Mercurius haunts the village. Dr. Malick Roth and his sister, herbalist Eda, want to capture him again, with the help of their students Sophia and Jakob.
Berlin 36 is a 2009 German film telling the fate of Jewish athlete Gretel Bergmann in the 1936 Summer Olympics. She was replaced by the Nazi regime by an athlete later discovered to be a man. The film is based on a true story and was released in Germany on September 10, 2009. Reporters at Der Spiegel challenged the historical basis for many of the events in the film, pointing to arrest records and medical examinations indicating German authorities did not learn Dora Ratjen was male until 1938.
트랙을 질주하고 급회전 커브를 자유자재로 구사하며 숱한 레이싱 대회에서 승리를 거둔 ‘스피드 레이서’는 이름 그대로 오직 경주를 위해 태어난 천부적인 레이서다. 타고난 재능과 레이싱 본능, 두려움을 모르는 저돌성으로 무장한 그가 유일하게 극복해야 할 대상이 있다면 그건 그의 우상이자 레이스 중 사망한 형 ‘렉스 레이서’와의 추억뿐이다. 아버지 ‘팝스 레이서’가 직접 설계한 분신과도 같은 레이싱 카 ‘마하 5’를 타고 형이 미처 이루지 못한 꿈을 이루기 위해, 레이싱에 모든 것을 바친 가족들을 위해 나아가던 스피드. 그러나 거대기업 [로열튼]의 스카우트 제안을 거절하면서 그룹의 회장 ‘로열튼’의 분노를 사게 된다. 그리고 소수의 거물들이 그들의 이익을 위해 레이서들을 배후에서 조종하고 있었던 레이싱 경주 이면의 추한 비밀과 맞닥뜨리게 된다.
A Polish woman and a German man fall in love against the odds and decide to set up a cemetery for exiles. But can their daring venture survive the call of the toad? Adapted from Gunter Grass’ novel.
In rural Westphalia, Franz Berger struggles to keep his inn open. On this day, a bluff, overbearing bully, Hermann Walzer, has booked the dining room for a wedding banquet for his son Mark. There's bad blood between Berger and Walzer, so when the first course, shrimp cocktail, is off, Hermann storms out with the wedding party vowing not to pay. Franz locks the loo door, taking prisoners of the bride and Hermann's wife while he also locks the estate's outer gates, leaving Hermann and the rest outside. Walzer, a pheasant hunter, lays siege; shotguns, rifles, grenades, a shovel, and other weapons leave no one safe. Will it take death to bring these men to their senses?
In 1933 Nuremberg, successful Jewish businessman Leo Katzenberger owns an apartment building and runs a shoe store. A devoted family man, he has a good relationship with his loving wife Claire. As the climate in Germany grows increasingly dangerous, bombshell Irene moves to the neighborhood. After forming an unlikely friendship, his relationship with Irene is immediately regarded with suspicion.