Law Ho-Kai

Law Ho-Kai

출생 : 1949-08-01, Hong Kong, China

프로필 사진

Law Ho-Kai

참여 작품

District Councilor Law
72가구의 세입자라는 제목대로 엄청난 출연진들이 나와 세입자들의 애환을 코믹하게 그리고 있다. 과거에 친구였던 두 사람이 사랑하는 한 여인을 사이에 두고 20여 년간을 원수처럼 지내는데 그들의 아들 딸은 서로 사랑하는 사이가 된다. 두 친구를 둘러싼 소소한 싸움이 웃음을 준다.
주성치의 가유희사 97
Mr Ting Kau
성공한 사업가 아버지 밑에서 부족함 없이 지내온 노장, 노비, 노공 삼 형제. 이 가족의 유일한 고민거리인 막내 노공은 매일 돌아다니며 사고만 치고, 급기야 건달과의 내기에서 져 빚더미에 오르게 된다.
Bodyguards of Last Governor
Ah Chi
A political satire on Hong Kong before the 1997 takeover. Two bodyguards compete to protect the governor while the governor romances the political women.
황비홍: 철계투오공
청조 말엽, 중국은 밀려드는 외세로 시국이 불안하고 황비홍의 보지림(寶之林)은 넘치는 환자와 제자들로 좀 더 넓은 곳으로 이사한다. 나라안은 반군세력인 의화단으로 시끄럽고, 황비홍은 의화단의 우두머리격인 3단주를 관군에게 넘기는데. 한편, 각 지방에서는 여자들이 사라지는 이상한 사건이 벌어지고 홍콩의 새로운 치안사령관 천총대인은 이유도 없이 황비홍을 괴롭힌다. 그러나, 자신을 괴롭히는 천총대인이 의화단의 자금 조달책이었고, 이를 모르는 황비홍과 그 제자들은 인신매매단에게 끌려간 딸을 찾아 사천에서 온 철사부 부녀를 도와 인신매매 본부 능인사로 쳐들어 간다. 천총대인의 함정에 빠진 제자 아관, 아소는 능인사에서 천총대인에게 체포되어 투옥되고 황비홍은 천총대인의 계략으로 독약을 먹어 귀가 멀고 만다. 귀가 멀어 사자춤 대회에서 패배한 황비홍은 끝내 관지림을 포기하고 그가 수업하던 불산으로 떠나게 되는데.
후와 콰이는 큰 돈을 상속받은 형제로 후는 콰이가 상속을 포기하도록 하기위해 3명의 잡배를 조종하지만 실패한다. 후는 사업상 틀린 정보를 콰이에게 흘리지만 콰이는 매번 문제를 수월하게 풀어 오히려 사업을 크게 번창시키고 후는 이런 콰이가 늘 못마땅한데..
Bed Companions
A story about a love affairs of Mr. Sun, his wife, her lover, his boyfriend and so on...
The Vampire Raiders
The fate of the entire hotel industry is at stake. A group of evil black ninjas have threatened to insinuate themselves into the industry, take over, and transform the operation into something unspeakable. Thank heaven the white ninjas are on hand to save the day. Agnes Chan heads the cast, so we assume she's the "ninja queen." This one isn't a whole lot better than others of its ilk, but at least there's some novelty in the settings.
A newlywed couple die in a car accident. He is resurrected into another man's body and begins a love affair with someone else while she remains a wandering spirit. Meanwhile, an evil sorceress sets out to capture them.
Jokers Playing Games
The brother and sister have no living family and depend their lives on each other. The sister is a beauty and has many suitors fighting over her. Unfortunately the sister has been cursed and cannot get romantically involved. The neighbors make fun of her for that. After visiting many doctors, Uncle Piu volunteers to treat her, which arouses Uncle Piu’s wife’s suspicions and leads to a series of funny instances…
Seven Years Itch
Lover in motel room
An introverted businessman who doesn't get out much, Willie Ng recently celebrated his seventh anniversary, but his marriage seems to be hitting a slump. His wife is a Cantonese opera aficionado who often complains that her husband is boring and doesn't appreciate the arts. Willie himself is also eager for some action to break the monotony. When he goes to Singapore on a business trip, he encounters cute pickpocket Siu Hung at the airport, triggering off a series of events that puts his marriage in jeopardy.
My Will, I Will
After almost dying in a freakish accident, wealthy widow Wang Kam decides she needs a will. But unfortunately she does not have any hiers.
Unforgettable Fantasy
Thanks to the help of his uncle's (Stanley Fung) girlfriend (Wong Wan Si), Robert (Frankie Chan) gets to work as a creative assistant in an advertising agency, where he falls for the beautiful manager Cleopatra (Joyce Ni). His uncle brings home an antique mirror not knowing that it hides a fox fairy. Robert inadvertently takes the mirror to the office and by chance the fox fairy is freed and possesses Cleopatra! Hopelessly bedazzled by her vixen charm, Robert is killed in a car accident while looking for the mirror thrown away by his uncle...
Watch boutique manager
Infatuation is a Hong Kong Romance starring Ricky Hui.
장국영의 H2O
David Lo
대만에서 경찰임무를 돕기 위해 홍콩에온 국제 경찰과 거칠지만 정의감 있는 홍콩의 형사 한명이 대조적이긴 하지만 잘 어울리는 팀을 이룬다. 이들은 공원에서 이들의 지갑을 훔치려던 소매치기 자매와 가까와 진다. 어느날 소매치기 자매는 살인청부를 받고 홍콩에 온 자의 지갑을 훔치는 데 지갑안에는 희생자로부터 빼앗은 범죄조직의 중요한 징표가 들어 있다. 징표를 되찾기 위해 집요하게 따라붙는 검은 손과 그를 피하려는 자매의 기발한 재치, 그리고 사건을 해결하려는 두 형사의 노력이 서로 맞물린다. 결국 자매 중 동생이 죽음을 당하고, 그들은 슬픔에 빠진다. 사건은 또 하나의 살인을 향해 달려가고 살인자는 살아남은 언니를 향해 칼을 빼어들지만, 이들은 극적인 반전을 엮어 낸다.
The Two Jolly Cops
Gordon Liu stars in this Hong Kong cop buddy movie as a detective, who is assigned to find an heiress to a fortune who has gone missing under suspicious circumstances. Plenty of laughs and action in this great modern day actioner, directed by Wilson Tong.
Let Us Flirt, Partner
Romantic comedy.
홍콩 경찰청 강력계 소속인 악바리(성룡 분)와 위키(원표 분)는 엄청난 액수의 보석을 가로채 야쿠자와 접선하기 위해 일본으로 달아난 전직 경찰을 체포하라는 특명을 띠고 일본으로 건너 가지만 벽에 부딪치자 홍콩으로 연락, 경찰 총경에게 부탁해 지난 날 같은 고아원 출신인 양배추(홍금보 분)의 도움을 청하게 된다. 양배추는 완두콩(증지위 분) 등 고아원 형제들을 규합, 여행사 직원 여왕벌(호혜중 분)과 함께 일본으로 건너가는데 여왕벌의 미모에 반해 갖가지 촌극이 계속 연출된다.
Wives and Lovers
shaw production
범보(코끼리)는 과거에 금융회사를 턴 전직을 가지고, 지금은 에어로빅 코치를 하고 있다. 또, 올빼미는 암흑 조직으로부터 거액을 사기한 그런 전직을 가지고 있다. 그러던 중 이들의 비밀을 알아낸 형사로부터 감옥과 사회 봉사 중 하나를 선택받게 된다. 두 사람은 소년감화원에서 특별상담원으로 일하게 된다. 올빼미는 연약한 몸으로 삐뚤어진 청소년을 바로잡아 주려고 젊음을 불태우는 여선생을 도와 말썽꾸러기 애들을 설득, 감화시키다가 사랑에 빠져 버리는데...
Silent Romance
Dumb Boy, a deaf and dumb, yet a brilliant and undiscovered cartoonist whose current publication has been gradually ignored by his readers. Consequently, the drop of the sale has promptly provoked his superior urging him to adopt a new style. During the midst of a mental struggle for new subjects, Cactus, a night club hostess, walked into his life, he silently and secretly falls in love with her. However, nurturing with an instinctive inferiority complex that had been fostered by his shortcomings all his life. Dumb Boy had not been able to get together his courage to reveal his love to Cactus.....
Hocus Pocus
This movie follows in the same spirit as Mr. Vampire, Dead and the deadly and Spooky encounters, mixing comedy and horror!
프로젝트 A
VIP Club Manager
개국초 홍콩에서는 섬 주변에 대규모 해적무리들이 난무하여 홍콩 정부의 가장 큰 문제 거리가 되어왔다. 홍콩정부에서는 이 해적 무리들을 제거하기 위한 여러 가지 방법이 동원되지만, 해적과 내통하고 있는 주영령이란 자에 의해 각종 정보가 유출되어 해적들의 횡포는 더욱더 심해져만 간다. 이에 홍콩 정부에서는 해경에 군함을 지원하여, 해경이 총출동하는 프로젝트 A라는 해적 토벌작전을 감행하기로 예정하였으나, 역시 내통자의 정보유출로 인해, 출정은 무산되고 이로 인해 해경은 해체되고 육상경찰에 편입되고 만다. 해경 소속이었던 마여룡(성룡)은 해적과의 내통자가 있음을 눈감아주는 육상 경찰의 태도에 염증을 느끼고, 스스로 경찰직을 포기하여 전문도둑인 탁일비(홍금보)와 함께 지대장의 무기밀매현장을 덮쳐 무기를 숨겨두지만 이로 인해 주영령과 지대장으로부터 추적을 당하게 된다. 홍콩정부의 고위장군이 주영령과 비밀거래를 하는 광경을 목격한 마여룡은 분에 못 이겨 장군과 담판을 거친 끝에 결국 해체된 해경들을 규합하여, 해적소탕을 위한 신프로젝트 A 작전을 감행하게 되는데, 주영령으로 변장하여 해적의 소굴로 들어간 마여룡은 탁일비와 해경 동료들의 도움을 얻어 해적들을 소탕하게 되는데...
Oh, My Cops!
Buddy cops Porky (Kent Cheng) and Big Mouth (Wong Ching) are promoted to the anti-prostitution division after solving a robbery case. In their bid to crack down on a prostitution ring, the bumbling duo arrange for Margaret (Pat Ha) to go undercover as a hooker as part of their supposedly foolproof plan, which unfortunately and inevitably has to go wrong...
Hong Kong Playboys
Plays tennis with Sheng
Fu Sheng plays Sheng, a playboy who has all the latest cars and technology along with all the tricks for courting the ladies. Sheng’s mom (Lee Heung Kam) along with her personal nurse, Mei (Cherie Chung), arrive in Hong Kong with the intentions of getting Sheng to marry a woman of her liking. While searching for Ms. Right, Sheng is challenged by a couple of lady killers, Lolento (Natalis Chan) and Valentine (Hsieh Hsien) in his quest to get girls. Eventually, little does Sheng know that the girl he happens to love is near him everyday at home.
Salt and Pepper
A humorous contemporary comedy about Chen, a miserly and scheming restaurant owner and his employee Zhong who compete to win a girl's attention.
Blood Money
A family of stuntmen in 1980’s Hong Kong suffer the waning of the kung-fu movie industry, relatives from the mainland in HK without papers and the general disregard for safety from the HK film industry.
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Clerk in Beauty Shop
This is an extremely rare example of science fiction, Hong Kong style, but, fittingly, it's unlike any sci-fi flick you've ever seen. Alien abductions, suicide pacts, superstardom, and the reality of science fiction itself is spotlighted in this bright, crazy, truly out of this world epic -- one of the more unusual movies in the Hong Kong cinema of the early 1980s. And if you know 80's Hong Kong cinema at all, you know that's really saying something!
Give Me Back
In 2000, Hong Kong, the feminist movement surged upward unceasingly. In order suppress the power of woman, "Husband Association" are developed to protect the men. Kent always be persecuted by his wife, he even loses his personal freedom, then, he goes to "Husband Association" to seek help. However, Since his fear of his wife is so deep and finally considered humanity deconstruction voluntarily. Actually Kent has not died, he observes his wife in secret, he knows that his wife still loves him so much, therefore he accepts the suggestion of the chairman Lam of "Husband Association" to negotiate with his wife with grenade. When Kent is very happy to see his wife, Lam is accidentally be killed by explosion. Then, the struggling between men and women is over.
The Perfect Match
Man Crazy
shaw production
The Young Heroes of the Street
Snow White's lover
A group of youngsters with untamed hearts often create conflicts with others and get into trouble. While meeting a pretty and gentle girl one day, will there be any change in their lives? Leaders of the Hairdressing Gang and Pork Gang, aka Black Hair Lover and Pigtail respectively, represent the new generation of the 1980s. Their thinking, actions and spirit seek to free themselves from the shackles of old traditional ideas. They are willful and uninhibited. During a gangsters’ meeting, two gangs come into conflict. In the end, all are arrested by detective Oolong. As juvenile delinquents, they are sent to be under the supervision of a female probation officer.
Once Upon a Rainbow
Fong and Angie were close friends when they were in school but departed after graduation. Fong continued her further education in a training center. Angie worked in a studio and had a crush on a guy classmate Cheung, who was also attracted to Angie. Though Angie had feeling on Cheung, but she found out about Fong's infatuation so refused to date Cheung. One night, Angie was particularly low in spirits, she went to see Cheung at the club where he sang. She ended up sleeping with him. Stricken by a guilty conscience, Angie refused to see Cheung again. Fong found that Cheung didn't like him so she dedicated herself into course. At the graduation performance, Fong invited Angie to go but Angle didn't show up. Fong kept calling Angie and eventually she got through and found out that Angie had drown in the swimming pool.
Rolls, Rolls, I Love You
Ah Kai
A teenager and a tycoon gets into an early morning road altercation that eventually lead to a bet: if the teenager can steal his beloved Rolls Royce car from him, the youngster will get to keep it. However, if the teenager fails to do that in the alloted time given, he will need to pay the tycoon HK$40,000.
Neighbor Outside Diner (cameo)
Hung Tai-Kong aka Rice Pot and Chan Yin-Tung aka Chimney are two friends who work with their master Kam Ming and his daughter Ann as a team of pickpockets.
36 Secrets of Courtship
Prof. Lu Sat-Yan
Three lotharios vie to become principal of the Macho Man Training School, an extremely non-monastic institution dedicated to extremely non Shaolin-types of physical exertion, in this strange and erotic farce of the classic 36th Chamber Of Shaolin.
Winner Takes All
Ren's assistant
Patrick Tse is the thief of thieves whose family is long retired from the robin hood lifestyle for 10 years. Recent robberies have occured who use the families calling card and the police forcefully want this mystery solved. They suspect smeone from there past but feel this cant not be him, then who is it?
Hex After Hex
Mr. Wong
Hell may have no fury like a woman scorned, but hell, literally, really has no wrath like a lusting ghost scorned! Muscular "Venom" Lo Mang discovers just that when the demon arranges to have his true love killed in order to possess her. Chaos, revenge, insanity, violence, tragedy, and even romance ensue. Director Kuei Chih-hung, already famous for Bamboo House of Dolls, Killer Snakes, Ghost Eyes, Corpse, Hex, and many other cult classics, shoots the works with this amazing horror love story.
Joy to the World
Absolute Monarch
Luk Tai-Chuan
Hong Kong Movie
Kwan Yin
허안화 감독의 장편영화 데뷔작으로, 실화에 기반한 미스터리 스릴러. 잔혹하게 죽은 남녀의 시신이 발견되고 이들의 이웃이었던 린은 이 죽음의 의문을 추적한다. 사건에 관계된 인물들 각자의 서술이 섞여 들고, 이 죽음에는 중국 전통의 미신이 연관되어 있다는 것이 차차 드러난다.
The Utmost Greatness
The Utmost Greatness is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Kent Cheng.
Horses is a Hong Kong Drama starring Bill Tung