The Mountain of SGaana spins a magical tale of a young man who is stolen away to the spirit world, and the young woman who rescues him. Haida filmmaker Christopher Auchter’s dream-like gem brilliantly entwines traditional animation with formal elements of Haida art, which are brought to life by a rich, evocative palette and stylized effects. As a young fisherman cruises along a rugged shoreline, a tiny mouse in Haida regalia appears and starts to knit a blanket. A story unfolds on the blanket as it grows longer, illustrating the ancient tale of Haida master sea hunter Naa-Naa-Simgat and his beloved, Kuuga Kuns. When a sGaana (the Haida word for “killer whale”) captures the hunter and drags him down into a supernatural world, the courageous Kuuga Kuns sets off to save him. Will the lovers manage to escape the undersea Mountain of SGaana, or will they, too, become part of the Haida spirit world forever?
Original Music Composer
89세 ‘크레이그 모리슨’은 평생 해로한 아내 ‘아이린’이 알츠하이머에 걸리자 그녀를 위해 직접 맞춤형 새 집을 지어주기로 결심한다. ‘크레이그’의 ‘집 짓기 프로젝트’가 한창일 즈음, 시청 건축과에서는 자재부터 건축방식까지 허가를 받아야 한다며 사사건건 참견을 한다. 내 땅에서 내가 사랑하는 아내를 위해 집을 짓겠다는데 무엇이 문제냐는 ‘크레이그 모리슨’은 점점 더 악화되는 아내를 위해 집짓기를 강행하고, 결국 구속될 위기에 처한다.
An enchanting musical performance, set beneath the stars in the breathtaking Moorish heart of medieval Spain. Captured in concert in September 2006, singer/composer Loreena McKennitt leads viewers through the multi-textured landscapes of her catalog, from traditional Celtic ballads to literary narratives and highlights from her latest recording, An Ancient Muse.Filmed in rich HDTV, Nights from the Alhambra evokes the otherworldly magic of Granada's palace of dreams, the fiery and inspired performances of a stellar cast of supporting musicians and, of course, the unforgettable voice and songs of Loreena McKennitt herself.
Details the life and work of 19th century Canadian photographer William Notman. Includes interviews with Nora Hague, Roger Hall, Dr. Lilly Koltun, Jeff Nolte, Dennis Reid, Joan Schwartz and Stanley Triggs.
유전 소유권을 둘러싼 쿠테타로 내전에 휩싸인 나이지리아. 무차별 살육이 자행되는 광기의 현장에 외국인 철수작전을 위해 최정예 네이비씰 워터스(브루스 윌리스)가 이끄는 특수부대가 파견된다. 하지만 리나 켄드릭스 박사(모니카 벨루치)만 구출하면 끝날 줄 알았던 단순한 임무는 반정부군의 출현으로 예상치 못했던 위험과 직면하게 된다. 리나의 환자 중에 숨어있던 전대통령의 유일한 후계자를 노리는 반정부군의 추격이 점차 거세지는 가운데, 워터스 일행은 모든 것을 포기하고 즉각 철수하라는 상부의 최종통보를 받는다. 워터스와 리나 일행의 위치를 파악한 반정부군은 대규모 병력을 동원한 총공격을 감행하는데… 명령으로 주어진 임무만 수행하고 살아남을 것인가, 목숨을 걸고 자신이 선택한 임무를 수행할 것인가? 이제 워터스가 선택한 최후의 길은.
This feature-length documentary follows naturalist Bill Mason on his journey by canoe into the Ontario wilderness. The filmmaker and artist begins on Lake Superior, then explores winding and sometimes tortuous river waters to the meadowlands of the river's source. Along the way, Mason paints scenes that capture his attention and muses about his love of the canoe, his artwork and his own sense of the land. Mason also uses the film as a commentary on the link between God and nature and the vast array of beautiful canvases God created for him to paint. Features breathtaking visuals and exciting whitewater footage, with a musical score by Bruce Cockburn.