Roger Davies

Roger Davies

프로필 사진

Roger Davies

참여 작품

HERE presents an immersive virtual reality (VR) adaptation of Richard McGuire's ground-breaking graphic novel. This unique experience is a grand biopic - where the main character is place rather than person. Through volumetric capture and virtual reality technology, we join the myriad characters throughout time who have called this particular room home. Viewers witness the echoes and reverberations of human interactions that ripple through time, connecting with those who have come before, as well as those yet to come. The innovative VR narrative invites audiences to reflect on the nature of human experience across generations. An Intel Studios original co-produced with 59 Productions.
클로버필드 패러독스
Michael Hamilton
가까운 미래의 한 우주 정거장. 다국적 우주비행사들이 지구의 에너지 위기를 해결하기 위해 미션을 수행한다. 우주 정거장 내에서 실험적으로 시도한 신기술은 예기치 못한 결과를 초래하고 이들은 고립된 채 생존을 위해 싸워야만 한다.