Kakia Panagiotou

Kakia Panagiotou

출생 : , Athens, Greece

사망 : 2013-04-06

프로필 사진

Kakia Panagiotou

참여 작품

터치 오브 스파이스
~ Appetizer ~ 할아버지, 사랑의 맛은 어떤 건가요? 1959년 이스탄불. 향신료와 관련된 요리의 비법은 언제나 이곳 사람들의 관심사. 향신료 가게를 운영하는 할아버지는 손자 ‘파니스’에게 인생의 진리가 녹아있는 양념에 관한 얘기를 하며 사랑을 가르친다. 그러던 중 가족들이 모두 그리스로 강제 이주를 가게 되고, 곧 뒤따라 오겠다는 할아버지와 첫사랑 ‘사이메’ (“다시 만나면... 넌 요리를 해, 난 춤을 출게”) 와도 아쉬운 이별을 한다. ~ Main Dish ~ 못 견디게 보고 싶으면 저지르는 특별한 행동이 생겼다! 1964년 아테네. ‘파니스’는 할아버지와 ‘사이메’를 곧 만나게 될 거라고 고대했지만 두 사람은 오지 못한다. 결국 ‘파니스’는 새로운 환경에 적응하지 못한 채, ‘사이메’가 보고 싶을 때마다 이스탄불 식 요리를 하며 마음을 달래는데... ‘파니스’의 부모는 요리를 지나치게 잘하는 것이 남자답지 못하다며 부엌 출입금지를 내리는 등 온갖 조치를 취한다. ~ Dessert ~ 나는 지금...사랑을 찾아 이 곳에 다시 왔습니다. 어느덧 천체물리학 교수가 된 ‘파니스’는 할아버지가 숨을 거두었다는 소식을 듣고 이스탄불로 돌아온다. 그곳에서 그는 첫사랑 ‘사이메’를 다시 만나게 되는데...
Μαρκησία του λιμανιού
The City Never Sleeps
An old rocker return back home after 20 years to investigate the death of his brother
Τα χρόνια της οργής
Lieutenant Natassa
The year is 1965. Natasa Arseni visits Dachau, the place where she was found by the Americans at the end of the World War II. She returns to Greece, and during the train ride she recalls those past events. Before the beginning of the Greek-Italian war, she met Orestis . With the German invasion, Orestis, who was an officer in the Greek army, left for the Middle East. She followed him and accompanied him back to occupied Greece on a mission. She was arrested, interrogated and tortured and was finally sentenced to execution.
Face to Face with Death
Mrs. Veneti
Αγάπη Για Πάντα
Mrs Madoudis
A spoiled rich girl falls in love with a poor, good-looking but also talented pianist, rejecting a wealthy suitor from her own class. However, a combination of her parents' pressure and a misunderstanding with her beloved leads her to accept the proposal of a wealthy businessman. At the same time, an accident obliges the young pianist to abandon his piano for quite a long time. And although the young girl stands by him in his time of need, she leaves him the moment he recovers. However, on the night of his first concert, she returns to his side, determined to spend their life together.
The Teacher was One Hell of a Man
Foteini Mandeka
The teacher of a primary school in a mountainous village, arrives in Athens to force a rich businessman to keep his promise and to build a new school in the village.
A Crazy Party Animal
Angela Avgerinou
Panos Pampanos has a double life. For Thalia, the daughter of his best friend and his protege, is a moral man of strict principles. But, he is nothing but a party animal hiding behind behind the mask of a nephew he has invented himself. Misunderstandings succeed one another...
A Woman in the Resistance
Ειρήνη Κωλέττη
1940. Anna stay alone, her husband her brother her father leave for the war with the Italians. The attack of the Germans will give a hard blow to her family. She will continue to fight, approaching the German commander of the area.
Το Νυφοπάζαρο
I Stefania
Stefania's Mother
18 year old Stefania is brought to a juvenile reformatory for young prostitutes. The institution is actually a prison, and one of the worst and most squalid of its kind. It's a real hell. Two dozens of ragged girls are crammed into a dormitory, locked by a thick iron door, two in each bed. Meals and work is carried out in other sections of the building, separated by iron bars. A young doctor shall investigate the newcomer. When they meet, they immediately recognize each other. It is Giorgos, the doctor that treated Stefania's mother a couple of years ago, and then had a little flirt with Stefania. He has been thinking of her ever since. He immediately falls in love with her, and wants to help her. Stefania is thinking about any possibility to get out from the prison. She flirts with the ugly yard guard Armandos, and with the truck driver coming with foodstuff, but in vain...
Του χωρισμού ο πόνος
Στη θύελλα του πάθους
Αμαρτίες γονέων
Filmed version of stage director Takis Mouzenidis' production of the Sophocles tragedy.
Ραντεβού στη Βενετία
Thanasis, the Politician
The young daughter (Anna Synodinou) of a well-off family comes back from Switzerland after completing her studies, married to a young scientist, Thanasakis (Byron Pallis), who comes back to Greece determined to serve his country as a politician. With the financial support of his brother-in-law (Dinos Iliopoulos) he enters the election with no results. Soon though, another election is announced and he decides to run for a second time, again asking support from his brother-in-law who insists that a new campaign would be financial suicide for the family.