New kind of horror films are added to "Kaidan Shin Mimibukuro" series directed by a cult filmmaker, Noboru Iguchi (Machine Girl). The series has four episodes starring a Japanese idol group, S/mileage!
TV anthology movie
Original Story
Aimi and her father move into an old, apartment building and learn quickly that things are not as they seem.
An anthology series based on stories collected throughout Japan, mainly by writers Hirokatsu Kihara and Ichiro Nakayama.
야경의 보고서, 잔연, 장갑, 무거워!, 체경, 시선, 약속, 히사오
8편의 실화 공포 이야기가 들어 있는 옴니버스 공포 영화.
An anthology series based on stories collected throughout Japan, mainly by writers Hirokatsu Kihara and Ichiro Nakayama.
An anthology series based on stories collected throughout Japan, mainly by writers Hirokatsu Kihara and Ichiro Nakayama.
A 1970 entertainment action masterpiece directed by Teruo Ishii. A companion piece to another Ishii-directed film from 1970, also starring Watase, Yoshida and Sato called PRISONERS' BACK LIST.