Jeannie Berlin
출생 : 1949-11-01, Los Angeles, California, USA
Jeannie Berlin (born Jeannie Brette May; November 1, 1949) is an American actress and screenwriter.
She is best known for her role in the 1972 film The Heartbreak Kid, directed by her mother Elaine May, for which she received Academy Award and Golden Globe nominations. She later played the leading role in Sheila Levine Is Dead and Living in New York (1975), and in 2000s returned to screen appearing in films such as Margaret (2011), Inherent Vice (2014) and Cafe Society (2016), as well as the miniseries The Night Of (2016).
A novelist's longstanding marriage is suddenly upended when she overhears her husband giving his honest reaction to her latest book.
Hadassah Fabelman
난생 처음 극장에서 스크린을 마주한 순간부터 영화와 사랑에 빠진 소년 새미. 아빠 버트의 8mm 카메라를 들고 일상의 모든 순간을 담기 위해 열중하던 새미는 우연히 필름에 포착된 가족의 비밀을 알게 되고 충격에 휩싸인다. 진실을 비추는 필름의 힘을 실감한 새미에게 크고 작은 삶의 변화가 일어나고 엄마 밋지의 응원으로 영화를 향한 열정은 더욱 뜨거워져만 가는데… 영원히 간직하고픈 기억, 영화의 모든 순간과 사랑에 빠진다!
Goldie (Mom)
Michael, a struggling actor, dies right after a bad breakup. He finds himself awakening in a very bright room with a very strange lady and learns that he is in singles Purgatory, where he must find his soul mate in order to cross over to the other side. With limited time to find true love among other recently deceased single New Yorkers, Michael must navigate the new customs of a ghostly dating life... as if dating in life wasn't hard enough already.
Rose Dorfman
성공을 꿈꾸며 할리우드로 입성한 뉴욕 남자 바비는 매력 넘치는 할리우드 여자 보니에게 첫눈에 반한다. 열정적인 그의 사랑에 조금씩 마음을 열기 시작한 보니. 바비는 그녀에게 청혼하며 자신의 고향인 뉴욕으로 함께 돌아갈 것을 제안하지만 결국 거절당한다. 그로부터 몇 년 후, 바비와 보니는 뉴욕에서 다시 재회하는데...
Aunt Reet
항상 약에 취해있고 추상적인 자기애를 가지고 있는 무기력한 사설 탐정 닥(호아킨 피닉스). 어느 날 그의 전 여자친구 샤스타(캐서린 워터스턴)가 갑작스레 사라진다. 실종되기 얼마 전 닥을 찾아왔던 샤스타는 그에게 뜬금없는 스토리를 이야기 해주며 도움을 청한다. 그녀와 현재 교제 중인 부동산 거물인 미키 울프맨의 부인과 그녀의 내연남이 울프맨을 납치하여 정신병원에 가두려는 음모를 꾸민다는 것이다. 샤스타의 말처럼 며칠 후 미키 울프맨은 사라지고, 그 직후 샤스타도 사라진 것. 일은 꼬이고, 이제 닥은 전 여자친구의 실종 사건을 둘러싼 미스터리를 해결하려 하는데...
Mrs. Korokowski
“어젯밤 차량 연쇄충돌 사고로 배우 윌 와일더씨가 사망했습니다.” 나는 운 나쁜 토끼 ‘윌’. 어린이 방송에 출연하면서 큰 사랑을 받고 있지만 오늘 내 40번째 생일은 모두가 잊었다. 게다가 오늘따라 또라이 피디의 연기 주문은 밑도 끝도 없고 설상가상 차까지 도난 당하다니! 내 인생 최악의 날이다. 아니 근데 이게 무슨 일? 도난 당한 차가 사고로 불타면서 하룻밤 사이에 내가 죽은 사람이 되었다고? “누구나 한번쯤 자기 장례식에 가보고 싶어하잖아?” 능력있는 배우, 자상한 아빠, 섹시한 남편?! 모두들 나에 대해 무슨 이야기를 할까? 이 기회를 놓칠 순 없지! 절친 ‘라드’의 도움을 받아 인도인 은행가 ‘비제이’로 변장하고 나는 내 장례식에 참석하기로 결정했다. “멍청이도 그런 멍청이가 없었지! 기껏해야 운 없고 멍청한 녹색 토끼였지!” 이럴 수가! 내가 바란 인생은 이런 게 아니었는데! 게다가 ‘윌’보다 ‘비제이’를 더 좋아하는 가족들과 황당하게도 자기 남편인줄은 꿈에도 모르고 ‘비제이’와 뜨거운 사랑에 빠져버린 아내까지… 난 이제 어쩌면 좋지?
Emily Smith
맨하탄에 사는 17살 리사, 모자 쇼핑을 나갔다가 거리에서 자신이 찾던 디자인의 모자를 쓴 버스 운전자를 발견하고 바디 랭귀지를 주고받는다. 운전 중이던 버스 기사는 리사를 신경쓰다가 신호를 보지 못하고 보행자를 치는 사고를 내고, 버스에 치인 여성은 죽게 된다. 한 사람의 생명을 앗아간 끔찍한 사고의 간접적인 유발 요인이자 목격자가 된 리사는 경찰에게 버스 기사의 과실을 축소시키는 거짓 진술을 하고 이내 후회에 빠진다. 죄책감으로 황폐해진 그녀는 가족, 친구, 선생님, 무엇보다 자기 자신을 잔인하게 괴롭히기 시작한다. 그런 그녀에게 마주해야 하는 한 가지 진실이 있다. 어린 청년의 이상이 현실과 타협이라는 어른 세계의 룰을 만나 무너지는 과정에 있다는 것.
A woman moves back to New York and hires a ditzy New Age woman to redecorate her apartment in this Odd Couple styled comedy. The movie takes a turn as the two escape to a New Age retreat in upstate New York to get away from a murderer who is pursuing them.
A woman moves back to New York and hires a ditzy New Age woman to redecorate her apartment in this Odd Couple styled comedy. The movie takes a turn as the two escape to a New Age retreat in upstate New York to get away from a murderer who is pursuing them.
Creative Consultant
Robert Preston hosts this documentary that shows what people of the 1930s were watching as they were battling the Depression as well as eventually getting ready for another World War.
Sheila Levine
Sheila Levine is a Jewish-American princess and a native of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. An innovative, bright, but painfully introverted individual, she comes to New York City with her mother and father to take an apartment with a nightclub-hopping roommate.
The Junkie
A group therapy session takes place involving a drummer from a suddenly defunct rock band, an athlete and a pregnant junkie.
Lila Kolodny
Three days into his Miami honeymoon, Lenny meets tall, blonde Kelly. This confirms his fear that he has made a serious mistake and he decides he wants Kelly instead.
The Junkie
Italian drama
The Girl
A thief breaks into the home of a wealthy, happily married Beverly Hills couple. He soon finds out, though, that the couple is neither as wealthy as he thought they were and are not as happily married as they appeared.
Bubbles Girardi
During a session with his psychoanalyst, Alexander Portnoy rants about everything that is bothering him. His complaints include his childhood and his family with an emphasis on his mother, his sexual fantasies and the problems that he has with women, and his obsessive feelings about his Judaism.
An outgoing young girl and a square stockbroker meet on a park bench in Boston and are mistaken for international spies and chased by both sides.
Tish Gray had a baby and gave it up for adoption. She is contacted by a second childless couple who want her to have the husband's baby because of the wife's inability to have children. She accepts but finds that knowing the parents, and developing a relationship with them for the entire pregnancy complicates the simple arrangement.
Girl with Clipboard
A college student joins a group of revolutionaries to meet girls but ends up committed to their goals.
A young playwright who writes porno novels to overcome a writer's block, lives the fantasies of one of his books, while trying to move with his wife from one apartment into a larger one.
Girl in Orphanage (uncredited)
Daisy Gamble, an unusual woman who hears phones before they ring, and does wonders with her flowers, wants to quit smoking to please her fiancé, Warren. She goes to a doctor of hypnosis to do it. But once she's under, her doctor finds out that she can regress into past lives and different personalities, and he finds himself falling in love with one of them.
Judy Kramer
Graduate student Harry Bailey was once one of the most visible undergraduate activists on campus, but now that he's back studying for his master's, he's trying to fly right. Trouble is, the campus is exploding with various student movements, and Harry's girlfriend, Jan, is caught up in most of them. As Harry gets closer to finishing his degree, he finds his iconoclastic attitude increasingly aligned with the students rather than the faculty.
In this romantic comedy, an unwed couple who run a wedding planning business discover, to their horror, that the Justice of the Peace who had officiated their first three weddings was only an actor. Hilarity ensues as they set about trying to get these marrieds married...again.