Joan Manuel Serrat fled to Mexico when Franco ordered his persecution. In Argentina and Chile, his commitment against military regimes is still remembered. Joaquín Sabina arrived later. His poetry bewitched the audience. In Argentina, he is a tango singer as much as a rocker; in Mexico, the mariachis sing their songs. The former is a symbol, a venerated figure; the latter is a “cuate,” as they say in Mexico, a buddy with whom you can always count.
A mother on the brink of blindness abandons her little daughter every day. The girl just wants to please her mother so it develops a macabre game to look like her. Until one day, the plan seems to have yielded results beyond all expectations.
1846년의 미국, 멕시코 국경지대에서의 잦은 마찰은 전쟁이라는 극당적인 사태로 치닫고, 사방은 온통 총알이 난무하는 무법천지로 바뀐다. 미국의 전투로 인해 아일랜드에서 징집되어온 몇명의 병사들은 단지 종교가 다르다는 이유로 같은 부대 내에서도 미국인들에게 박해를 받는다. 자신 역시 아일랜드인인 소대장 존(John Riley: 톰 베린저 분)은 미국인들이 아일랜드 병사들을 고문하는 모습을 보고 격분, 내란을 일으키고 몇몇 아일랜드 병사들을 이끌고 부대를 이탈한다. 미국 병사들은 곧 이들을 추격해오고 존의 부대는 멕시코를 넘어 자유의 땅으로 탈출을 시도한다. 하지만 불행히도 이들은 멕시코 국경을 넘어보지도 못하고 멕시코 병사들에게 발각되고 만다. 치열한 전투 끝에 멕시코인들의 포로가 된 존의 부대원들. 하지만 멕시코인들은 이들이 미국을 이탈한 부대란 것을 알고 미군들과 싸우고 있는 자신들을 도우면 이들을 자유의 몸으로 만들어 준다고 약속한다. 존은 이들의 조건을 수용, 멕시코 부대를 도와 미군과 격렬한 전투를 준비하기로 하는데...
Young man emigrates to Texas to join his brother. Brother's dead. He makes friends with brother's girlfriend and they start a business together. But there's bad dudes that don't like him.
Alex, a real estate businessman, has no concerns in giving her wife every kind of freedom. They invite Gloria, an old friend of both, to spend the summer break in their countryside house next to the beach. Gloria doesn't come alone: she comes with young Susy, her lover. Alex will use all of his charms and luxury to manipulate his new guests; meanwhile, his wife and Gloria will gang up to murder him.
Claudia is a young executive who works with her father in a successful company. When Claudia’s father finds out that his daughter suffers from a serious illness, he plans a trip to the Caribbean Sea so that she can enjoy the last days of her life and he even hires a young man to keep her company without her knowing it.
A terrible disease is found in a Mexican town. A doctor tries to alert the authorities when he discovers its epidemic nature. No one listen to him and soon after the disease spreads. The government tries to control the information in order to prevent panic. (IMDb)
An elementary school teacher tries to rebuild her life with her son, which is the result of a rape in a distant city. The child tries to grow in a common way, but his mother overprotects him with terrible consecuences