In Hong Kong, a vigilante serial killer leaves death notices, stating when and how he will murder a victim. Even if the victim reports it to the police and receives protection, the killer can easily break through and execute them. In response, the police set up a special task force and reveals a major conspiracy hidden behind.
Initiated by the Hong Kong Performing Artists Association and the Hong Kong Film Workers Association, ten film companies in Hong Kong (China Star, Anle Film, Emperor Films, Oriental Films, Media Asia Films, Meiya Films, World Films, Shaw Brothers, Sun Entertainment Culture , Huanyu Film) and the Hong Kong Film Development Council’s "Film Production Financing Project". It tells about a quiet afternoon when the Gurney Hotel suddenly detected a suspected case. The epidemic prevention center ordered a total blockade. All guests staying in the hotel must accept Mandatory quarantine for 14 days. Everyone is isolated in the hotel, and the relationship between people is getting closer unconsciously. Everyone has lived through difficult times together, and learned to cherish what may be the last time to get along with each other.
Commentator (segment "The Going Home")
1949년 신중국 건국부터 신중국의 7개의 역사적 순간을 일반 시민의 관점에서의 에피소드를 각각 옴니버스 식으로 연출한 드라마
한 조직에서 형제처럼 사이좋게 지냈던 ‘순천’(유덕화)과 ‘지장’(고천락). 하지만 조직 보스 몰래 마약 거래를 일삼던 ‘지장’의 행태가 발각되면서 ‘지장’은 조직을 떠나게 되고 이후 ‘순천’ 역시 조직을 나와 새로운 삶을 산다. 세계적인 금융 그룹의 총수가 되어 승승장구하는 ‘순천’과 대조적으로, 홍콩 최대의 마약상으로 성장해 암흑가를 지배하게 된 ‘지장’. 이러한 가운데 마약 때문에 가족을 잃는 아픔을 겪은 ‘순천’은 홍콩마약퇴치위원회의 대표직을 맡아 홍콩 내 마약 유통을 근절하기 위해 힘쓰던 중 홍콩 최대 마약상을 제거하면 현상금 1억을 주겠다는 파격적인 제안을 한다. 이에 암흑가 최대의 마약 전쟁은 더욱 치열해지는데…
Mr. Chin
편견과 낙인 때문에 일반학교로 이직을 못하고 있는 특수학교 음악교사 츠이, 일류 학교에서 뒤처지며 대학입시 때문에 고민하는 학생 조이, 매일 빈둥거리며 3등급 학교에 다니는 반항 청소년 카호의 이야기이다. 음악공연 지도를 맡게 된 츠이는 업무와 사생활 사이에서 줄타기를 하는 동시에 꾹 참고 공연을 진행하게 생겼다. 조이는 높은 성적을 위해 방과 후 음악활동에 자원하고, 카호는 퇴학을 당하지 않으려면 어느 특수학교의 뮤지컬을 보러 가야 한다. 아무 의미가 없다고 생각한 뮤지컬에 참여하게 된 세 사람은 꿈과 목표를 찾는 자아탐구의 여정을 떠나게 되는데… (2018년 제14회 제천국제음악영화제)
Only after an ambitious property agent, Charlie, joins a successful agency run by a rich couple, Gordon and Lucy, did he realise the horrific secret behind the company's success. They make a high profit by buying properties for cheap after someone has died or been murdered there and then selling them back with exorbitant prices without mentioning the truth to the buyers. Charlie is caught in an ethical dilemma where he continues on selling these properties but is constantly haunted by the supernatural beings there.
Sofia's Husband
비밀 특수 요원 미스터 찬은 특별 임무 수행에 실패하여 에이전시에서 해고당한다. 이후 파트너와 함께 사립 에이전시를 운영하다 과거 연인이자 현재는 경찰 보안국장인 흥을 만나게 되고, 국장의 의뢰로 인해 줄줄이 이어지는 유명인사 사건들을 맡으면서 하도젠이라는 약을 조사하게 된다. 이 약을 시중에 풀려는 무리와 그에 맞서 싸우는 미스터 찬의 이야기가 지금부터 펼쳐진다.
As Xiuzhi, lines up to depart from home in Guangzhou for the first time in all his 17 years with his father, he remembers how his mother has brought him up single-handedly since he was 11 months old. Left behind when her husband moved to America, Tian Guifang soon discovers her son needs more care than other children when he is diagnosed as having Asperger’s Syndrome.
K. K. Cheung
포기하기엔 어리고 도전하기엔 너무 커버린 스물 아홉, 그리고, 반길수도 밀어낼 수도 없는 ‘곧’ 서른. 폭풍 커리어, 꽤 예쁜 외모, 번듯한 직장, 안정적인 연애. 근데, ‘서른’이 여자의 ‘끝’이라고? 아니, 내가 괜찮다는데! 왜 늬들이 지X이야?! …잠깐, 근데 나 정말 괜찮은 거 맞지? 29+1 냉정과 열정 사이에 선 너무 다른 두 여자, 과연 곧 다가올 우리의 서른은 안녕할 수 있을까?
죽마고우인 세 남자, 아담, 천성, 가락은 20년 만에 SNS를 통해 재회한다. 어렸을 때 영국으로 건너가 엘리트 코스를 밟아온 아담과 고등학교를 중퇴하고 재능을 살려 미용사로 일하고 있는 천성, 취직이 힘든 문학사를 전공하고 대학에서 시간강사로 일하고 있는 가락. 그들은 약속장소에서 세 명의 매력적인 여인을 마주치게 된다. 유명 정치인의 뇌쇄적인 아내 줄리를 만나게 된 아담. 재력, 미모를 다 가진 이혼녀 린다를 만나게 된 천성. 청순하지만 요염한 제자 설이에게 끌리는 가락. 그 날 밤, 술집에서 시작된 그녀들과의 우연한 만남은 점점 그들을 타락하게 만드는데…
Ho Chung-lai
Hong Kong, Oct 2013. Following a long period of social unrest over bank failures, property speculation and government mismanagement, crowds gather to demonstrate in front of the Legislative Council building. Panic ensues as a bomb is reported inside the LegCo building, planted by someone calling himself "Skywalker". Meanwhile, a branch of Hong Kong & China Banking Corporation is held up by two young people in masks - chemistry student Lang (Kelvin Kwan) and social drop-out Fish (Fish Liew). Among the people in the bank are disillusioned former teacher Yue Chung-tak (Teddy Robin), councilman Ho Chung-lai (K.K. Cheung), his mistress Rebecca (Maggie Chan), the bank's investment saleswoman Luk Wan-yee (Kay Tse), her philandering boyfriend Victor Lo (Wilfred Lau), and Wan-yee's onetime boyfriend, police detective Kin-ho (Paul Wong). All have their own reasons for being in the bank that day.
Minibus driver
꿈에 취해 현실을 보지 못하는 여성, 폐교에서의 소름 끼치는 숨바꼭질, 그리고 우산에 얽힌 기괴한 사연. 이 세 가지 이야기가 도시 속 생생한 괴담의 세계를 담아낸다. 이승과 저승, 인간과 귀신이 어우러진 섬뜩한 공포 영화.
강력계 베테랑 형사 람(임달화)은 뛰어난 수사 능력을 가졌지만 정작 아내의 자살사건을 풀지 못해 괴로워한다. 은퇴 연주회를 앞둔 유명 피아니스트가 참혹한 사체로 발견되고 사건을 맡은 람은 21년 전 살인사건과의 연관성으로 가석방 중인 왕원양(장가휘)을 유력한 용의자로 지목한다. 형사들의 끈질긴 추격에도 매번 교묘히 빠져나가는 왕원양. 한편 죽은 피아니스트의 딸인 서설(문영산)에게 스토커의 위협이 이어지고, 왕원양이 범인이라는 증거가 하나씩 드러나면서 수사망을 좁혀나가던 람은 사건의 배후에 도사린 끔찍한 진실을 마주하게 되는데…
72가구의 세입자라는 제목대로 엄청난 출연진들이 나와 세입자들의 애환을 코믹하게 그리고 있다. 과거에 친구였던 두 사람이 사랑하는 한 여인을 사이에 두고 20여 년간을 원수처럼 지내는데 그들의 아들 딸은 서로 사랑하는 사이가 된다. 두 친구를 둘러싼 소소한 싸움이 웃음을 준다.
A rare Buddhism-themed Hong Kong film, inspirational effort Only the Way from director Tang Tak Wing follows a wayward man whose life is transformed by Buddhist teachings. Starring Cheung Kwok Keung (The Pye-Dog) and 1980s and 90s action starlet Moon Lee, Only the Way reflects on life with sensitive insight and a gentle smile. Cheung Kwok Keung portrays a washed-out songwriter whose bad karma begins to catch up with him. His life goes into free fall as his girlfriend leaves him, his career goes downhill, and his mother (Siu Yam Yam, The Moss) passes away. All these setbacks make him live in even greater spite of the world until one day he encounters a Temple Street vendor (Tong Zhen) who introduces him to Buddhism.
The Pye-Dog, produced by Teddy Robin and written and directed by Derek Kwok, contained all the necessary ingredients for a story of friendship and camaraderie between a man and a boy. Both orphans, they bond together through school, but a secret one of them has of his true intentions threaten that established friendship, with a questioning of loyalties.
The Narranmoda Boarding School is strict for girls and has rigid rules of behavior, but the headmaster accepts four male students to improve the income of the school. However, the boys are segregated from the girls and the inspector Miss Fong keeps them under the surveillance of the dedicated monitor student Ho Yat-Man. The urban legend tells that the school is haunted and when students break the school rules, they are called to the director office and vanishes or are found dead.
Inspired by his father's love of martial arts and its secrets, Siu Dung is determined to study and become a master. His protective mother disapproves, so he learns to excel at the academics she admires instead -- but he just can't shake his dream. He eventually starts boxing, learning the skills he needs from an esteemed master. Directed by Man Kei Chin, this actioner stars Biao Yuen, YoYo Mung and Bingbing Li.
Jack Chin
Take 2 in Life is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Eric Tsang
Unreleated to the celebrated pork-bun movies, this titled sequel returns to the roots of the original film: a true crime drama with satirical overtones. Inspector Lee (Danny Lee) and his team (including Monica Chan and Cheung Kwok-Keung) look into the mysterious disappearance of a seedy loan shark (Ken Lo), but find no real leads. Amazingly, the culprits fall into their laps. Four young men, led by Wong Wing-Man (Sam Lee) confess to the killing. Apparently, they were deep in debt, and found the murder of their friend to be the only way out. There is one problem, though: no physical evidence.
The film was created by re-dubbing footage filmed for the 1986 Taiwanese kung fu film Ren zhe da (known in English as Ninja: The Final Duel). Ren zhe da producer Robert Tai had reportedly filmed 10 hours of footage for the film that was cut to 90 minutes for release. Much of the footage that was not included in the release of Ren zhe da is included in Shaolin Dolemite as well as original footage of Moore observing the story of the film and making obscenity-laced comments. Other new footage includes a segment portraying Moore's long time friend Jimmy Lynch as a Drunken Master named Sam the Spliff.
A woman transforms into a snake-headed killer.
Amy, a young girl on the fringe, is being chased by the police, and she happens to meet wax figure artist Xia Feng. Feng is a perfectionist, and uses harsh methods to force Amy to reform. When Amy became a lady, she met her boyfriend Tony again. Feng is very upset when he finds out, then Tony disappears for no reason. Amy also finds out that Feng is not only psychopathic, but also collects wax figures. Amy is terrified, will it become another masterpiece of Feng?
Lam Hung is a loudmouth street hooker with a useless crippled gambling-addicted husband Ching and son Man. Hung's friend Fei is an nightclub hostess, and Fei's lesbian sister Mei/Mooi seems bent on total self destruction after her girlfriend May dumps her for a boy. Mei becomes mixed up with tabloid journalist Wah, who convinces her to allow him to photograph her as she jumps off a building. Hung receives a marriage proposal from regular client Wai, a police officer. Causing trouble for all of them is Saur, the local loan shark and crime boss. Ching is in debt to Saur, he runs the club where Fei works, and he brings in Mainland girls who undercut the local streetgirl's prices. Wah and Mei become sort-of lovers, and Wah does a story on the streetwalkers, in order to influence public opinion against Saur and his mainlanders.
Simon Yam, gang boss, turns himself in to the cops in order to spare his buddies. He spends ten long years in jail during which his no good wife gambles away all his money and raises his little daughter into an ungrateful slutty teen with an attitude. When he returns to his former life. He generously loans money to a high class gal, Cecilia Yip with financial troubles. His wife and daughter leave him. In despair over the mess he has made of his life, he proposes to Cecilia hoping to start over and go straight. In spite of their different class status, the two fall for each other and make a go of her failing factory.
Baau Wing Cheung juggles his career as a voice actor in HK with his wife Kitty's desire to emigrate to Canada. Things heat up however, when he starts working closely with his new boss Dang Ling.
An insecure waitress (Yvonne Yung Hung) who thinks all her problems will be solved if she has plastic surgery to become beautiful. Initially it actually does work. She becomes a model and starts dating a billionaire at once after her surgery.
When a newly-wed moves in with her new husband's family, she isn't appealed by her mother-in-law Spring because of her childish behavior at the wedding banquet. While having warned her son to be careful with his new bride, Spring concocts a plan to separate the couple and have her son marry her friend, a prim and mature lady.
The gun ban caused a shocking case in Hong Kong's history. Adam has served in the PTU police force for many years. He has always been at the forefront of his police career for many years and has repeatedly made extraordinary achievements. His method of handling cases is verbose and extravagant, and every crime can be truthful under his rectified confession.
Directed by Lau Kar-Wing
Tien Yu Sha
It's from Hong Kong. It involves ghosts.
Officer Yip (Guest star)
Cheung was the leading dancer in a dance team. She was too devoted to her dancing practices and frequently left her boy-friend Franky alone. This made happen a love affair between Franky and another female dancer Clara, who was also Cheung's room-mate. Franky decided to break-up with Cheung, but knowing that this will affect her public performance, Franky promised Clara to tell Cheung the truth after the performance. The complicated relationship of the three was discovered by the stage director of the dance team. Tat Ming always told Cheung to spare more time for Franky but Cheung just ignored his words. On the birthday of Cheung, the four went out for fun and accidentally ran into a corpse home after a car crash. This haunted place gave Cheung the chance to discover the relationship between Franky and Clara. However, Cheung pretended as usual at the very beginning and soon she figured out a plan for revenge. ..
A little-known Hong Kong crime film.
Two undercover cops are forced to be a team to find a serial killer. Chow is straight-laced and Lau has ESP. The victims were all childhood friends. The killer is a ghost!
Officer Cheung
A Story in Beijing City is a Hong Kong made-for-TV movie starring Kara Hui.
One of the three Hong Kong movies entitled Fatal Love that came out in 1993. Starring Lester Chan and Lau Wai-Man.
Behind the Curtain is a Taiwanese crime movie starring Kara Hui.
Cheung Kwok Keung
Lam Ching Ying is a Taoist wizard who goes to Thailand to help defeat a pair of black magic criminals (Billy Chow and Tsui Man Wah) using huge Taoist charms and good, old-fashioned blood of a black dog. Afterwards, "a fiendish wizard steals the bodies of the two criminals. He anoints them with the sperm of 99 satyrs and the blood collected from the menstrual flow of 99 bitches. The result is the merging of the two bodies into one ultra-powerful, bisexual creature known as the Terrific Vampire. This lustful monster gains knowledge and strength by killing and devouring the brains of victims (the first casualties are the wizard and his assistants).
Kent/Ka Kui
A pair of detectives are after a smuggling ring, and when they come to the leader, they need back-up by a navy seals team - as the traffickers possess not only drugs, but heavy military equipment.
Taiwan horror with romantic elements.
The ghost of a murdered (beheaded) woman recruits other creatures of the night to join her crusade against the ancestors of the man who killed her. Mindless, low-budget thrill show with vampires, zombies and ghosts attacking lots of victims. Eventually, the exorcist priests (Kara Hui, Ku Feng) find ways of exterminating the various supernatural entities
Early nineties ACGS knock-off with Wu Ma as an expert demon hunter and Joey Wong reprising her role as the otherwordly enchantress falling in love with a human.
Put congee for son
Impoverished teahouse worker (and martial-arts student) Abao is engaged to his boss' daughter, Little Chu, and fights to protect her from the lecherous advances of the wealthy but repulsive Master Shi. The two men's romantic rivalry escalates into full-scale supernatural warfare after Shi enlists the aid of a wicked sorcerer, and Abao encounters a benevolent female ghost.
Man Lee
Three colleagues (Carol Cheng, Joey Wong, Sandy Lam) at a Hong Kong corporation put in overtime at the office one night and stumbled upon a bag filled with 10 million dollars in cash. Ecstatic with their wealthy find, they took the money and began to concoct a safe plan to spend it. However, when the friends discover that their company's senior manager was blackmailed and the money left behind to pay out the blackmailer was reported missing, the friends fear that they might be reprimanded for finding and taking the cash.
Stalled Engine Te
Two cops are partnered together and decide to protect two beautiful women who are actually rivals--one, a woman released from prison, the other, an actress who's been targeted for rape--while in search of escaped murderous convicts.
This is Midnight Angel without the female caped-crusaders. Once again, Yukari Oshima steals the show as she seeks revenge against the drug overlord who killed her fiancee.
Lost Man
Ever since he was a child, Lee Chi-kin has been determined to become a police officer, despite the fact that he comes from a family of criminals. As an adult, he joins the police force, where he is first placed with the Narcotics Bureau. During a drug raid operation, he catches a drug dealer. He is later transferred, first to the Anti-Porno Bureau where he falls in love with a call girl, then to the Regional Crime Unit where he works under Inspector Chu. During a drug raid operation, Lee kills drug lord Ng Cheung. Ng's father hires a killer, Thousand Faces Man to take revenge on Lee. After several confrontations, Lee finally brings Thousand Faces Man to justice. The corrupt director of a mental hospital places Lee in the mental hospital for a year, during which time he develops mental disorders. After being discharged from the hospital, he becomes a restaurant waiter.
Huang Shao Pai
Smart (Kent Cheng), a sailor, returns from sea to his family to help with the family business and raise money for repairs, also teach people about love
Ying's son
홍콩 암흑가의 대부인 용은 갱조직을 청산하고 개과천선하기 위하여 4대 조직을 통합키로 한다. 그러나 마약밀매를 전문으로 하는 한 조직의 두목이 약속을 위반하여 용은 아륜을 시켜 그를 처단한다. 이때 용의 수제자인 백랑이 용의 처사에 불만을 품고 용과 충돌하자 오래전부터 반란을 음모하던 백랑의 부하 죠셉과 컬크가 용을 제거하고 마약 밀매 조직을 장악하여 백랑의 명의로 마약을 밀매한다. 그후 영국으로 돌아온 용의 막내아들 챨스는 자기 부모와 형제들이 이들에게 참살당한 사실을 알고 아륜과 손잡고 복수를 하게 된다.
Insp. Lo Yau-Dai
A cross between Rear Window and The Blues Brothers! A group of gossipy neighbours witness a murder through an open window. Dopey mainland cop Lo Yau Dai investigates by going in undercover as a new tenant.
Yeung Lap Fa
The opening scene has two painters (Eric Tsang and Tai Bo) working on a large old house with tenants about to move in. Bo vanishes from the story, and Eric only comes back at the end. Then we cut to Wu Ma coming home with a wrapped gift for his wife, whom he catches in the act with her lover. The lover kills the husband, who becomes a ghost. Then a bunch of young women are working as bar hostesses, chatting to some guys. Then we see an escaping prisoner (Cheung Kwok Keung) taking refuge in the house.
Ching Dai-Kong
월남전에서 패한 미국은 월남전이 끝날 무렵 월남의 요지에 배치시켜놓았던 대량의 S-26 미사일이 숨겨진 무기고가 베트콩 손에 들어갈 것을 우려하여, 2천만 파운드급의 이 미사일 기지를 폭파시킬 것을 목적으로 '동방독응' 작전을 극비리에 개시한다. 이 작전에는 미국국적을 가진 10명의 화교수감자들을 특공대원으로 편입시킨다. ‘동방독응' 작전의 핵심은 임중령은 무술과 전투력을 겸비한 지휘관이며, 구성원들 중에는 일급 살인죄로 복역 중이던 의협심이 강하고 무술이 뛰어난 동명신을 비롯하여 개성이 다른 열명의 장기복역수 특공대들이 함께 침투시키는데....
Inspector Kuo
유년 시절부터 오랜 친구인 아국과 아정은 아국의 아버지 밑에서 함께 자랐다. 아국은 스코틀랜드 유학파 출신에 남부러울 것 없는 국제 경찰이 되었고, 아정은 홍콩을 주름잡는 암흑가의 조직원이 되어 서로 다른 삶을 살아가지만, 서로를 아끼는 오랜 우정엔 변함이 없다. 아정은 우연히 한 여인을 만나 사랑을 느끼며 언제 끝날지 모르는 행복에 젖는다. 그러나 아정의 보스 '양동해'가 우직한 아정을 이용해 내보낸 마약거래 현장에서 아정은 뜻밖의 총격을 입고 경찰의 수배를 받는다. 결국 경찰과 조직원인 아국과 아정의 서로 다른 신분은 20년 우정을 위협하며 총구를 겨누는 상황에 이르지만, 끝내 아국은 아정을 풀어준다. 그러나 보스의 음모로 사형 언도에 처한 아정은 모든 것을 체념하지만 뜻밖의 진실을 알게 되고, 보스에게 토사구팽 당한 배신감을 씻기 위해 다시 한번 죽음을 무릅쓰는데...
Tung Man
신해혁명 직전, 혼란했던 중국 북경을 배경으로, 외국 차관을 도입해 군력을 증강하고 급기야 황제가 되고자하는 원세개의 음모를 분쇄하기 위해 젊은 혁명가들이 힘을 합친다. 총독의 딸이자 외국 유학을 마치고 반란군과 협력하기 위해 돌아온 조운 (임청하), 재물 욕심이 많은 떠돌이 가수 상홍 (종초홍), 남자들만 연기할 수 있는 경극 연기에 미련을 못 버리는 경극단장 딸 백뉴 (엽천문), 우연한 계기로 각기 다른 삶을 살아온 세 여인이 혁명을 위해 손을 잡게 되는데...
Rose (Maggie Cheung) and her big brother Charles (Chow Yun-fat) live a fairy-tale existence in their seaside villa. Rose is young, beautiful, and spoiled - in a word, irresistible. Disappointed in love, she moves to Paris. When Charles dies suddenly, she rushes back to Hong Kong to take over the family estate. Fate intervenes when she meets Ka-ming (also played by Chow Yun-fat), who is the exact image of her late brother. The two fall in love, but their romance is in the hands of a not always benevolent fate.
시골청년 리닝은 도시로 나오면서 처음 도시로 나와 어리둥절 할때 소매치기를 당하게 된다. 그는 소매치기들을 쫓다가 예쁜 소녀를 만나게되고 그로부터 축구선수가 되라고 부탁을 받는다. 축구선수가 된 리닝은 너무 개구져 다른 축구 클럽에서 리닝을 골탕 먹이려고 갖은 방법을 모두 동원하나 리닝은 뛰어난 지기로 위기를 모면하는데...
The poetry of teenagers in love is one of the most endearing and enduring traditions in cinema. Philip Chan made his solo directorial debut with a film based on his own adolescent fantasy, about a secondary school student who falls in love with his teacher. The teacher happens to be pregnant and, after the kid makes the vow to help her take care of the child, the father reappears to assume his responsibilities…Is teenage bubble going to burst? Chan had the foresight – or was it luck? – to hand over writing chores to Alfred Cheung, who turned the potentially controversial story into a script of nuanced emotions and morality while managing to avoid the sensational. Charlie's Bubble, which escaped critical attention in its initial release, is a work that deserves a second look.
Cream / Ah Lo
A group of teenagers stop at a service station after a leaving a disco. In a fight resulting from their inability to pay, the staff on duty are killed by the group, which leads to a desperate night of cat and mouse with the police.
TV Actor
Inspectors Tong (Shaw Brothers regular Pai Ying) and Cheng (Kent Cheng) are investing a psychopathic serial killer who has been raping and murdering prostitutes. With the help of a young prostitute, they follow the bloody trail to...
Ah Wing
Cops and Robbers depicts a city where ordinary citizens hold little trust for the police; far removed from the post-ICAC Hong Kong of today.
Chia Ling plays the title character, who wields her way through a standard martial arts premise, but demonstrates tremendous grace and agility as she chops, kicks, and flies through the air.
The movie sequel to the 2001 TVB drama series, "A Step into the Past".