Sergey Ugryumov

Sergey Ugryumov

출생 : 1971-01-24, Khabarovsk, Russian SFSR, USSR

프로필 사진

Sergey Ugryumov

참여 작품

Odessa Steamboat
Pilot samolyota
Based on the works of Mikhail Zhvanetsky. The plot of the new comedy is based on the famous miniatures “Odessa Steamboat”, “Two Apples”, “Meeting at the Distillery” and other works by one of the country's most famous humor writers Mikhail Zhvanetsky. In total - 13 miniatures. The fates of the heroes of each story are intertwined, and the viewer will see a panorama of life in which the head of the transport department could not be heard, the plane’s crew wonders if passengers can land the plane, the barmaid stands at the helm of the ship, and the father teaches his son arithmetic, destroying all the apples in the house...
Fairy Tale. There Is
A set of novels about children and their parents.
Raiders are the hunters for a big business and Spirsky is probably the best of them...
In the city centre, two thieves steal a bag with one million Euros from a car, thinking that at last they're in luck; yet they cannot even fathom what they got themselves into. A proper hunt for this money begins.
신비로운 기운을 가진 러시아 소녀 마리나는 학교의 킹카인 아투르를 짝사랑 하지만 그는 자신의 친구인 비카와 사귀는 사이다. 세르게이 교수의 수업 중 일부인 민속 답사를 함께하게 된 학생들은 낯선 시골 숲 속에서 이상한 노인을 만나게 된다. 노인은 일행에게 식사 초대를 한다. 그날 밤, 마리나는 호수에서 우연히 아투르와 사랑을 나누게 되는데 이 광경을 비카와 친구들에게 들키고 만다. 수치심을 느낀 마리나는 숲 속으로 도망가고 평소 마리나에게 호감을 가지고 있던 코스티아는 그녀를 따라가게 된다. 우연히 숲 속에 버려진 집에 들어가게 된 마리나와 코스티아는 마녀로 보이는 미이라와 이상한 기운을 지닌 방패를 발견하게 된다. 방패를 잡은 마리나에게 이상한 일이 벌어지고 마리나와 코스티아를 찾던 일행은 구조 요청을 하게 되는데 헬기로 도착한 것은 구조대가 아닌 특수 부대원들. 이제 마리나와 그녀의 친구들은 상상하지도 못한 신기한 일들을 겪게 되는데…
Fonogramma Strasti
Vita, an employee of a private spy agency, is handed a case of tapping into and listening to the mysterious life of a new "client". By day, her work on the case seems all the more routine; by night she's involved in a steamy and passionate affair. Sooner rather than later however, Vita realizes that the man with whom she is having an affair with, is the same man she's been spying on for the agency. From this point on nothing is what it seems, as Vita becomes entangled into a deadly game of cat and mouse.
Love as a motive
Dina’s mother moves to live with her daughter and almost immediately tension and conflicts arise between her and her son-in-law Pasha. Mother is trying to open Dina’s eyes on her husband, but she does not want to listen to anything. Mother decides to go to the country and asks her son-in-law to help transport things. But she immediately returns and admits that by accident ... she killed Pasha. Now Dina and mother live in constant fear that everything will open. And at the same time, they gradually learn more and more unpleasant and mysterious details about Pasha. And when it is not known why the mother is dying, and Vedernikov’s operas come to the apartment, Dina is already on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Gagarin's Grandson
Viktor Vasilyevich
Fyodor a single artist suddenly discovers about his young brother who is living in a foster home.
Based on A. Galych's play "Matrosskaya Tishina", "Papa" tells a story of a Jewish father who dreamed of seeing his son perform on a stage in front of huge audiences, he dreamed of seeing him as the greatest violinist of his time. To achieve the goal he taught his son Dodik how to play the violin from the yearly age. When Dodik grew up he left the small town he and his father lived in to study in the Moscow Conservatory leaving his past behind. But one day he has to choose either to loose his father or everything he has achieved.
제2차 세계대전 때 소련연방 서부전선에서 독일군 진영에 침투해 활약하는 소련군 수색 대원들의 모습을 그리고 있다. 독일군의 저항으로 어려움을 겪던 소련군은 일군의 정찰대를 독일군 후방에 침투시켜 적을 공격하기로 한다. '즈베즈다'는 '별'이란 뜻의 러시아어로 영화에서 부대원들의 통신암호도 상용된다. 실화를 바탕으로 소련 부대원들의 영웅담을 생생한 화면과 감동적인 이야기로 전한다.