Dick Holland

참여 작품

When a ten year old boy plays hide-and-seek with friends, he finds something that leads him to a terrible truth: no matter what progress mankind makes, many are forced to travel lunar distances beyond love.
Holy Cross
Glenbyrn Resident
Violence erupts in north Belfast when the residents of Glenbyrn, a predominantly Protestant suburb, object to schoolgirls walking through their neighbourhood from the Catholic area of Ardoyne to the Holy Cross primary school.
갱스 오브 뉴욕
True Blue American Speaker
1860년대 초 뉴욕의 격동기. 월 스트리트의 비즈니스 지구와 뉴욕 항구, 그리고 브로드웨이 사이에 위치한 파이브 포인츠는 뉴욕에서 최고로 가난한 지역이며 도박, 살인, 매춘 등의 범죄가 만연하는 위험한 곳이다. 또한 이 곳은 항구를 통해 아메리칸 드림을 꿈꾸는 아일랜드 이주민들이 매일 수 천명씩 쏟아져 들어오는 꿈의 도시도 하다. 그러나 파이브 포인츠에 사는 정통 뉴요커들은 아일랜드 이주민들을 침입자라 여기며 멸시한다. 결국 두 집단의 갈등은 전쟁을 불러일으키게 되고 아일랜드 이주민의 존경을 받던 '데드 레빗파'의 우두머리 프리스트 발론(리암 니슨)은 빌 더 부처(다니엘 데이 루이스)에 의해 죽음을 맞는다. 그리고 바로 눈앞에서 이 광경을 지켜본 그의 어린 아들 암스테르담 발론(레오나르도 디카프리오)은 아버지의 복수를 다짐하게 된다. 16년 후, 성인이 된 암스테르담은 복수를 위해 빌 더 부처의 조직 내부로 들어간다. 뉴욕을 무자비한 폭력과 협박으로 지배하며 파이브 포인츠 최고의 권력자로 성장한 빌 더 부처는 자신을 향한 음모를 까맣게 모른 채 암스테르담을 양자로 삼게 된다. 암살계획이 진행되고 있을 무렵, 암스테르담은 빌 더 부쳐의 정부(情婦)이자 소매치기인 제니 에버딘(카메론 디아즈)을 만나 한눈에 반하게 되고 처절한 복수와 이루워질 수 없는 사랑의 소용돌이에 빠져들게 된다.
As the Beast Sleeps
Kyle is loyal to his wife, his best mate and his boss in the Ulster Defence Union – and they love him as a husband, a brother and a son – but, with changing times and the emerging peace process, Kyle finds himself lost in the shadows of transition, uncertainty, and betrayal. In a world turned upside down, peace and brutality walk side-by-side, while love and loyalty are sacrificed to the new order. "As the Beast Sleeps" is set in Belfast's Protestant Rathcoole housing estate and explores with an up-to-the-minute urgency, the fragmentation within an extended family of loyalists in the context of the current cease-fire.
Resurrection Man
Gibralter Bar Local
Belfast, in 1970s. Victor Kelly is a young protestant man who hates the Catholics so much that one night he begins to brutally murder them. A reporter soon tries to uncover the murder and obtained prestige for himself, while Victor sinks deeper into madness.
My Brother's War
Two brothers carry out a deadly terrorist bombing, but only one pays the price - imprisonment for life. Years later, the jailed brother is offered a second chance at freedom, providing he helps capture his fugitive sibling.
Shoot To Kill
Constable 'Z'
Shoot to Kill is a four-hour drama documentary reconstruction of the events that led to the 1984–86 Stalker Inquiry into the shooting of six terrorist suspects in Northern Ireland in 1982 by a specialist unit of the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), allegedly without warning (the so-called shoot-to-kill policy); the organised fabrication of false accounts of the events; and the difficulties created for the inquiry team in their investigation.
The Rockingham Shoot
Rigid nationalist Reilly’s frustration at the last remains of British rule draws him to the Rockingham Shoot, where a violent incident occurs.
The Cry
RUC Sergeant
Ulster 1959. A young journalist visiting his quiet hometown is awakened by a scream in the night. He catches sight of a youth being beaten up and dragged away. When he investigates, witnesses seem to melt away, and life-long friends reveal a sinister indifference. Or is it fear?
Naming the Names
Man at Divis
Finn's story seems to begin when Henry Kirk comes into the bookshop where she works. But it goes back a lot further than that...