Eyas Younis

Eyas Younis

프로필 사진

Eyas Younis

참여 작품

A Syrian doctor attempts to escape her war-ravaged homeland with her young daughter.
이스케이프 플랜: 코드네임 제로
고도로 훈련된 대원들은 출처가 불문명한 군사 시설 안에 이유도 모르고 갇히게 된다. 이전에도 이와 같은 사건이 벌어졌다라는 것을 안 팀의 리더 '이삭'은 이 곳에서 팀과 함께 빠져나가려 하나 하나 둘 사라지기 시작하고 알 수 없는 끔찍한 현상과 마주하게 되는데...
A group of stoners save the world from sock stealing aliens.
Jacqueline Argentine
TV host
A filmmaker introduces us to the subject of his documentary—the beautiful Jacqueline Dumont, a young Frenchwoman who claims to have uncovered a covert assassination conspiracy. While unsure of the eccentric Jacqueline’s veracity, the filmmaker nonetheless enlists a couple of interns and heads to the holistic retreat in Argentina where she’s hiding out, to explore her claims and film her story. Upon arrival, the filmmaker begins to doubt the worthwhileness of his venture, but finds reasons to hope that he might actually be capturing something big, something real, with his increasingly makeshift film.
45 Minutes to Ramallah
Ariel Feldman
Turbulent comedy about two Palestinian brothers who smuggle the dead body of their father from Jerusalem to Ramallah with the Israeli Police, a bunch of terrorists and the Russian Mafia breathing down their necks.
The Hyperglot
Despite an unrivaled talent for communicating, Jake has trouble talking to women. When an impossible situation presents itself, Jake ignores the signs and goes on a wild goose-chase to pursue his quest for love. When his plan is foiled, a new best friend helps him finally express himself successfully to a woman – without uttering a single word.