Hilary Momberger-Powers
출생 : 1962-06-16,
Hilary Momberger-Powers standing in at a height of 5' 4" (1.63 m), was born on June 16, 1962 as Hilary Denise Momberger also know by her nickname Hilary Powers. She was previously married to Stephan Abrams from October 26, 1996 - December 12, 1998. She is best known for her work as a Script Supervisor with 91+ credits to her name including After Earth (2013), Furious 7 (2015) and Eagle Eye (2008). She is also known to act with 20 credits to date which include her voicing "Sally Brown", Charlie Brown's little sister for 6 different titles in Charles M. Schulz's TV-Movies of Charlie Brown.
Betty Youngman
In the early 1800's the first white settlers set out for the Pacific coast. They're seeking freedom, peace and a new life in the Promised Land. Most will never make it. Instead, they will die of starvation in the cruel and foreign deserts. We follow one of those families as they try and overcome the long odds of survival in this strange new environment. As grief, hunger and desperation begin to tear the Youngman family apart, they find salvation in the most unlikely place.... a smart phone.
Script Supervisor
A West Texas single mother wins the lottery and squanders it just as fast, leaving behind a world of heartbreak. Years later, with her charm running out and nowhere to go, she fights to rebuild her life and find redemption.
Script Supervisor
A workaholic big-city fashion journalist is sent to a Christmas-obsessed small town to dig up a story when she finds herself in the middle of cut-throat housewives, a high-stakes “Winter Ball” competition, and a sinister plot that could destroy Christmas fore-evah!
An aspiring disc golfer (Meg Dick) gets kicked out of the nest by her loving father (Andy Dick) who is in the middle of dealing with his own mid-life crisis. Aided by her trusted friend; scratcher addict and caddy (Natisha Anderson), she finds a sponsor, throws an ace at the disc golf championship and proves to her father that disc golf is a real sport.
Consulting Producer
An overcritical guy encounters a mysterious dating app profile he can't swipe away, leaving him caught between attraction and fear.
귀신이 나오는 시골집을 배경으로 한 공포물
Script Supervisor
시한부 환자를 어머니로 둔 어린 소녀와 그 집에 도우미로 온 재능있는 요리사와의 평생에 걸친 우정 이야기
Script Supervisor
10,000 Days ago, Comet 23 struck Earth with the magnitude of all the nuclear weapons in the world sending the planet into a deep freeze. Now, 27 years in the future, those who survived are locked in an epic battle of life or death.
Script Supervisor
주인공(스트레치)는 마약과 도박에 빠져 살다가 한여자를 만나 마약과 도박을 끊고 새롭게 행복한 삶을 살려하지만 뜬금없는 여자친구의 이별통보를 받고 다시 폐인의 삶을 살다 배우의 꿈을 꾸지만 처참한 현실에 리무진 운전사를 한다. 엎친데 덮친격으로 이별의 아픔을 달래지도 못한채 빚을 갚지 않으면 목숨이 위험하다는 협박을 받고 돈 벌 궁리를 하다 의문의 억만장자를 리무진에 태우게 되고 일어나는 사건들..
Script Supervisor
낯선 행성에 불시착한 전사 사이퍼 레이지(윌 스미스)와 아들 키타이 레이지(제이든 스미스)는 이곳이 1,000년 전 대재앙 이후 모든 인류가 떠나고 황폐해진 ‘지구’라는 사실을 알게 된다. 버려진 지구를 정복한 생명체들은 예측 불가능한 모습으로 진화해 그들을 공격하고, 우주선에서 탈출한 외계 생명체 역시 무차별적인 전쟁을 시작하는데...
Script Supervisor
세계 최초로 샴쌍둥이 분리 수술에 성공한 의사로 우리에게 잘 알려진 벤자민 카슨 박사의 이야기. 벤자민 카슨의 어머니는 벤자민이 8살 때 이혼을 한다. 그녀는 벤자민과 커티스 두 아들을 둔 싱글 맘으로 글을 못 읽을 정도로 배움이 짧았지만 청소부 일과 베이비시터를 하면서 두 아들을 훌륭하게 키운다. 항상 낙제 점수를 받아오던 아들 벤자민에게 항상 “넌 남들 하는 것은 무엇이든 할 수 있다. 단지 넌 더 잘 할뿐이다” 라는 믿음을 주었고 6학년이 되면서 벤자민의 성적도 오르기 시작한다. 결국 벤자민은 예일대 의대에 진학하게 되고, 존스 홉킨스 병원에서 이름을 날리는 세계적인 소아외과 의사가 된다. 마침내 벤자민 카슨은 70명의 의료진과 함께 두개골이 붙은 샴쌍둥이를 분리하는 역사적인 수술에 성공하면서 ‘세계 최고의 의사’라는 찬사와 함께 ‘신의 손(Gifted Hands)’라는 별명을 얻게 된다.
Documentary on the making of the Peanuts Thanksgiving special.
Script Supervisor
Lew is a small time loser with a troubled past and a very big secret. Overhearing a couple plan a kidnapping, Lew is tempted to come up with a scheme of his own. He decides to get to the victim first and then blackmail the real criminals. His plan soon spins out of control.
Script Supervisor
제이와 사일런트 밥은 자신들의 만화 '블런트맨과 크로닉'를 영화화하기 위해 오랜 친구 뱅키가 자신들에게 알리지 않고 할리우드로 떠났음을 발견한다. 뉴스를 통해 이 사실을 접한 후 충격을 받은 제이와 사일런트 밥을 더욱 마음아프게 하는 것은 인터넷에 자신들이 영화화에 대한 권리를 판 것으로 안 사람들이 올리는 비난의 글들이다. 자신들의 잃어버린 명성을 되찾는 길은 하나 뿐이다. 바로 영화제작을 저지하기 위해 할리우드로 향하는 것. 이제 뉴저지로부터 할리우드까지 영화화를 방해하기 위한 제이와 사일런트 밥의 고된 여정이 펼쳐지는데, 도중에서 섹시한 4인조 다이아몬드 도둑들과 탈출한 오랑우탄과 마주치면서 각종 소동을 겪게 된다. 이들은 과연 거대한 제국 할리우드와의 싸움에서 승리할 수 있을 것인가?
Script Supervisor
A disgraced reporter investigates an abandoned luxury hotel where five people mysteriously disappeared sixty years earlier.
Script Supervisor
미국 A-6(미공군) 소속의 유능한 비밀 암살 요원 알 시몬스(Al Simmons/Spawn: 마이클 제이 화이트 분)는 사랑하는 여인 완다(Wanda Blake: 테레사 랜들 분)와 행복한 생활을 하고 있다. 단짝 친구 테리(Terry Fitzgerald: D.B. 스위니 분)는 그와 함께 일하는 파트너이다. 그들은 완벽한 임무수행 능력으로 촉망받는 정부요원이다. 평소와 마찬가지로, 정보부장인 윈(Jason Wynn: 마틴 쉰 분)의 지시에 따라 알은 암살 임무를 마치고 돌아온다. 하지만, 그가 수행한 임무로 인해 무고한 민간인이 죽었다는 사실을 알고 크게 놀란다.
Script Supervisor
Six people. One weekend. The possibilities are endless when city meets country in this roundelay of old flames, new flings, and last chances.
Script Supervisor
Captain Tom "Outlaw" Waters is one of four Air Force pilots taking part in a "black" Defense project involving virtual reality. The project is managed by a secretive Colonel Anderson and overseen by General Breslaw. When two of his colleagues die during test runs after some erratic behaviour in the flight simulator, Waters begins to believe that there is a conspiracy among his superiors. He even begins to suspect his new lover, Caitlin Cole. Written by D.W. Prosser
Script Supervisor
Don "The Dragon" Wilson struggles to regain his memory, not knowing who to trust, or even which side he's fighting on.
Script Supervisor
Brothers Vincent (rich) and Clay (poor) meet up for the first time after their father's funeral and remark on how similar they look. But unknown to Clay, who thinks his life is taking a turn for the better, Vince is actually plotting to kill him with a car bomb and pass the corpse off as his own, planning to start a new life elsewhere with his father's inheritance. But Clay survives the blast and has his face, memory and identity restored in hospital... but are they the right ones?
Script Supervisor
Upon getting out of prison, a man who took the rap for some thief buddies gets together with them again, and tells them he's not interested in doing things with them any more. They stick a dead body in his trunk, unbeknownst to him, and he roars off to find his future. Unfortunately, they forgot to get the key they need off the body, so they're chasing him. Meanwhile, a mafia kingpin's daughter is trying to kill the hitman that killed her father, but her grandmother is trying to make peace with the family that hired the hitman, so she and her thugs are trying to stop the daughter. The guy and the daughter get together and experience mayhem on the run from two directions.
Script Supervisor
When a tabloid reporter and his son travel to a quiet Midwestern town to investigate a gruesome massacre, they fall victim to a possessed orphan named Micah.
Script Supervisor
Cole Hickel, a Marine, pursues his daughter's killer when he is allowed to go back to Paraguay because of "diplomatic immunity."
A young shepherd, Lucas, is blinded by lightening, and some kindly nuns at a nearby abbey take him in. Sister Catherine describes snow to Lucas, who has never seen it. Lucas gets chosen to play an angel in the abbey's Christmas pageant, and the Christmas snow that falls during the pageant works a small miracle.
Sally Brown (voice)
추수감사절을 맞아 할머니를 찾아뵈려고 하는 찰리 브라운. 하지만 페퍼민트 패티가 찰리 브라운의 집으로 모든 친구들을 초대한다. 스누피는 친구들의 도움을 받아 추수감사절 음식을 직접 요리하기로 한다.
Sally Brown (voice, as Hilary Momberger)
Most of the Peanuts gang is having trouble at school, but none more than Charlie Brown. In fact, he is told that he needs an "A" on a field trip report on an art museum or he will fail his grade. Unfortunately, Peppermint Patty, over-tired by Marcie waking her up at 4:00 in the morning, inadvertently distracts Charlie Brown and his sister from their group and they all mistake a neighbouring supermarket for the Art Museum. Even as they try to understand why all the displays are for sale so cheaply, Patty's weariness and her own ambivalent feelings about Chuck causes her to blurt out some hurtful comments about him. Now, Charlie Brown is going to have to realize his basic mistake in his report, while Marcie and Peppermint Patty search for a way of making amends to the boy they both secretly like in their own way.
Sally Brown (voice)
라이너스가 학생회장 선거에 나간다. 우승이 거의 확실해 보이지만, 라이너스가 그레이트 펌프킨에 관한 연설을 해버린다.
Sally Brown (voice)
스누피가 원래 주인 인 릴라 (Lila)에게 편지를 받으면 그는 병원에서 그녀를 방문하며 찰리 브라운 (Charlie Brown)과 갱 (Gang)이 그를 감시하고 있습니다. 갑자기 스누피는 라일라와 함께 살아 가야한다고 생각하지만 모든 친구들에게 작별 인사를해야합니다. 병원에가는 모험에서 그는 수많은 "No Dogs Allowed"표지판, 그를 괴롭히는 성가신 어린 소녀 등을 만난다.
Sally Brown (voice, as Hilary Momberger)
Play It Again, Charlie Brown is the seventh prime-time animated TV special based upon the popular comic strip Peanuts, by Charles M. Schulz. This non-holiday Peanuts special centers on Lucy, her infatuation with Schroeder, and her willingness to do anything to win his affections.
Sally Brown (voice, as Hilary Momberger)
School is out for the summer and Charlie Brown, Linus, Schroeder and Pig Pen are planning to spend it reading every comic book, watching television, practicing ballplay, and classical music, and having clean thoughts. However, Lucy tells them that she signed them up for camp. The girls are eager to go, but the boys hate the idea.(Linus adding that its like finding out that he was drafted.) The boys shove each other to get on the bus, while the girls line up in order. At camp, Charlie Brown is chosen captain of the boys camp. The boys and girls have a swim race which the girls win easily. Then they have a softball game, which the boys lose with only one run. Other competitions are just as lopsided. Afterwards, the boys sit around the campfire and reflect on how miserable they are. In one scene, the colors of the shirts of Schroder and Linus are mixed up during this scene.