Executive Producer
A group of women and non-binary journalists, bucking the white male status quo, launch The 19th*—a digital news startup that asks who has been omitted from mainstream coverage and how they can be included.
Executive Producer
An intimate portrait of a community fighting to save lives and keep hope alive in a neighborhood ravaged by the overdose crisis.
Executive Producer
From his Memphis studio, Ernest Withers’ nearly 2 million images were a treasured record of Black history but his legacy was complicated by decades of secret FBI service revealed only after his death. Was he a friend of the civil rights community, or enemy—or both?
Executive Producer
탕! 탕! 탕! 1973년 6월 3일, 미국 샌프란시스코 차이나타운 거리 한복판에서 중국인 갱단이 총격을 받고 사망한다. 5일 후, 한 동양인 청년이 살인 용의자로 긴급 체포된다. 이름 ‘철수 리’, 21살의 한인 이민자였다. 동양인 외모를 구별 못하는 백인 목격자들의 증언으로 종신형을 선고받은 이철수는 곧장 캘리포니아에서 가장 폭력적인 교도소에 수감된다. 그대로 묻힐 뻔했던 사건은 한 기자의 심층 보도로 다시 수면 위로 떠오른다. 한인 최초의 미국 주류 신문사 기자였던 이경원은 차이나타운 취재 중 우연히 이철수 사건을 접하고, 엉터리 재판 과정을 폭로한다. 이철수의 억울한 사연이 알려지며 한인 이민 사회와 종교계가 들끓고, 재심을 요구하는 구명 운동이 시작된다. ‘프리 철수 리’ 운동이 아시안아메리칸 사회를 뒤흔들며 빠르게 번져가던 중, 교도소 안 이철수는 갱의 공격으로부터 자신을 지키려다 진짜 살인을 저지르게 되는데…. 반전에 반전을 거듭한 10년의 재판, 그리고 아무도 예상하지 못했던 이철수의 나머지 삶의 반전! 2023년, 모두의 기대를 배반하고 충격적인 감동을 선사할, 당신의 인생 영화가 될 최고의 다큐멘터리!
Executive Producer
위기에 처한 세 아이는 붕괴 직전의 나라에서 전문 오케스트라 연주자가 되기 위해 고군분투한다. 9년에 걸쳐 촬영한 영화는 베네수엘라 바리오 출신 아이들의 음악과 얽힌 따라가는 다큐멘터리이다. 영화는 역경에 맞서 꿈을 지키기 위해 무엇이 필요한지에 대한 통찰을 제공하고 모든 것이 실패하는 와중에 예술이 할 수 있는 역할에 대해 질문한다.
Executive Producer
Explores a variety of underground hazing rituals that are abusive and sometimes deadly. The journey to understand hazing culture reveals a world of toxic masculinity, violence, humiliation, binge drinking, denial, and institutional coverups.
Executive Producer
Sam Now is a gripping family story consisting of home videos, Super 8 films and modern-day HD videos told over a lifetime. Director Reed Harkness captures the story of his half-brother, Sam, who grappled with the disappearance of his mother during the most formative years of his life. After setting out to find her as a teenager, Sam works through the subconscious trauma caused by her absence, his family members' denial and his feelings toward his mother, whose new life proves better than raising kids. Sam's journey is an emotional roller coaster with loops of mental health, commitment issues and familial relationships.
Executive Producer
Mama Bears is an intimate exploration of two “mama bears”—conservative, Christian mothers who have become fierce advocates for LGBTQ+ people—and a young lesbian whose struggle for self-acceptance exemplifies why the mama bears are so important.
Executive Producer
Family, football and history come to life in an intimate portrait of the Dean family, longtime residents of the historic town of Pahokee, Florida. We take a journey back home, with filmmaker Ira McKinley, to the land of sugarcane, as he reconnects with his niece Bridget and nephew Alvin and explores their shared family history that spans seven generations. Told through stories that transcend space and time, Outta The Muck presents a community, and a family, that resists despair with love, remaining fiercely self-determined, while forging its own unique narrative of Black achievement.
Executive Producer
샌프란시스코의 가장 학구열이 높은 공립학교 Lowell 고등학교의 고학년생들은 어마어마한 스트레스를 받는 중이다. 이들은 스탠포드 대학교나 하버드 대학교 같은 최고상류 학교로 진학하기 위해 공부에만 매진하고 있다. 멋진 아이들과 특출난 학생들 사이에서 같이 공부해 좋은 성적을 얻기란 쉽지가 않다. 감독 Debbie Lum은 재치넘치는 유머와 따뜻한 시선으로 미국 대학입시계의 현실을 들여다본 이후 미국 교육현 내에서의 인종 문제, 계급 문제까지 고찰하게 한다. 이 영화는 현 미국 10대 세대의 가장 보편적이면서도 다채로운 청소년들의 초상화와도 같은 다큐멘터리다.
Executive Producer
A dogged family-run paper in Iowa gives citizens the scoop on forces threatening to overwhelm their precarious small-town existence.
Executive Producer
One man dance party Howard Mordoh, a longtime fixture of the L.A. concert scene, copes with the canceled concerts and isolation of life during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Executive Producer
Kafi Dixon dreams of starting a land cooperative for women of color who have experienced trauma and disenfranchisement in the city of Boston. By day she drives a city bus; at night she studies the humanities in a tuition-free course. Her classmate Carl Chandler, a community elder, is the class’s intellectual leader. White suburban filmmaker James Rutenbeck documents the students’ engagement with the humanities. He looks for transformations but is awakened to the violence, racism and gentrification that threaten Kafi and Carl's very place in the city. Troubled by his failure to bring the film together, he enlists the pair as collaborators with a share in the film revenues. Five years on, despite many obstacles, Kafi and Carl arrive at surprising new places in their lives—and James does too.
Executive Producer
In the US Midwest, plagued with opioid abuse and rising incarceration rates for women, three unforgettable mothers return home from prison to rebuild their lives after years of separation from their children.
Executive Producer
Michael was a ballet prodigy with a stellar career ahead of him. He transformed into a Russian ballet instructor named Madame Olga as a way to both embrace himself as an artist and reconcile with the trauma from his past.
Executive Producer
In Milwaukee, a 15-year-old attempted to carjack law student Claude Motley and shot him in the face. Through multiple surgeries and catastrophic health care bills, the effects of gun violence upends Claude’s life. Yet he still finds himself torn between punishment for the young man and the injustice of mass incarceration for Black men and boys. Can he find mercy in his heart for his attacker?
Executive Producer
Missing in Brooks County follows the journey of two families who have come to Brooks County to look for their loved ones who went missing. As they search for answers, they encounter a haunted land where death is a part of everyday life. A gripping documentary mystery, it is also a deeply humane portrait of the law enforcement agents, human rights workers, and activists who come face to face with the life and death consequences of a broken system.
Executive Producer
The story of a Muslim casket maker and ritual body washer in Newark, NJ who takes two young men under his wing to teach them how to live better lives.
Executive Producer
Cambodian refugee Ted Ngoy builds a multi-million dollar empire by baking America's favourite pastry -- the doughnut.
Executive Producer
미국 중서부 지역 공직에 출마한는 세 여성의 이야기. 미시간주 디트로이트 민주당 시장 후보 흑인 마이야 존스. 일리노이주 에번스턴 공화당 하원의원 후보 한국계 미국인 줄리 조. 오하이오주 그랑빌 민주당 타운십의원 후보 브린 버드. 그들은 각자 방식대로 긍정적인 변화를 추구하기 위해 출마했고, 영화는 그들의 선거 운동을 고스란히 담았다.
Executive Producer
Set in motion by a tragic police-involved shooting, two communities of color navigate fraught perceptions of injustice, inequality, and discrimination in the eyes of the law.
Executive Producer
When a courageous young woman and a radical lawyer discover a pattern of illegal involuntary sterilizations in California’s women’s prison system, they take to the courtroom to wage a near-impossible battle against the Department of Corrections. With a growing team of investigators inside prison working with colleagues on the outside, they uncover a series of statewide crimes - from dangerously inadequate health care to sexual assault to coercive sterilizations - primarily targeting women of color. But no one believes them. This shocking legal drama captured over seven years features extraordinary access and intimate accounts from currently and formerly incarcerated women, demanding our attention to a shameful and ongoing legacy of eugenics and reproductive injustice in the United States.
Executive Producer
Following three female police officers in Minneapolis, Women in Blue charts their progress and efforts to remake the department to become more inclusive. When the killing of Justine Damond results in the resignation of Chief Harteau, it threatens the gains women have made in the department.
Executive Producer
Sixteen-year-old Jewel Wilson is the next generation in a long line of prolific Inupiat subsistence hunters in Unalakleet, Alaska. Her ability to hunt moose is hindered by two pressing issues – scarce wildlife and the pressures of high school life. Finding sufficient food competes with track practice and homework in Jewel’s multilayered world. Along with her father, Jewel turns to the land to feed their family and finds that their village’s way of life is endangered by the same environmental shifts that could affect us all. In hunting moose, we see that Jewel is also hunting for answers. How will her village survive if subsistence hunting is threatened? Can she honor the traditions of her Elders while navigating the pressures and anxieties of a modern, connected teenager? "Jewel’s Hunt" proves to be both physical and philosophical in this insightful exploration of what it means to come of age in complicated times in Unalakleet, Alaska.
Executive Producer
Brett Story's visionary look at New York City as it braces for an uncertain future.
Executive Producer
Chicago 1969: Activists from the Black Panthers, Young Lords, and Young Patriots united African Americans, Latinos, and poor whites to confront police brutality and unfair housing practices in one of America’s most segregated cities. A timely story of collective action, The First Rainbow Coalition tells this little-known chronicle of political struggle with insight and urgency using archival footage and interviews with those who lived it.
Executive Producer
Exposing a painful, quintessentially American geography, CONSCIENCE POINT unearths a deep clash of values between the Native American Shinnecock and their elite Hamptons neighbors, who have made sacred land their playground.
Executive Producer
Spanning his fifty-year dogsled racing career, ATTLA explores the life and persona of George Attla, from his childhood as a TB survivor in the Alaskan interior, to his rise as ten-time world champion and mythical state hero, to a village elder resolutely training his grandnephew to race his team one last time.
Executive Producer
Filmmaker Judith Helfand's searing investigation into the politics of “disaster” – by way of the deadly 1995 Chicago heat wave, in which 739 residents perished (mostly Black and living in the city’s poorest neighborhoods).
Executive Producer
Four women find purpose carrying babies for strangers in Boise, Idaho -- the unofficial surrogacy capital of the United States -- and encounter complexities along the way.
Executive Producer
Accept the Call charts a Muslim American family’s struggle against Islamic radicalisation. Through a series of calls from federal prison, Yusuf and his son examine and rebuild their understanding of their faith.
Executive Producer
Three brave cheerleaders take on the NFL, battling the massive, male-dominated sports league for recognition — and a raise.
Executive Producer
When 17-year-old Lennon Lacy is found hanging from a swing set in rural North Carolina in 2014, his mother's search for justice and reconciliation begins while the trauma of more than a century of lynching African Americans bleeds into the present.
Executive Producer
Harvest Season delves into the lives of people who work behind the scenes of the premium California wine industry, during one of the most dramatic grape harvests in recent memory. The film follows the stories of Mexican-American winemakers and migrant workers who are essential to the wine business, yet are rarely recognized for their contributions. Their stories unfold as wildfires ignite in Napa and Sonoma counties, threatening the livelihoods of small farmers and winemakers who are already grappling with a growing labor shortage, shifting immigration policies, and the impacts of a rapidly changing climate.
Executive Producer
The Interpreters follows the lives of Iraqi and Afghan interpreters, and the American veterans they worked with. In many cases, interpreters face danger in their countries because of their affiliation with the US war effort. This is the story of how they are rebuilding their lives.
Executive Producer
드론은 이제 여러 방송과 얼리어답터들을 통해 어 느새 익숙해 진 기술의 첨병이다.하지만 기술의 발 전은 양면의 얼굴을 가지고있다. 드론은 군사기술의 한 축으로 이미 자리 잡았고, 현대전에서 빈번히 쓰이고있다. 기존의 전쟁 방식과 완전히 달라진 현대전에서 드론이란 테크놀로지의 부작용은 아직 많이 알려지지 않았다. 겉으로는 민간인 살상 최소화를 위한 프로세스를 얘기하는 드론 프로그램에서 이탈한 내부고발자들의 이야기는 충격적이다. 교전 이라기 보단 학살이 될 수도 있는 모니터 속을 지켜본 그들의 증언을 다큐
Executive Producer
Like millions of indigenous people, many Native American tribes do not control their own material history and culture. For the Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapaho tribes living on the isolated Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming, new contact with lost artifacts risks opening old wounds but also offers the possibility for healing. What Was Ours is the story of how a young journalist and a teenage powwow princess, both of the Arapaho tribe, travelled together with a Shoshone elder in search of missing artifacts in the vast archives of Chicago’s Field Museum. There they discover a treasure trove of ancestral objects, setting them on a journey to recover what has been lost and build hope for the future.
1980년대 뉴욕 예술계에 혜성처럼 나타나, 현재까지도 자유와 저항 정신의 대명사로 많은 사랑을 받고 있는 아티스트 장 미쉘 바스키아의 인터뷰와 아카이브 영상을 수록한 다큐멘터리. 바스키아 사후 10년이 지나서야 공개되었다. 감독 탐라 데이비스가 1985년에 직접 촬영한 바스키아의 인터뷰 영상을 중심으로 유명 아티스트, 큐레이터, 갤러리스트, 가장 친밀했던 주변 인물들의 기억 속에 살아있는 바스키아와 마치 불꽃 같았던 그의 예술혼을 생생히 묘사한다.
1980년대 뉴욕 예술계에 혜성처럼 나타나, 현재까지도 자유와 저항 정신의 대명사로 많은 사랑을 받고 있는 아티스트 장 미쉘 바스키아의 인터뷰와 아카이브 영상을 수록한 다큐멘터리. 바스키아 사후 10년이 지나서야 공개되었다. 감독 탐라 데이비스가 1985년에 직접 촬영한 바스키아의 인터뷰 영상을 중심으로 유명 아티스트, 큐레이터, 갤러리스트, 가장 친밀했던 주변 인물들의 기억 속에 살아있는 바스키아와 마치 불꽃 같았던 그의 예술혼을 생생히 묘사한다.
In an era when Dick, Jane, and discipline ruled America's schools, Albert Cullum allowed Shakespeare, Sophocles, and Shaw to reign in his fifth grade public school classroom. Through the use of poetry, drama and imaginative play, Cullum championed an unorthodox educational philosophy that spoke directly to his students' needs. Many of Cullum's projects were recorded on film by then novice filmmaker Robert Downey, Sr. Weaving stunning black and white footage and rare archival television broadcasts together with interviews of Cullum and his former students, this is a portrait of a maverick teacher who transformed a generation of young people by enabling them to discover their own inner greatness.
Executive Producer
Jeff Chang visits East Palo Alto, a historically Black and Latino community in the heart of Silicon Valley, to hang out with rapper, dancer and performer Isaiah Phillips a.k.a. Randy McPhly, who appeared in Kendrick Lamar’s “Alright” video. They talk about the domino effects of gentrification.