Toon Hiranyasap

Toon Hiranyasap

프로필 사진

Toon Hiranyasap

참여 작품

보이지 않는 물결
일본인 쿄지 (아사노 타다노부 분)는 마카오의 한 식당에서 부주방장으로 일한다. 배를 타고 식당에 출퇴근하는 것이 삶의 전부였던 그는 어느 날 삶이 송두리째 바뀌는 선택을 하게 된다. 바로 매력적인 식당 보스의 아내와 연인관계를 맺게 된 것이다. 그리고 오래지 않아 이 둘의 관계는 보스에게 발각 되 버리고 만다. 보스는 쿄지의 충성심을 시험해 보기 위해 자신의 부인이자 쿄지의 애인인 그 여자를 독살해 죽이라는 명령을 내리고 쿄지는 잔인한 살인을 준비한다... 그리고 보스는 그에게 푸켓으로의 보상 휴가를 허락하지만 낙원을 향하는 그의 객실은 초라하고 답답하기 그지 없다. 방을 나와 갑판에 오른 쿄지. 그의 눈 앞에 신비로운 분위기의 아름다운 여성- 노이(강혜정 분)가 서 있다. 쿄지는 그녀와의 만남이 계속될수록 그녀에게 깊이 빠져가지만 뜻밖의 사실이 드러나며 상황은 걷잡을 수 없이 흘러가는데...
Old Mad Rock
Taro Casnova
The Dino Band was a famous rock band that split more than thirty years ago, but the rocker's blood in each of them is calling for a reunion, if only to prove that they are not just a bunch of old has-beens. Of course, there are enormous difficulties....there is a generation gap between them and current rock fans; and each of them has personal problems. But determination, and the fact that this chance may never come again makes them struggle to prove the saying "Rock Never Dies" And if they are going to die soon, they need a stage for their finale.
The Sexy Grandmother
Tip’s father has a mental problem, but he has been cured by Dr.Chow. Eak is married to Tip, but he still flirts around, so Tip becomes jealous and beats him unconscious. Eak has a strange feeling when he wakes up. Dr.Chow comes to check him out and they set up a plan to fool Tip. Eak still goes out and flirts even more than before. Tip has an idea to get him back by dressing up very sexy on her birthday to surprise everyone and gets Eak’s attraction.
Grand Father
Eak is a single old man, a womankind who loves flirting with any woman he sees and dresses according to the style of the woman he is going out with. Mod, his grand daughter from Laos comes to live with him. Because he wants to be alone all the time, he puts Mod in a kindergarten, but once he has a chance to meet Mod’s teacher, he begins to flirt with her by using Mod as a go between. One day he gets injured from helping the teacher’s father from a mugger, so she gets to know him better and has some feelings toward him.
Garuda came down from his celestial residence to gamble with an ancient king in a dice game. Garuda saw the beautiful Ka Kee, the king's wife, and kidnapped her. The king's musician helped her to escape by also seducing her. The king took offence at Ka Kee's unfaithfulness, for she had slept with three men. He punished her by banishing her to a raft that floated to the middle of the ocean, sure that she would not survive her ordeal.