Executive Producer
In 1997, Oscar-winning documentarian Allan Miller embarked on a film project with renowned conductor Zubin Mehta and celebrated Chinese film director Zhang Yimou as they joined forces in a production of Puccini's opera Turandot in Florence. Before the year was out, an extraordinary opportunity arose: to stage Turandot in its original setting in the Forbidden City of Beijing. The outdoor production was an undertaking on an epic scale. A fascinating chronicle of an unprecedented cross-cultural collaboration, THE TURANDOT PROJECT combines the pageantry of this opulent opera production with a spectacular cinematic portrait of the struggles and triumphs of Zubin Mehta and Zhang Yimou to mount their production in this most historic venue of China. (Source: Amazon.com)
실화를 바탕으로 한 젊은 음악교사의 이야기로 할렘의 어느 고등학교에서 바이올린을 가르치게 된 로버타를 처음엔 교장을 비롯해 학부모, 학생까지 믿지 못하지만 로버타의 열정에 점점 학생들은 동화되고, 실력도 늘어간다. 하지만 10년이 지난 어느 날 교육위원회에서는 바이올린반을 없애라고 하는데...
Executive Producer
A dedicated music teacher in East Harlem instructs a gaggle of underprivileged children in the art of the violin. In the climax, they play Carnegie Hall with some of the world's foremost fiddlers.
Executive Producer
Relationships, rehearsals, performances, hobbies, and family life of the members of the Guarneri String Quartet.
Executive Producer
Colleagues and relatives reflect on the dynamic life of Irish writer Brendan Behan, beginning with his adolescent years as an activist and his affiliation with the IRA youth group, Fianna Éireann. Behan rises to fame as a poet and playwright and achieves international success in the wake of his successful autobiography, "Borstal Boy." But in his later years, Behan's prominence wanes as alcoholism, egotistical tendencies and a growing obsession with celebrity begin to overtake him.
세상에서 가장 평화로웠던 혁명이 끝나고 10년 후 뉴욕. 집권 여당인 사회당은 느릿느릿 진행되는 개혁에 박차를 가하기 위해 사람들에게 굳게 단결할 것을 요구한다. 한편, 여성단체는 이러한 요구에 불만이 많다. 늘어나는 거리폭력과 강간사태를 막기 위해 자경단이 조직되고, "여성의 군대"라는 활동 단체는 여성의 실직에 반대하는 투쟁을 지지하고 나선다. 그 과정에서 여성 문제에 대한 홍보가 필요함을 느낀 여성의 군대는 두 개의 언더그라운드 라디오 방송국에 접근한다. 감시와 체포가 빈번하게 행해지며 극이 클라이 맥스를 향해 갈수록 서로 뭉칠 수 없는 듯 보이던 여성단체들이 공통된 목적을 위해 함께하기 시작한다. (2017년 제19회 서울국제여성영화제)
Executive Producer
A beautiful expression of two differing cultures brought together by the warmth and dedication of a great musician and humanitarian. In 1979, as China re-opened its doors to the West, virtuoso Isaac Stern received an unprecedented government invitation to tour the country.