Lau Wai-Man

참여 작품

Protege de la Rose Noire
Gillian and Charlene, as usual, play a couple of mis-matched partners who come under the tutelage of the slightly nutty and love-sick Black Rose (Teresa Mo), a former kung fu-fighting super-hero who grooms them for a life of fighting crime. Ekin Cheng plays a dim-witted cab driver who wears a Robin costume and becomes Charlene's love interest. There is a bit of "comedy" as Rose confuses Ekin with her former lover and Gillian become jealous. A lot of time is wasted with this Three's Company-style shtick until eventually, some shred of a conflict comes forward, as the girls must battle a former protege of Rose who has taken to kidnapping to pay the bills.
The Modern Love
Hong Kong in the 90's - the women's movement and attitudes towards love and sex is depicted through experiences of three women.
A Story in Beijing City
A Story in Beijing City is a Hong Kong made-for-TV movie starring Kara Hui.
Fatal Love
One of the three Hong Kong movies entitled Fatal Love that came out in 1993. Starring Lester Chan and Lau Wai-Man.
Ah Man
형과 함께 존은 배를 타면서 마약밀매를 한다. 하지만 존은 범죄를 저지르고 있다는 사실에 늘 불안감에 휩싸인다. 어느날 이 배는 바다에 표류 중던 베트남민들을 태우게 되고 죤은 베트남에서 함께 생활했던 게리와 그의 여동생 에이미를 만나게 된다. 배에 태운 베트남민들에 대한 무참한 살육이 자행될 것을 알고 있는 죤은 게리를 피신시키나 사고로 기억상실증에 걸리게 된다. 배가 홍콩에 표류하자 홍콩경찰은 게리를 잡기위한 홍콩경찰과 선원들의 추격이 계속되고 게리는 캘로이라는거리의여자를 만나 도움을 받는다.
His Fatal Ways
Facing Sun
A righteous straight-laced China Public Security officer with supernatural powers is sent to Hong Kong to catch two ruthless thieves. His police tactics proves hilarious when he teams up with his Hong Kong counterpart.
Cold Blade
Chor Yuen was Gu Long before he started filming Gu Long. The director's first wuxia film, made at Shaws' rival Cathay, finds him relishing in a mode of expression that would later become the signature style of the 'martial-arts suspense thriller' mini-genre. Chor grafts the quasi-psychological stylishness of his Cantonese melodrama onto this actioner, laying on thick the atmosphere by dialling up the fog machine and unleashing the colours from his camera's palette. He also stages his fights in modern dance-like choreography, with moves that are more graceful than ferocious and paused poses that are longer on expressive narcissism than continuity of action. Cold Blade is the quiet beginning of an aesthetic.