacuum Zone
Lt. Hayashi
Just before the end of the war, Japanese soldier Kitani is released from prison, having served his term for theft. Told in flashback, viewers learn about Kitani's past and reasons behind his prison sentence.
Castle of Revenge
Haha nareba onna nareba
Tales of a Drifter
A Man from Akagi
Fencing Master
Swordfighting instructor Danpei works at a local theater in Tokyo, instructing the actors how to fight realistically.
A teacher at a Japanese school tries to hide his outcast upbringing.
The Most Beautiful Day of My Life
Life and love in corrupt postwar Tokyo, as a young couple struggles against both the law and the mob.
花吹雪 鉄火纏
Hashizo Okawa in the form of a courageous firefighter who confronts unscrupulous traders who make a profit even at the cost of human lives. A fireman exposes the corrupt activities of merchants.