Judit Hernádi

Judit Hernádi

출생 : 1956-04-11, Budapest, Hungary


Hernádi Judit (Budapest, 1956. április 11. –) Jászai Mari-díjas magyar színésznő, érdemes művész. Szülei Hernádi Árpád gyermekorvos és Szvoboda Ágnes. 1978-ban végezte el a Színház- és Filmművészeti Főiskolát, és karrierje a Vígszínházban indult. 1986 óta szabadfoglalkozású kis megszakítással – 1992–1994 között a Művész Színház társulatának tagja volt. Kedvelt szinkronszínésznő, közel 300 filmben hallható egyedi hangja. Számos filmben szerepelt, emellett rendszeresen látható különböző politikai-közéleti kabarékban, paródiaműsorokban (Heti Hetes, Gálvölgyi Show, Bajor Show, Szeszélyes évszakok). 17 évesen gyámhatósági engedéllyel ment férjhez, de két évvel később, főiskolás korában már elváltak. Aztán élettársi kapcsolatban élt Tarján Pál operaénekessel, akitől a lánya, Tarján Zsófia Rebeka született 1986-ban. Majd 12 éven át Görög László volt az élettársa, akivel 2003-ban szakítottak. 2009-ben és 2011-ben ő volt a Csillag születik tehetségkutató versenynek az egyik zsűritagja. Lánya, aki okleveles alkalmazott grafikus, énekesként is közreműködött a Balkan Fanatikban, valamint 2006-tól 2008-ig a Cenobite nevű együttes énekesnője volt, amely „doom-os és noisecore-os skandináv agyvelő death metált” játszott. 2012-től a HoneyBeast zenekar frontembere. 2010 áprilisában a lányával együtt léptek fel a Thália Színházban az Egy színésznő lánya című darabban, mely Verebes István Maya című, Hernádi Juditról szóló könyve alapján készült. Forrás: Wikipédia

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Judit Hernádi

참여 작품

Things Worth Weeping For
Maja’s life is finally coming together and her boyfriend couldn’t be more pleased. In the midst of moving out from their student flat, Maja’s evening takes a surprising turn when she stumbles upon an old relative who is without a doubt, dead. Nobody from the family is available to help, so Maja has to deal with it herself. As she waits for the authorities, Sara, Maja’s childhood friend, joins her. Sara’s more than keen on sharing her latest successes.
Igazából apa
Where Were You, My Son?
Jordán Éva
Set in a large apartment in Hungary during the death throes of communism, obedient Andor lives with his eccentric mother, Rebeka, a once-celebrated stage actress-turned-recluse. After years of coexisting in a love-hate relationship marked by routine and possible incest, Andor brings home Eszter, a beautiful girl his own age. Her advances awaken Andor's repressed desires, the depths of which prove shocking. Opera director Robert Alfoldi renders this bizarre story in a melodramatic style, and veteran Hungarian stage star Dorottya Udvaros rises to the occasion. If you can imagine the intersecting area on a Venn diagram that includes Taxidermia and Sunset Blvd., that's where Where Were You, My Son? was born. The original title, Nyugalom, which translates to Tranquility, is ironic to say the least. ...over the-top...memorable...thunderous...sex and violins (Variety).
The Eighth Day of the Week
Szendrőy Hanna (voice)
After her husband's death, Hanna Szendroy, the former primadonna, portrayed by Maya Komorowska is caught in the claws of the real estate mafia. She looses her lavish home and ends up homeless at the Keleti train station. When she returns to her house, now full of homeless people moved in by the real estate mafia, an unexpected relationship brings hope into her life again.
Erzsike Kaukker
Le a fejjel!
Kata, a Pohárnok felesége
Happy Birthday
Péter felesége
Ámbár tanár úr
Out of Order
Bella Jakab
A Minister and the Secretary of the Opposition party go to a 5 star hotel to conduct a secret affair. Their plans are ruined when they discover a corpse lodged in the window of their room.
This story shows the two different parts of acting. The father is a strong, ambitious and inconsiderate actor but his son (Tibor) is a sensitive one. This all takes part somewhere in Hungary when socialism "controlled" the country.
1952, Budapest. Kati is thirteen years old when her mother dies. Her father works as a founder at the Miskolc foundry, deprived of his former position of director-engineer. Kati is left alone in their flat, transformed into a place crowded with tenants. That is, not quite: in her imagination her mother is alive again, for she still needs her.
Edith and Marlene
The lifelong friendship of Edith Piaf and Marlene Dietrich.
Scorpio Eats Gemini for Breakfast
This is a story of a man who wants to grasp and hold his beloved one by him and a woman who insists on that her love can't be grasped; 'she' only can deliver hers. It has written Comedy, Romance etc... but, this movie doesn't include anything funny, I believe. After I see the movie, I thought that love springs through a one's heart and it has its own spirit. It doesn't have to have any company. The matter is if it coincides its mate; that's it.
Öcsi, a sztár
Whooping Cough
Franciska, az anya
The story of 10-year-old boy and his family against the backdrop of the bloody events of 1956, in Budapest. Children do not yet understand what is going on, but they're happy because the schools are closed. But gradually, to adults and children comes the understanding that something terrible is happening. Disappearing relatives, friends, and even killed some. Tips sent an army to put down the counterrevolutionary rebellion.
A canterville-i kísértet
Mrs. Umney
The Treasure of Swamp Castle
Arzéna (voice)
Szaffi is a full-length animated feature based on Jokai Mor's books Gypsy Baron (Cyganibaro) and Szaffi. It has adventure, and treasure, and love, and a little black cat, and a war, and picturesque villains - a governor with a pressure release valve in his skull and a fat pig-loving baron, and of course, the good gypsies.
Another Way
Horváth Livia (voice)
Political and sexual repression in Hungary, just after the revolution of 1956. In 1958, the body of Eva Szalanczky, a political journalist, is discovered near the border. Her friend Livia is in hospital with a broken neck; Livia's husband, Donci, is under arrest. In a flashback to the year before, we see what leads up to the tragedy. Eva gets a job as a writer. She meets Livia and is attracted to her. Livia feels much the same, but as a married woman, has doubts and hesitations. In their work, they (and Eva in particular) bang up against the limits of telling political truths; in private, they confront the limits of living out sexual and emotional truth.
Eternal Light Inn
A fogadósné
The scene of the story taking place in the 18th century is an inn, which is advertised by its owners for sale. The inn was namely the scene for mysterious disappearances and murders, but the result of all these events, the treasury is hidden and guarded by the mother. Everybody want to get it from her during one night: the inn-keeper couple, the fake couple who arrived as buyers, Colonel Majorossy with his son, the secret agent and the servants.
Rachel Mohrenwitz, drámai szende
파우스트의 메피스토 연기가 전문인 연극 배우 핸드릭은 성공을 위해 수단과 방법을 가리지 않는다. 살아남기 위해 나치 정부에 아부하고 선전 놀이를 하며 온 나라에 그의 이름을 펼치기 위해 나치 당원들을 이용한다. 친구를 배신하고 아내마저 버린 그는 마침내 베를린 국립극단 총감독이 된다. 결국 엄청난 출세를 하지만 뒤늦게 정권의 꼭두각시 노릇에 불과한 자신의 처지를 자각하고 회의에 빠지는데...
The Inheritance
The singer
During the rising of nazism, Sylvia, a rich but sterile woman, needs an heir to inherit her father's money. So she bribes Irene, a Jewish girl, to have a child by her husband.
The Pagan Madonna
The unique statue of the ancient fertility goddess Demeter, known as the "Pagan Madonna" is stolen from the museum, located in a small town on Lake Balaton. At the same time seriously wounded a servant of the museum. The abduction of the museum's priceless statues of pure gold is investigated by the then young and inexperienced investigator Kardos and lieutenant "Droplet".
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