Christina Wren

Christina Wren


Christina Wren most recently released her comedy series, Hicksters, that follows a spunky Hijabi and her metro Black husband who inherit a farm in Trump country and begin their wildest adventure as the new neighbors no one could have expected.Hicksters was a Sundance Lab Finalist and was inspired by Christina’s life as the daughter of a dad from the Middle East and a mom from Iowa who then herself grew up in urban America. She is co-founder of the production company Two Kids with a Camera and has producedbranded content for clients including Travel Channel, HGTV, PBS and Discovery Digital. She produced 80 live action segments of the Emmy Award winning children's show, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, as well as produced the feature films Moon and Sun and Rehabilitation of the Hill. She is a graduate of New York University’s Tisch Drama School and while at NYU she studied playwriting and was part of NYU’s first Hip Hop Theater course and devised production, Re/Rites. It was here she cut her teeth as a writer/content creator and shortly after graduation pursued a grant to lead a series of workshops that culminated in a multi-media production rooted in music and spoken word poetry, exploring the oral histories of her native Northside of Pittsburgh in conversation with the voices of the young people learning to survive in what the community had since become. She then produced the documentary, Streetball, following South Africa’s 2008/2009 Homeless World Cup teams and shortly after wrote her first feature film, Saudade?, following a teenager who hops a bus to New York City in search of her runaway brother by following his work as a street artist. Saudade? quietly explores how young people become homeless as you slowly learn your main characters are all on the verge of or now fully living on the street. Christina grew up straddling communities culturally, economically and regionally. Reflecting the nuances of the worlds and characters she knows and loves are at the forefront of her body of work, as her life experiences are often in direct opposition to what is commonly portrayed in mass media.

프로필 사진

Christina Wren

참여 작품

범죄와 빈곤으로 황폐해진 암흑 도시 '파라다이스 시티'. 이 도시를 장악하는 거대 조직은 시민 영웅 ‘레이 라자루스’를 자신의 조직으로 영입하려 하자 레이는 그 제안을 거절하고, 그 결과 처참히 살해된다. 하지만 정체 불명의 비밀 조직이 '레이'에게 초인적인 능력을 부여하면서, 그는 다시 살아나게 된다. 한편 거대 조직을 움직이는 큰 손 '포엣', 조직의 수장 '테스' 명령 하에 마약 공장을 세워 돈을 벌어 들이고 무고한 시민들을 죽이기 시작한다. 이 사실을 안 '레이'는 거대 조직의 어둠으로부터 도시를 해방시키고 동료들과 시민들에 대한 복수를 하기 위해 악의 거대 조직에 맞서 싸운다.
Rehabilitation of the Hill
Kelly Saikaly
Rehabilitation of the Hill follows two quirky, headstrong women from opposing backgrounds as they battle over their vision for an urban neighborhood in Pittsburgh while begrudgingly falling in love.
Rehabilitation of the Hill
Rehabilitation of the Hill follows two quirky, headstrong women from opposing backgrounds as they battle over their vision for an urban neighborhood in Pittsburgh while begrudgingly falling in love.
LA: 볼케이노칼립스
로스앤젤레스에 진도 6.1의 지진이 발생한다. 재난 영화 시나리오 작가 조쉬는 지질학을 연구하던 어윈 박사와 박사의 친구인 할리우드 스타 캣과 함께 조사에 나선다. 조사 과정에서 조쉬 일행은 진도 6.1의 지진이 도시 전체가 사라져버릴 재난의 징조였다는 사실을 알게 되는데…
배트맨 대 슈퍼맨: 저스티스의 시작
Major Farris
슈퍼맨과 조드 장군의 격렬한 전투 이후 메트로폴리스는 파괴되었고 슈퍼맨은 세계 최고 논쟁의 인물이 되어 버린다. 검증되지 않은 신과 같은 능력을 지닌 슈퍼맨의 등장에 사람들은 두려움에 빠지게 된다. 한편 배트맨은 그 동안 타락했던 많은 자들처럼 슈퍼맨 역시 언젠가 타락을 할 것이라 생각하며 사회에서 가장 위험한 존재로 여긴다. 세계의 미래를 위해 무모하고 제어할 수 없는 힘을 가진 슈퍼맨으로 인해 벌어졌던 일들을 바로 잡으려 한다. 배트맨과 슈퍼맨이 격돌하는 사이 인류를 위협할 새로운 위기가 빠르게 부상하기 시작하는데...
SAUDADE? follows the story of Sophia (Christina Wren), a young woman from a troubled home who escapes to New York City in search of her runaway brother, following his work as a street artist.
SAUDADE? follows the story of Sophia (Christina Wren), a young woman from a troubled home who escapes to New York City in search of her runaway brother, following his work as a street artist.
SAUDADE? follows the story of Sophia (Christina Wren), a young woman from a troubled home who escapes to New York City in search of her runaway brother, following his work as a street artist.
맨 오브 스틸
Major Carrie Farris
무리한 자원 채취로 크립톤 행성의 종말이 다가오자 조드 장군은 반란을 일으켜 자신들만의 왕국을 건설하려 한다. 이에 반대한 조엘은 크립톤인의 유전자 정보가 담긴 코덱스를 빼돌려 이를 갓 태어난 자신의 아들 칼엘과 함께 지구로 보내고, 반란에 실패한 조드 장군은 감옥에 갇힌다. 지구에 도착한 칼엘은 뒤늦게 자신의 정체를 알아내지만 감옥에서 탈출한 조드 장군의 공격을 받는다. 조드 장군은 코덱스를 되찾아 지구에 새로운 왕국을 건설하려 하고클라크 켄트는 자신을 그토록 괴롭혔던 지구인을 지키기 위해 조드 장군과 전면 승부를 벌인다.
Static Shock Blackout
Frieda Goren
Daisy Watkins, an up and coming news reporter, goes to Dakota City to to discover the name of a super-powered teenage vigilante. It's a fan adaptation of Dwayne McDuffie's comic book and television series: Static Shock.
Eight men from the streets of Cape Town band together to fight for their place in society through a fast-paced game of street soccer.
A terrible disease has swept the nation. Amidst riots, food shortages and growing unrest, the government forcibly locked up 35% of the population, citing them as a risk to society due to higher potential infection rates...based on their blood type. A group of women working to dismantle the system are given a window to strike when a new wave of sickness sweeps the nation - no “Type As” involved. Security forces have abandoned their posts and if our vigilantes can infiltrate the system, they could free thousands in an instant. But everything comes at a cost. Filmed entirely during the 2020 lockdown, following social distancing guidelines.
A terrible disease has swept the nation. Amidst riots, food shortages and growing unrest, the government forcibly locked up 35% of the population, citing them as a risk to society due to higher potential infection rates...based on their blood type. A group of women working to dismantle the system are given a window to strike when a new wave of sickness sweeps the nation - no “Type As” involved. Security forces have abandoned their posts and if our vigilantes can infiltrate the system, they could free thousands in an instant. But everything comes at a cost. Filmed entirely during the 2020 lockdown, following social distancing guidelines.