The film follows 12-year-old Ats, whose older brother Rain unexpectedly returns to the family home in a small seaside town to face their authoritarian father Kalju and their mother, a woman on the verge of losing love. Ats is a witness to the clash between his father and brother, two stubborn men from different generations with radically different views of the world.
The film follows 12-year-old Ats, whose older brother Rain unexpectedly returns to the family home in a small seaside town to face their authoritarian father Kalju and their mother, a woman on the verge of losing love. Ats is a witness to the clash between his father and brother, two stubborn men from different generations with radically different views of the world.
Special Effects Assistant
1950년대 에스토니아, 수용소로 간 엄마를 기다리는 여섯 살 ‘렐로'는 엄마와의 약속대로 착한 아이가 되기 위해 빨간 스카프를 두른 '소년단’이 되기로 결심한다. 한편, '렐로'는 자꾸만 집으로 찾아오는 검은 옷을 입은 어른들에게 왜 아빠의 자랑스러운 스포츠 메달을 비밀로 해야 하는지 궁금하기만 한데... '렐로'가 씩씩한 소년단이 되면, 엄마가 입학식 전까지 집으로 돌아올까?
Aleksander, an old gentleman, maintains a blooming garden surrounding his old house in a sleepy resort town. Karl, his grandson, spends the summer with him and learns about the ways of the nature. Together with autumn rains arrives Aleksander’s daughter Marju, who hopes to inherit the old man’s house, tear it down and put up a guesthouse on the lot instead.
On a misty sea drifts a lonely boat. While unseen danger lurks in the fog, the boat's motor is out of order and visibility is as clear as the relationship between the two men sitting in the boat. Do they get out of the mist? Or is it already too late?
On a misty sea drifts a lonely boat. While unseen danger lurks in the fog, the boat's motor is out of order and visibility is as clear as the relationship between the two men sitting in the boat. Do they get out of the mist? Or is it already too late?
A stranger who wanders to a desolate farm is captured and accused of arson. If the man is guilty, it would be fitting to judge over his life right there. But what if the man is innocent?
A stranger who wanders to a desolate farm is captured and accused of arson. If the man is guilty, it would be fitting to judge over his life right there. But what if the man is innocent?