Stina Gardell

Stina Gardell

프로필 사진

Stina Gardell

참여 작품

The King
A documentary about the Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf
더 콰이어
감독 아만다 페시칸은 스웨덴의 가장 유명한 합창단을 따라 가스펠의 고향인 시카고로의 여정에 동참한다. 이 여행은 곧 영적, 정신적 도전으로 바뀌고, 신앙, 리더십, 영성에 대한 질문들은 단원들 사이를 시험대에 올린다. 종교, 개인, 공동체의 문제에 직면한 합창단 역사의 중요한 시기를 기록한 다큐멘터리.
더 로스트 레오나르도
‘더 로스트 레오나르도’는 4억 5천만 달러라는 가장 비싼 가격에 팔린 레오나르도 다빈치의 작품 ‘살바토르 문디’의 뒷이야기를 다룬다. 작품은 수상한 뉴올리언스 경매장에서 구매자에게 팔리는데, 구매자가 싸구려 복원 기술 뒤에 숨겨진 대가의 붓놀림을 발견하는 순간부터, 살바토르 문디의 운명은 유명세, 돈, 권력에 대한 절대 채워지지 않는 탐구에 의해 이끌린다. 가격이 치솟을수록, 진품 여부에 대한 의문도 커진다. 이 수백만 달러짜리 그림은 실제 레오나르도의 작품일까? 혹은 어떤 권력가들의 조작일까?
세상에서 가장 아름다운 소년
루키노 비스콘티는 토마스 만의 ‘베니스에서의 죽음’을 영화화하면서 타치오에 대한 묘사만큼은 최대한 원작에 충실하고자 했다. 서구 문명이 묘사하는 가장 아름다운 소년을 찾기 위해 유럽 각지를 헤매다 마침내 스톡홀름에서 15살 스웨덴의 평범한 시골소년이던 비요른 안데르센을 만났고, 그는 한순간에 스타덤에 올랐다. 어린 나이에 글로벌 아이콘이 되어버린 그에게 미모는 굴레였을지도 모른다. 이제 초로의 문턱에 선 그는 자신의 삶을 어떻게 바라보고 있을까.
Corona Film Club
Documentary about filmmaker and film lover Stig Björkman during the pandemic year of 2020 when he stay in touch with his friends over his laptop.
Corona Film Club
Documentary about filmmaker and film lover Stig Björkman during the pandemic year of 2020 when he stay in touch with his friends over his laptop.
Corona Film Club
Documentary about filmmaker and film lover Stig Björkman during the pandemic year of 2020 when he stay in touch with his friends over his laptop.
Ninosca - The Woman And The Emigrant's Song
After spending five years of her life as a low-paid immigrant, Ninosca is finally granted European res-idence permit. As European citizen she can visit her home in Nicaragua, knowing that she has the right to return to Spain. Her plan had originally been to work for two of years in Spain, supporting her family in Nicaragua. But as circumstances changed, six long years passed. During this time, Ninosca’s encounter with Europe had made her free. Looking back at her home country now, she realises that she will find it hard to live there again. She does not want to return to the man she left behind and to a life of fear and abuse. Ninosca’s children stayed with their father in Nicaragua whilst she worked double shifts to support them and pay for the children’s education. Her daughter Jenny is studied pharmacology and her son Miguel computer and system sciences.
Sara med allt sitt väsen
A documentary about the Swedish rapper and artist Silvana Imam.
Letters to a Serialkiller
A thriller documentary where the director seek answers on why her brother was shot by the Swedish serial killer Peter Mangs.
그녀, 잉그리드 버그만
A personal and captivating account of the extraordinary life and work of Ingrid Bergman (1915-82), a young Swedish woman who became one of the most celebrated actresses in world cinema.
그녀, 잉그리드 버그만
A personal and captivating account of the extraordinary life and work of Ingrid Bergman (1915-82), a young Swedish woman who became one of the most celebrated actresses in world cinema.
I See You
In this intimate portrait, we follow Rena as she makes the transition from youth into adulthood. A journey fraught with limitations and prejudice. She is blind, but her biggest dream is not to be able to see - it is to be seen for who she is.
Five Star Existence
Director Sonja Lindén's personal and sensitive quest to the core of the modern information society where technology and human beings get more and more entwined. This documentary explores our society on the verge of turning ubiquitous - a wireless society, where the laws of time, space and distance are revolutionizing the concept of liaison. Do the consequences of the technological revolution increase our freedom, or do they limit us? Is it possible to find a balance between one's natural rhythm and the society that spins at an ever increasing and demanding speed? Are we chasing echoes of our lost inner wholeness in our everyday lives, which are becoming busier and more fragmented than ever before?
Han tror han är bäst
A Mother’s Comeback
When Rosie was in her twenties, she was the drag-racing queen of Sweden, a brilliant star in this almost exclusively male sport. Then life intervened, with marriage and children putting an end to her racing days. Now, after a 34-year break, Rosie is making a comeback. Urged on by her daughter and self-proclaimed manager, she tries to find sponsors. The road is uneven and behind her dreams of a comeback, there are depressions, burnout and family tragedies. This film is a revealing and complex portrait of a woman who gains strength by allowing herself to be weak. The fight to become the world's fastest grandmother is really the fight to reclaim one's own life.
… But Film Is My Mistress
Guided by Liv Ullmann and with commentaries from a number of prominent filmmakers for whom Bergman is and remains an important influence - such as Woody Allen, Olivier Assayas, Bernardo Bertolucci, Arnaud Desplechin, John Sayles, Martin Scorsese and Lars von Trier, the film provides a vivid portrait of the artist who in each new project found a challenge for himself and for the people he worked with - both actors and colleagues behind the camera.
The Nun
After Marta had decided to become a nun at a young age, filmmaker Maud Nycander followed her and her family for ten years.