King of Spies
Yukari Oshima plays a detective who is kidnapped and held hostage by a team of Mainland agents led by Waise Lee. Called The Golden Corps, they are chasing a traitor who is attempting to sell stolen gold in HK.
Zang Guang-xing is a veteran soldier from Mainland China who married a young Taiwanese woman. He has been working as a supervisor in a construction company for seven years. Everyday he rides the same motorbike to work. He suffers enough misery from riding that motorbike, and dreams of buying a car. So he asks around for decent second-hand cars. His son doesn't like any car he chooses. His wife, a typical Taiwanese woman who lives frugally, shaves any penny she can. She is the one who pays for the family's new car. They go out on trips happily, and become the envy of the neighborhood. Zhang thus gets the new car he's always dreamed of, but he starts to worry about it getting dirty, because it's simply too new, too nice for him. The car thus becomes his son's vehicle. He rides the old bike to work again, just like he has during all these years.
Kwai-Len is a Hong Kong divorcee who flees an abusive husband in Hong Kong to live in Japan.
An American in Hong Kong battles mobsters.
Chin Do's father (uncredited)
구두쇠로 악명높은 아버지밑에 초와 단 두형제가 있는데 형 초는 착실하게 아버지 밑에서 일을 하고 동생 단은 장난으로 하루하루를 보내는 건달이다. 그러던중 아버지의 옛날 원수가 아버지와 형을 찾아오고 그시간 단은 마을 주점에서 돈내기 힘겨루기를 하고 아침에 집에가니 아버지와 형은 살해되고 집은 잿더미가 되어있고 단마저 생명의 위협을 받던중 태극취권의 대가인 사부 비를 만나 힘들고 고된 고도의 무술을 연마하여 드디어 원수와 한판을 겨루게 되는데.... 견자단의 데뷔작. 성룡과 함께 빅히트작을 만들어가던 원화평 감독이 오디션을 통해 발굴한 견자단을 전격 기용해 주연으로 내세운 작품이다.
Qing I-ming springs into action to help his friend, who runs into danger while trying to deliver important government documents.
2차 대전 전쟁 중 일본군에게 네 명의 장군이 인질로 잡히게 되자 연합군은 악마 중위를 고용해 네 명의 장군을 구하고자 한다. 악마 중위는 노순, 탈옥자 또 릴리와 빌리에게 임무를 성공하면 큰 상금을 주겠다고 조건을 걸어 이들을 데리고 장군 구출 작전에 나서는데, 도중 대우와 이뉴를 만난다. 그러나 악마 중위는 임무 수행 과정 중 죽고 만다. 나머지 넷과 돌멩이, 장관 여섯은 임무를 마지막까지 수행하기 위해 갖은 애를 쓰게 된다. 그들은 연녀족에게 붙잡히기도 하고 강시가 가득한 저택에서 밤을 지새우며 마지막까지 임무를 달성하기 위해 애를 쓰는데 일본군의 본거지에 도착하자 일본군들은 죽어있었다. 그들은 요새 밖에 숨어 있던 일본군에게 돈을 내놓지 않으면 모조리 죽여 버리겠다는 협박을 받게 된다. 싸우나 돈을 내어 놓으나 죽게 될 것이라는 생각에 그들은 일본군들과 싸우기로 결심하는데...
It's the 10th century BC, the emperor (Tien Feng) is not well, and the medicines he is receiving from con artist "Immortal Li" are in reality only making him worse. There is a man in a nearby kingdom, "Divine Physician" Chang Po-chao, whom it's said could cure his epilepsy, but the only way to bribe the head of the border guard is with a new work by painter Wei Yu-pi. He, meanwhile, wishes to be paid in jade, in fact with a specific piece, which requires a thief. But Ting Yu-yu, the best in the area, claims to be retired, though his daughter Li-ting (Cheng Pei-pei) seems enthusiastic. And for the sake of secrecy, the archivists originally sent to recruit Chang don't even know it's on behalf of the emperor!
Treasurer Liu Yung
청나라 황제와 로우구오라는 신하와의 말장난으로 이루어진 영화. 황제를 속이고 골탕 먹이던 로우구오는 황제의 명으로 황제를 대신해 초상화를 그린다. 황제는 지난날을 회상하며 그가 자신을 골탕 먹이던 것을 하나 둘씩 들추고, 로우구오를 골탕 먹이려 하지만, 로우구오가 자신을 왕자로 책봉하셔서 감사하다며, 재치 있게 대응한다.
Conflicts between power-hungry triad gangsters in Macao leads to bloody battles.
University students in Taipei come under pressure when they are bullied by thugs and forced to enter a fight to the death karate tournament, where super kicker Hwang Jang Lee is the final opponent.
Top fighter leaves his sifu to join his new friend the 4th Prince, and supports him in his bid to gain the throne and eventually overthrow the Ching.
Treasurer Liu Yung
The year is 1756 and the Emperor journeys to Soochow, where he encounters a famous courtesan and gets involved with in all sorts of un-emperor-like activities.
Fish shop owner
Ah Chi (Ka-Yan Leung) is obsessed with the martial arts and, more often than not, his kung-fu clowning gets him into trouble. Ending up facing Hsia (Eddie Ko) of the notorious Jade Brotherhood is inevitable. As a result, Hsia forces Chi's martial arts master to expel him. Masterless and working for a fish vendor, Chi meets a crafty kid (Yat Lung Wong), whose uncle Chow Tung (Chin Yuet Sang) is a master of the Insane Mantis style. The Jade Brotherhood aims for control of the small town but Chi is training with a new Master and will not accept bullies in the neighbourhood.
An old man of the village tells kinky ghost stories to a few of it's inhabitants after all the kids have gone to bed. What follows are stories that have horror elements and some soft-core nudity thrown in.
Tee Cha (uncredited)
론은 산골짜기 집에서 ‘형외문파’를 이끄는 외할아버지 진붕비에게 무예를 배우며 지내고 있다. 길거리에서 불한당들과 싸움을 벌이는 론에게 외할아버지는 함부로 무술을 뽐내지 말고 평범한 직업을 얻어서 살라는 충고를 한다. 직장을 알아보던 어느 날, 론은 시비를 걸었던 불한당에 꾀임에 넘어가 ‘행외문파’라는 가짜 문파의 무술학교에 취업한다. 론은 잘 나가는 무술 학교의 사범이 되어 어마어마한 돈을 벌며 사람들 사이에서 유명해진다. 이상한 낌새를 친 할아버지가 행외문파를 방문하여 우스꽝스럽게 분장을 하고 무술을 하는 론을 발견하게 된다. 숨어지내던 할아버지는 정체가 드러나면서 청나라의 악당 임천화에게 죽임을 당한다. 론은 임천화에게 복수할 것을 다짐하고 할아버지의 옛 친구 사부 팔각기린을 만나 맹훈련에 돌입한다. 그는 우연히 길에서 임천화를 만나게 되고 분노에 눈이 멀어 임천화에게 달려드는데...과연 론은 할아버지의 원수 임천화에게 희노애락 무예로 복수할 수 있을까?
Supt. Woo / Mr. Hu
Efforts of a grandfather teaching his grandson a style of fighting called "Cooking kung-fu"
아룡이 무술을 닦고 있는 소림사에 왠 자객이 나타나 ‘칠권필살법’이란 진귀한 책을 훔쳐 간다. 칠권필살법은 치명적인 권법이 기록된 책으로 주지는 그 책이 분실돼 세간에 칠권필살법이 출연할 경우 심각한 일이 벌어질 것을 우려하면서 책을 분실한 것을 자신의 불찰로 여겨 지하에서 백일 간 참회기도를 시작한다. 칠권필살법 책을 훔쳐온 자객은 그 책을 자기 아들인 육공자에게 주면서 칠권필살법을 닦아 우당족의 족장이 돼 자신의 한을 풀어줄 것을 부탁하고, 육공자는 아버지 뜻대로 칠권필살법을 닦은 후 무공이 높은 젊은이들을 골라 살해한다. 우당족의 서족장은 딸 봉아와 함께 주지 스님께 최근 육공자라는 자가 칠권필살법을 익혀 무공이 높은 젊은이를 골라 살해하고 있음을 알리러 소림사에 들렀다 경내에서 누군가에게 돌연 살해된다. 서족장이 살해되자 참회기도 중이던 주지 스님은 사체에서 운봉 스님의 혈권 자국을 발견한 후 운봉이 서족장을 살해한 것으로 간주하고 운봉을 지하 감옥에 가두지만, 곧이어 위청스님도 누군가에 의해 살해된다. 위공 스님은 운봉이 범인이 아니란 것을 직감하고, 서족장의 딸인 봉아와 함께 도망가도록 배려해준다. 육공자는 서족장이 살해된 후 서족장의 관인을 넘겨받아 족장 자리에 앉으려 하나, 족장 서리로 가장한 운봉이 육공자에게 일주일 후 소림사에서 관인을 물려줄 것을 약속한다. 일주일 후 관인을 받으러 나타난 육공자는 남모르게 칠권필살법보다 강력한 오권필살법을 익힌 아룡에게 피살된다. 육공자가 죽자 주지 스님은 스스로 자신이 육공자의 부친임을 드러낸다.
Treasurer Liu Yung
In the 18th century, Emperor Chien Lung makes a journey into Southern China.
Li Chi
Ah Fu (Wong Tao) and Chen Ting Kuan (Carter Wong) are a couple of kung fu men in the escort service business with top notch kung fu. Ah Fu gets tired of the escort service and quits to take up the life of a normal man. In his new “life”, Ah Fu runs into a thief named Li Chi (Li Kun), and the two become the best of friends. Life is great! Ah Fu gets married to a pretty girl, Yu Lan (Ha Ling Ling). He has money, servants, and foot massages. What else could you want? Ah Fu’s life gets turned upside down when a mantis fist expert named Nan Kung Ping (Lung Fei) shows up at Ah Fu’s doorsteps seeking to avenge the death of his brother.
Singing waiter
The heroes pose as gun dealers and acrobats in order to get close to the bad guys so they can avenge the death of one of their brothers.
Liu De
A wizard vampire haunts a number of warriors. He has several zombie servants. The warriors must defeat both threats.
Lee Shun (as Lee Quinn)
After Chen Zhen's execution in Shanghai, the Japanese feared that his death would unite all Chinese kung fu schools against them. Fearing this, the Japanese gave orders to the head of the Hong Ku School, Miyamoto (Lo Lieh) to surpass all Chinese schools including the Ching Wu School. When they refuse, the Japanese beat up the students and destroys the school. Meanwhile, one Chinese learns about the destruction of the Ching Wu School when he goes to Shanghai to visit Chen Zhen's grave. This Chinese is the only one who has the guts to fight the Japanese, this Chinese is known as Chen Shen (Bruce Li) who is the brother of Chen Zhen and he vows to avenge his brother's death and end the terror of the Japanese once and for all.
When Shan Tung comes to Hong Kong for the first time, wanting to seek help from his countryman Lo San, however, Lo San refuses to give him a hand. Shan Tung has no choice but to sell amphetamine in the street for living. A honest guy like him with pronunciation problem often causes embarrassing situations. He is laughed at by others because of his queer ideas. In later days, he makes a lot of friends because he never hesitate to do what is righteous. Therefore he has a better life than before.....
romantic comedy
Hsiao Tsui is the most beautiful girl in a prosperous prostitution house in a North China town. But every client of hers is chased and scared by ghosts. She is thus very poorly treated by the owner. House madame Chiao takes pity in Tsui and hides her in an abandoned inn. There are seven coffins in the inn, all results of unnatural deaths...
Gao Hu (uncredited)
In a small town found the only son of possession, the local, most influential family, dead and naked in vinbutiks hostess, Cheng Niang. His father insists that there is a murder committed by Chai-Tseng Chu, Cheng Niang husband. Tseng claims he is innocent. However, Cheng Niang has disappeared. Old Lin then tries to bribe Magistrate Tang judging Tseng to death and execute him immediately. Cheng Niang learns about her husband's death and freezing. Judge Tang is guilty and begins to see ghosts every night
A ghost teaches a poor shopkeeper medicine, leading to tragedy.
Hsin Zhi Gui
Wu Te-chuan is a young man trying to make a living in an easy way. But now he is penniless and will being thrown out of his Macau hotel. Kind- hearted hotel maid Hsiao Yen is the only one to help him in the world. One day, Wu plays a trick on the hotel owner. The scheme backfires and Wu has to flee to Hong Kong. Wu saves desperate painter Hsin. He convinces Hsin that his painting will sell if he is dead. After Hsin pretend to be dead, his paintings really can be sold well, but backfires finally. Then, Wu and Hsin team up and engage themselves full time in con games, gambling and sex inclusive. Finally, Wu is being chased by the ring enforcers but is saved. Finding himself in love with Hsiao Yen, Wu decides to turn a new leaf and live properly ever after.
Wei Min
제자 비비(홍금보)와 함께 상해로 가던 중국 광동성 불산 출신의 홍가권 고수 황비홍(관덕흥)은 일본인과 싸우다 죽을 위기에 처한 사자(황가달)이라는 젊은이를 구해준다. 난폭한 성격의 사자는 황비홍의 인품에 감화되어 그를 스승으로 모실 것을 맹세하고 상해까지 따라간다. 당시 상해 부두에는 미룡이라는 일본인이 폭력단을 조직하여 조선인 인부들을 착취하고 있었다. 황비홍 일행은 그들의 폭력과 착취에 맞서 싸워서 상해 부두에 평화를 찾아주고 다시 유랑의 길을 떠난다.
Mr. Chi goes to Thailand to assist a close friend, Nai Sin, in preparing his Muay Thai boxers for a battle with Japanese boxers who have arrived in Bangkok to get even for a past loss. Instead of training Nai Sin’s students to take on the Japanese, Mr. Chi finds himself having to take on the Japanese himself, as he has to help one of Nai Sin’s top students fend off the Japanese due to the student not coming through on throwing a boxing match.
In order the get her greedy hands on some money, an evil stepmother uses black magic to destroy her stepson's relationship.
This documentary tells the story of Bruce Lee and his unsuccessful efforts to start a acting career in the U.S., he returned to Hong Kong where he became an international star, and his death at age 32.
When a sailor accidentally kills a Japanese man in a bar room brawl, he tries to escape the law by hiding himself in a freighter heading for Japan only to find himself in the middle of a massive drug war.
Uncle Kun
Polly Shang Kwan and Sam Hui are con artists who befriend a family of street venders and entertainers. The group constantly faces financial problems as they are ripped off by thugs, their rent is raised and car breaks down. Polly Kuan (who portrays a man for the entire film) lies, cheats, and steals to come up with the cash that everyone needs. Things get more serious when triad thugs kidnap the daughter of the family, and sell her to a triad boss, killing Carter Wong in the process.
Siu Lee (as Quin Lee)
A young man suspects his father's suicide was actually a murder committed by gangsters. Using his expertise in martial arts, he gets himself hired by the gangsters who he suspects are responsible for his father's death.
정무문의 창시자이자 태극권의 사부인 허영가의 사망 소식을 들은 첸(이소룡)은 사부의 주검 앞에서 세상을 잃은 듯 오열 한다. 사망 원인이 폐암으로 밝혀지나 첸젠은 수상한 낌새를 알아차린다. 장례식 중 일본 홍구도장 일원이 정무관으로 찾아와 도발을 하자 진진은 그 다음날 홍구도장 본거지로 찾아가 쑥대밭으로 만들어 버린다. 홍구도장 관장인 스즈키 히로시는 이에 분노하여 이번엔 자신이 부하들을 이끌고 정무관으로 찾아오고, 때마침 자리를 비웠던 진진은 자신의 행동 때문에 정무관이 위태롭게 되자 상하이를 떠나기로 마음 먹는다.
Master Xiamen Chong
Sworn-brothers expert martial artists are the targets of a mysterious killer, which seems to bear a grudge against them for what happened several years ago.
Ah Kun
정조안(이소룡)은 고향인 당산이 수해로 인해 생활이 어려워지자 돈을 벌기 위해 삼숙을 따라 허검(전준)일행이 사는 곳으로 온다. 허검의 소개로 얼음공장에 취직을 하여 일을 하게 된 조안은 실수로 깨진 얼음 속에서 마약 봉지를 보게 된다. 공장장을 만나러 간 아건과 진우가 실종되자 허검은 그들을 찾기 위해 사장의 집을 찾아갔다가 변을 당하게 되고, 조안은 동료들을 위해 어머니와의 약속을 어기고 싸움에 말려들다 감독관으로 승진을 하게 된다. 공장장의 말만 믿다가 동료들의 미움을 사게 된 조안은 술집 아가씨의 도움으로 허검의 죽음을 알게 되고 복수를 결심하는데...
Sun Pei Shan
This is a film about three pretty young ladies from Hong Kong who work as sales agents who travel to a resort in Japan for the sole purpose of meeting and wooing millionaires.
There was a civil strife in the court. In order to protect the king, some loyal ministers and the king hid in an old house. This old house was known as a haunted house; whoever lived in the house shall die for sure. Mr. and Mrs. Tse went to the haunted house but died in it. Their son Tse Tin Jun wanted to find out the truth of his parents’ death, so he went to the house. At the mean time, another minister knew the king's hiding in the house. He sent out a military force to kill the king. Actually Mr. and Mrs. Tse pretended to die to deceive the public. Tin Jun stood with his parents and the loyal ministers to fight against the rebels. After the blood battle, they eventually annihilated the rebels...
Er Sha Zi
양천웅(라유)이 호송하는 관료 일가 재산 30만 표의 은이 괴한에게 도둑맞고 만다. 표를 훔친 자는 귀신과 같은 채찍 솜씨였다고 한다. 무술계의 달인은 모두 자신에게 혐의가 걸리는 것을 두려워해 결집해서 범인 찾기에 분주했다. 사람들은 영자신편으로 불리는 채찍 솜씨를 가진 방승천(전풍)에게 의혹의 눈길을 돌리고 있었다. 그러나 그는 이미 잠적한 뒤인데...
Wong Wai San
Legendary jewel thieves "Nocturnal Earl" (Ling Yun) and "Fragrant Night" (Lily Ho) are set on a collision course for destiny when both arrive in Japan to get their hands on the famous "Venus Tear Diamond." But sparks fly between the jewel thieves and the two fall instantly in love, without knowing that their beloved is after the very jewel each is seeking! To make matters worse, the diamond is in the possession of a randy widow who has her eye on the debonair male thief, and there's even a mystery man interested in the widow, too. Who's going to get the Venus Tear Diamond, and will it mean the end to a perfect love?
Chu Fu
Everyday when General Xiao and his men ride through the Imperial City, inhabitants have to scatter around in order to keep out of their path. One day when Lei plans to assassinate Xiao but gets hurt, another three fighters He, Jiao and Feng come out boldly to help him out. With the help of Zhu, a cook, He succeeds to escape whereas the other three are seized. Later on, He acquaints himself with the girl Gui. Along with another two girls, Hai and Jiang, these eight youngsters are the descendants of the late patriotic generals, who have been recently murdered. Gui suspects that Hai and Jiang are controlled by Xiao and sneaks into his manor. She meets the girls successfully, but she is seized. When Wan, Xiao's butler, urges his master to kill Hai and Jiang, Jiang overhears their conversation and tries to rescue all her friends. At last, the eight are united and try their best to fight against General Xiao and his men.
Kwan Ting
A Time For Love features Shaw Brothers' darling Lily Ho in a Romeo and Juliet stylized love story that breaks the tradition of Hong Kong's "class distinction" love stories. It is a film ending with a Cinderella-esque love saving happiness happy ever other ending.
Ah Niu
감가보의 세 자매는 원수의 손에 아버지를 잃고 복수를 다짐한다.아버지가 죽자 감가보의 보물인 자광검을 빼앗기 위해 무의친왕의 아들 노천협이 조문을 핑계로 감가보를 찾지만 마침 외숙부의 아들인 사촌 오라버니의 도움으로 노천협으로부터 자광검을 지켜낸다. 하지만 노천협과 싸우던 중 셋째가 독 표창에 맞아 부상을 입게 되고 또 들이닥칠지 모를 무의친왕 부자를 상대하기 위해 둘째는 외숙부에게 도움을 요청하러 떠난다. 그 사이 강호의 악당인 오호 무리와 마주친 노천협은 돈과 자광검을 미끼로 오호 무리를 데리고 감가보를 공격하러 가고, 오호 무리는 자광검을 빼앗고 감가보에 불을 지르는데...
The film tells the story of Tang Bohu, a famous scholar who spends most of his time wandering around the countryside.
Wang An-Pang
Shaw Bros. romantic comedy.
Li Hsiao Kun
Shaw Brothers double trouble comedy
Wang Xiao Er
Huang Mao
Agent 009 has to break up a ring of Hong Kong counterfeiters who are shipping forged US dollars all over Asia.
Little Chen
A Shaw Brothers Musical Comedy.
Zhang San
A sweet inn-keeper's daughter falls in love with a woodcutter, but witnesses the woodcutter's brother raping her sister. Tragically, the sister commits suicide in shame, and the rapists turn his attentions to the witness, leading to more danger than most romantic dramas can handle.
Sea Monster
Young love and its comedy of errors. Hsiao Fang, played by Li Ching, is a spunky young girl not afraid to fight back against hooligans. Unfortunately, she mistakes the handsome Ma Ta-hai, for one such hoodlum. The two are immediately attracted but refuse to admit their true feelings. The real hooligans are from a rich family led by a devious Madam who devise a revenge plot. With plot twists, mistaken identities, along with some terrific musical numbers, romance has never been this much fun.
Xing Ya's schoolmate
Part two of the wartime love story
Xing Ya's schoolmate
It's a powerful melodrama about a thwarted romance in 1930s Tientsin, China, during the Japanese occupation, and it stars Linda Lin Dai, one of the era's most popular stars. It was part of Golden Horse's 100 Greatest Chinese-Language Films.
Chou Kuo-Wei
Jenny Wu is a singer who charms the well-to-do Peter Chen, but his parents object to a union between their only son and a lowly cabaret singer. He ignores their advice and marries her anyway, and for a time, they find some manner of wedded bliss. But the years are not entirely kind. He works hard to make ends meet, but his health pays the price.
당나라의 삼장법사가 서천으로 불경을 체득하러 가는 길에 천궁에 들렸더니 상제께서 오행산의 손오공을 길잡이로 데려가라 하심에 법사가 이를 앞세우고 가는 험준한 여로에서 일어나는 갖가지 신화를 엮은 내용으로서 중국 고대 소설인 "서유기"를 영화화한 작품임.
Monk Facong
A scholar woos the daughter of an important family, while outwitting rebels who try to capture her.
Shirley's uncle
Shaw Brothers comedy.
The tragic love triangle of early 20th century Peking Opera star Chiu Hai-tang, his beautiful stage partner, and the warlord who forces himself between them, has been a favorite with Chinese audiences for decades.
Xiao Zhu, reporter
A musical staring Carrie Ku Mei as a singer named Xiaoyun Shi, who comes to Hong Kong after a tour of other Asian countries, hoping to develop her career.
Sky Dog
The Goddess of Hua Mountain is imprisoned for falling in love with a mortal, meanwhile her son is raised in secret until he can attempt to free her.
Lao San/Kuan San Sheng
War film set during the second Sino-Japanese war.
Ling Bo is Lin, a young man engaged to the daughter of a rich man, who now despises Lin because of his family's declining status. Lin visits his beloved fiancee before he heads towards the imperial city to participate in the civil service examination, only to find her maid lying dead in blood. Lin is then accused of murder. How can Judge Bao prove his innocence?
Brother Chin
This gripping story centers on the romance between Wang Chin Lung and Sue San. Although they may be perfectly matched when it comes to their love for one other, the two come from remarkably different social ranks. While Chin Lung is the son of a respected government official, Su San is a prostitute, albeit a famous one.
Brother Wu Xin Cheng
잘 알려진‘ 뮬란’이야기의 황매조 영화 버전. 뮬란은 아픈 아버지를 대신해 남장을 하고 전쟁에 나가 큰 공을 세운다. 여배우가 남자 역할을 하는 황매조 영화의 장르적 특성과 남장 여자 이야기인 화뮬란이 유기적으로 결합해 볼거리를 제공한다. 이 장르의 간판스타 악풍감독과 능파가 각각 연출과 주인공 화뮬란 역할을 맡고 있다.
Yun Ge (Yun Kuh)
A woman in an arranged marriage falls in love with her husband's brother.
Singing beggar
Fan Chia-soo is a kind-hearted student whose heart is captured by the sweet song of Shen Feng-hsien. However, he is not the only one who has eyes for Shen. The General's henchmen are also determined to present the songstress to their superior as a gift. Fan received help from an unexpected quarter to save the woman he loves.
Tang Niu
9세기 전의 사랑, 배신, 살인, 그리고 구원에 대한 황매조로 고전 명나라 소설 "수호전"의 "세 죄인"의 에피소드를 기반으로 영화화한 작품. 이려화는 세 죄인 하나로 격렬한 구혼자와 그녀의 질투에 불타는 남편 사이에 사로잡힌 여자를 연기한다.
Hsiao Hu-Tse
The noted actress Li Li-hua, star of more than sixty films since 1947, beautifully portrays the drugged, then disgraced wife of a peddler in the waning days of the Ching Dynasty. To make matters worse, she’s soon framed for her husband’s murder by her rapist - the son of the local magistrate! And even that isn’t the end of her woes. It’s best to have a box of tissues nearby as two expert directors ratchet up the emotional suspense in this consummate tearjerker.
Empress Wu's eunuch
The renowned Li Li Hua plays Wu Ze Tian, the most famous woman in China's four thousand year history.
Si Chiu
In this dreamy romance set in China during the fourth-century, a young woman convinces her parents to allow her to dress as a boy and attend university.
Servant of scholar #2
A young scholar spends the night in a creepy temple that is said to be haunted. He doesn't believe in the rumors, but after running into a Taoist swordsman, he meets a beautiful lady ghost.
Xiao Chen
Early Shaw Brothers comedy
A young woman in search of a lost identity, her long lost mother who abandoned her soon after her birth.