Tooru Hanada

참여 작품

화려한 추적
Roulette Dealer
Shihomi Etsuko plays a race car driver who also lends out her services to the Japanese Secret Service. Although there really isn't much of a "chase" to be seen, Shihomi does pursue a cartel of drug runners and assorted Japanese yakuza types. While the story is pure 70's exploitation and gritty crime drama, the best reason to see it is for the Martial Arts Action of Etsuko Shihomi. The action is over-the-top and at times hilarious (i.e. Shihomi battling the lead criminal atop a moving gondola or Shihomi battling a whip-wielding Catholic Nun).
Wolf Guy
Akira Inugami is the only survivor of a clan of ancient werewolves who relies on his supernatural powers to solve mysterious crimes. After a series of bloody killings perpetrated by an unseen force, Inugami uncovers a conspiracy involving a murdered cabaret singer, corrupt politicians, and a plot by the J-CIA to harvest his blood in order to steal his lycanthropic powers! At the same time, Inugami also discovers the truth behind his family heritage, and that he may not be the last of his kind.
Wolf Guy
Akira Inugami is the only survivor of a clan of ancient werewolves who relies on his supernatural powers to solve mysterious crimes. After a series of bloody killings perpetrated by an unseen force, Inugami uncovers a conspiracy involving a murdered cabaret singer, corrupt politicians, and a plot by the J-CIA to harvest his blood in order to steal his lycanthropic powers! At the same time, Inugami also discovers the truth behind his family heritage, and that he may not be the last of his kind.
의리의 무덤
어릴 때부터 야쿠자의 길에 빠져든 이시카와는 ‘미친개’라는 별명을 갖고 있다. 덮어놓고 주먹을 휘두르는 난폭함 때문에 조직 내에서도 골칫거리인 이시카와는 그날도 상대 조직원을 죽인 후 술집에서 일하는 치에코의 집에 몸을 숨긴다. 이시카와의 파란만장한 일대기를 통해 야쿠자의 밑바닥 인생을 생생하고 처절하게 그린 영화.
A Haunted Turkish Bathhouse
A sly gangster hatches a plot against his own wife, who works at a brothel-cum-bathhouse, with the help of the bathhouse owner’s wife.
A Single Flower Withered
Violent Streets
With a Kansai syndicate setting their sights on Tokyo, a former yakuza boss gets dragged back into a world of violence.
전과 여자: 살인 선율
레이코 이케는 지역 야쿠자 폭도들에 의해 마약 거래로 내몰린 한 남자의 딸로 출연한다. 갱단에게 쓸모없게 살아남은 레이코는 살해되고 레이코는 갱강간을 당하게 되며, 레이코는 야쿠자의 보스(하야마 료지)에게 칼 공격을 시도하게 된다. 그를 죽이지 못한 그녀는 감옥에서 다른 불만족(가타야마 유미코, 카자마 치요코 등)들과 친구가 되고 야쿠자 상사의 여자친구(스기모토 미키)를 만난다. 석방되자마자 레이코는 자신의 폭도들을 재집결시키고 하야마의 오바 산업과 이전에 지배적이었던 하마야스 씨 사이의 갱 전쟁을 계획하기 위한 마키아벨리 계획을 시작한다. 라이벌 갱들은 서로를 죽이기 시작하고 레이코는 그녀의 궁극적인 복수에 더 가까워진다.
Sympathy for the Underdog
A yakuza gang gets driven out of Yokohama by a big gang from Tokyo. They relocate to Okinawa to violently start over.
Japan's Violent Gangs: The Boss and the Killers
An honorable yakuza syndicate deeply rooted in Kyoto fights for survival when a new breed of gangsters threaten their very existence.