Lyudmila Kusakova

출생 : 1935-05-02, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR [now Russia]

사망 : 2020-03-21

참여 작품

Ward No. 6
Production Design
Simultaneously nihilistic and heartening, Ward No. 6 is based on a story by Chekov, in which a psychiatric doctor becomes a patient in his own asylum. Updated to contemporary Russia, the film is a cocktail of anxieties and riddles, showcasing how easy it is to become what we fear most.
Vanished Empire
Art Direction
This story take place in Moscow during the 1970s and unfolds around the love triangle between two young men and a girl who study at the same university. They argue, make up, and face their first disappointments and victories. While busy with personal lives and loves, they miss foreseeing that the country in which they were born and live will soon disappear from the map.
Vanished Empire
Production Design
This story take place in Moscow during the 1970s and unfolds around the love triangle between two young men and a girl who study at the same university. They argue, make up, and face their first disappointments and victories. While busy with personal lives and loves, they miss foreseeing that the country in which they were born and live will soon disappear from the map.
Wolfhound of the Grey Dog Clan
Assistant Art Director
He was doomed to die, but managed to survive, and now his mission is to revenge for the annihilation of his tribe. He is the great warrior who calls himself Volkodav, and is the last man from the tribe of Serie Psi (Grey Hounds). After escaping certain death, Volkodaw — accompanied by Neletuchaya Mysh — is on a mission to kill Ludoed who is responsible to what happened to Serie Psi.
Wolfhound of the Grey Dog Clan
Production Design
He was doomed to die, but managed to survive, and now his mission is to revenge for the annihilation of his tribe. He is the great warrior who calls himself Volkodav, and is the last man from the tribe of Serie Psi (Grey Hounds). After escaping certain death, Volkodaw — accompanied by Neletuchaya Mysh — is on a mission to kill Ludoed who is responsible to what happened to Serie Psi.
Karnavalnaya Noch 2, ili 50 Let Spustya
Production Design
Продолжение "Карнавальной ночи" от Эльдара Рязанова. Место действия – тот же Дом Культуры, где праздновали новый год 50 лет назад. Людмила Гурченко снова споет "Пять минут", снова будет прочитана новогодняя лекция, снова год уходящий будет провожаться, а год наступающий – встречаться. Но новое время приводит с собой новых героев, так что все будет по-другому.
죽음이라는 이름의 기수
Production Design
20세기 초 러시아, 조지는 사회주의 혁명활동을 벌이는 지하조직을 이끌며 러시아 전역에서 차르 체제의 고위 인사들을 암살한다. 그러나 이들은 가장 큰 임무였던 세르게이 알렉산드로비치 대공의 암살에 실패하게 되고, 혁명이라는 대의로 묶여 있던 개인들의 숨겨져 있던 욕망들이 하나씩 드러난다. 20세기 폭력의 역사에 대한 고찰을 담고 있는 웅장한 서사극으로, 러시아 혁명기의 혁명가이자 문필가였던 보리스 사빈코프의 자전적인 소설을 원작으로 하고 있다. - 제1회 충무로국제영화제
제2차 세계대전 때 소련연방 서부전선에서 독일군 진영에 침투해 활약하는 소련군 수색 대원들의 모습을 그리고 있다. 독일군의 저항으로 어려움을 겪던 소련군은 일군의 정찰대를 독일군 후방에 침투시켜 적을 공격하기로 한다. '즈베즈다'는 '별'이란 뜻의 러시아어로 영화에서 부대원들의 통신암호도 상용된다. 실화를 바탕으로 소련 부대원들의 영웅담을 생생한 화면과 감동적인 이야기로 전한다.
Poisons or the World History of Poisoning
Production Design
A story of an actor named Oleg whose wife has been seduced by his neighbor. As he is thoroughly convinced of her infidelity, he would like to poison her. An old man named Prokhorov helps him to get rid of his wife by lecturing about famous deaths caused by poisoning. It is from Prokhorov we learn that many famous and not so famous like Cesare Borgia and Caligula were killed as they were poisoned.
Day of the Full Moon
Production Design
Day of the Full Moon, a series of vignettes from Russia past and present, summons the spirit of Ophuls’ La Ronde, Altman’s Nashville and Short Cuts, and the time-shifting strategies of Resnais (Mon Oncle d’Amérique) to tell provocative, connected stories illustrating the waltz of years and whim of memory. In 1948, a young man, a boy, and a waiter are captivated during the full moon by a mysterious woman in a lilac dress. The effects of this event ripple across the years, washing over more than 80 characters, including a disc jockey, a fairy princess, a gangster, Alexander Pushkin, and a nostalgic dog. But which of these are dreams, and which reality? Director Shakhnazarov continues his career-long focus on the intersection of past and present with this mysterious, exhilarating mosaic of humankind, which in the end both seduces and satisfies.
Barkhanov and His Bodyguard
Production Design
Actor Barkhanov is hired as a bodyguard for a very rich person in this criminal comedy from mid-nineties.
Lady Into Lassie
Production Design
Based on a famous short story by Pushkin, this film tells of a youthful, innocent and pure love story that begins as a girlish joke. Liza is eager to get to know her young neighbor but cannot do so as their fathers are not on speaking terms. Her response is simple and direct. With the help of her loyal servant Nastya, she dresses up as a peasant girl and goes pick mushrooms in the nearby woods....
Ya Svoboden, Ya Nichey
Production Design
Драма о том, как мужчины переживают «кризис среднего возраста». Герой картины совсем было, собрался уйти из семьи к юной любовнице, но, познакомившись со своей будущей тещей (и ровесницей), вдруг задумался о том, готов ли он к такой радикальной перемене своей жизни. И, поразмыслив, принимает довольно неожиданное решение…
A Gun with silencer
Art Direction
From the American psychiatric hospital run by two maniac, confident that he was a spy, and a transsexual. Very soon they will want to return to their native madhouse — but it will be too late. Because the third psycho sent them on a secret mission to Russia. Yes, even in a balloon.
Assassin of the Tsar
Production Design
A new doctor from Moscow arrives at a provincial mental institution. His interest is the peculiarities of the psyche of a patient who believes that he is Yakov Yurovsky, the man who assassinated the last Russian tsar. In the course of their conversations it transpires that the patient is a kind of philosopher, not without a gift for suggestion. In a while the doctor himself falls under his patient’s influence: he tends to relive that fatal night of June 16-17, 1918 when, without any investigation or trial, Tsar Nicholas II, who had recently abdicated, was murdered, together with his wife, daughters and incurably ill heir. Soon the doctor realizes that the tragedy of the last Russian tsar is in part his own tragedy, too...
Nomer 'Lyuks' Dlya Generala s Devochkoi
Production Design
Шестнадцатилетняя Люська сбегает из дома, где отчим не дает ей прохода, и знакомится с карточным шулером по фамилии Бристоль. Друзья ласково называют, уже далеко немолодого Константина, Котей. И вот старик и почти еще ребенок сдружились и вместе начинают опасную авантюру.
제로 시티
Production Design
구 소련의 페레스트로이카 시대에 만들어진 가장 중요한 영화 중 하나인 이 작품은 스탈린 시대에 대한 코믹한 풍자와 개인의 정체성에 대한 고민을 담고 있는 흥미로운 우화이다. 모스크바의 기술자 바라킨은 지역에서 생산되는 에어컨 부속품 관련 지도를 위해 공장이 있는 작은 마을에 도착한다. 하지만 비서는 나체로 그를 반기고, 식당에서는 요리사가 권총으로 자살하는 등 마을은 엽기적이고 이상한 분위기로 가득하다.
The Black Monk
Production Design
Man who talks with a ghost called Black Monk is forced to see a doctor. After the treatment, he loses his ability to communicate with the ghost, becoming angry, violent and utterly unhappy.
The Pokrovsky Gates
Production Design
Stories from the lives of the tenants of the Moscow's communal apartment: Kostik, who is a college student, lives with his aunt while studying; Arkady Velyurov who is a performing artist; Khobotovs, who are a divorced couple; and Sava, who is Margarita Khobotov's new fiancé. All these people live in one apartment and their lives constantly touch each other's.
Twenty Six Days in the Life of Dostoevsky
Production Design
Twenty-Six Days in the Life of Dostoyevsky was entered on February 16th at the 1981 Berlin Film Festival to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Dostoyevsky's death on February 9th, 1881, and won a "Best Actor" award for Anatoly Solonitsyn as Dostoyevsky. Solonitsyn was a favorite actor in Andrei Tarkovsky's films, and this was to be his penultimate role. This brief imaginary period in the famed Russian writer's life encapsulates one of his darker moments in 1866. At that time he was still a relatively unknown writer whose first widely acclaimed work, Crime and Punishment, was just on the horizon. His life was at a very low ebb as he struggled with debts he could not pay, and as he fought depression over the loss of his wife to tuberculosis, and the death of his brother, who was very close to him. His first literary journal had to be scrapped because of political reasons, and the second venture needed funding.
Ordinary Miracle
Production Design
A wizard invents characters who all come to life and start to arrive at his house: a King, his servants, a princes, a bear trapped in a man's body - the usual lot. The Plot mainly rotates around the bear, who the wizard had turned into a man. The Bear, who wishes to be a bear once again, can turn into his old self if he were to kiss a princess. It gets complicated when he falls in love with that princess, that arrived at the wizard's house. For how can they be together, if a single kiss will destroy their love?
Melodies of a White Night
Costume Design
A Russian composer and Japanese pianist enter a relationship strained by their geographic and cultural boundaries.
One Hundred Days After Childhood
Costume Design
A group of Russian teenagers spend their summer at a summer camp. Mitia falls in love and gets so occupied with his own problems that he forgets about everything else.
Concerto for Two Violins
Costume Design
The main characters are two graduates of a music school, gifted violinists. Andrei is ambitious, able-bodied, absorbed in the desire to achieve recognition. The other is Ladya Bragin, simple and reckless. On the day of the exam at the conservatory, he meets a girl who works as a clown, and immediately decides to stay in the circus. The creative successes of the heroes do not immediately and not simply take shape. Their will, their conviction of a calling, are severely tested. And yet both come to understand what happiness music can give and how much it demands from a musician...
Concerto for Two Violins
Production Design
The main characters are two graduates of a music school, gifted violinists. Andrei is ambitious, able-bodied, absorbed in the desire to achieve recognition. The other is Ladya Bragin, simple and reckless. On the day of the exam at the conservatory, he meets a girl who works as a clown, and immediately decides to stay in the circus. The creative successes of the heroes do not immediately and not simply take shape. Their will, their conviction of a calling, are severely tested. And yet both come to understand what happiness music can give and how much it demands from a musician...
A Very English Murder
Production Design
A classic detective story based on one of the best-loved Golden Age crime writers, Cyril Hare, novel "An English Murder" originally published in 1951. The setting of An English Murder seems, at first, to be a very conventional one. A group of family and friends come together for Christmas at a country house, Warbeck Hall. The house is owned by Lord Warbeck, a dying and impoverished peer who wants to be among loved ones for what he thinks will be his last Christmas. The holiday decorations are up and snow is falling fast outside. The guests range from the Lord's difficult son to a visiting Czech historian. There is, of course, a faithful butler and his ambitious daughter. But when the murders begin, there is nothing at all conventional about them - or the manner of their detection...
Romance for Lovers
Costume Design
Sergei and Tanya are in love with each other. Sergei is drafted into the marine corps and Tania waits for his return. Sergei's division is abandoned in favor of helping local residents in distress. During the operation, his armored personnel gets carried into the sea. His relatives receive a notice of his death. Tanya's loving childhood friend, a hockey player, helps her to cope with misfortune and she marries him. But it turned out that Sergei did not perish. He, together with a wounded friend he saved, are found on a deserted island after a long winter. Back home, Sergei learns that Tanya has married another. Unable to accept the loss of his beloved, Sergei dies; but this death is a symbolic and emotional one, not physical. Sergei continues to live a normal life without shock and strong distress, meets another girl, marries her, has a child. In the finale there is a spiritual rebirth of the hero.
The Accident
Costume Design
Much Ado About Nothing
Costume Design
Young lovers Hero and Claudio, soon to wed, conspire to get verbal sparring partners and confirmed singles Benedick and Beatrice to wed as well.
A Man Before His Time
Costume Design
Based on the unfinished play by Maxim Gorky "Yakov Bogomolov" about human dignity, that the main stimulus of life is creative work for the benefit of people. Engineer Yakov Bogomolov is a "workaholic" man. He gives himself all to his work, is carried away by it so much that he does not notice what is happening around him. Young wife Olga is cheating on him, friends betray, companions do not understand and deceive...
Uncle Vanya
Costume Design
Serebryakov, a retired professor and his beautiful, much younger second wife, Yeléna, visit their country estate, which funds their urban lifestyle. Vanya, brother of the Professor's first wife, who manages the farm estate, and the local Doctor Astrov, both fall under Yelena's spell, while complaining of the endless ennui of their provincial existence. Astrov is an experienced physician who performs his job conscientiously, but has lost all idealism and spends much of his time drinking. Sofya, the Professor's daughter by his first wife, who works to keep the estate going with her uncle Vanya, meanwhile suffers from lack of esteem over what she sees as her own lack of beauty, and from an unrequited love for Dr. Astrov. Matters are brought to a head when the Professor announces his intention to sell the estate, Vanya and Sofya's home, to achieve a higher income for himself and his wife.
Belated Flowers
Costume Design
Based on the novel of the same name by Anton Chekhov. Princess Mariya fell in love with doctor Toporkov, who was treating her, in the recent past the serf of her family. Now he has become a celebrity and is only concerned about buying a new home profitably. He does not notice her love and marries a rich merchant. The princess in love comes to see Toporkov and opens to him. Her strong feeling touches Toporkov’s hardened heart, he leaves his wife and leaves the princess abroad.
Subject for a Short Story
Costume Design
The film tells about Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. October 17, 1896. On the facade of the Alexandrinsky Theater — a poster about the premiere of "The Seagull". A few hours are left before the performance. Chekhov and his sister Masha are expecting Lika Mizinova from Moscow station to arrive from Moscow. Chekhov is alarmed by the upcoming premiere, excited by the meeting with love, which never took place. Memories of acquaintance with Lika, of the experiences caused by the rude scolding of newspaper men who predicted the young writer the inglorious "death under the fence", about the unexpected decision for everyone to go to Sakhalin...
Anna Karenina
Costume Design
The plot of the film is the love of a married woman, Anna Karenina, and a young officer, Aleksei Vronsky. Anna leaves the family in search of happiness to her beloved person. She has to take a very serious step in her life - to part with her son. The attitude of the high society towards her is changing. All this brings a lot of pain and humiliation to the main character. The tragic story of love and betrayal, the fate of a woman, for the sake of passion who decided to change her life irrevocably.
Costume Design
An eccentric musical comedy based on the tale of Korney Chukovsky. In Africa, monkeys fell ill. This news was reported to Dr. Aybolit by the monkey Chichi, who escaped from the robber Barmaley. Aybolit and his assistants — Chichi and the dog Avva — are in a hurry to save the monkeys from the disease. But Barmaley and his robbers are trying to stop them. First, they capture the doctor’s ship at sea and throw Aybolit, Avva and Chichi into the water, but they swim to Africa.