Ilona Łepkowska

출생 : 1954-07-11, Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland.

참여 작품

Koniec świata, czyli kogel-mogel 4
Koniec świata, czyli kogel-mogel 4
Miszmasz, czyli kogel-mogel 3
Miszmasz, czyli kogel-mogel 3
Game On
Fine-arts student Zosia is a young daredevil mural painter who enlivens Warsaw with lovely graffiti. She lives with her mother Roma and grandmother Romy in a beautiful villa that has come under threat from property developers. Romy has long lost the deeds to the house. Will the women lose their home? And will they want to stay there once Roma finds new love and granny reveals a secret from long ago?
Blind Date
Majka is young, beautiful and intelligent. It is time for her to learn and work, she has wonderful friends. But unfortunately she can't forget Cezary, who had abandoned her a year ago. So Majka's best friend decides to help her to start a new life.
Nie kłam kochanie
Scenario Writer
"Nie kłam, kochanie" nie jest bajką. To miłosna historia, podana lekko, jednak nie pozostająca w oderwaniu od życia, w której wszelkiego rodzaju zawirowania towarzyszące jej bohaterom wypływają z sytuacji realnych. Ma pokazać, w jaki sposób kłamstwo i manipulacja może stanąć w szranki z uczciwością, prostolinijnością i naiwnością. I – kto kogo "przechytrzy", kto wygra ten pojedynek, w którym stawką jest miłość… A co robi w naszej historii kaktus? Cóż, dziewczyna, która kocha kaktusy i mówi do nich po imieniu to chyba jedyna osoba, która potrafi w kłamcy i cyniku dostrzec coś dobrego i zmienić go… A wtedy – nawet kolczasty kaktus potrafi zakwitnąć pięknym kwiatem. W większości miłosnych historii dotąd królowały róże. W naszej – kaktusy. Też z kolcami. Ale z jakim charakterem!
Never in My Life!
Judyta is a middle-aged housewife whose peaceful life suddenly falls apart due to divorce. But soon she finds the strength to carry on fighting for her happiness, a place in the sun and love of her life.
Komedia małżeńska
Galimatias, czyli kogel-mogel II
I Love Cinema
The manager of a small provincial cinema finds her lost son, and he tries to save the movie theater.
Following the emotions associated with entrance examinations to the faculty of pedagogy, Catherine Solska returns to his native village. And here she will surprise - the family without their knowledge to begin preparations for engagement with a rich neighbor Kolasa. Girl falls into despair, tries to oppose the decision of the parents, but is closed in his room. On visits to her fiance and flees out the window calling mail to the university. Receives misleading information and is convinced that was not accepted to college. Resigned returns home and agrees to the wedding. Meanwhile, on the eve of the wedding the postman brings the notice of acceptance to the university.
Przez dotyk
Two women meet in the hospital.
Oh, Karol!
Karol has everything. He has three mistresses in addition to the bride. He is charming, loves sex and enslaves women in the blink of an eye. He's also well aware of that women like and uses it for his benefits.
언어학을 공부하는 대학생들이 작은 별장에 모여 여름 방학 캠프에서 토론을 나눈다. 학생들을 지도하는 26살의 젊은 교수 야로스와프는 학생들의 창의적인 접근을 북돋지만 그의 자유분방한 태도는 동료 교수인 야쿱과 번번히 충돌을 빚는다. 이들의 대립은 야로스와프의 학생인 야렉이 제출한 논문을 두고 정점을 찍는다. 1977년 폴란드영화제 황금사자상, 각본상, 남우주연상(즈비그뉴 자파시에비츠) 수상. 1978년 로테르담영화제 연출상 수상