Keiko Torii

출생 : 1951-07-19,

참여 작품

Shimoochiai Yakitori Movie
Karafuto 1945 Summer
Nobue Fujikura
The film is set in Karafuto after the radio broadcast of the Imperial Rescript on the Termination of the War. On August 15, 1945, Soviet forces invaded Karafuto. On August 20, the postal telegraph office in Maoka suspended operations and nine of the twelve telephone operators committed suicide by taking potassium cyanide while the city was being invaded.
Gakuen-sai no yoru: Amai taiken
A teenage drama film about Makiko Hayashi, a top student who is aiming to get into University of Tokyo, together with a group of other students. She befriends one of the school's misfits, Yoshiyuki Mizuno, which starts to change her life. The film follows the way Makiko Hayashi's life changes throughout the time, from a model student with high ambitions, to someone who is uncertain enough about her future, that she feels the only way out is to start anew.
추락하는 청춘
Sakie Hayashi
세상을 놀라게 한 연쇄총기살인사건을 소재로 극심한 빈곤 속에서 자란 불행한 청년의 절규를 그린 문제작. 가정을 돌보지 않는 아버지와 행상으로 가정을 꾸리는 어머니를 둔 미치오는 여덟 남매 중 일곱 번째 아들이다. 그는 중학교를 졸업하고 취업을 위해 도쿄로 떠나지만 인간적 모멸감만 느끼고 점점 타락의 수렁으로 빠져든다.