Aki Kanada

Aki Kanada

출생 : 1983-08-18, Aichi, Japan


Aki Kanada (金田 アキ, Kanada Aki, born in Aichi Prefecture on August 18, 1983), formerly known as Akiyo Kanada (金田 晶代, Kanada Akiyo), is a Japanese voice actress. She is affiliated with Zynchro talent agency.

프로필 사진

Aki Kanada

참여 작품

극장판 마법사 프리큐어! 기적의 변신! 큐어 모후룬!
I'm, Asahina Mirai! Everyone, do you know about the "Wishing Stone"? It's a powerful stone that can grant any wish you want! Today is the day we're celebrating its revival, a huge magic festival that only occurs once a century♪ Together with Riko and Ha-chan, I wish upon this "Wishing Stone", but believe or not, it chose Mofurun's wish! This is truly exciting!! However...a mysterious bear・Dark Matter suddenly appears, and takes Mofurun with him!! I have to definitely save Mofurun! Even when we're separated, the wishes of all of us can bring about miracles!! Well that is what I thought, what~~~!! Mofurun became a Pretty Cure~!?
Fastening Days 2
Sales Clerk A (voice)
In the previous story, Yoji and Kei rescued Anna, their adoptive mother. Now, they are once again using the Fastening Machine with Oscar, the bear robot, to solve any problems the town is facing. One day, however, a mysterious hero makes her appearance. And she happens to have the same Fastening Machine as Yoji and Kei. Who is this she? Why did she appear? Just then, a big problem hits this peaceful town! Will these small heroes be able to save the town from a crisis? This is a near-futuristic action anime taken to the next level! Don't miss it!
Fastening Days
Male Student A (voice)
Yoji and Kei, a boy and girl, live in a town in the not-so-distant future with their foster parent, Anna. But these seemingly ordinary children have a secret hidden even from their unsuspecting mother. Yoji and Kei are superhero defenders of their town! With a flap of their capes, the two of them and their robot bear sidekick, Oscar, protect the citizens in their town with their handmade high-tech machinery. But from what menace? And will our little heroes be able to overcome the crisis about to threaten the town's peaceful everyday serenity?
별을 쫓는 아이: 아가르타의 전설
Student (voice)
소녀 아스나는 아버지의 유품인 광석 라디오를 통해 우연히 듣게 된 신비한 음악에 매료된다. 다시 그 음악을 듣기 위해 자신만의 비밀장소로 향하던 길에 괴물에게 습격을 받게 되고, 슌이라는 소년이 나타나 아스나를 구해준다. 아가르타라는 곳에서 왔다는 슌에게 두근거리는 감정을 갖게 된 아스나. 이튿날 그를 만나기 위해 약속 장소로 다시 가지만 슌은 나타나지 않는다. 실망감으로 슬퍼하던 아스나는 신임 교사 모리사키로부터 지하 세계의 신화에 대해 듣게 되고 그것이 슌과 관련이 있음을 직감한다. 슌과 꼭 닮은 신과 그를 쫓는 비밀 조직 아크엔젤의 추격전에 휘말리게 된 아스나는 지하세계로 가는 문 앞까지 이끌려오게 되는데...
극장판 메탈 베이블레이드 VS 태양 작열의 침략자 솔블레이즈
방학을 맞이하여 열리는 베이블레이드 대회에 참가한 강타와 친구들. 갑자기 나타난 의문의 소년이 경기장을 아수라장으로 만든다. 그 소년은 잃어버린 세계 아틀란티스를 부활시키고 복수를 하기 위해 태어난 태양의 블레이더, 헬리오스. 그는 태양의 힘을 가진 베이인 ‘솔블레이즈’로 순식간에 경기장을 제압한다. 강타의 ‘갤럭시페가시스’에서 부활의 단서를 발견한 헬리오스는 강타의 베이를 노리게 되는데… 강타는 헬리오스의 복수를 막고 지구를 구하기 위해 최후의 대결을 준비한다. 2011년 1월 6일, 멈출 수 없는 베이의 싸움이 시작된다.
Hetalia: Axis Powers: Paint It, White!
The Pictorians have arrived from deep in space. They also have dangly glow-balls on their heads, which is kinda cool, but still. The freaky aliens are using use their crazy rainbow-beam-thingy to paint everything on Earth the same color: white! See, now the title of the movie makes more sense, right? Anyway, if the Pictorians are to be stopped, the Allied guys and the Axis boys - plus some new characters, too - must set aside their differences, unite against their common foe, and hopefully get together for a sweaty workout to make sure they're super-ready to save the world!
Asylum Session
Sheena (voice)
Hiyoko wants to become an artist like her mother, but her father would prefer that she took a different career path. Enraged when she notices that he took all paintings done by her mother from the house, she decides to run away. Unable to find a place to sleep among her acquaintances, she ends up at Asylum Stadium, an abandoned field that is shelter for many homeless, but that is about to be torn down by the government. There she meets Akira, a strange individual capable of flying.