Tomoomi Yoda

출생 : 1928-08-20, Tokyo, Japan

참여 작품

The Rivals
Assistant Director
Legend of Dinosaurs and Monster Birds
Assistant Director
A Japanese geologist discovers that dinosaurs still exist in caves beneath the surface of a volcanic lake.
Evil Doers
Assistant Director
Hiroki Matsukata plays Ogata, an Osakan restaurant worker that gets sent to prison for murder. The film details his subsequent attempts to escape. It's the third and final entry in the "Hiroki Matsukata Toei Jailbreak Trilogy" following Escaped Murderer from Hiroshima Prison (1974) and Riot in Shimane Prison (1975), both directed by Sadao Nakajima.
The Fancy Man
A first-class heel exploits a spinster's hunger for love. She is a trusted employee in a bank and embezzles money to secure his love.
The Secret Sexual Life of College Girls
The Erotomaniac Daimyo
Assistant Director
Kiyohime, a daughter of Tokugawa Ienari is married-off to Tadateru Ogura, the lord of a Kyushu clan. However, the lord's sexual inexperience and Kiyohime's strict morals lead to significant crisis in their marriage. To improve his sexual prowess, the lord is introduced to Sandra, a French woman held captive by usurer-smuggler Hatakaya. This results in the lord's choosing Sandra as his mistress. Kiyohime's attendants see this move as an insult and have Sandra beaten and imprisoned. Nevertheless, Sandra escapes with the help of Morita, a retainer of the lord. Out of bitterness and as some sort of revenge, the lord imposes a sex ban on his subjects.
Assistant Director
과거의 기억이 없는채로 이유도 모른채 정신병원에 갇혀있는 의학생 히토미 히로스케. 하지만 서커스 곡예사인 하츠요의 노래를 듣고 과거의 기억을 되찾지만, 갑자기 하츠요가 눈 앞에서 죽어버리고 그 범인으로 지목되어 도주하는 신세가 된다. 호쿠리쿠로 향하는 기차에 올라탄 히로스케는 자신과 꼭 닮은 코모다 겐자부로라는 남자가 죽었다는 기사를 보게 되고, 겐자부로가 살아있었다는 거짓말로 겐자부로의 가족을 찾아가 겐자부로로써 살아가려고 한다. 하지만 코모다가의 가장인 아버지 죠고로는 태어날때부터 기형으로 집을 버리고 무인도를 홀로 개발하고 있는 등, 겐자부로의 가족은 어딘가 기묘한 분위기를 풍기고 있었다.
Love and Crime
Assistant Director
A series of short stories about bizarre crimes committed by females in the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa Eras. Discover 4 famous Japanese murderers: Takahashi Oden, the last woman beheaded in Japan, Sada Abe, a crazy lover, Kunihiko Kodaira, a rapist-killer and finally, the Toyokaku case, a woman who did everything to own a hotel.
야쿠자의 법칙 - 사형
Assistant Director
A story of yakuza lynching during the Edo, Meiji, and Showa periods.
A Country Boss
A country boss gives up his way of life because of his daughter's marriage.
Shin nitōhei monogatari medetaku gaisen no maki
Second "Pfc. Story" sequel and the ninth and final sequel to "Story of Second Class Private", the only one in both series not directed by Seiichi Fukuda.