Neil D'Souza

Neil D'Souza


Neil D'Souza is an actor, known for Filth (2013), Wild Target (2010) and Closed Circuit (2013).

프로필 사진

Neil D'Souza

참여 작품

Hampstead Theatre At Home: Drawing The Line
London, 1947. Summoned by the Prime Minister from the Court where he is presiding judge, Cyril Radcliffe is given an unlikely mission. He is to travel to India, a country he has never visited, and, with limited survey information, no expert support and no knowledge of cartography, he is to draw the border which will divide the Indian sub-continent into two new Sovereign Dominions. To make matters even more challenging, he has only six weeks to complete the task. Wholly unsuited to his role, Radcliffe is unprepared for the dangerous whirlpool of political intrigue and passion into which he is plunged – untold consequences may even result from the illicit liaison between the Leader of the Congress Party and the Viceroy’s wife… As he begins to break under the pressure he comes to realise that he holds in his hands the fate of millions of people.
Alien Culture
Parminder Singh
Southall, 1979. Racial tensions are running high. Lucky thinks his brother is in trouble, but the truth is far from what he expected.
Don't Take My Baby
Factual drama which tells the story of a disabled couple's agonising struggle to keep their newborn baby. Based on real-life testimony, this emotional tale will call viewers' prejudices and beliefs about the disabled community and society as a whole into question, as we learn about a situation many disabled couples find themselves in as new parents. Can 21-year-old wheelchair user Anna and partially-sighted Tom provide the care and attention their daughter needs, or will social worker Belinda have to consider alternative care?
The Cannibal in the Jungle
Samar Kalam
An American scientist who was convicted of killing and cannibalizing two colleagues in the jungles of Flores, Indonesia in 1977. Branded "The American Cannibal" by the press during his trial, Dr. Timothy Darrow defended himself by claiming a mythic human-ape creature was responsible for the murders. The news outlet documented an indigenous tribe on Flores, the very same island where the hobbit remains were discovered, which had its own accounts of little wild men that stood just over three feet tall, climbed trees, walked on two feet and thrived on cannibalism. And according to the local legend, those creatures may never have died out at all. Follow an expedition team deep into the heart of Flores Island to investigate Dr. Timothy Darrow's claims and find out once and for all if hobbits still exist in the deepest, most remote realms of the Indonesian jungle.
스틸 라이프
홀로 죽음을 맞이한 사람들의 장례를 치르고, 지인들을 찾아 초대하는 직업을 가진 존 메이. 런던 케닝턴 구청 소속 22년차 공무원인 그의 주 업무는 잊혀진 의뢰인의 유품을 단서 삼아 아무도 듣지 못할 추도문을 작성하는 것이다. 매일 같은 옷을 입고, 같은 길로 출근하고, 같은 일을 반복하며 혼자 살던 그에게 어느 날 예상하지 못한 의뢰인이 나타난다. 존의 아파트 바로 맞은편에서 살던 ‘빌리 스토크’가 죽은 채 발견된 것. 같은 날 회사로부터 정리해고를 통보 받은 존은 자신의 마지막 의뢰인인 ‘빌리 스토크’를 위해, 처음으로 사무실에서 벗어나 전국을 돌아다니며 그의 삶을 뒤쫓기 시작한다. 비록 알코올중독자로 홀로 생을 마감했지만 풍부한 역사를 가졌던 빌리 스토크의 인생은 단조롭던 존의 일상에 변화를 가져오는데...
어나더 미
Mr. Bhoola
A teenager finds her perfect life upended when she's stalked by a mysterious doppelganger who has her eyes set on assuming her identity.
브루스 로버트슨은 오직 돈과 진급에만 관심이 있다. 그는 예의 없고 거칠고 악랄하며 술과 여자에 빠져 인생을 허비하는 한마디로 쓰레기지만 사건 해결에 탁월한 경찰이기도 하다. 어느 날, 동양인 유학생이 길거리에서 살해당하는 사건이 발생하자 브루스는 이 사건을 해결하고 승진을 하려는 야심찬 계획을 세운다. 자신의 계획대로 사건을 맡게 된 브루스는 자신만의 비열한 방식대로 사건을 해결해 가던 중 아만다라는 신참형사가 등장하면서 순조로워 보였던 수사는 꼬여만 가기 시작하는데...
This comedy revolves around two brothers, both wonderful chefs, who fall out catastrophically. At the climax of their dispute they rip the family recipe book in half - one brother gets the starters and the other gets the main courses. They set up rival restaurants, across the road from each other, and spend the next twenty years trying to out-do each other. Neither brother will admit it but they both know they are not entirely successful in the 'other half' of the menu. It takes a daughter - a successful corporate lawyer marrying a man from a very different background - to reunite them. She is planning her marriage and is determined that they will both cook the wedding banquet.
평온하던 런던 버로우 마켓. 주차 되어있던 트럭 한대가 갑자기 폭발하며 시민 120명의 목숨을 앗아갔다! 폭탄 테러의 용의자로 한 터키인이 지목되고, ‘마틴’과 ‘클로디아’가 그의 변호를 맡게 된다. 사건을 조사하던 둘은 그 중심에 정부보안기관인 MI5가 있음을 알게 되고, 진실을 폭로해 용의자의 무죄를 밝히려 노력한다. 그러나 결정적인 순간, 둘을 줄곧 감시해오던 정부가 그들의 사생활을 빌미로 협박을 해오는데…! 국가의 사생활을 폭로하고 정의를 수호할 것인가? 정의에 침묵하고 나의 안전을 지킬 것인가?
Italian Movies
My Sweet Home
Berlin, A Polterabend (i.e. a party on the eve of a marriage) is taking place in a café. An American has persuaded his German friend to marry him, after just one month of knowing each other. But while Anke has decided to create a family for her and her baby, Bruce has reservations. The party's member consist of various immigrants that happened to be there, each with his own problems and Anke's mother who objects to the marriage and is expelled by her own daughter.