Stefan Kullänger

참여 작품

The Hotel
Director of Photography
The Hotel is the last part of a trilogy about travelling. The first two were The Atlantic (Atlanten, 1995) and The Lighthouse (Fyren, 2000). The hotel is a different kind of home. It can be a refuge, cul-de-sac, castle, nightmare, creative space...The first hotel was created as protection against the elements. Weary travellers could find shelter and rest. But it was also a place for legends and anecdotes.
Styckmordet: berättelsen om en rättsskandal
Director of Photography
Originally planned as a two part docudrama - "The child's story" and "The double sentence". In the years 1982-84 was three women prostitutes murdered in Stockholm. 27-year-old Catrine da Costa was the third in this row. The murders had similarities that never before was recognized. Two medical doctors identifies as murderers in the media. The two was at first convicted of murder in the district court and then acquitted by the District Court.
Som om ... tiden stått still
Director of Photography
I Am Curious, Film
Director of Photography
The Scandinavian entry in the BFI's Century of Cinema series of documentaries
Between Summers
Director of Photography
Torun and Mikael have been married for a few years. When vacationing on the Danish coast, their young son Melker accidentally drowns. Torun initially blames her sister, who was supposed to supervise her children. Later she turns her anger and grief against her husband. Since none of them know what to do with their feelings, they start to drift apart.
미스터 트러블
Director of Photography
고등학교 화학 교사인 코니는 어느 날 갑자기 마약소지 혐의로 체포되어 감옥에 들어간다. 그는 누군가 자기집에 마약을 숨겨놓고 자신에게 혐의를 뒤집어 씌웠다고 토로하지만 아무도 믿어주지 않는다. 우연한 기회에 그는 자기가 일하던 세탁장 벽에 구멍이 뚫려 있어 하수구를 통해 회부로 나갈 수 있다는 것을 알게 된다. 그는 같은 작업장 동료들에게 그 사실을 가르쳐준다. 동료들을 밖으로 탈출해 조폐 공사를 습격할 계획을 세운다. 그러나 코니의 고의적인 방해로 그 계획은 번번이 실패한다.