Karena Lam

Karena Lam

출생 : 1978-08-17, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Karena was working at her Vancouver family restaurant when she was discovered by a talent scout from Taiwan in 1993, at age fifteen. The scout persuaded her to fly to Taiwan that Christmas, alone, for a singing audition in the hope of securing a professional contract. The audition was a success and she released two albums, her debut album in 1995 and her second album later in 1999. However both were met with modest success. Her film debut in 2002 changed all this and propelled her to real stardom. Karena starred in three successful Hong Kong films in the same year, winning the awards of Best Supporting Actress and Best New Performer for her role in July Rhapsody directed by Ann Hui (at the 2002 Hong Kong Film Awards) and for Inner Senses by Lo Chi Leung (at the Taiwan Golden Horse Awards), gaining her recognition as a talented young actress and marking the start of her film career. In recent months she has been taking on much more challenging roles, as witnessed in the 2005 horror film Home Sweet Home, where she plays an insane and horribly deformed "phantom" monster who kidnaps a boy from his genetic mother to claim as its own, and was nominated for major awards again.

프로필 사진

Karena Lam

참여 작품

Red Line
맨 온 엣지
홍콩 최대 조직의 보스 ‘람유청’(임달화)이 마지막 마약 거래 후 은퇴를 하겠다고 선언하자 그와 맹세를 나눈 다섯 형제는 보스 자리를 두고 조금씩 균열하기 시작한다. 그중 가장 유력한 후계자로 지목받고 있는 ‘록치밍’(임현제)은 사실 조직의 마약 거래 증거를 확보하기 위해 잠입한 비밀 경찰로 자신의 신분을 숨긴 채 조직의 신임을 받으며, ,조직 내 세력을 키워나가고 있다. 어느 날, 록치밍의 진짜 정체를 알고 있는 '로 총경'이 피살당하고, 록치밍은 경찰 내부 부패 세력의 존재와 음모에 대해 알게 된다. 제자리로 돌아갈 수 없는 록치밍은 자신만의 치밀한 계획을 준비하는데…
미국 소녀
Lily Wang
좀 더 나은 삶을 살기 위해 미국으로 이주해 살던 가족이 어머니가 병을 얻은 뒤 다시 대만으로 돌아와 생활에 적응해 나가는 13세 소녀 량팡안의 가족의 삶을 다룬 영화
Bad Acting
Stuffing the face with unimaginable expressions, tears streaming down the cheeks like a waterfall, hysterical cries as if coming from a neurotic….. These “phenomena” are literally the “bad acting” that are overwhelming our movies today – loud, over the top, crude, vulgar, full of ridiculed cliches that suffocate the audience….the list goes on. The illustrious Stage Opera Director and Lecturer, Olivia Yan Wing Pui, with years of distinct teaching expertise and experience, transforms her classroom into the theater. She documents her students comprising celebrated artists and newbies, award-winning actresses or laypersons, who, in Bad Acting, forthrightly share their struggles and pains, persistence and devotion, on their objective of becoming top notch artists in their acting careers.
Legally Declared Dead
When insurance agent Yip Wing-shun (Carlos Chan) is called to visit Tak (Anthony Wong) and Ling’s (Karena Lam) home to follow up on a life insurance policy, he discovers their son’s corpse hanging in the bathroom. Principled and kind-hearted, Yip Wing-shun suspects that the child may have been murdered. As Yip Wing-shun digs for the truth, the real perpetrator turns the tables and forces Yip Wing-shun into a psychological battle of wills.
화이트 스톰2 : 마약전쟁
Chow Man-fung
한 조직에서 형제처럼 사이좋게 지냈던 ‘순천’(유덕화)과 ‘지장’(고천락). 하지만 조직 보스 몰래 마약 거래를 일삼던 ‘지장’의 행태가 발각되면서 ‘지장’은 조직을 떠나게 되고 이후 ‘순천’ 역시 조직을 나와 새로운 삶을 산다. 세계적인 금융 그룹의 총수가 되어 승승장구하는 ‘순천’과 대조적으로, 홍콩 최대의 마약상으로 성장해 암흑가를 지배하게 된 ‘지장’. 이러한 가운데 마약 때문에 가족을 잃는 아픔을 겪은 ‘순천’은 홍콩마약퇴치위원회의 대표직을 맡아 홍콩 내 마약 유통을 근절하기 위해 힘쓰던 중 홍콩 최대 마약상을 제거하면 현상금 1억을 주겠다는 파격적인 제안을 한다. 이에 암흑가 최대의 마약 전쟁은 더욱 치열해지는데…
염정풍운 : 연막
Kong Suet Yee
홍콩 부패수사국이 조사 중인 담배 밀수 사건의 중요 증인 잭 허가 재판이 열리기 한 시간 전에 홀연히 사라져 호주로 달아나자 부패수사국의 조사관 설리가 잭 허를 설득해 홍콩으로 데려오기 위해 호주로 간다. 하지만 밀수 사건에 흑막이 따로 있다는 것이 밝혀지면서 사건은 의외의 방향으로 흘러가고 점점 더 미궁으로 빠져들어 가는데...
더 크리미널 마인드: 공공의 적
Wei Wei
정교하게 설계된 계획과 고도의 기술로 피해자를 끔찍하게 살해해 도시를 혼란에 빠뜨린 연쇄살인범 ‘도시의 빛’. 그의 살인에는 공통점이 있다: 무관심으로 누군가를 죽음에 이르게 해 논란이 된 사람들, 즉 공공의 적이 피해자라는 것, 그리고 그들 자신이 저지른 범죄의 방식으로 살해당한다는 것. 언론은 그를 정의의 사도로 포장하고, 대중들은 그를 숭배하며 다음 심판이 일어나기를 기다린다. ‘도시의 빛’ 사건을 담당하게 된 형사 미난(류시시)은 전직 형사이자 과학 수사 전문가인 팡무(덩차오)를 찾아가 도움을 요청하게 되고, 둘은 힘을 합쳐 차근차근 현장에서 사건의 실마리를 찾아나간다. 하지만 ‘도시의 빛’은 자신을 도시의 수호자로 칭하며 온라인 투표를 통해 대중들이 피해자의 처단에 관여하게 만드는 등 더욱 더 대담한 방식으로 살인을 저지르기 시작하는데...
한때 유엔 사무총장을 꿈꾸며 승승장구하던 '동역자들'의 리더이자 목사인 마르코(장학우). 하지만 지금은 모든 것을 잃고 믿음도 버린지 오래다. 그러던 중 마르코는 한 모임에 참석했다가 옛 친구인 미쉘(임가흔)을 만나게 된다. 그리고 어딘가 불편해 보이는 두 사람은 서로의 근황을 묻더니, 5년 전 그때의 이야기를 하기 시작한다. 마르코는 자신이 이렇게 만들어 버린 미쉘에게 당시의 이유를 묻게 되고, 미쉘은 어떻게 그 사실을 모를 수 있냐며 마르코를 다그친다. 이야기는 점점 과거의 그때를 비춰주고, 과거의 그때 두 사람의 모습은 뭇 연인들과 같은 화목함을 보이고 있었다. 과연 두 사람은 5년 전 그때에 무슨 일이 있었던 것일까?
어둠의 파수꾼
Fatt's mother
주간지 기자인 링(채사패 蔡思贝)은 우연히 팟(장가휘)이 퇴마술을 하는 동영상을 보게된다. 마침 취재거리를 찾던 링은 속는 셈치고, 팟을 만나기로 한다. 팟의 자존심을 건드리며 귀신의 실체를 묻는 링은 그 자리에서 귀신의 존재를 확인하고 만다. 그렇게 팟의 뒤를 쫓기로 결심한 링은 팟의 조수인 청(장지총)과 함께 영매를 찾아 귀신의 존재를 확인하고자 한다. 하지만 도리어 귀신에 빙의되고 만 링. 청은 팟을 불러 링의 빙의를 풀어달라부탁하고, 팟은 링에게 빙의된 귀신의 억울함을 알게된다. 그렇게 팟의 일을 돋게 된 링. 팟에 대해 더 알고 싶었던 링은 팟의 집에 몰래들어가게 되지만, 팟과 동거하는 귀신 첸(곽채결 Amber Kuo)의 존재를 발견하고는 까무러치고 마는데...
Zinnia Flower
On the same day, in the same accident, Wei loses his pregnant wife and Ming her fiancé. In Buddhism, one is given 100 days to mourn for the dead. Like two mice lost in a labyrinth, Wei runs around in circles while Ming calmly creeps down a determined path. But the pain and sorrow linger on. With the 100th day approaching, they wonder if they'll ever be able to say goodbye.
Lover's Discourse
In a crowded city like Hong Kong, former lovers often cross each other's path. One night, a former couple reunites for one night as they talk about their past, their present, and the possibility of a future. Elsewhere in the city, a laundry shop girl has a crush on a customer, carrying on her days fantasizing about adventures with an inanimate version of him. Meanwhile, Po runs into a childhood friend and reminisces about the days of him as a teenager and his own infatuation with his best friend's mother. Back in the present, Po is contacted by a stranger with a secret about two people they know very well…
Don Quixote
Sang Cuihua
Don Quixote is a 2010 Chinese and Hong Kong film directed by Ah Gan based on Miguel de Cervantes' 17th-century novel.
Let the Wind Carry Me
Focusing on Mark Lee Ping-bin, one of the most talented and prolific cinematographers in Asia, the movie details the itinerant lifestyle of a deeply observant and philosophical artist and the tolls that his profession takes on his family life.
Fit Lover
Nie Bing
This film centers on Nie Bing, a high-profile TV hostess, who is obsessed with trying to find her "ideal man" before her 30th birthday. Nie Bing is given a magic car by a mischievous angel, and a different handsome man -one of the 12 featured A-list actors from China, Taiwan and Japan- appears each time she drives it. Lam's character soon collects a dozen admirers, portrayed by A-list actors from China, Taiwan, and Japan, each with a different profession, personality, and ideas of what constitutes romance
Pearl has quietly fallen in love with her boss Tom, who’s married with a family. Without warning, Tom asks Pearl to interview for another job. Wounded, Pearl demands that Tom terminate her. The gauntlet has been thrown down. In a space as small, crowded and claustrophobic as the office, love doesn’t grow - it incubates and breeds, like a virus.
Candy Rain
Four separate vignettes about lesbian relationships and dating, ending with a summation about relationships.
Happy Funeral
Anna & Anna
Anna / Siyu
Anna & Anna is a movie about a Singaporean arts saleswoman / alpha female and her subdued doppelganger. Anna One (the arts saleswoman) is very successful in her job, and gets posted to Shanghai, where she used to live before. There, by a coincidence, she finds another woman who not only like her but IS her - Anna Two. This Anna has finished her studies, become a painter, and stayed with Oulang, a depressed musician - the life as Anna One's could have been, had she made another decision at one point of her life.
Lam Hiu-yeung
Three years ago, drama teacher Lam Hiu Yeung (Karena Lam) lost her younger brother in a kidnapping case, headed by female inspector Ho Yuen Chun (Rene Liu). Three years later, she is now on the verge of another great loss: her husband is in the late stages of cancer, and options are running out. To take him overseas for medical treatment, she needs money, and a lot of it. Using what she learned from her brother's tragic incident, she calmly masterminds the kidnapping of a tycoon's son, a case that again falls into the laps of workaholic detective and divorced mother Yuen Chun. These two strong-minded women square off in a high-stakes battle of wits, but plans and composure melt away on both sides when they realize that Hiu Yeung has nabbed the wrong kid - Yuen Chun's son.
한 과학자는 그의 발명품 인 "멩거 스폰지"를 사용하여 오래된 건물에서 죽은 어린이의 정신 에너지를 포착하고, 왜 귀신의 기운(정신 에너지)이 사라지지 않는 이유를 알아내려는 과정속에서 소년의 신분과 소년의 극적인 과거를 알아내는데...
Home Sweet Home
Yim Hung
May's son has gone missing, and in order to win him back, the devoted mother is going to have to face her worst fears as she navigates a treacherous maze of incomprehensible evil. If she can make it out alive, she might just get a second chance at motherhood. If she falls prey to the darkness that surrounds her, however, she will suffer a fate worse than death as she is forced to confront every mother's worst nightmare.
Mob Sister
In the macho triad world where heroes are molded from blood, brawn and brains, what place is there for a defenseless girl? The only exception to the rule is if you earn your respect as 'Ah Sou' - the big boss' wife. Ah Sou tells the extraordinary story of an innocent girl who becomes appointed successor to Hong Kong's ruling triad. This role becomes a double-edged sword for our young heroine, who is sucked into a maelstrom of vicious gang wars, hair-raising assassination attempts and ruthless power struggles and betrayals. Through numerous violent episodes and unexpected reversals, she discovers her own inner strength and re-writes the laws of the triad kingdom.
It Had To Be You
Restaurant supervisor Jill (Karena Lam) has a handsome boyfriend Chi On (Wu Bing), but she is just his backup girlfriend. She knows she is the other girl, but her hope for being his one and only has never ceased until he changes his formal girlfriend once again. All her anger goes to her co-worker Jack (Ekin Cheng), who appears to be a womanizer but indeed shares a similar unfortunate romantic situation of being the backup boyfriend of an airhostess. Knowing that both are victims in romantic relationships, Jack and Jill no longer spar with each other and a liking between them start to develop
Six Strong Guys
Four men meet up on the rooftop of an office block for an unusual suicide plan. Driven to the edge by problems and stresses, are going to jump off the roof in a protest against the miserable lives of men. They are in for a big surprise when two more unexpected "guests" with the same suicidal intent join them and share a man-to-man talk.
Super Model
Inspector Karena Zhang
Super model Mandom (Ronald Cheng) is very famous in the field. One day, he is threatened by someone, asking him not to attend a model competition. Mandom calls for police and Madam Cheung (Karena Lam) is sent to bodyguard him 24 hours a day. However they have hostile feeling to each other. At the same time, Mandom also faces a challenger Fantasy (Sammy). How can Mandom fight against Fantasy in the model competition?
Suen Ling
A horrid crime was committed at a wedding reception and bridesmaid Chi Ching was the lone eyewitness. At the police station, she recognised the suspect, Suen Ling, in a line up. She also discovered the affair between this stranger and her lover. All of a sudden the emotional turmoil surrounding her chronic illness resurfaced and quickly grew beyond control.
The Floating Landscape
Maan has recently lost her lover, Sam, a painter who died tragically of an incurable disease. Before his death, he was remembering a beautiful landscape from the days when he was still a boy living in Qingdao in China. Maan goes to Qingdao to find this landscape. There, she meets Lit (Liu Ye), a postman who will help her to find that place. A relationship grows between Maan and Lit but she can't forget the love she had for Sam.
홍콩 최고의 최면술사 여상정(여명 분)은 살인 혐의로 수감 중이다. 경찰 내부 관리의 사건을 수사하던 이문건(정이건 분)은 사건과 최면과의 관련성을 파악하고 여상정에게 조언을 구하기위해 그를 찾아간다. 한편 이문건은 다이아몬드 경매장의 경호 임무를 맡던 중 자신의 의지와는 상관없이 다이아몬드를 훔치게 되는 함정에 빠지게 되고, 그 배후에 여상정의 최면이 작용했음을 알고, 자신의 누명을 벗기 위해 그의 뒤를 뒤쫓는다. 그러나 여상정 역시 자신에게 복수하고자 아내와 친구의 가족들을 인질로 잡고 있는 조직의 보스(오진우 분)에게 이용당하고 있는 상태였다. 이제 두 사람은 자신의 누명을 벗기위해, 그리고 사랑하는 가족을 구하기 위해 함께 손을 잡게 되는데...,
Truth or Dare : 6th Floor Rear Flat
Six Hong Kong roommates vow to each accomplish something daring or wonderful within one year.
Cheung Yan
얀은 부모와 떨어져 낡고 오래된 아파트로 이사온다. 하지만 이사 온 첫날부터 얀은 아파트에 감도는 이상한 기운을 느끼고, 또한 다른 존재들이 자신과 함께 있다는 사실을 알게 된다. 친구의 권유로 심리학자 짐을 찾아가지만 그는 그녀가 보았다는 다른 존재들을 믿지 않으며, 그녀의 문제가 과거의 상처에서 비롯된 것이라 생각한다.
Jane Chan
Is the story of a man, Fung, in his early twenties living his life as a mail-man during the day and a janitor at night. One day, through fate and destiny, he manages to meet a beautiful girl, Jane, on a subway train while delivering a package. From this moment on his life will change forever.
Woo Choy-lam
평화로운 삶을 살아가던 고교 교사 람유콱은 어느 날 중년의 위기를 맞는다. 아내의 젊은 시절을 연상시키는 한 매력적인 여학생이 그에게 사랑을 고백하고, 아내 만칭은 불치병에 걸린 채 나타난 옛 애인과의 일을 정리하기 위해 한 달간 집을 떠나 있겠다고 선언한다. 아내에 대한 분노와 동정심에 혼란스러워하던 람유콱은 자신에게 다가오는 여학생에게 점점 이끌리게 되는데…….▶ 7회 부산국제영화제 아시아영화의 창
Customs Frontline
Zhou Zhengli and his boss Zhang Yunnan are working for Hong Kong Customs. When they are investigating an arms smuggling case, the Customs encounter a violent attack by an overseas force. Zhou Zhengli participates in the joint operation with the Interpol. Zhou is a brave man, not afraid of dangerous mission, but the truth might be difficult for him to accept...