Gregory Marshall

참여 작품

Teenage Thunder
Jimmy Morrison
Teenagers rebel and race cars.
Andy Marion
A landowner in colonial Africa leads a safari through Nukumbi territory in order to capture an escaped criminal.
The Blue Veil
Harrison Palfrey
A World War I widow loses her only child and spends the rest of her life as a children's nurse.
Adventure in Baltimore
Mark Sheldon
Dinah Sheldon is a student at an exclusive girl's school who starts campaigning for women's rights. Her minister father and her boyfriend Tom Wade do not approve.
Bandits of Dark Canyon
Billy Archer
As prisoner Ed Archer is being transferred, the stage is attacked and crashes. Archer escapes the attackers but Ranger Rocky Lane catches up with him. As Rocky is bringing him in, Archer is attacked again. Somebody wants Archer killed and Rocky, now suspecting Archer is innocent, decides to find out who and why.
Tommy Bullock
Although Dale and Ken Bullock should be a happily married couple, their marriage is on the verge of a break-up, because Dale refuses to give up her well-paying job in order to devote more time to Ken and their two children Jimmy, age 9, and Tommy, age 6. They sue for divorce and the Judge rules that the children be placed in the custody of their father. Dale realizes what she has lost but she is too proud to say anything to Ken, whom she still loves. Ken, shopping for the perfect stay-at-home wife to take care of his children, falls for the charms of his secretary, Millie Lynch. Not quite.
That's My Man
Richard Grange
A poor young man is finally able to achieve his dream of running a horse at the track, but when he starts becoming successful, he begins to lose sight of what mattered to him before.
Child of Divorce
Freddie (as Gregory Muradian)
An eight-year-old girl is an unwilling and disturbed witness of parental quarrels in her home, and when the parents finally secure a divorce, the judge decrees that the young girl live with her mother for eight months and her father the other four months. The divided life affects her both mentally and physically.
The Bride Wore Boots
Johnnie Warren
Rich and beautiful Southern heiress Sally Warren loves horse-racing and running her horse-farm although her husband of seven years hates the four-legged mammals. Spouse Jeff Warren is a successful author, Civil War scholar, and popular lecturer on the ladies club circuit. After Jeff buys aging twelve-year old nag Albert in the mistaken belief that he's a colt and Sally purchases a desk for her husband in the naive belief that it once belonged to Jefferson Davis, it's obvious that they have few interests in common. The squabbling is complicated by Jeff's jealousy of Sally's relationship with Lance Gale, her childhood friend, neighbor, and fellow horse breeder.
드라큐라의 집
서민들에게 자비를 베풀어 존경 받고 있는 에드먼 박사는 어느 날 밤 자신을 드라큘라 백작이라고 밝히며 도움을 요청하는 남자의 방문을 받는다. 자비심이 많은 박사는 그를 받아들이고, 그날 밤 박사는 보름달만 뜨면 늑대로 변하는 타보트까지 떠맞게 된다. 그러나 그런 그의 자비를 이용하는 드라큘라 백작으로 인해 그의 간호사가 위험에 처하게 되자, 간호사를 구하기 위한 수단을 간구하다 박사는 드라큘라 백작의 피를 수혈 받게 된다. 밤에는 드라큘라 백작의 기운을 가지게 되는 자신을 억제하며, 타보트를 위한 수술에 성공하고 다음으로 그를 위해 일해온 간호사의 수술을 준비하던 중 박사는 뱀파이어의 욕구를 이기지 못하고, 그의 하인을 살해하게 된다. 마을 사람들은 이미 야수로 드러난 타보트를 의심하게 되고, 모든 것을 알고 있는 타보트는 그에게 도움을 준 박사를 위해 비밀을 덮어두게 되는데...
스트레인지 컨페션
Tommy Carter
A scientist who is working on a cure for influenza is victimized by his unscrupulous boss, who releases the vaccine before it's ready, resulting in the death of the scientist's son.
Captain Eddie
Dewey Rickenbacker
WWI flyer Eddie Rickenbaker remembers his life which brought him from a car salesman, race driver and pilot in WWI, to an important person in the early years of civil airline service, after his plane crashed in the South Pacific in late 1942.