Adrián Fondari

참여 작품

During a carnival, near the border between Argentina and Bolivia, a young Malambo dancer prepares for the most important competition of his life. When his ex-felon father returns, he jeopardizes everything by dragging his son into the criminal world.
Pool Sweeper
In the midst of an inclement summer, Tavo works as a pool in a country town in the Buenos Aires suburbs, forming a silent part of a landscape and a community that keeps him at bay for class reasons.
The Winter
After years of working on an 'estancia' in Patagonia, the Old Foreman is forced to retire and a younge'r man takes his place. The change is difficult and challenging for both men. Each one must survive the oncoming winter.
Lieutenant Pittaluga
소위‘ 사막의 정복’으로 불리는 원주민 학살이 자행되던 19세기 말 아르헨티나의 오지 파타고니아에 덴마크 장교 군나르가 딸 잉게보그와 부임해 온다. 남자들만이 가득한 공간에서 잉게보그는 젊은 군인과 사랑에 빠져 함께 달아나고, 군나르는 두 사람을 찾기 위해 적진으로의 홀로 여정을 떠난다. 군나르의 외로운 추적이 계속 되면서 영화는 과거도 미래도 그 어떤 흔적과 의미를 갖지 못하는 독특한 공간으로 우리를 안내한다. 남미 아트하우스 영화의 최전방에 선 리산드로 알론조의 신작 은 처음으로 그가 전문배우와 작업한, 일견 비교적 가장 관습적 서사의 틀을 따르고 있는 듯하다. 하지만 서사와 장르적 관습, 그리고 할리우드 웨스턴을 통해 익숙한 황량한 풍경은 알론조의 세계 안에서 또 다른 의미를 부여받으며, 현실과 상념, 현재와 과거가 기이하게 공존하는 공간이 된다. 최근 출연작의 반경을 넓히고 있는 비고 모텐슨의 변화된 행보도 주목할 만하다. 칸영화제 주목할만한시선 국제비평가상을 수상했다. (박진형_2014년 제19회 부산국제영화제)
Un sueño recurrente
Ignacio has the same dream every night. This dream is destroying everything from the inside of his mind: his job, his romance, his personality, his world. Is it a vision, a sickness, or a simple whim?
The Wind
After the funeral of his daughter Ema, Frank Osorio travels for the first time to Buenos Aires to tell his granddaughter Alina about her mother's death. But Frank has to big secrets: the first one is about the identity of Alina's father and the second one is related to a crime.
La guerra de los gimnasios
Lost Embrace
Changarín Manukian
In Buenos Aires, the twenty-something Jewish-Argentinean Ariel Makaroff ditches the University of Architecture and spends his time wandering through the downtown gallery where his mother has a lingerie shop and his brother runs an importation business. Ariel has never understood why his father left him when he was a baby, but when his dad returns to Argentina, that will soon change.
Smokers Only
Hotel Client
A suicidal young singer named Reni is about to get kicked out of her band when she meets a male gigolo, Andres, at an ATM after he picks her pocket. They begin an affair, and she decides to become a hooker so she can spend more time with her newfound love.
Sons and Daughters
Militar In Civilian Dress
We are in Argentina in 1977, a woman gives birth to twins. With the complicity of the midwife he manages to hide the child, second child. The first, a boy, is taken into custody by the regime's guards. The scene moves to the Milan of today. The young Rosa contacts Javier and tries to convince him that they are twin brothers, separated at birth. Thus, the two begin a journey to rediscover their origins and their past. A bitter reality is ready to overwhelm them ...
Garage Olimpo
A beautiful Argentine activist receives preferential treatment from a man supposed to torture her.