Sean Patrick Leonard

Sean Patrick Leonard

프로필 사진

Sean Patrick Leonard

참여 작품

Without Grace
Based on a true story of heartbreak and triumph, Lucas embarks on a journey filled with lost love, lost faith and three best friends who refuse to give up on him.
Range Runners
A woman thru-hiking an isolated trail runs into trouble when her pack is hijacked by two men hiding out in the woods, desperate and on the run. Now, stranded and left to fend for herself, she has a choice: crawl back to her normal life in defeat, or push forward and take back what was stolen from her.
Every 21 Seconds
Kevin Ashe
The gut wrenching and inspiring true story of TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) survivor, Brian Sweeney. A happy, loving and successful man is brutally attacked in a case of mistaken identity that results in a severe TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury).
Cellar Door
Greg Horton
When a teenage girl goes missing in the woods, it's up to an aging sheriff to find her. With his deputy questioning his every move, this small town sheriff will have to face the wrath of the girl's abusive father in order to bring her home safe before it's too late.
Falsely Accused
When a young woman is falsely accused of murdering her brother, she must catch the real killer to prove her innocence. Along the way she encounters unexpected love, sadness, and hardships, as well as deep insights about the crime, herself, and her destiny.
Finding Hope
Simon Nolan
About Hope, a young wife plagued with amnesia and Andrew, her duty obsessed husband who must help her fall in love with him all over as he comes to terms with his own destiny.
Sweet Leaf
Billy and Steve have to get some money to pay off their drug dealer Tyvan. Their plan to rob a Carwash gets complicated when the plan gets shared and everyone has an ulterior motive. Crime/drama with a supernatural edge.
머신건 프리처
세상이 눈감았던 아이들 그들을 구하기 위한 그 남자의 뜨거운 전쟁! 그 남자의 뜨거운 전쟁이 시작된다! 불법과 마약 등 엉망인 삶을 살았던 샘 칠더스 (제라드 버틀러)는 우발적인 살인을 하게 되고 반성과 함께 가족들에게 도움을 요청한다. 그러나 다행스럽게 상대가 살아있는걸 알게 된 그는 선교사이자 목사의 길을 걷게 되는데…… 그러던 어느 날 수단의 집 짓기 봉사에 참여한 그는 그 곳에서 아이들이 팔려가거나 총을 들고 군인이 되어 총알받이가 되거나 혹은 제거의 대상이 되는 상황을 보고 고심하게 된다. 이런 죽어가는 아이들 앞에 그는 목회자이지만 총을 들고 반군에게 맞서기 시작하고 그를 지지하는 사람들과 함께 아이들을 구하기 위해 나서는데……