Péter Andorai

Péter Andorai

출생 : 1948-04-25, Budapest, Hungary

사망 : 2020-02-01

프로필 사진

Péter Andorai

참여 작품

Final Report
A cardiologist is sent into retirement, but he feels at loss without his work. He returns to his home village to work as a general practitioner. This is the start of his ordeal: he's confronted with raw reality, which finally brings him to his knees. But music has the last word.
The Butcher, The Whore and the One-Eyed Man
Kaszala ezrdes
Depicts the slow decline of three individuals as they are sucked into a world of sinful existence. It is the story of a wild and voracious love triangle.
Argo 2
Our story can begin anywhere where chances are rarely found to be able to survive and thrive, where small things matter by the end of the day and where people would want possess things that were never theirs to begin with. In this village where destitution and alcohol prevails, Leslie, (Laci), the world's greatest looser, recently released from prison starts to construct a football field and a chance for a better life. The slid down and alcoholic Veronica hopes to find happiness in her love for Leslie (Laci). Veronica’s nine years old son Mark acquaints the violin thanks to an old, burned-out musician, who has a fascinating and mysterious past. The stories of these four people intertwine drifting their life towards further tragic situations to crow by a surprising end.
The Notebook
In a village on the Hungarian border, two young brothers grow up during war time with their cruel grandmother and must learn every trick of evil to survive in the absurd world of adults.
Mr. Brodarics
This is a story of a special relationship between two women, a writer and her maid.
In the closed world of a Catholic monastery shortly after World War II the post-war insecurity exacerbates the walls. A new world order has arrived. The monastic life begins to break down as some of the monks start to morally decline.
The Sun Street Boys
Gábor apja
Some of the most symbolic moments of the 1956 Revolution in Hungary were the tooth-and-nail battles fought by the so-called 'Pest Lads' who dared to defy odds by taking on the panzers of one of the world's superpowers. The story begins on October 23rd, 1956 and ends on November 4th of the same year. Juli is Totya's girlfriend but also loves Gábor. Their love triangle will have to endure the trials and tribulations of these stirring times. A group of boys living in the outskirts of the capital are playing football in abandoned lot when Juli, a ticket inspector, brings news of protests breaking out in the city. Only Gábor accompanies her into town and together they become part of this historical event. At dawn, when the boys too come under fire from Soviet forces, they decide to join in the fight.
Young honest public official is sworn in after his predecessor had to leave due to a corruption scandal. Soon, the young idealist discovers just how far-reaching the corruption is in his town and how easy it is to become corrupt yourself.
Pálfi Gábor
The film shows the times directly before and after the revolution of 1956 in a Rosehill villa and its garden, guarded by the state security, from the perspective of a powerful party functionary’s children living there. The children witness a lot of things they do not understand, mysterious things, which they interpret in their own way.
마법사 시몬
파리에서 범죄가 일어나고 경찰은 단서도 찾지 못한 채 수사의 혼선을 겪고 있다. 이때 초능력을 가진 동아시아 출신의 시몬이 수사에 투입되고 그의 도움으로 범인이 검거된다. 그의 초능력이 인정받게 되자 과거 라이벌이었던 다른 마법사가 도전장을 보내는데, 그것은 바로 3년간 땅 속에 묻혀있는 것. 하지만 시몬이 땅에 묻힌 후 곧 죽었다는 소식이 전해진다. 시몬을 사랑하는 제인은 그를 찾아 나서고 마법사 시몬은 죽었다. 과연 제인은 그를 다시 만날 수 있을까?
헝가리의 명감독 이스트반 자보가 연출하고 랄프 파인즈가 주연한 3시간짜리 장편
Kúnó Purábl
The movie is set in the actual "Ki Mit Tud?" talent contest in 1962. In reality the contest in dance music category was won by an army brass band. "Omega" which later became one of the most successful Hungarian rock bands came out in the second place.
Pál Utrius is twenty three years old and in love with his sister.
Károly, Éva bátyja
Lipstick strives to depict the inner conflicts of the protagonist Vesna as subjectively as possible. Vesna, apparently unmoved by the armed conflicts in her homeland Yugoslavia, leads a happy-go-lucky life. A form of denial, the causes of which should be explored. Her visit in Budapest and therefore her compromise with her possibly true, though repressed, identity, evokes a feeling of happiness for a short time. The next morning, reality catches up with her again. She is taken off the train and is forced, since her passport and Austrian visa have both expired, to assume a new identity. Despite the futility of her undertaking, she refuses to make a statement concerning her person while in jail. What remains is the memory of a short-lived feeling of emotional success by delaying the course of events. The suggestion to consider a denial while in a condition of statelessness.
Child Murders
A melodrama about children, the child murders that the film’s title refers to are the million and one ways that children’s souls are ravaged by neglect, unkindness and cruelty, even though several physical deaths take place in the story.
Junk Movie
It is 1989, the year of the demise of socialism in eastern Europe. Nevertheless, the one theme of Junk Movie does not refer to this historical moment of high ideals, quite the contrary, the wild, burlesque of a motif-mozaic seems merely to stick it’s tongue out at the arrogant players of politics who have their heads stuck in the clouds. The film rudely points out the mystery and unapproachability surrounding the every-day existence of politics. The scene is a greasy, falling-down block of a pub called the Gólya and its immediate surroundings.
Dear Emma, Sweet Böbe
Stefanics - Igazgató
The story shows Emma's and Böbe's fight for survival, for keeping their position in society which they achieved with hard work in the previous regime. They don't want to lose their place and become village girls again.
Ruthless Times
Hungary, end of World War II. Five Hungarian soldiers desert their troop which has been directed to Germany. They are escaping with the help of a stamp and unfilled travelling warrants, trying to survive until the war ends.
The Rapture of Deceit
Hungary after the changes. Jutka loses her job and even her marriage is ruined, since her husband gets involved with the daughter of an influential businessman. Jutka moves in with a female friend, Dóra likewise has to face a difficult choice.
The Three Sisters
The film is a modernised version of the Chekhov drama, put in Budapest, Hungary, in a Soviet barracks between 1987 and 1991.
Itt a szabadság!
Kopa Imre
Az apostol
Goldberg Variations
This is a rough, fragmented drama about a couple whose 13-year-old son committed suicide without an apparent reason. The film portrays the day after the funeral and the helpless, abandoned mourning of the parents.
Hungarian Requiem
1958. In the cell of the condemned, seven men await the signs of an approaching execution. All of them recall their pasts and envision their wish-dreams.
Fast and Loose
Margó and Ildi are good friends. Margó lives with her simple, conservative parents, her fiancé is a roadie, her lover has been in prison for two years. Ildi was a pupil of a reformatory school, she buried an Araba husband already and her Rumanian partner is living in Paris. She lives together with a Yugoslavian man in a rented flat. Both are models at the Scholl for Fine Arts, attend an evening school and earn their money by selling their bodies. The lover of Margó, Attila is suddenly released. Margó and Ildi want to get rid of him, but Attila does not let them do that...
나의 20세기
Thomas Edison
20세기 초 도라와 릴리는 가혹한 실험의 결과를 목도한다. 1900년 기술이 발전하는 가운데 여성의 권리와 민족 자결권은 보조를 맞출 수 있을까?
The Pregnant Papa
In the small village of Rátót, every male is called Béla. When a woman gives birth to her child, she names him Józsi...
Die Skorpionfrau
Lisa is a judge, 44 years opld and divorced. She lives with her 18 year old son Georg. For seven years she has had a weekend relationship with Felix. Suddenly her life takes a drastic turn when she falls for 23 old law trainee Rudi.
The Midas Touch
A deep drama about life in Hungary after the WW2 until the revolt against Russians in '56. The main character is the head of the black market in Budapest. He thinks he can buy everyone and everything but at the end he must face that he can't buy life. A must-see for everyone. Casting involves some of the greatest Hungarian actors. The story takes place in the eighth district of Budapest focusing on the market place on Teleki square which is still working. The movie contains some archive footage of real fight during the revolution.
Just For Kicks
The life of Tamás, antiquities dealer, runs in a normal, everyday way, he is stealing, swindling, cheating on his wife just like everybody else. Suddenly three men, who live in the attic, start harassing him. They construct coarse and unpleasant schemes against him and carry them into effect at the most unexpected times and places.
A Full Day
Józsi drives a taxi all day long. He often telephones Éva, who, on the other hand, stays home all day long, having nothing else to do but to be beautiful and wait for Józsi.
A man's story parallels Hitler's rise. Austrian Klaus Schneider, wounded in World War I, recovers in the care of Dr. Emil Bettleheim. Bettleheim discovers that Schneider possesses powers of empathy and of clairvoyance, such that could aid suicidal patients. After the war, with one friend as his manager and another as his lover, Schneider changes his name to Eric Jan Hanussen and goes to Berlin, as a hypnotist and clairvoyant performing in halls and theaters. He always speaks the truth, which brings him to the attention of powerful Nazis. He predicts their rise (good propaganda for them) and their violence (not so good). He's in pain and at risk. What is Hanussen's future?
Cry and Cry Again
1958, Budapest. Gerencsér is a skilled worker at the abattoir, his wife left in 1956. They falls in love with the beautiful Mrs. Hász at the personnel management department, but they only date secretly because of a former relationship of Mária. They go on holiday and travel to the Mátra, just the two of them.
A Fond Farewell to the Prince
1629, Transylvania: Reigning prince Bethlen Gábor has Don Diego, the Spanish chronicle knight be brought to his court in order to make him record his life and deeds for posterity.
Márffy Ödön
Wall Driller
The sad tale of a proletarian malcontent ensconced in a monstrously depressing housing project who—even less effectually than the heroes of Bald-Dog Rock—attempts to change his life. Purchasing a power drill and slinging it across his shoulder like the anti-hero of a spaghetti western, he turns entrepreneur, boring holes in his neighbors’ walls so that they can hang mirrors or pictures.
Roofs At Dawn
1956. Bébé is a painter, but he has not worked for years. The news arriving form Paris about the death of his childhood friend, Halász Petár affects him deeply, but his reflections are continually disturbed by telephone calls: the Alliance for Fine Arts wants to purchase one of the popular self-portraits of Halász.
To See the Light
1894. The mortal remains of Lajos Kossuth are brought home from abroad, the railways are lined with people with their hats in hand, and among them stands the teenager Imre Tányér. 1910. The grown-up Imre undertakes the task to solve the question unsolved since 1848-49, i.e. the transformation of peasant life. He fights for the rights of his class, for justice, for human dignity in a society distorted, backward and built on inequality.
Tight Quarters
In this mix of black comedy and harsh drama, a man and wife are divorced yet still have to share their living quarters even though the wife has remarried -- housing is seriously hard to find in Budapest. Csaba (Karoly Eperjes) has just come out of doing a stint in prison because he stabbed a man while drunk, and when he goes home he discovers that his wife (Mariann Erdos) is now living with someone else in their apartment. Csaba quickly divorces his wife but he still has to move in and share a kitchen and bathroom with her and her new mate, suffering because he still loves her. This untenable situation is complicated by visits from Csaba's mother, and by various women he starts seeing, as well as by a busy-body neighbor. The three main roles of Csaba, his wife, and her lover (Peter Andorai) are excellently interpreted in this satire on social morés and economic realities.
A másik part
Another Way
Dönci Horvath, Livia's husband
Political and sexual repression in Hungary, just after the revolution of 1956. In 1958, the body of Eva Szalanczky, a political journalist, is discovered near the border. Her friend Livia is in hospital with a broken neck; Livia's husband, Donci, is under arrest. In a flashback to the year before, we see what leads up to the tragedy. Eva gets a job as a writer. She meets Livia and is attracted to her. Livia feels much the same, but as a married woman, has doubts and hesitations. In their work, they (and Eva in particular) bang up against the limits of telling political truths; in private, they confront the limits of living out sexual and emotional truth.
Otto Ulrichs
파우스트의 메피스토 연기가 전문인 연극 배우 핸드릭은 성공을 위해 수단과 방법을 가리지 않는다. 살아남기 위해 나치 정부에 아부하고 선전 놀이를 하며 온 나라에 그의 이름을 펼치기 위해 나치 당원들을 이용한다. 친구를 배신하고 아내마저 버린 그는 마침내 베를린 국립극단 총감독이 된다. 결국 엄청난 출세를 하지만 뒤늦게 정권의 꼭두각시 노릇에 불과한 자신의 처지를 자각하고 회의에 빠지는데...
The Green Bird
Jan Widuchowski
2차 세계대전 동안 헝가리인들의 저항은 결혼한 부부를 기관들로부터 숨겨준다. 한 여인이 저항 운동을 하는 한남자의 부인인척 역할을 하기 위해 보내지게 되는데 그녀 또한 다른 사람의 이름으로 행세하게 된다. 전시의 열악한 상황속에서 오로지 생존을 위해 구성된 삶이지만 시간이 지나며 이 고통스러운 어둠의 터널 속에서 두 사람은 서서히 서로를 사랑하게 되는데….
Electric Schock
This double-threaded story depicts the lives of a sister and a brother in a critical phase of their lives. Virág participates in a tour of the collage choir to Finland. Upon her return home she refuses the assistance offered by Vince, leaves the collage and aborts her child by a young Finn.
The Last Judgement But One
A férfi
The man is promoted and given a new assignment at his work-place. At home, he stares at a video-cassette: it portrays his wife's face in countless versions, she is sometimes simply beautiful, then unfathomable, but it is mostly a sad, closed, lonely face.
Deliver Us from Evil
Antal, a katona
Winter of 1944, the last days of the war. When the roads and houses ceased to exist and the bottom of the cellars become filled with life, when fortunes were lost and countries burned up, her used coat was only important to Mama, the cloak-room servant of a local dance-school. Her son stole it to sell it for twenty pengő. He did it because Aranka Fussbaum's love cost money. There is no honour left in such a destroyed world. Yet still they start looking for that coat... (Elemér Ragályi won Best camera with this movie in Montreal, 1979, and in Budapest, 1980.)
Requiem for a Revolutionary
Sallai Imre
The royal summary court sentences Sallai Imre and Fürst Sándor to death on charges of attempting to uproot the state and the social order. The film, the story of which takes place in 1932, enlarges the moment of delivering the death-sentence. Sallai, preparing for his death, envisions the people and the events that have been decisive for his life.
The ruined castle is inhabited by architects who, feeling the spirit of the place, want to direct the modernization of the settlement below the castle from here. Despite the residents' protests, the architects want to make the people happy by force.