Alyonna Ivanovna
A modern day adaptation of Dostoyevsky's classic novel about a young student who is forever haunted by the murder he has committed.
Part 2 of 3, featuring sketches never broadcast in America, this hilarious medley contains vintage material from Benny when his cheeky humor established him as one of England's funniest - and naughtiest - comedians. Filled with riotous musical send-ups, fractured fairy tales, wacky commercial spoofs and pitch-perfect impressions, this collection captures the vast range of one of England's most inspired comics!
Part 1 of 3, featuring sketches never broadcast in America, this hilarious medley contains vintage material from Benny when his cheeky humor established him as one of England's funniest - and naughtiest - comedians. Filled with riotous musical send-ups, fractured fairy tales, wacky commercial spoofs and pitch-perfect impressions, this collection captures the vast range of one of England's most inspired comics!
Part 3 of 3, featuring sketches never broadcast in America, this hilarious medley contains vintage material from Benny when his cheeky humor established him as one of England's funniest - and naughtiest - comedians. Filled with riotous musical send-ups, fractured fairy tales, wacky commercial spoofs and pitch-perfect impressions, this collection captures the vast range of one of England's most inspired comics!
Mrs Fawkes
A young American computer hackeress is hired by a liberal British lawyer to right the wrong done to a third world country by a London investment company. Even the expertise of her building inspector sidekick can not prevent a surprising development though.
Old Woman
An ex-British spy (Michael Caine) helps a U.S. diplomat's wife (Sean Young) and blows the lid off a deadly government cover-up.
Mara Josefa
A domineering,reclusive, and ostentatiously pious widow in a small Spanish town keeps such close watch on her daughters that they are unable to have normal social lives. However, the eldest is allowed to become engaged to an unprincipled young man, primarily for the financial advantages it will bring the mother, Bernarda. Jealousy and envy ensues among the other daughters.
The Dowager Duchess
A costume drama / satire about financial skull-duggery, and confidence tricksters in both the upper and lower classes in Victorian London. A working class man impersonates a lord who is supposedly very rich and a financial wizard. As such he is invited to all the best peoples' parties.
Mrs. Godame
In a brilliant, modern version of the classic shipwreck tale, director Marleen Gorris manages to capture both a gay male’s and feminist perspective. After a large airliner crashes on a deserted island killing most of the passengers, two women, five men and a dog survive: an Eastern European, a Canadian lawyer, a French biologist, a prosperous Scottish financier, a young American, an extrovert Australian and a major in the British army. Hopes of rescue fade as the survivors come to realise that the world may have suffered a major disaster. They have to rely on their own resources and at first manage to live harmoniously. But gradually tensions rise after a failed attempt to escape. Intolerance threatens their very existence as one of the men begins to put himself forward as the leader of the group.
요양원에서 노년을 보내던 늙은 병사(로렌스 올리비에)는 자신을 돌봐주던 간호사(틸다 스윈튼)의 얼굴에서 젊은 시절의 전쟁 경험을 떠올리는데... 전쟁의 비참함을 노래한 윌프레드 오웬의 시를 가사로 사용한 벤자민 브리튼의 "전쟁 레퀴엠"을 영화화한 작품
대사 없이 음악과 이미지만으로 전쟁의 비극을 고발하고 있는 각별한 영화
British comedy legend Victoria Wood entertains a star-studded audience including Julie Walters, Judi Dench and Dawn French in this 1988 special. Watch her crack jokes, play the piano and answer light-hearted questions.
Mrs. Coady
보석을 차지하기 위해서라면 남자를 가리지 않는 여인 완다(제이미 리 커티스)는 그의 정부 죠지와 그의 아들 켄과 애인 오토와 함께 보석을 훔친다. 넷은 보석을 창고의 금고에 넣어두었으나 죠지는 이들 몰래 보석을 빼돌리고, 오토와 완다는 죠지가 한 짓이라고 경찰에 밀고한다. 투옥된 죠지는 보석이 든 보관함 열쇠를 바보 아들 켄에게 넘긴다. 심하게 말을 더듬는 바보 켄은 배신을 일삼는 사람들 때문에 동물들만을 믿고 사랑한다. 수족관의 상자에 열쇠를 넣어두나 이를 본 완다는 열쇠를 빼돌리고 한편 바보라는 말만 들으면 이성을 잃는 오토(케빈 클라인)는 완다를 쫓아다니며 보석을 되찾으려 한다. 결국 완다의 이국적 매력에 반해 지위와 명예를 버리고 도둑질에 합세하는 변호사 리쉬가 완다와 함께 보석을 품고 플로리다 행 비행기를 타게 된다.
Fin Raziel
{공포의 시대에...예언자들은 마의 여왕 바브몰다(Queen Bavmorda)를 멸망시킬 한 아이의 탄생을 예언했다. 영토의 모든 임산부들을 한데 모아, 악의 여왕은 태어나는 아기들을 모두 없애라는 명령을 내렸다.} 노크밀성에 사는 악의 여왕 바브몰다(Queen Bavmorda: 진 마쉬 분)는 자기를 압도할 특별한 아기가 태어나리라는 예언이외에는 두려운 것이 없다. 예언의 아기를 데리고 산모가 도망쳤음을 안 그녀는 딸 소샤(Sorsha: 조안 휄리 분)와 카엘 장군(General Kael: 팻 로치 분)에게 잡아오라고 명령한다. 난쟁이들만이 모여 평화롭게 살고 있는 네르윈 부락의 윌로우는 우연히 마을 입구에서 아기를 발견한다. 매드마티칸의 꼬임에 아기를 넘겨주지만, 요정의 여왕 첼린드리아(Cherlindrea: 마리아 홀보 분)가 기적의 아기 에로라를 자기에게 맡기려는 것임을 깨달은 윌로우는 에로라를 데리고 아스린으로 향한다. 평화를 되찾으려는 첼린드리아가 바브몰다의 마법으로 아스린에 유배된 레지엘(Fin Raziel: 패트리시아 헤이스 분)에게 마술 지팡이를 갖다주라고 부탁했기 때문이다. 다시 수수께끼의 인물 매드마티칸(Madmartigan: 발 킬머 분)을 만나 아스린에 가지만 레지엘은 이미 마법에 걸려 있고 윌로우 일행은 소야와 카엘에게 잡힌다. 간신히 탈출하나 아기를 잃은 윌로우는 레지엘의 마술을 풀어준 뒤 노크밀 성으로 향한다. 결전의 날, 윌로우와 레지엘은 에로라의 처형이 행해질 바브몰다의 의식탑에 잠입한다. 불꽃튀는 바브몰다의 위세에 레지엘과 윌로우는 일순 무력해지는데...
A drama based on the novel by Charles Dickens which tells the story of Arthur Clennam who is thrown into a debtor's prison. There he meets a young seamstress whose father has been imprisoned for twenty-five years. A film in originally released in two parts.
In a Liverpool convent a touching and unusual friendship is forged between Rachel, a young volunteer, Paul, doing 100 hours of community service, and Sheila, a dying prostitute. It results in a strange and forbidden journey to Lourdes.
Mrs. Capper
Sweet Hilda Capper spends her birthday fending off the well-meaning intrusions of family and friends.
Granny Waters
Workmen digging in a building discover the remains of a 300-+year-old devil cult.
어머니가 돌아가신 바스티안(Bastian : 바렛 올리버 분)은 상상력이 풍부하고 몽상을 좋아하는 국민학생이다. 등교길에 못된 아이들에게 시달리게 되자 어느 서점에 숨게 됐는데 거기서 '끝없는 이야기(The Neverending Story)'라는 아주 이상한 책을 발견하게 된다. 바스티안은 그 책을 가지고 나와 학교 다락에서 읽기 시작한다. '환타젠'이라는 환상의 세계에 나씽이라는 괴물에 의해 점차 호수와 산들이 하루 아침에 없어지고 있었다. 이곳에 살고 있는 수 많은 종족들이 공포에 떨고 있고, 이것을 여왕 '천진한 소녀'에게 보고키 위해 요귀와 난쟁이가 길을 떠난다. 하지만 여왕은 이름 모를 병에 죽어가고 있는데, 여왕의 병을 고칠 방법을 찾기 위해 소년 아트레이유(Atreyu : 노아 해서웨이 분)가 단신으로 구세주를 찾아 기나긴 여행길에 오른다. 근심의 늪에서 애마 알텍스도 잃고, 펠콘(Falkor)이라는 행운의 용을 타고 마침내 거울문에 당도한다. 그곳에는 진실된 인간의 아이 바로 책을 읽고 있는 바스티안의 모습이 비친다. 그리고 여왕의 병을 고치기 위해서는 인간 세상의 아이가 여왕의 새로운 이름을 지어주어야 된다는 비법을 알게 된다. 아트레유는 환타젠을 구할 수 있는 인간의 아이를 데리러 가기 위해 환상의 나라의 끝으로 날아가지만 폭풍에 휘말려 펠콘에서 떨어진다. 아트레유는 동굴 속에서 나씽의 부하 괴물을 처치하지만 결국 환타젠을 구할 임무를 완수하지 못하는데...
Miss Bendybones
An ancient church is being dismantled and moved to a new location, stone by stone. One of the gargoyles from the stones falls into the possession of a mother who takes the stone man back to her family. Soon after, four strangers show up in the village and the Sogood & Firkettle children seem to be the only ones who question the mysterious things that begin to happen. This film was originally broadcast across six 25 minute episodes with a total runtime of 150 minutes. A few years later, the US cable network Nickelodeon edited the miniseries into a 2 hour (including commercials) movie block. This 2 hour edited version was shown throughout the 1980s on US television.
Cymbeline, the King of Britain, is angry that his daughter Imogen has chosen a poor (but worthy) man for her husband. So he banishes Posthumus, who goes to fight for Rome. Imogen (dressed as a boy) goes in search of her husband, who meanwhile has boasted to his pal Iachimo that Imogen would never betray him. And Iachimo's determined to prove him wrong.
Mrs. Green
The adventures of children lost in fog on Dartmoor, who encounter a wild dog, an escaped convict, and other dangers.
A man attempts to remain hidden from view from the camera and other eyes.
Mrs. Watty
A strong-willed teacher, determined to educate the poor and illiterate youth of an impoverished Welsh village, discovers one student whom she believes to have the seeds of genius in him.
Meter maid
A remote monastery in China has trained a talking gorilla, King Kung Fu, in the ancient art of kung fu. Having mastered his fighting skills, King Kung Fu is sent to America to demonstrate the power of Chinese martial arts to the West. As he is travelling through Kansas, a pair of bumbling reports see KKF and decide he can be their ticket to fame and wealth. Of course, the gorilla gets away from them, and soon everyone is chasing the Shaolin simian.
A theatrical film compilation of the popular Benny Hill show.
Annie Booth
Two men who are nextdoor neighbors constantly battle it out over seemingly trivial offenses. Their wives, on the other hand, are best of friends. The two couples attempt to win a 'love-thy-neighbor' competition by lying...
Mamma the Turk
Cliff works as a narcotics investigator for the police and infiltrate a mafia gang. Soon it turns out that Cliff has bigger plans than just to bust bad guys.
Children's Film Foundation comedy.
A British play about homelessness by Jeremy Sandford, writer of "Cathy Come Home", first broadcast as a BBC Play For Today. It details the deterioration of Edna, a homeless alcoholic and was made at a time when vagrancy was still a criminal offence.
Mrs. Baird
A reformed drug addict travels to Italy to find out who murdered his aunt.
Mrs. Beasley
Dr. Nookey is disgraced and sent to a remote island hospital. He is given a secret slimming potion by a member of staff, Gladstone Screwer, and he flies back to England to fame and fortune. But others want to cash in on his good fortunes, and some just want him brought down a peg or two.
Miss Honeybun (uncredited)
Academy Award-honoree Peter O'Toole stars in this musical classic about a prim English schoolmaster who learns to show his compassion through the help of an outgoing showgirl. O'Toole, who received his fourth Oscar-nomination for this performance, is joined by '60s pop star Petula Clark and fellow Oscar-nominee Michael Redgrave.
Heironymus Merkin screens an autobiographical movie of his life, growth and moral decay.
Mrs. Jones
A group of scientists are kidnapped and taken to an outer space outpost in order to save Earth from destruction.
Miss Woollie
Three children try to fight against the destruction of a local historic landmark. They are helped by a group of friendly ghosts.
Edie's Mother
Five seamen and a passenger are intent on making the most of the 14 hours they will spend in London.
Onlooker (uncredited)
After a lock-keeper entrusts his daughter to a canal Casanova, he is shocked to learn that she is pregnant. He then refuses to open his locks - causing barges to pile up in every direction until the guilty party confesses.
A series of musical vignettes formed from the dreams of a slumbering workman.
Plane Passenger
An aide at the American Embassy in London finds himself involved with both Scotland Yard and the French police over the kidnapping of the son of a Mafia boss who has spilled the beans back in the States.
Mrs. Freeman
During World War II, teenage boys in a small English town are consumed with jingoism and brutal war games, hoping dearly that the war won't end before they can fight in it.
Jeannie Macdougall
Angela Barrows is a man-eating business woman sent by her American employer to investigate their export opportunities in Edinburgh. En route she meets Robert MacPherson, a businessman who asks for her help to bring his company into the 20th Century. The staff, led by Mr Martin, has other ideas—and a battle between the old and new business methods soon breaks out.
Emma Binns
After being arrested for assaulting a football referee, desperate train driver Bill (Arthur Askey) raids the railwaymen's holiday fund to cover his £55 fine. He knows he's going to be discovered though, leaving him no choice but to get the money back by hook or by crook! His last chance is to run a book on the United v City football derby. If that wasn't tense enough, Bill's son is also making his debut for United. It looks like it's going to be a day to remember - do you dare look? ...The Love Match.
Ruby Birtle
The Helliwells, the Soppitts, and the Parkers, old friends gathered to celebrate their common silver anniversaries. To their dismay they learn that their marriages may not be valid. On hand are an outrageous housekeeper and a photographer. This was the second television film version of the J.B. Priestley play made by the BBC.
Four people with very different backgrounds meet by chance at an English pub and gradually become carried away in a bout of thrill-seeking. When their spree gets out of hand, each person faces a moral choice with lasting consequences.
A fatherless boy tries to make his fortune despite interference from his rich uncle.
Mrs. Beadle
An impending V.I.P. visit causes bustle in an English village, while the Ellis family struggles with private problems.
A hunt for a spy, in a hotel in the South of France just before World War Two.
Gwendolyn, the Maid
A rich but miserly old man taunts his relatives about who will get his money when he dies, and is soon mysteriously murdered. It turns out that he has left his estate to a beautiful young actress whom the other relatives didn't know was related to him. Several attempts on her life are thwarted by a detective, who sets out to discover who's behind the scheme to kill her.
A ventriloquist is murdered during a theatre variety performance. A dwarf goes undercover as the dummy...
Ruby Birtle
The Helliwells, the Soppitts, and the Parkers, old friends gathered to celebrate their common silver anniversaries. To their dismay they learn that their marriages may not be valid. On hand are an outrageous housekeeper and a photographer.
The quiet village of Bramley End is taken over by German troops posing as Royal Engineers. Their task is to disrupt England's radar network in preparation for a full scale German invasion. Once the villagers discover the true identity of the troops, they do whatever they can to thwart the Nazis plans.
Ruby Birtle
The Helliwells, the Soppitts, and the Parkers, old friends gathered to celebrate their common silver anniversaries. To their dismay they learn that their marriages may not be valid. On hand are an outrageous housekeeper and a photographer. The first play in history to ever be televised complete and unedited direct from the theatre. It is now believed to be lost. The BBC would make another television film version of this play in 1949 with several of the same actors from this film including Raymond Huntley, Ernest Butcher, Patricia Hayes, George Carney and Lloyd Pearson.
Bob Conrad is the playboy son of town squire Charles Conrad. Much against his dad's wishes, Bob falls in love with Dorothy McCarthy, the daughter of penniless widow Mrs. McCarthy. At the insistence of his dad, Bob weds Sally Lace. Dorothy's broken heart is mended however, when it turns out that Sally's divorce from her previous husband was never finalized.
Minor role
A Chinese missionary comes to England. He helps a young girl ill-treated by her father. A remake of D. W. Griffith's Masterpiece.