Follow-up to Patzak's JUGENDLICHE made nearly 40 years later. Peter Patzak, Walter Kindler and Peter Huemer talk to the protagonists featured in their 1972 documentary, about what happened with their dreams and how their lifes turned out in reality.
Follow-up to Patzak's JUGENDLICHE made nearly 40 years later. Peter Patzak, Walter Kindler and Peter Huemer talk to the protagonists featured in their 1972 documentary, about what happened with their dreams and how their lifes turned out in reality.
A new case for the energetic criminal investigation officer Beate Stein: The half-undressed corpse of a subway driver is found in a subway tunnel. It soon seems as if the perpetrator has been found in a convicted female murderer. But after his death, the murders continue ...
Cafe Patron
프랑스 파리의 소르본느 대학생인 셀린느는 헝가리 부다페스트에 사는 할머니를 만나고, 가을 학기 개강에 맞춰 파리로 돌아가는 길이다. 셀린느는 옆자리의 독일인 부부가 시끄럽게 말다툼하는 소리를 피해 뒷좌석으로 자리를 옮기는데, 거기서 제시라는 미국인 청년과 우연히 얘기를 나누게 된다. 우연히 만난 그들은 짧은 시간에 서로에게 빠져든다. 그림 같은 도시와 꿈같은 대화 속에서 발견한 서로를 향한 강한 이끌림은 풋풋한 사랑으로 물들어 간다. 밤새도록 계속된 그들의 사랑 이야기 끝에 해가 떠오르기 시작하고 그들은 헤어져야만 하는데...
Alex (Thierry Van Werveke), a pest exterminator who lives with his grandmother, picks up a stranded woman (Kate Valk) who claims to be the American daughter of a spy.
At night, baby-face Laura dresses up as a vamp and lets random guys at bars pick her up, just to drug and rob them later. But then someone starts stalking her, and a person close to her is killed.
At night, baby-face Laura dresses up as a vamp and lets random guys at bars pick her up, just to drug and rob them later. But then someone starts stalking her, and a person close to her is killed.
Grein, a truck driver, works for Sienmann, an undesirable man, dedicated to fraud.
Documentary about youth in Austria. Peter Patzak and Walter Kindler traveled the country to speak with young people of a wide variety of different social classes and environments.