Christophe Pollock

출생 : 1954-02-19, Paris, France

사망 : 2006-05-09

참여 작품

Director of Photography
As Gentille opens, Fontaine Leglou is walking down a Paris street, and stops to confront a man whom she suspects is following her. She tells him he looks normal, but she's sorry, she doesn't have time to have coffee with him. When he convincingly protests that he was not following her, she apologizes and asks him to have coffee. Fontaine would seem to have a relatively good life. She works as an anesthetist at a fancy mental hospital, and she's got a live-in Nobel Prize-winning arctic scientist boyfriend, Michel, who seems to love her. But there's clearly something nagging at her. She walks around in a perpetually distracted state, and frequently mistakes other peoples' identities and their intentions. When Michel proposes to her, she needs some time to digest it before she responds.
I Saw Ben Barka Get Killed
Director of Photography
January 1966. In a Paris apartment, police discovered the corpse of Georges Figon, the man who broke the scandal of the Ben Barka affair and undermined Gaullist power. A year earlier, Figon, tired of dubious deals and petty scams, is looking for a juicy blow. Close to the "middle" since his years in prison, he was given a large mission: to produce a documentary about decolonization, written by Marguerite Duras and directed by Georges Franju, with the help of the famous Moroccan opponent Mehdi Ben Barka, hired as a historical consultant. This film project is a trap ...
Director of Photography
Chantal, an advocate involved in defending homeless illegal immigrant, decides to refurbish her flat. Following her convictions she calls Columbian workers led by an unforeseeable architect. In the mean time a former client decides he is in love with her, her son and daughter are becoming nearly homeless since the flat's walls are demolished, the architect has new plans every day, an irregular workers fall in love with Chantal too and dance with her daughter, Martin (the son) still continue to roller blade around... Could the works go forward in this mess?
Cause toujours !
Director of Photography
This way-offbeat comedy from Gallic director Jeanne Labrune concerns two young French women, best friends Léa and Jacinthe. While Jacinthe develops a fixation with the moths that begin to cluster in frightening quantities throughout her apartment, Léa finds herself drawn to a dim-witted fellow employed by a local supermarket, then impulsively decides to follow him home via train. When Léa mysteriously disappears during the days that follow, Jacinthe naturally grows concerned about her friend and decides to investigate.
Vodka Lemon
Director of Photography
In a remote, isolated Yazidi Kurdish village in post-Soviet Armenia, Hamo, a widower with a pitiful pension and three worthless sons, travels daily to his wife's grave. There he meets the lovely Nina, who is communing with her late husband. The two are penniless--she works in a local bar that is about to close down, while he has been forced to start selling his meager possessions. All seems hopelessly bleak, yet when Hamo begins to court Nina, their unexpected love revitalizes them.
Lost Seamen
Director of Photography
Based on a novel by Jean-Claude Izzo, this melancholic movie focuses on three sailors being the last remaining crew members on their ship which is aground in the harbor of Marseille. After the owner has sold the "Aldébaran", only the Lebanese captain Aziz, the Greek Diamantis and the Turk Nelim are stuck on the boat for a lack of prospects. Aziz doesn't want to return to his wife, Diamantis tries to find a girl he left at the age of 20 and Nelim, young and foolish, just wants to have fun...
She's One of Us
Director of Photography
At the start, Christine Blanc is a temp, her boyfriend has gone. Near the story's end, she's been offered a steady job, she has a fiancé, other men seem interested in her, she's passed her driving test, and, after she wins 1000 Euros in a scratch-off, her colleagues sing that she's a jolly good fellow ("one of us"). But something's askew: her gaze is too direct, her eyes open too widely; conversational gambits hit odd notes; she parrots others' words; she cooks too much food when she invites a supervisor to dinner. When the supervisor takes Christine on a spontaneous outing that disorients her, her oddities become something else. Can things ever be normal?
Since Otar Left
Director of Photography
The one joy in the lives of a mother and daughter comes from the regular letters sent to them from Paris from the family's adored son, Otar. When the daughter finds out that Otar has died suddenly, she tries to conceal the truth from her mother, changing the course of their lives forever.
Special Delivery
Director of Photography
An unexpected phone call from a certain Kirsch sets off a crisis between Catherine and Raphaël that will affect all those around them, be they close friends or casual acquaintances.
Betty Fisher and Other Stories
Director of Photography
Grieving after the death of her young son Joseph, novelist Betty Fisher enters a dark depression. Hoping to bring her out of it, her mother Margot arranges to kidnap another child, Jose, to replace the son Betty lost. Although she knows it's wrong, Betty accepts Jose as her new son. Meanwhile, Jose's mother Carole is looking for her son with the help of her boyfriend Francois and some of his criminal cohorts.
사랑의 찬가
Director of Photography
영화감독 "에드가"는 사랑의 네 순간-만남, 열정, 이별, 그리고 화해-중 어느 한 순간을 세 커플-청년, 중년, 노년-의 눈을 통해 그려내는 라는 영화를 기획 중이다. 그는 여주인공 역을 맡을 사람을 찾다가, "베르타"란 여인을 만난다. 하지만 에드가는 그녀를 3년 전에 만났다는 사실을 기억하지 못한다. 3년 전으로 거슬러 올라간다. 에드가는 2차 대전 당시 레지스탕스였던 노부부를 만나러 갔다가 베르따란 여인을 처음 보게 된다. 그녀는 노부부의 손녀딸로서, 변호사 공부를 하고 있다. 에드가가 찾아갔을 때, 그녀의 조부모는 헐리우드에 자신들의 레지스탕스 경험담을 팔기로 하고, 손녀에게 그 계약서를 검토해달라고 부탁하던 참이었다. 에드가의 영화 기획은 재정적, 예술적 측면에서 여러 문제들에 부딪힌다. 그러나 이 모든 문제가 해결되고, 영화 촬영이 현실화 됐을 때, 막상 여주인공에 캐스팅하기 위해 베르따를 찾지만, 이미 그녀는 자살을 한 뒤였다.
Le Roman de Lulu
Director of Photography
Roman has two problems: First problem: he is twice the age of Lulu. Second problem: it is not at all a problem for Lulu.
Director of Photography
A chance meeting with Aie, a waitress with a strange name, will drive a 50 year old neurotic man, Robert, crazy.
Samedi à dimanche
Director of Photography
Two young people meet at a nightclub. At home, as they prepare to make love, the young girl is seized with discomfort...
Augustin, King of Kung-Fu
Director of Photography
The solitary and largely self-contained Augustin (Jean-Chretien Sibertin Blanc), on obscure young actor of bit-parts and advertisements, has but one ambition - to play the lead role in a Kung Fu epic. But hours of Kung Fu practice alone in his room are not enough. Augustin knows he must pack up and start a new life in China... or at least that part of China within bicycling distance: Chinatown in south-east Paris. There he meets Ling (Maggie Cheung), a young Chinese woman who practices ocupuncture, and little by little, Ling's needles awaken emotions in Augustin that his virginal body had never dreamed of. Where will this lead him? To Kung Fu stardom, maybe not, but to another destiny, a quirky but logical continuation of the same dream.
Nothing About Robert
Director of Photography
Didier never knew that a wrong film review of a film which he did not bother to watch would land him in numerous troubles.
One Evening After the War
Director of Photography
Set in the newly-pacified Phnom Penh, this film is about the return to civilian life of Cambodian soldiers.
Too Much (Little) Love
Director of Photography
Seventeen-year-old Emma is invited to filmmaker Paul’s house after sending him the outline of a film. Ostensibly there to work on the outline with him she spends her time flirting with Paul, his wife, and his daughter.
Long Live the Republic
Director of Photography
A group of young unemployed people from Le Mans (France) decide to create a new political party.
Marie from the Bay of Angels
Director of Photography
A random montage of disturbing images tell a story about one summer in the lives of two teenagers who somehow find love within each other, Orso and Marie. After they realize this, they run off to a hidden island off the coast of France where they can not be bothered until Orso's hunger for danger and crime become too much for him, forcing him to return to his normal life...
We're All Still Here
Director of Photography
Two housewives discuss philosophical themes (actually an updated dialogue between Plato and Socrates) while doing the house work. The husband of one of them rehearses his part in a theatrical play, reading a 20th century philosophical text about totalitarianism.
포에버 모차르트
Director of Photography
고다르는 이 영화를 1996년 칸 영화제에 출품하여 건재를 과시했다. 뮈세의 연극, 보스니아 전쟁, 그리고 늙은 감독의 작품 만들기와 그 실패가 모차르트의 음악과 어우러진다. 고다르의 분신이기도 한 노감독을 통해 고다르는 상업이라는 이름으로 감독에게 가해지는 폭력을 보스니아 전쟁과 병치시킨다. 유럽의 장래에 대한 고다르의 우려가 엿보이는 작품.
Bonjour Tristesse
Director of Photography
Cécile is a decadent young girl who lives with her rich playboy father, Raymond. Anne, a mature and cultured friend of Raymond's late wife, arrives at Raymond's villa for a visit.
파리의 숨바꼭질
Director of Photography
운송회사에 취직한 니농은 춤에 빠져 대부분의 시간을 나이트클럽에서 보낸다. 그리고 혼수상태에서 깨어난 루이즈는 자신이 막대한 유산을 상속받았다는 사실을 알게 된다. 한편 어릴 적 입양됐던 아이다는 생모를 찾을 유일한 단서인 올드 팝 멜로디에 집착한다. 스탠리 도넌의 에서 영감을 받아 만든 영화. (2013년 제8회 시네바캉스 서울)
Director of Photography
A young teenaged girl tries to get affection from her cold-hearted mother in this gentle French drama. 14-year old Rosine lives somewhere in northern France where the cold rain continually falls. It is a metaphor for her life. Her mother Marie had her when she was only 16 and now wants little to do with her. She spends most of her nights out on the town. Rosine hungers for her mother's love. She is almost obsessed with getting it. She is frustrated because she never does. One day Pierre, her father shows up from the blue and Mare gladly takes him in. Rosine is a good sport and likes that he takes an interest in her. The brief respite from gloom doesn't last as Pierre soon begins to beat Marie and eventually rapes Rosine. The traumatized girl tries to get her mother to admit the incident, to pay attention to the hurting child, but Marie just doesn't care. Marie has no choice but to run away from home and make her own way.
avant après
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
About the history of the French region of Lorraine, called Lothringen in German.
Train de nuit
Director of Photography
The man is seated in the compartment. Alone, he speaks to Lise through his memory. He goes towards the sea. It’s the goal of the travel. There in this big house with a view on the waves, despite Lise not being there, despite her death, he sees her, he is with her.
La folie douce
Director of Photography
Edouard gives pieces of advice on a radio station, but when he tries to use them in real life with his friends, his skills are dubious.
Un homme a la mer
Director of Photography
Love Affairs Usually End Badly
Director of Photography
Zina, young theater opener, hesitates between the love of Slim, taxi driver who hopes to become a lawyer and that of Frederic, who holds the poster at the theater. Why not keep her two loves?
Young Werther
Director of Photography
Ismaël, a young thirteen-year old boy, is taken aback by the suicide of his best friend. Not only did he not have any idea that this dramatic act was a possibility, neither did his other friends. Perhaps it had something to do with his having an unrequited love for a beautiful young neighbor, an attraction Ismaël also feels. Perhaps it had something to do with drugs, or a problem with a universally disliked teacher. Throughout most of the film, the young survivors discuss their departed classmate.
Director of Photography
Marie lives with Antoine, but while he is away she meets Paul, a filmmaker visiting from Canada. Paul is instantly smitten and wants her to marry him. She puts him off by saying that she and Antoine have decided to have a baby. When Antoine returns, he becomes vividly jealous of his girlfriend's chaste encounter, which provokes her into having an affair with Paul.
누드 모델
Assistant Camera
프랑스 소설가 발자크의 소설 에서 영감을 얻어 제작한 작품으로 그 내용의 줄거리가 거의 흡사하다. 줄거리 자체만으로는 단순하며 상투적인 모습을 보여주지만 쟈끄 리베트 감독의 손을 거쳐서 탄생한 은 예술작품에 대한 감독의 실험정신을 영화 속 주인공 프뤼노페르를 통해 재현하는 작품이다. 주인공 프뤼노페르는 10년 전 아내인 리즈(제인 버킨 분)를 모델로 그리다가 실패하고 만 미완의 그림 '미녀 싸움꾼 (La Belle Noiseuse)'을 다시 그리는 작업을 시작하게 된다. 새로운 모델은 그를 찾아온 젊은 화가 니꼴라의 여자친구인 마리안느(엠마뉴엘 베아르 분)가 되며, 이 작업은 화가와 모델의 끊임없는 자아찾기와 작품에 대한 열망, 그와 연결된 인물들 사이의 관계와 설정이 어떻게 변화되어 가는지를 섬세하게 표현해 낸다.
신독일 영년
Director of Photography
통일독일을 여행하는 자의 포스트 모던 로드무비. 로셀리니의 47년작 "독일영년"이 2차 대전 직후의 독일에 대한 이야기라면 고다르의 "신독일영년"은 사회주의의 붕괴와 베를린 장벽이 무너진 통일독일 직후를 말한다. 그리고 그 둘은 모두 이방인의 눈에 비친 독일의 현실을 보여준다. 로셀리니와 에이젠슈타인, 무르나우의 이미지와 독일의 현실을 결합시키면서 고다르는 하나의 영화-역사(이야기)를 완성시킨다.
누벨 바그
Assistant Camera
히치하이킹을 하던 루이는 부유한 사업가인 엘르의 차를 얻어 탄다. 루이는 엘르의 공장과 그녀의 집 등을 방문하며 사람들의 다양한 이야기를 듣는다. 대사의 많은 부분은 레이몬드 챈들러나 윌리엄 포크너 등 문학을 인용했으며 여기에 고다르 특유의 나레이션도 더해진다.
Black Sin
Assistant Camera
A companion piece to the earlier film ‘The Death of Empedocles’, 'Black Sin' is an adaptation of the third version of Friedrich Hölderlin’s play ‘Der Tod Des Empedokles’.
The Temptation of Isabelle
Assistant Camera
Bruno devises a mean to test the love of his girlfriend Isabelle. Since Isabelle had been in love with Alain in the past, Bruno invites Alain to a surprise birthday party for her at a hotel -- what better way to judge her feelings than to get them together? Alain arrives with his current girlfriend Lio. Soon after the two couples start the evening off, their polite exteriors deteriorate.
계급 관계
Director of Photography
카프카의 유작 「아메리카」를 각색한 작품으로 독일에 거주하던 장 마리 스트라우브와 다니엘 위예가 함께 전성기를 누리던 시절에 만든 걸작이다. 미국으로 간 독일 청년의 모습을 통해 자본화된 문명의 황폐함을 통찰하는 모더니즘 감독들의 모던한 카프카 해석이 돋보이는 영화. (2013년 제14회 전주국제영화제)