The story revolves around a top-secret resort for retired U.S. intelligence officers. A group of criminals led by Balzary breach the compound, hellbent on revenge on Robert, forcing the retired officer and his son to save the day.
Dr. Cunningham
Desperate to get her life back to normal after a surprisingly uncommon medical diagnosis, Ashley Jones is forced to examine what "normalcy" really means in a world of mistaken identities, very old, old friends, and poisoned meatballs.
교통사고로 아내와 어린 딸을 잃고 농장에서 칩거하며 살아가던 에릭. 어느 날 그의 집에 도망쳐온 마약상이 들이닥치고 이들을 쫓던 경찰들과 벌이는 총격전에 휘말린다. 경찰 칼은 적에게 잡힌 동료 데이비드를 구하고, 오랫동안 쫓은 마약상 보스를 체포하기 위해 위험을 감수하고, 에릭에게 피하라고 조언하지만, 전직 군인이자 가족을 잃은 트라우마에 시달리는 에릭은 자기 농장을 떠나지 않겠다고 자신도 돕겠다고 나선다. 살벌한 총질이 난무하는 상황에서 하나둘씩 죽어 나가면서, 보스까지 나타나자 상황이 점점 악화되는데…
When the leader of the evil Coalition threatens to destroy a Rebel planet for its resources, his daughter will have no choice but to join the Rebel side and fight for what is right.
When an arcade manager realizes her brother has been transported into a dangerous video game, she and her two best friends follow him into the virtual world, battling dangerous creatures and a warlord who will stop at nothing to keep them in the game and make them part of his army.
When an arcade manager realizes her brother has been transported into a dangerous video game, she and her two best friends follow him into the virtual world, battling dangerous creatures and a warlord who will stop at nothing to keep them in the game and make them part of his army.
Line Producer
Type-A personality, Ava, owns “Rent-an-Elf,” a business in which she sets up a memorable Christmas for busy families. This year, she's hired by the newly-single Liam and falls for him and his adorable son, Nathan. But, just as Ava thinks she’s found her match, Liam’s ex-wife returns, wanting to patch things up. Even though Ava decides to put Liam and Nathan's happiness above her own, she's still determined to give them the best Christmas ever, and maybe even hope for a Christmas miracle or two.
2백만년 전 멸종됐던 초대형 상어 메가로돈이 살아났다! 하와이 인근 해역에서 침몰한 채 발견된 러시아 잠수함. 생존자를 찾기 위해 잠수함에 접근한 미군은 러시아 잠수함을 공격한 상대가 바로 거대한 상어라는 충격적 사실을 알게 된다. 인간의 목숨을 노리며 주위를 맴돌던 메가로돈과 인간 간의 치열한 생존 싸움이 시작된다.
Line Producer
2백만년 전 멸종됐던 초대형 상어 메가로돈이 살아났다! 하와이 인근 해역에서 침몰한 채 발견된 러시아 잠수함. 생존자를 찾기 위해 잠수함에 접근한 미군은 러시아 잠수함을 공격한 상대가 바로 거대한 상어라는 충격적 사실을 알게 된다. 인간의 목숨을 노리며 주위를 맴돌던 메가로돈과 인간 간의 치열한 생존 싸움이 시작된다.
Line Producer
탐험 중 사망한 고고학자인 어머니의 뒤를 이어 고고학 박사가 된 앨리는 어느 날, 어머니의 탐험일지를 전해주러 온 묘연의 인물에게서 뜻밖의 제안을 받는다. 바로 어머니가 발굴하려다 사망한 진시황의 무덤 속 ‘용의 심장’을 함께 찾자는 것이었다. 베일에 싸인 이 유물을 발굴하려 앨리는 동료들과 함께 중국에 와서 이 일을 제안한 팀 파커와 옛 동료 네이슨을 만나지만, 그들이 자신을 이용해 유물을 훔쳐 거금을 챙기려는 듯한 낌새를 채게 된다. 그럼에도 앨리는 어머니의 자취를 따라 그들과 위험한 동행을 하게 되지만, 멸망한 왕조의 후손들에게 무차별 공격을 당하고 치명적인 함정들에 부딪히기 시작하는데….
First Assistant Director
Greed deception, power and murder occur between two best friends and a trophy husband over a friendly game.
Curtis Wheelwright
Carrie Evans, a beautiful young attorney with aspirations to become partner like her fiancee Steven Riggs, learns some disturbing facts about her family and her boss Caswell Foxx as she researches a big case. She becomes so entrenched in the case that it causes her to risk her career, freedom and her relationships.
After the death of her parents, a young woman assumes primary guardianship of her special needs brother. But as she attempts to balance her new life with her brother and her own blossoming romance, it becomes painfully clear that life will only make room for one.
After the death of her parents, a young woman assumes primary guardianship of her special needs brother. But as she attempts to balance her new life with her brother and her own blossoming romance, it becomes painfully clear that life will only make room for one.
Every year, sisters Samantha and Maggie fly home to spend Fourth of July with their parents. But this year Samantha's new husband Dan has mapped out the perfect road trip. With Maggie's husband's Jeep packed to the brim, they head out. But the fun is cut short when their car gets stolen, leaving them stranded in the middle of the desert. With no car, and no cell service, they are forced to seek the help of some small town locals. As the stranded travellers wait for the Sheriff to locate their car, it becomes painfully obvious that the locals have other plans for them. When there's nowhere to hide, all they can do is Run Like Hell.
Still Photographer
20 years after a set of events, the Time Enforcement Commission (TEC), is still going strong. Now Brandon Miller a TEC operative, believes that they have a responsibility to change history hoping that the world will be better but Ryan Chan another Tec operative stops him but kills the woman he loves in the process.