Yusuf Mahardika

Yusuf Mahardika

출생 : 1999-08-20, Jakarta, Indonesia


Yusuf Mahardika is an Indonesian soccer player and actor. His first soap opera role was in the series Tendangan Si Madun (2012-2013), playing the lead role as Madun.

프로필 사진

Yusuf Mahardika
Yusuf Mahardika

참여 작품

Setengah Hati
Ganes, who wanted to continue his studies, took a part-time job outside of his main job which made him involved in a conflict involving two disputing parties.
Mantra Surugana
As a new student, Tantri arrives at a hostel. But unexpectedly, in that hostel, Tantri discovers a terrible connection with spells and curses in her past. The spell and curse awaken the Demon Surugana which takes its life.
The making of Makbul Mubarak's debut feature film "Autobiography" (2022).
카리스마 넘치는 군 장성이 퇴역 후 고향에 내려와 선거 출마를 준비한다. 갓 성년이 된 라킵은 수감된 아버지의 뒤를 이어 그의 시중을 든다. 그는 라킵을 친아들처럼 여기며 자신이 터득한 세상 이치를 몸소 알려준다. 그것은 바로 약육강식의 냉혹한 현실과 권력의 무서움이다. 그러던 어느 날 그는 자기 얼굴이 새겨진 선거 포스터가 훼손된 모습에 격분하고, 라킵은 범인을 찾아 나서지만 이는 돌이킬 수 없는 파국으로 이어진다.
The Ballads of Roy
After the death of his father, Roy moved to Serang with his mother. He is different from most boys and that makes him liked by lots of girls in his school.
Berdamai Dengan Raqib dan Atid
Zainab (80 years) who lives in the house of his youngest child in the village had to move to the house of KIKI (47 years), her eldest son who lives in the city. In the village, Zainab’s life is very simple, her activities only focus on praying. She did this because she felt that she was very close to death, she was afraid to sin and go to hell. After moving to the city, Zainab feels that the facilities provided by Kiki actually bring harm to her. So Zainab had to face the increasing fear of sin.
한 교사의 지시로 학생들이 자신의 도플갱어를 소환하는 금지된 의식에 참여한다. 그러자 기숙학교 전체가 한순간에 걷잡을 수 없는 혼란에 빠지는데.
Strangers with Memories
Following six different characters in four different stories: Dimas, a rude and selfish employee; Roby, a reckless and awkward nerd; Stefanny, a sweet and friendly Lost and Found clerk; Clara, a nonchalant career woman; Jevi, a gentle but strict train conductor; and Fajar, a caring and dedicated CSOT (Customer Service On Train) who comes from the outskirt of the city. All become interrelated after they each get involved in a mind boggling life-changing event related to the places where they usually board train for their daily activities' needs.
엣지 오브 더 월드
1839년 군 생활에 실패하고 영국 본토에서 추문에 휩쓸린 제임스 브룩은 모든 걸 버리고 사촌 크룩섕크, 조카 찰스와 배에 올라 영국의 힘이 닿지 않는 보르네오섬에 있는 사라왁주로 향한다. 한편 브루나이 술탄이 지배하는 보르네오섬에선 브루나이에 저항하는 반란 세력이 사라왁에서 사바 지역까지 점령하고 라눈 해적이 반역자들과 손을 잡으며 골머리를 앓는다. 사라왁을 다스리는 족장과 왕자들은 마침 섬에 도착한 제임스 일행에게 해적 반란을 토벌해달라 의뢰를 하고 제임스는 반군을 성공적으로 토벌하며 사라왁주의 통치권을 부여받는다. 하지만 야만적인 라눈 해적과 반군, 그리고 왕자들의 음모 사이에서 제임스는 왕의 자리를 위협받게 되는데...
Joe & Robot Kopi
Joe (Dewasa)
Tells the story of the bitter adventures of Joe & Clara in dealing with two criminals who stole the Coffee Robot. The kidnapper is a child human trafficking syndicate named Duo Kepo.
Inem Pelayan Sexy New
Maromi found a slipper. Inem, the owner of the slipper, is a maid at Ida and Moko's family, Maromi's employee. Maromi then meets with Inem and does various ways to get her ove.
Wiro Sableng: 212 Warrior
After being trained in the art of silat, a disciple gets sent on a journey by his mentor to take down a treacherous e-pupil with a villainous plan.
Students of two different high schools, infamous for their rivalry in school brawls, are gathered together to be disciplined by Lt. Col. Rahmat.
Garuda 19: Petrified Spirit
Evan Dimas (Capt)
Team beat Vietnam in the AFF U-19 Cup, 2013, in Sidoarjo and entitled to bring home the first trophy earned by the Indonesian national team since 22 years earlier. Then the story looks back at the footsteps of the ’s players, when they began to be recruited by Indra Sjafri and his team. The trip was enjoyed by all the players, like Yazid, (Konawe from South, Southeast Sulawesi), Sahrul (from Ngawi, East Java) and Jabez (from Alor, East Nusa Tenggara). Indra Sjafri and his team pick up and unite them with Dimas Evan et al in . They both feel the bitterness and joy. Indra Sjafri cs must raise their mental by injecting the spirit.