Junnosuke Taguchi

Junnosuke Taguchi

출생 : 1985-11-29, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan

프로필 사진

Junnosuke Taguchi

참여 작품

리갈 하이 스페셜 2
Ranmaru Kaga
괴팍한 성격에 독설가로 최악의 인격을 지녔지만 '이기는 것이 정의'라는 모토로 소송에서의 승률은 100%를 자랑하는 변호사와, 성실하고 정의감 충만하나 융통성 없는 강직한 신참 변호사의 법정 공방을 그린 법률 코미디
리갈 하이 스페셜
Kaga Ranmaru
Kazuhiko Kogure, who is a 2nd grade student in middle school, falls off from one of the school's rooftop. There were other male students on the roof when Kazuhiko Kogure fell off. According to the other students there, Kazuhiko Kogure tried to jump to another school building, but missed. Fortunately, Kazuhiko Kogure only fractured his leg and ribs. According to Kazuhiko Kogure's mother Hidemi, the school insists it was students playing around and did not involve bullying. Hidemi though, doesn't believe it, because Kazuhiko Kogure has a fear of heights. Hidemi goes to see attorney Machiko Mayuzumi and Machiko decides to take her case, but she asks for fellow attorney Kensuke Komikado's help. Meanwhile, the school hires attorney Teshigahara Isao.
Happy! Namida no Sumasshu
Ootori Keiichiro
After her parents' death, Umino Miyuki was forced to give up a promising future in tennis to take care of her three younger siblings. Her elder brother, in a plan to become rich, disappears, leaving a 250 million debt on his sister's shoulders. Two debt collectors seek her out for payment and inform her that she will be forced to work as a bath hostess at a bath house if she cannot come up with the money. Miyuki makes up her mind to become a professional tennis player in order to win the prize money. She seeks for help from the son of a famous tennis family, Ootori Keiichiro, who was also her senior in middle school and fellow tennis player. Will Miyuki be able to become a pro and pay off the debt?
Shin'ichi Tsukada
나오키상 수상 작가 미야베 미유키의 미스터리 추리소설 「모방범」을, <39 형법제39조>, 의 모리타 요시미츠 감독이 SMAP의 리더 나카이 마사히로를 주연으로 영화화하였다. 도쿄의 변두리에서 두부 장사를 하는 아리마 요시오. 그의 손녀 후루카와 마리코가 실종된지 10개월이 지났지만 사건은 어떤 진전도 없다. 그런 어느날, 오오카와 공원의 쓰레기통에서 여성의 오른팔과 핸드백이 발견된다. 그 일을 보도하는 와이드쇼의 생방송 중에 “한쪽 팔과 가방은 다른 사람의 것으로, 가방의 소유자는 후루카와 마리코라고 하는 여자다”라는 범인으로부터의 전화가 오는데...