Sarah Hackett
뉴욕의 작은 신문사 소속의 기자 헨리(마이클 키튼)는 어느날 한 살인 사건을 접하게 된다. 윌리암스버그에서 두 백인 사업가가 총에 맞은 피살체로 발견되고 그 곁에 흑인소년 둘이 있었던 사실이 한 목격자에 의해 밝혀지면서 그 소년들은 흉악한 살인범으로 몰려 체포되기에 이른다. 언론에서는 이전 흑인 소년 살해사건에 대한 보복 차원에서 이루어진 범행이라며 떠들지만 이를 미심쩍어하던 헨리는 취재 과정에서 우연히 그들이 무고하다는 경찰내에서 목소리를 듣게 된다. 입증만 할 수 있다면 대단한 특종을 따낼 기회를 잡게 된 것인데...
Elizabeth Hayden
After a long absence, artist Margaret Church returns to her aging parent's home to finish a portrait of them, only to to discover that her parents have decided to sell their home.
Paul Colson is a New York cabdriver and struggling actor. When he learns that he has about three days left to live due to a rare blood disorder, he goes through all five stages of loss and grief in a darkly comedic way.
Abigail Patterson
FBI에 쫓기는 반전운동 가족의 삶과 갈등을 그린 영화이다. 1971년, 아서(저드 허쉬)와 애니(크리스틴 라티)는 베트남 반전운동을 위한 실험실 폭파로 경비원을 실명하게 만들면서 FBI의 추적을 받는다. 그들 부부는 FBI의 추적을 피하기 위해 떠돌이 생활을 시작한다. 그들은 미국 각지를 떠돌아 다니고 옮기는 지역마다 이름과 직업을 바꾼다. 피아노에 천부적인 재능이 있는 아들 대니(리버 피닉스)는 줄리어드 음악원에 합격하지만 가족의 특수한 상황으로 입학을 포기해야 하는 일에 생기면서 갈등이 시작된다.
Judge Maynard
로렌 돌픈(Roland Dalton: 피터 웰러스 분)은 변호사로 항상 강간 사건, 불법 기소자, 마약 사범 따위의 골치 아픈 문제들에 시달리는 돈없고 빽 없는 사람이다. 그는 돈 때문에 애인을 버리고 돈 많은 여자와 약혼한 사이인데, 얼마 안 있으면 지긋지긋한 변호사 직을 떠나 장인의 도움으로 증권 브로커로 전업할 계획을 가지고 있다. 또한 빌리(Billy: 앤드류 존스 분)는 청바지를 즐겨입는 일선 형사로 그 역시 정의로운 인간이나 격무에 시달린다. 그러던 어느날 마약 상인이 경찰관을 살해하는 사건이 벌어진다. 사실은 경찰관이 마약상인에게 뒷돈을 요구하다 일이 얽혀 상대를 쏘는 바람에 마약 상인은 정당방위로 총을 쏜 것이다. 그러나 사정은 마약상이 불리한 쪽으로 자꾸 기울고 이 사건을 맡은 변호사 로렌 돌픈은 경찰관쪽의 비리 심증을 굳히고 마약사범을 변호하느라 애를 쓴다.
여기에 거대 마약조직의 하수인 역할을 하는 경찰관들의 음모가 끼어들고 형세는 파국으로 치닫는데...
Ethel Sawyer
After fifteen years of traveling around the world, Gussie (Spacek), a famous photographer, returns to the Maryland coastal resort where she grew up. She meets her high school sweetheart Henry (Kline), now married and running the local newspaper he's inherited from his father. An awkward and tension-filled romance ensues.
A documentary incorporating footage of Montgomery Clift’s most memorable films; interviews with family and friends, and rare archival material stretching back to his childhood. What develops is the story of an intense young boy who yearned for stardom, achieved notable success in such classic films as From Here to Eternity and I Confess, only to be ruined by alcohol addiction and his inability to face his own fears and homosexual desires. Montgomery Clift, as this film portrays him, may not have been a happy man but he never compromised his acting talents for Hollywood.
Elizabeth Allison
Based on the novel Winterkill, by William Judson, Cold River is the story of an Adirondack guide who takes his young daughter and step-son on a long camping trip in the fall of 1932. When winter strikes unexpectedly early (a natural phenomenon known as a 'winterkill' - so named because the animals are totally unprepared for a sudden, early winter, and many freeze or starve to death), a disastrous turn of events leaves the two children to find their own way home without food, or protection from the elements.
Grace Tully
Though visibly frail and weary, President Franklin D. Roosevelt runs for a precedent-setting fourth term. He also oversees plans for the D-Day Invasion and engages in tempestuous summit meetings with his wartime allies Stalin and Churchill.
Mrs. Cooper
Benny and his wife Ruthie are getting set to drive down to Florida, but Benny needs someone to look after his department store while he's gone. Though he doesn't think much of him, Benny hands the responsibility over to his son, Russell. While Russell doesn't get much respect from his parents, he's better off than his brother, Ezra, whom Benny has gone so far as to disown. Ezra is currently battling with his work (coach of a high school basketball team that hasn't won in ages) and his wife (who keeps nagging him that she wants to have a baby as soon as possible) at the same time.
Colorado Woman
Three days into his Miami honeymoon, Lenny meets tall, blonde Kelly. This confirms his fear that he has made a serious mistake and he decides he wants Kelly instead.
Mrs. Eisler
Film version of the Neil Simon play has three separate acts set in the same hotel suite in New York's Plaza Hotel with Walter Matthau in a triple role. In the first, Karen Nash tries to get her inattentive husband Sam's attention to spruce up their failing marriage. In the second, brash film producer Jesse Kiplinger tries to get his former one-time flame Muriel to see him for what he stands for. In the third, Roy Hubley and his wife Norma try and try to get their uncertain-of-herself daughter out of the bathroom before her approaching wedding.
Wife Maggie Bowden
When a driven business man suffers a series of heart attacks, he and his family must reassess their values.