Gavin Cullen

참여 작품

어둠의 여인
1988년 테헤란: 이란­이라크 전쟁이 8년째 접어든 해, 테헤란의 한 아파트에서는 폭격을 피해 주민들이 한 집 두 집 떠나고, 어느 모녀만이 남아 있다. 엄마는 어린 딸을 지키기 위해 몸부림치지만, 불가사의한 유령이 그 둘을 갈라놓고 딸을 데려가려 하는데...
Two & Two
In a drab, anonymous gray school governed by a strict authoritarian regime, an apparently unremarkable day is turned on its head following a seemingly ridiculous announcement. Disbelieving at first, the all male, identically uniformed pupils are informed that what they had always been taught as fact is no longer true. When the incredulous students speak out, what initially seems laughably absurd becomes desperately real as they are forced to question how far they will go to stand up for their beliefs. Two & Two is an allegory for the absurdness of dictatorship and tyranny - and the resilience of the human spirit.