Self (archive footage)
스탠리 큐브릭이 영화적 유산에 남긴 업적은 과히 가늠하기 힘들 정도이다. 그는 그 어떤 감독보다도 많이 연구된 감독이지만, 사실 지금까지 큐브릭 감독의 말을 직접 들을 수 있는 기회는 거의 없었다. 영화는 큐브릭 감독의 친밀한 초상으로 관객을 이끈다.
Self (Archival Footage)
The comedy pioneer behind the Goon Show, Dr Strangelove and the Pink Panther series is explored in depth in this film, surveying his meteoric rise to fame and troubled personal life.
Himself (Archive)
A documentary about Peter Medak's unreleased film 'Ghost in the Noonday Sun', starring Peter Sellers and filmed in Cyprus in 1973.
Himself (archive footage)
A very personal portrait of the truly unique comedy genius of Spike Milligan, as told in his own words and featuring exclusive home movie footage. With contributions from those who worked with him, lived with him and were inspired by him.
The Villain Antony (archive footage)
Retrospective documentary on the making of Gorgo (1961).
Banned by the BBC in 1971, director Tony Palmer's profile of the late Peter Sellers was, in the words of the film's subject himself, "the only portrait which really understood me." Sellers was an icon of comedy and a true innovator, but a look inside reveals a tragic figure. How could one of the world's most beloved comic talents have such a morbidly distorted opinion of himself? In this documentary, interviews with such friends, fans, and colleagues as Raquel Welch, Yul Brenner, Spike Milligan, Laurence Harvey, and others reveal the true personality behind the man who was loved by everyone, but still viewed himself as entirely alone.
Self (archive footage)
Documentary about actor Peter Sellers and one of his most memorable film roles.
Through voiceovers from Peter Sellers and colleagues, collaborators and wives, this revealing film, which contains many rare moments of previously unseen footage, builds a fascinating and unique record of a unique genius and a compelling and definitive portrait of the man and his life.
Spike personally tells the story of his life from India, World War II to The Goons and his Q series
Told in his own words, and including many well-known personalities from Stanley Kubrick, Sophia Loren and Robert Wagner to members of the Royal Family, in particular Princess Margaret and Prince Charles, this revealing film builds a fascinating and definitive record of a unique genius. Using a unique collection of his own home movies shot between 1948 and 1977 and discovered years after his death, this film presents an intriguing and intimate portrait of Peter Sellers. A DVD was issued entitled "Peter Sellers - As He Filmed It" which is a 97 minute edit of this original broadcast. Not long after the 3 part documentary series was broadcast it was pulled due to "licencing" issues over home-movie footage used that the Sellers estate had not agreed to. The BBC lost the case I believe and thus the reason for the 97mins DVD that was then later released excising the vast majority of the rare illuminating footage.
A definitive collection of his very best work on TV: The Very Best of Peter Sellers.
Chief Insp. Jacques Clouseau (archive footage)
The Pink Panther diamond is stolen once again from Lugash and the authorities call in Chief Inspector Clouseau from France. His plane disappears en-route. This time, famous French TV reporter Marie Jouvet sets out to solve the mystery and starts to interview everybody connected to Clouseau.
Fu Manchu / Nayland Smith
Fu Manchu's 168th birthday celebration is dampened when a hapless flunky spills Fu's age-regressing elixir vitae. Fu sends his lackeys to round up ingredients for a new batch of elixir, starting with the Star of Leningrad diamond, nabbed from a Soviet exhibition in Washington. The FBI sends agents Capone and Williams to England to confer with Nayland Smith, an expert on Fu.
정원사 챈스(Chance the Gardener/Chauncy Gardner: 피터 셀러즈 분) 어렸을때 집주인이 데려다가 키우면서 정원 일을 시키는 머리가 약간 모자라는 사람이다. 그런 그가 집주인이 죽자, 하는 수 없이 주인이 남겨준 신사복을 입고 트렁크 하나만 달랑든 채, 생전 처음 그 집을 나선다. 자동차 사고로 우연히 만나게 된 억만장자는 그의 외모만 보고서 그를 상당한 배경이 있는 인물로 오인한다. 억만장자는 현직 대통령의 후견자이자, 경제 고문 역할을 하는 인물이지만 병으로 힘겨운 시한부 인생을 살고 있다. 이때 대통령을 접견하면서 찬스가 "뿌리를 자르지 않은 이상, 정원의 모든 것은 괜찮을 겁니다"라는 말도 대통령의 정치 성향에 영향을 끼치면서, "정원에는 사계절이 찾아오죠. 먼저 봄과 여름이 오고 다음엔 가을과 겨울이 오죠..."는 '매사에는 때가 있는 법'이라는 경제 원칙을 암시하는 일종의 낙관적인 격언으로 받아들여진다. 정원사 챈스(Chance the Gardener)라는 호칭은 곧 '찬스 가드너(Chance Gardener)'라는 거물로 와전되면서, TV 토크쇼에 나와 대담도 하게 되자, 대통령은 CIA와 FBI까지 동원하여 그에 대한 정보를 얻으려하지만 전혀 자료를 얻을 수 없어 당혹스러워한다. 한편, 억만장자의 아내(셜리 맥클레인 분)는 섹스는 커녕 로맨스가 뭔지도 모르는 그에게 빠져드는데....
Rudolf IV/Rudolf V/Sidney Frewin
Anthony Hope's classic tale gets a decidedly 'un-classic' treatment at the hands of Peter Sellers. Following the story somewhat, friends of the new King Rudolph of Ruritania fear for his life, and switch him with a look-a-like London cabby. Throw in two(!) lovely blondes, treachery, and a battle for life and honour, and enjoy life at its zaniest.
"Mickey's 50" is a 90-minute special that aired on The Wonderful World of Disney on November 19, 1978. The special was made to commemorate the 50th birthday of Mickey Mouse and highlights many moments in his career.
Chief Inspector Clouseau
프랑스의 백만장자 필립 드비에(로버트 웨버 분)는 번화가에 큰 간판을 걸고 프랑스 사람들이 다 알게 큰 사업을 하지만 실은 그는 마약 밀매 업자로 우리가 부르는 프렌치 커넥션의 보수다. 또 그는 많은 부하와 부인 몰래 정을 통하는 정부 시몽 멕그리거양(다이안 캐논 분)을 비서로 쓰며 보스 노릇을 하지만 뉴욕의 보수들은 그를 경원한다. 이유는 프랑스에서 대통령 훈장까지 받은 우둔하면서도 유능한 잭 크루소(피터 샐러스 분)라는 조사관 경위가 있기 때문이다. 그것을 안 드비에는 크루소가 있던 변장 가게에 폭탄을 던졌으나 다른 사람은 부상을 당하고 크루소는 무사하게 살아 나온다. 드비에는 다시 크루소를 마약거래 현장으로 유인하나, 마침 자기 차가 고장나서 하인인 케이노의 푸조차를 타고 가던 그는 승차를 원하는 한 여자를 태웠으나 그 여자는 남장한 여자로 권총으로 위협해 크루소의 차와 옷, 모든 것을 빼앗고 그차로 도망가는 것을 드비에 일당은 그걸 크루소로 알고 기관 총사격을 하여 차는 전주를 받고 폭발해 그것을 크루소로 알고 장사까지 지낸다. 한편 드비에의 모든 비밀을 알고 6년간 동거 생활을 하던 시몽은 하루아침에 해직되고 그녀를 죽이려는 일당이 클럽에서 그녀를 데리고 뒷문으로 나오다가 그 클럽에 몰래 뒷문으로 들어가려던 크루소와 시몽은 크루소를 생명의 은인이라고 자기 아파트로 데리고 와 옷을 말리며 드비에의 비밀을 모두 가르쳐준다.
Compilation of classic British comedy moments
Chief Inspector Clouseau
Closeau와 오랜 기간 함께 일한 후 심하게 정신병을 앓고있는 Dreyfus 경관은 그가 머물고있는 정신 병원에서 탈출하여 Clouseau를 영원히 파괴 할 것을 서약합니다. 그는 탁월한 과학자를 납치하고 Clouseau가 그에게 배달되지 않는 한 그렇게 할 의도로 세계를 파괴 할 수있는 기계를 만들도록 강요합니다.
Sidney Wang
라이오넬 트웨인(트루먼 카포테)이라는 정체모를 부자가 '만찬 및 살인 초대'라는 초청장을 세계에서 가장 유명한 탐정가 5명에게 보낸다. 눈먼 장님 집사 제임서 벤슨멈(알렉 기네스)에게 그걸 우체통에 넣으라고 시키지만 장님인 집사는 우표를 죄다 엉뚱한 곳에 붙이고 초청장을 보낸다. 그리하여 5명의 명탐정과 아내, 아들. 이렇게 여러 사람들이 트웨인의 집으로 온다. 오면서 우표도 없는 초청장을 보내는 통에 그 우편요금을 내가 내야했다고 투덜거리면서(...) 각자 오는데 을씨년스런 이 저택은 별 골때리는 장치가 되어있다. 물론 사람죽이는 건 아니고 오래된 집을 연기하고자 초인종 소리가 여자 비명소리라든지, 집 곳곳에 인조 거미줄이 쳐있다든지 탐정들은 어이없어 하면서 당사자 트웨인을 만나려 들지만 장님인 벤슨멈 집사는 주인은 안계신다고 한다. 그리고 녹음된 트웨인의 목소리로 이 집에서 누군가가 죽을테니 이 사건을 해결하는 탐정에게는 거액의 보상금을 준다고 하는 메시지가 담겨져 있었다. 그리고 정말 누군가가 죽고 이들 탐정들의 사건 수사가 시작되는데...
Queen Victoria
In this high-camp farce, Goons legend Spike Milligan stars as William Topaz McGonagall, an unemployed Scottish weaver and aspiring poet laureate who falls in love with Queen Victoria - a brilliant cameo by Peter Sellers - and thereafter devotes his banal poetry to her. Though McGonagall's solicitations are rejected by the Queen, it doesn't stop the turgid prose, and pathos, from overflowing as McGonagall hilariously attempts to become the greatest poet in the land. The image of the bad poet, trapped by his romanticism and inspired by a muse with a tin ear, appealed mightily to Spike Milligan, and this cult British spoof features the Goons show maestro at his ridiculous, genre-defying best.
Inspector Clouseau
루가시 국가의 상징인 다이아몬드 핑크 팬더가 박물관에서 도난당한다. 유명한 도둑 '팬텀'을 상징하는 흰 장갑 하나만이 단서로 남는다. 이에 루가시 정부는 4년 전 같은 사건을 해결한 프랑스의 형사 클루조를 불러 들이는데...
Général Latour / Major Robinson / Herr Schroeder / Adolf Hitler / The President / Prince Kyoto
In this comedy, set during the Nazi occupation of France, Peter Sellers plays most major male parts, so he stars in nearly every scene, always bumbling in inspector Clouseau-style.
Dick Scratcher
A pirate crewman kills his captain after learning where he has hidden his buried treasure. However, as he begins to lose his memory, he relies more and more on the ghost of the man he just murdered to help him find the loot.
A retired entertainer makes his living as a street musician on the streets of London. Two young children befriend the old musician, brightening his otherwise colorless life
A group of Slave workers, drafted by the Nazis to help construct their coastal defences in 1944, are trapped in an underground bunker when the Allies land at Normandy on D-Day. They find huge stores of food, but not enough candles. The slow dying of the light parallels their increasing boredom, illness, and jealousy during their entrapment. Based on the Novel 'Le Blockhaus' by Jean Paul Clebert
The March Hare
An all-star cast highlights this vibrant musical adaptation of Lewis Carroll's immortal tale. One day, plucky young Alice follows a white rabbit down a hole and discovers a world of bizarre characters.
Dr. Albert T. Hopfnegal
In this classic hospital farce, Peter Sellers plays Dr. Albert T. Hopfnagel, a greedy, crooked hospital administrator who has perfected the art of bill padding, unnecessary surgery and kickbacks. Mistrusted by patients, and resented by other staffers, his assistant Alice can no longer endure his scams and plots to have him sent to prison - but not for long enough. Sellers again steals the show with an absurd and hilarious character study.
Sellers, Secombe and Milligan reunite for one last show.
G.W. Ross
An evening at Wilton's Music-Hall, Grace's Alley, Wellclose Square, London, 1860 starring Peter Sellers, Spike Milligan, Keith Michell, Pat Kirkwood, Warren Mitchell, Ronnie Barker, Bill Fraser, Gina Astralita, Eric Robinson. Introduced by Billy Russell. Tonight, 90 years after it closed, this famous Music-Hall opens again to bring you a picture of the stars, the singers, the dancers, and the people who once went there.
Robert Danvers
TV personality Robert Danvers, an exceedingly vain rotter, seduces young women daily, never staying long with one. He meets his match in Marion, an American, 19, who's available but refuses any romantic illusions.
Mr. Hoffman
A businessman blackmails his young secretary into spending a weekend with him.
Man with two cars
A comedy short with very little speaking. Graham Stark and John Junkin have a new elevated platform to work with but still manage to get into lots of trouble. Lots of celebrity appearances.
Self (scenes deleted)
The filmed account of The Beatles' attempt to recapture their old group spirit by making a back to basics album, which instead drove them further apart.
Bernie is a silver tongued wanderer with a fondness for drink and no clear goal in life. What was supposed to be a day of fun at the seaside turns to dust as he drinks his way through a seaside resort community, trailing his little niece Winnie.
Subject Of Portrait
A BBC documentary portrait of Peter Sellers, filmed over a period of nine months in 1969 where director Tony Palmer interviews Sellers and friends and associates about the actor's career and life. At age 44, with 38 films already behind him, including Dr. Strangelove and two "Pink Panther" films, Sellers was then at the crest of his career. But his personal life, which included two bad marriages (and two more to come), a near-fatal 1964 heart attack, and increasingly disturbing personality disorders, was in tatters.
Additional Writing
Sir Guy Grand, the richest man in the world, adopts a homeless man, Youngman. Together, they set out to prove that anyone--and anything--can be bought.
Sir Guy Grand KG, KC, CBE
Sir Guy Grand, the richest man in the world, adopts a homeless man, Youngman. Together, they set out to prove that anyone--and anything--can be bought.
Documentary film in which Marty Feldman looks at humour through the people who create it.
This is a "Fly on the Wall" look at The Beatles' recording sessions from productive days at Apple Studios January 23 to 29, 1969. Most of this footage did not make the final cut for the film, Let It Be. We see the Beatles chat, joke, tune, rehearse and try some serious attempts at recording. Over 75% of this footage has not been seen in this form, meaning inferior copies of some of this footage has circulated, but contained few moments of audio that matched the film.
Harold Fine is a self-described square - a 35-year-old Los Angeles lawyer who's not looking forward to middle age nor his upcoming wedding. His life changes when he falls in love with Nancy, a free-spirited, innocent, and beautiful young hippie. After Harold and his family enjoy some of her "groovy" brownies, he decides to "drop out" with her and become a hippie too. But can he return to his old life when he discovers that the hippie lifestyle is just a little too independent and irresponsible for his tastes?
Hrundi V. Bakshi
인도에서 온 사고뭉치 엑스트라 박시는 우연히 특급스타들만 갈 수 있는 할리우드 파티에 초대된다. 이후 파티장은 박시로 인해 점점 난장판이 되어간다. 피터 샐러즈와 시리즈의 명장 블레이크 에드워즈가 호흡을 맞춘 걸작 코미디.
Seven mini-stories of adultery: "Funeral Possession," a wayward widow at her husband's funeral; "Amateur Night," angry wife becomes streetwalker out of revenge; "Two Against One," seemingly prudish girl turns out otherwise; "Super Simone," wife vainly attempts to divert her over-engrossed writer husband; "At the Opera," a battle over a supposedly exclusive dress; "Suicides," a death pact; "Snow," would-be suitor is actually a private detective hired by jealous husband.
원래 007 시리즈 5편이지만, 영화 007에는 포함하지 않는게 일반적이다. 작가 이안 플레밍은 자신의 데뷔작 '카지노 로얄'을 너무 아껴서 007의 영화화 판권을 넘길 때 이것만은 제외시켰다. 그러나 그가 죽은 후 유족들로부터 미국의 다른 제작자에게 권리가 넘겨졌고, 완전히 다른 엉뚱한 코미디 영화로 만들어졌다.
연출도 존 휴스턴을 비롯해서 5명에 이르고, 출연진도 우디앨런, 데이빗 니븐, 데보라 카, 오손웰즈, 윌리엄 홀덴, 장 폴 벨몽도 등 각국의 유명 배우들이 나온다. 내용은 엄청난 제작비에도 불구하고 전체적으로 말이 안된다. 경쾌한 멜로디의 테마곡 'Casino Royale'과 'The Look of Love'는 대중들의 인기를 얻었다.
Evelyn Tremble
원래 007 시리즈 5편이지만, 영화 007에는 포함하지 않는게 일반적이다. 작가 이안 플레밍은 자신의 데뷔작 '카지노 로얄'을 너무 아껴서 007의 영화화 판권을 넘길 때 이것만은 제외시켰다. 그러나 그가 죽은 후 유족들로부터 미국의 다른 제작자에게 권리가 넘겨졌고, 완전히 다른 엉뚱한 코미디 영화로 만들어졌다.
연출도 존 휴스턴을 비롯해서 5명에 이르고, 출연진도 우디앨런, 데이빗 니븐, 데보라 카, 오손웰즈, 윌리엄 홀덴, 장 폴 벨몽도 등 각국의 유명 배우들이 나온다. 내용은 엄청난 제작비에도 불구하고 전체적으로 말이 안된다. 경쾌한 멜로디의 테마곡 'Casino Royale'과 'The Look of Love'는 대중들의 인기를 얻었다.
Juan Bautista
Unsuccessful singing bullfighter Juan arrives in Barcelona to try his luck in a big town. He finally persuades a devious local impresario to book him, but only on the condition that Juan first manages to spend an evening with Olimpia, a "shrewd merciless beauty" who seems effortlessly to collect apartments and Maserati sports cars while leaving a trail of broken hearts behind her. Juan approaches the challenge by pretending to her he is an emissary for a rich count. Written by Jeremy Perkins
King of Hearts
Alice in Wonderland (1966) is a BBC television play based on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. It was directed by Jonathan Miller, then most widely known for his appearance in the long-running satirical revue Beyond the Fringe.
The film shows as a documentary the trip to London of Palito Ortega and Graciela Borges
Aldo Vanucci / Federico Fabrizi
카이로에서 엄청난 양의 황금이 도난당하는 사건이 발생하자 국제 경찰은 ‘폭스’란 별명을 가진 사기꾼이자 도둑인 바누치가 이 사건에 연루됐을 거라고 생각하고 그를 주시한다. 바누치는 기발한 아이디어로 늘 사기에 성공하며 어떤 상황에서도 교묘하게 벗어나는 것으로 명성이 높은 국제적인 사기꾼인데, 감옥에 있다가 영화배우가 된 여동생이 정숙치 못한 생활을 한다고 오해하고 감옥에서 탈옥한다. 탈옥하자마자 집으로 간 바누치는 여동생을 감시하는 동시에 카이로의 황금을 훔친 자들의 제안을 받아들여 이탈리아에 황금을 밀반입하는 것을 돕기로 한다. 황금을 무사히 밀반입할 방법을 생각하던 바누치는 여동생의 영화 촬영 현장을 보다가 영화 촬영을 가장해 황금을 들여올 기발한 계획을 세운다. 영화감독으로 위장한 그는 유명한 배우인 토니를 캐스팅하고 이탈리아의 작은 해안 도시인 셀바리오를 촬영지로 정하는데 셀바리오 주민들은 바누치와 유명배우 토니를 신처럼 떠받들고 영화 촬영에 적극 동참한다. 하지만 바누치의 엄마를 감시하던 경찰은 바누치의 행방을 알게 되고 결국 바누치는 체포되어 재판을 받고 다시 감옥으로 향하게 되지만 특유의 재치를 발휘해 다시 탈옥한다.
Doctor Pratt
영국의 어느 한 국민학교에서 20명의 부모가 자녀들의 이름으로 천 파운드씩 적립을 한다. 그리고 그 돈으로 최후의 생존자들에게 이자를 가산하여 주는 복권 형식의 톤틴이라는 위원회를 발족시킨다. 40년이 지난 후 당시 톤틴을 발족시킨 사람들 중 핀스버리 형제만이 남게 된다. 자녀가 없는 이들은 양자들을 입양해 런던의 빈민가에 함께 살고 있지만, 톤틴의 상금 때문에 서로 증오하고 있다. 그러던 어느 날, 형인 매스터맨이 동생 조셉을 살해하고 톤틴을 타려는 음모를 계획한다.
Narrator (voice)
A naïve father makes an embarrassing attempt to explain the facts of life to his son, but he becomes increasingly embarrassed to the point where his explanations are so vague as to be incomprehensible.
A 1965 British television special honouring the songwriting partnership of John Lennon and Paul McCartney. It was produced by Granada Television and aired on that network on 16 December 1965 before receiving a national broadcast the following evening. The programme mainly consisted of other artists miming to their recordings of the songs. The Beatles performed Day Tripper and We Can Work It Out, and Peter Sellers delivered a comedic interpretation of A Hard Day's Night, in the style of stage actor Laurence Olivier's portrayal of Richard III.
Dr. Fritz Fassbender
A playboy who refuses to give up his hedonistic lifestyle to settle down and marry his true love seeks help from a demented psychoanalyst who is having romantic problems of his own.
Imperial Me
Daniel Grudge, a wealthy industrialist and fierce isolationist long embittered by the loss of his son in World War II, is visited by three ghosts on Christmas Eve who lead him to reconsider his attitude toward his fellow man.
1964 short directed by Peter Sellers
1964 short directed by Peter Sellers
Jacques Clouseau
기상천외한 「아이디어」가 가득 담긴 「코미디」물로서 핑크색의 괴상한 광채가 번쩍하는 순간, 국제연합 빌딩이 흔적도 없이 사라져 버리는가 하면, 미국 대통령이 무슨 까닭인지 TV 앞에서 협박을 받고 있다. 독단과 편견으로 추리수사를 벌이는 빠리경찰의 수수께끼 전담 수사관 「쟈크?크루소」와 괴기요절할 핑크의 표범이 엮어내는 괴작이다.
Henry Orient
뉴욕시, 젊은 친구 길과 발은 피아니스트 헨리 오리언트가 유부녀 스텔라를 유혹하기 위해 노력하는 동안 그를 따라 온 동네를 다니는데...
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake / President Merkin Muffley / Dr. Strangelove
미 공군의 잭 리퍼 장군은 공산주의자들이 미국인의 신성한 혈통을 오염시킬 음모를 꾸미고 있다는 망상에 사로잡혀 핵폭격기를 출격시킨다. 미국 대통령은 절대절명의 위기를 해결 하기 위해 자문회를 소집하는데, 그 자리에서 소련 대사는 만일 소련이 핵공격을 당한다면 지구상의 모든 동식물이 파멸되는 운명의 날이 다가오게 될 것이라고 경고한다. 전 나치주의자였던 천재 과학자 스트레인지러브 박사는 핵무기에 지구의 운명이 달려있다는 사실이 너무 명백하므로 핵무기로 상황을 대응할 수 없다는 결론을 내린다. 과연 폭격기는 제 시간에 제거될 수 있을 것인가? 아니면 잭 리퍼 장군이 전세계를 파멸시키는데 성공 할 것인가?
애스턴과 믹크는 형제, 어느 날 애스턴이 데이비스라는 늙은이를 데리고 와 숙식을 제공한다. 믹크에게서 관리인의 역할을 제안 받은 이 허황된 늙은이는 결국에는 애스턴의 약점인 정신병원 병력을 가지고 믹크와 합세해 애스턴을 몰아내려고 하나 마지막에서는 형제들 사이에 끼지 못하고 둘 모두에게 무시당하는 처지가 된다. 해롤드 핀터의 연극을 영화화 했다.
Insp. Jacques Clouseau
기상천외한 「아이디어」가 가득 담긴 「코미디」물로서 핑크색의 괴상한 광채가 번쩍하는 순간, 국제연합 빌딩이 흔적도 없이 사라져 버리는가 하면, 미국 대통령이 무슨 까닭인지 TV 앞에서 협박을 받고 있다. 독단과 편견으로 추리수사를 벌이는 빠리경찰의 수수께끼 전담 수사관 「쟈크?크루소」와 괴기요절할 핑크의 표범이 엮어내는 괴작이다.
The Rev. John Smallwood
A naive but caring prison chaplain, who happens to have the same last name as an upper class cleric, is by mistake appointed as vicar to a small and prosperous country town. His belief in charity and forgiveness sets him at odds with the conservative and narrow-minded locals, and he soon creates social ructions by appointing a black dustman as his churchwarden, taking in a gypsy family, and persuading the local landowner to provide free food for the church to distribute free to the people of the town. When the congregation leaders realise the mistake and call for the Church of England to remove him, this turns out to be a very, very difficult issue - until one clergyman realises that a British project to send a man into space is in need of an astronaut...
Pearly Gates
The crooks in London know how it works. No one carries guns and no one resists the police. Then a new gang appears that go one better. They dress as police and steal from the crooks. This upset's the natural order of the police/criminal relationship and the police and the crooks join forces to catch the IPOs (Impersonating Police Officers), including an armoured car robbery in which the police must help the gangs to set a trap.
Wilfred Morgenhall
After nearly 40 years of waiting for his big chance, Wilfred Morgenhall is given the case of defending Herbert Fowle who is accused of murdering his wife. Despite Fowle's insistence of guilt, Moregenhall will not let go of the opportunity to plead his client as innocent and be a star in the courtroom.
Clare Quilty
파리에서 미국으로 건너온 대학 교수 험버트는 여름 동안 지낼 하숙집을 찾다 미망인 샬롯의 집에 머물게 된다. 그는 샬롯의 애정어린 관심을 받고 부담스러웠지만, 그녀의 조숙한 어린 딸 로리타에게 한 눈에 반해버린다. 결국 험버트는 로리타의 곁을 떠나지 않기 위해 샬롯과 결혼을 한다. 어느 날, 로리타에 대한 마음을 기록한 험버트의 일기장을 본 샬롯은 격분해 집 밖으로 뛰쳐나가다 교통사고로 죽고 만다. 험버트는 기숙학교에 보내진 로리타에게 어머니의 죽음을 알리고 함께 도피 여행을 떠난다. 이 때 정체 불명의 추적자가 생기는데...
Gen. Leo Fitzjohn
General Fitzhugh, an ageing Lothario has an over-active eye for a pretty woman. Despite a long and satisfying career as a seducer extraordinaire, something always seems to get in the way of his bedding the breathtakingly lovely Ghislaine, a more-than-willing town local.
John Lewis
John Lewis is bored of his job and his wife. Then Liz, wife of a local councillor, sets her sights on him. But this is risky stuff in a Welsh valleys town - if he and Liz ever manage to consummate their affair, that is.
Indian Neurologist (uncredited)
When Chester accidentally memorizes and destroys the only copy of a secret Russian formula for a new and improved rocket fuel, they are thrust into international intrigue, trying to stay alive while keeping the formula out of enemy hands.
Auguste Topaze
Mr. Topaze (Peter Sellers) is an unassuming school teacher in an unassuming small French town, who is honest to a fault. He is fired when he refuses to give a passing grade to a bad student, the grandson of a wealthy baroness. Castel Benac (Herbert Lom), a government official who runs a crooked financial business on the side, is persuaded by his mistress, Suzy (Nadia Gray), a musical comedy actress, to hire Mr. Topaze as the front man for his business. Gradually, Topaze becomes a rapacious financier who sacrifices his honesty for success and, in a final stroke of business bravado, fires Benac and acquires Suzy in the deal. An old friend and colleague, Tamise (Michael Gough) questions him and tells Topaze that what he now says and practices indicates there are no more honest men.
Mr. Topaze (Peter Sellers) is an unassuming school teacher in an unassuming small French town, who is honest to a fault. He is fired when he refuses to give a passing grade to a bad student, the grandson of a wealthy baroness. Castel Benac (Herbert Lom), a government official who runs a crooked financial business on the side, is persuaded by his mistress, Suzy (Nadia Gray), a musical comedy actress, to hire Mr. Topaze as the front man for his business. Gradually, Topaze becomes a rapacious financier who sacrifices his honesty for success and, in a final stroke of business bravado, fires Benac and acquires Suzy in the deal. An old friend and colleague, Tamise (Michael Gough) questions him and tells Topaze that what he now says and practices indicates there are no more honest men.
Dodger Lane
Three criminals plan to break out of prison the day before their release in order to carry out a daring jewel robbery, intending to establish the perfect alibi by returning to jail afterwards. First however they must get out, a task made more difficult by a new, stricter prison officer.
Dr. Kabir
When her father dies, Epifania Parerga, an Italian in London, becomes the world's richest woman. She feels incomplete without a husband and falls in love with a humble, Indian physician, Ahmed el Kabir, much loved by his indigent English patients.
Lionel Meadows
John Cummings, an unsuccessful cosmetics salesman, has his unpaid-for car stolen by one of the hoods in the employ of Lionel Meadows, the sadistic organizer of a London car conversion racket. The car was not insured, and since the police appear indifferent to his plight, Cummings decides to find it himself -- and gets himself involved in an underworld battle.
Mr. Martin
Angela Barrows is a man-eating business woman sent by her American employer to investigate their export opportunities in Edinburgh. En route she meets Robert MacPherson, a businessman who asks for her help to bring his company into the 20th Century. The staff, led by Mr Martin, has other ideas—and a battle between the old and new business methods soon breaks out.
A short film without any direct action designed more as an experiment, with disjointed comic scenes with no common thread.
A short film without any direct action designed more as an experiment, with disjointed comic scenes with no common thread.
A short film without any direct action designed more as an experiment, with disjointed comic scenes with no common thread.
A short film without any direct action designed more as an experiment, with disjointed comic scenes with no common thread.
A short film without any direct action designed more as an experiment, with disjointed comic scenes with no common thread.
Fred Kite
Naive Stanley Windrush returns from the war, his mind set on a successful career in business. Much to his own dismay, he soon finds he has to start from the bottom and work his way up, and also that the management as well as the trade union use him as a tool in their fight for power.
Grand Duchess Gloriana XII / Prime Minister Count Rupert Mountjoy / Tully Bascombe
유럽의 초소국 그랜드 펜윅. 수출품이라고는 '피놋 그랜드 펜윅'이라는 와인이 전부인 이 작은 나라가 미국에서 만든 유사품 와인 때문에 경제 상태가 어려워지자 미국에 대대적인 선전포고를 하려고 한다. 꾀 많은 마운트조이 수상(Prime Minister Count Mountjoy: 피터 셀러스 분)이 만든 이 계획은 선전포고를 한 후 재빨리 패배를 인정하여 대외원조를 받고 그 돈으로 나라 경제를 살리자는 것이었다. 그랜드 펜윅의 지배자 글로리아나 여공(Grand Duchess Gloriana XII: 피터 셀러스 분)은 처음에는 회의적이었지만 수상의 말에 넘어가 실수투성이인 탈리 배스콤(Tully Bascombe: 피터 셀러스 분)에게 군사 지휘를 맡기고 계획을 실행에 옮긴다. 하지만 구식 나무 배를 타고 맨해튼에 도착한 탈리 일행이 본 뉴욕은 황량함 그 자체. 공습 훈련 중이라 모두들 지하에서 대피 훈련을 하던 중이었다. 이들은 뉴욕 시내에서 길을 잃고 헤매던 중 원자 폭탄 제작자인 코킨스 박사(Professor Kokintz: 데이비드 코소프 분)와 그의 예쁜 딸, 헬렌(Helen Kokintz: 진 시버그 분)과 마주치게 되는데...
Prime Minister Amphibulos
Great Britain has had an international agreement for the last 50 years with a small pacific island. It has been ignored until the death of their king brings it to the attention of the Foreign Office in Whitehall. They decide to send Cadogan de Vere Carlton-Browne to re-establish friendly relations.
A boy, no bigger than a thumb, manages to outwit two thieves determined to make a fortune from him.
CPO Doherty
Bumbling navy officer Lieutenant Humphrey Fairweather (David Tomlinson) is transferred to HMS Berkeley, an old World War II destroyer, to keep him out of harm's way. But together with Chief Petty Officer Doherty (Peter Sellers), Fairweather gets into more trouble than might be thought possible, with events coming to a riotous conclusion when the Admiralty turn up for an inspection of the ship.
Sonny MacGregor
Nigel Dennis publishes a scandal magazine. But for each story he writes, he first approaches the person whose scandalous behavior is described (or rather implied, to avoid any libel suit) and says he will suppress the story in return for money. Several of his victims first decide individually to kill him instead of paying, but fail in amusing ways. Then they find that to protect their various secrets they must now join forces for a rather different purpose...
Percy Quill
Jean and Bill are a married couple trying to scrape a living. Out of the blue they receive a telegram informing them Bill's long-lost uncle has died and left them his business—a cinema in the town of Sloughborough. Unfortunately they can't sell it for the fortune they hoped as they discover it is falling down and almost worthless.
Additional Writing
Supposedly filmed in 'Schizophrenoscope', it concerns Inspector Quilt of Scotland Yard's attempts to retrieve a 'Mukkinese Battlehorn' stolen from a London museum. Along the way he meets characters not dissimilar to Eccles, Henry Crun and Minnie Bannister from The Goon Show. This attempt to adapt Goon humour to the big screen was written by Harry Booth, Jon Penington and regular Goon show co-writer Larry Stephens. It was then heavily rewritten on the filmset by Sellers and Milligan.
Supposedly filmed in 'Schizophrenoscope', it concerns Inspector Quilt of Scotland Yard's attempts to retrieve a 'Mukkinese Battlehorn' stolen from a London museum. Along the way he meets characters not dissimilar to Eccles, Henry Crun and Minnie Bannister from The Goon Show. This attempt to adapt Goon humour to the big screen was written by Harry Booth, Jon Penington and regular Goon show co-writer Larry Stephens. It was then heavily rewritten on the filmset by Sellers and Milligan.
Harry, alias 'Mr. Robinson'
정신이 오락가락한 80대 노파가 사는 조용한 집에 마커스가 방을 구하기 위해 찾아온다. 악기 연주 연습을 하는 사람이라고 소개하지만 실제로는 현금수송차량을 털 계획을 세우고 있는 악당이다. 각자 악기가방을 들고 모인 5인조 강도들은 교묘한 수법으로 현금수송차를 털고 그 돈가방을 할머니를 이용해 그 집으로 옮기는데 성공한다. 그들의 강도짓은 완전범죄로 보이는 듯 하지만 돈가방을 갖고 떠나려 하자 의외의 사건이 벌어지고 이들은 장애물이 되는 할머니를 살해하고 떠날 계획을 세우는데...
Police Constable Diamond
The adventures of two children who runaway to London to see the coronation of Queen Elizabeth.
Pvt. Goffin
An American movie company wants to shoot a science-fiction film using a British army barracks as a location, and its soldiers as actors.
Voice of Parrot
Rich Sadie Patch is marooned on a desert island after an emergency on her cruise-ship. With her are Irish stoker Pat, prickly young Jimmy Carrol, and bald and bookish Professor Gibble. All fancy their chances.
Billy Dannreuther (voice) (uncredited)
아프리카 연안을 항해하고 있는 한 배 위. 우라늄이 나온다는 땅을 획득하려는 일군의 승객들은 그 땅을 얻기 위해 수단 방법을 가리지 않고 음모를 꾸미는데.... 이미 여러 차례 존 휴스턴과 작업한 험프리 보가트 외에도, 제니퍼 존스, 지나 롤로브리지다 등 당대의 스타 배우들이 연기 향연을 벌이는 모험 영화.
Major Bloodnok
The Goon Show hits the big screen. Professor Pure Heart absent-mindedly loses the top secret formula in Harry Jones' Grocery Shop. "Bats of the Yard", as Harry calls himself, finds it and attempts to return it to the Professor.
Let's Go Crazy is a 1951 comedy film marking an early appearance of Spike Milligan and Peter Sellers playing multiple roles.
Multiple Roles
Let's Go Crazy is a 1951 comedy film marking an early appearance of Spike Milligan and Peter Sellers playing multiple roles.
(archive footage)
Laurel is a Scottish reporter suspected of being a spy by police detective James Finlayson. Although trailed by the latter, Stan, who is reporting on the movie world, manages to be hired by Mack Sennett. He makes his debut in Nevada, in the middle of gold diggers. After managing to clear his name he becomes, with Oliver Hardy, a big comedy star.
Voice narrator
Peter Sellers makes funny voice narration over the Chaplin film A Burlesque on Carmen (1915).
The Major / Arnold Fringe
When Harry and Spike visit Bristol to spend the winnings from Harry's latest Pools win, the boys are soon targeted by a gang of local counterfeiters.
Lu Chung (voice)
In the 13th century, Walter of Gurnie, a disinherited Saxon youth, is forced to flee England. With his friend, Tristram, he falls in with the army of the fierce but avuncular General Bayan, and journeys all the way to China, where both men become involved in intrigues in the court of Kublai Khan.