Reiko Seno

참여 작품

Fa no tofu
This drama depicts the turbulent daily life of the heroine, who works in the family's tofu shop, and her father and daughter.
동쪽의 에덴 극장판 II - Paradise Lost
Toshiko Kitabayashi
2004년에 방송되어 인기를 얻은 동명의 11부작 TV시리즈 의 극장판으로, TV시리즈 이후의 이야기를 그린 극장판의 후편이자 시리즈의 완결편. 미사일 공격으로부터 일본을 구한 'AIR KING' 타키자와 아키라는 귀국 후 테러리스트의 신분으로 공안에 쫓기고 있다. '100억엔이 있다면 어디에 쓸 것인가?'. 수수께끼의 인물 미스터 아웃사이드가 던진 이 질문 때문에 선택된 세레손들이 차례로 게임에 참가하고, '동쪽의 에덴' 멤버들은 타키자와의 과거를 조사해서 그를 구하려고 한다. 세레손 중 한 명이 자신과 동쪽의 에덴 멤버를 해방시키는 조건으로 게임에서 빠지려고 하는 거래를 모노노베로부터 전해들은 타키자와. 그는 일본국민 한 명 한 명의 휴대폰으로 일본의 미래에 대한 연설을 감행한다. 이 작품의 감독, 각본은 TV시리즈의 로 알려진 카미야마 켄지. 현대 일본의 사회와 사람들을 모티브로 삼아 방대한 스케일로 제작된 의욕적인 작품이다.
White Wolf
A gray wolf raised on a farm kills the family dog, and to save him from being destroyed, a boy named Lasset makes a trek through the wilderness with the wolf to a wilderness sanctuary 300 miles to the north. The BGM in the film consists entirely of Dvorak's Serenade for Strings, making it perhaps the only anime since Gauche the Cellist to make use of a single piece of classical music as the soundtrack. The plot of the film is simple and the outcome obvious, but the atmosphere of the film is genuine, and it is very moving in parts thanks to Dvorak's music (which is scored entirely for the most emotional of the instrument groups, the strings). This is a straightforward drama about the friendship between a boy and his wolf, and it pushes all the buttons you'd expect, but it's very enjoyable despite all that.
Take the X Train
Ishihara Toru is an everyday guy with an on-and-off girlfriend and a position working for a train buff. Things become complicated when a ghostly vehicle dubbed the X Train begins to ride the rails, destroying everything in its path. Somehow, it seems that Toru is connected with the X Train by a strange power, which draws the attention of some very dangerous and power hungry people who would wield it for their own...
Tsushima Maru: Goodbye, Okinawa
A documentary anime retelling the shipwreck of the freight boat Tsushima Maru, which was carrying 836 schoolchildren home in July 1944 when it was attacked and sunk by an American submarine. Produced by the surviving family members of the Tsushima Maru.
해저 3만 마일
Isamu's Mother (voice)
The ruler of the underground world, is planning to conquer the whole world. Riding the fire dragon Isamu and Angel, the princess of the undersea kingdom, try to stop him from destorying their world.