Branko Završan

Branko Završan

프로필 사진

Branko Završan

참여 작품

Little Trouble Girls
Dr. Primožič
Lucija, quiet and shy 15-year-old girl, enters the prominent Ljubljana’s Catholic high-school. If she meets her mother’s expectations about the grades, she will be awarded summer holidays at her aunt in Paris – a dream she has been having for years. Never having been practicing music, Lucija is surprised to be invited to join the school’s prominent girls’ chamber choir – a privilege offered to only the most talented first-year students. In the choir, Lucija meets the second year’s most popular and charismatic girl, Ana-Marija. After an intensive singing weekend at the convent, the two become friends.
The Man Without Guilt
Angela is a dedicated and sensitive carer. She is a widow. Her husband, as many other workers in the area, died from asbestos-related diseases. When the man responsible for the many deaths, now crippled, is hospitalised, she accepts his son’s offer to become his caregiver, hoping to take her revenge.
Father Georg
After witnessing the mafa’s murder scene in Sicily, Calogero becomes a protected man and is sent to a small town in the Alps. Soon after, the killer he reported, now an informant, comes to the same town and the sleep with the enemy begins.
Two married couples from opposite social classes are brought together in a single night following a tragic event that will change the rest of their lives.
My Last Year as a Loser
Rudi, Špelin oče
Špela graduated in Art History and has never had a steady job. Unlike her two best friends, who have moved out of Slovenia years ago with no plans to return, she is determined to stay in Ljubljana. When even her longtime boyfriend gets a job abroad she moves back in with her parents and her grandma. But Špela wants to grow up and cut the cord instead of delaying her already well overdue adulthood any longer.
The Names of Mr. Sulcic
When Irena Ruppel, a fascinating Slovenian woman, arrives in a valley of the Po river, she is hosted by a man of that area, Gabriele. She seems to know a lot about Gabriele, whom at the same time is intrigued by this woman who doesn't speak Italian but she seems to understand everything that happens around her. Once she leaves, she gives a weak clue to Gabriele: her name and Tolmin, the name of a locality at the borders between Italy and Slovenia. Gabriele can't help it and goes to look for her, taking a journey that will bring him to the truth about his parents, himself and this woman who threw his calm life into confusion.
지워진 사람들: Erased
출산을 위해 지역 병원을 찾은 아나는 병원 전산망 어디에도 자신이 등록되어 있지 않은 걸 알게 된다. 단순한 전산상의 오류로 여기고 무사히 출산을 한다. 평생 슬로베니아에서 살았음에도 정부 전산망 어디에도 아나는 존재하지 않는다. 존재하지만 존재하지 않는 사람, 아나는 결국 추방의 위기에 놓이고 아이조차 만날 수 없게 된다. 상황을 해결하기 위해 이리저리 애를 써보지만 누구 하나 귀를 기울여주는 사람이 없다.
Mocking of Christ
Alexander Philipopoulos, a famous journalist in a French political magazine, is returning to his birthplace in northern Greece, looking for the truth about his father Lazarus, who lived as political emigrant in the neighboring country of Macedonia.
Parent-Teacher Conference
Fran is a newcomer art teacher at a primary school who struggles communicating with his students' parents while also actively avoiding communicating with his girlfriend Medina.
Comic Sans
A young and successful copywriter Alan Despot, after trying in vain to renew a broken relationship with his girlfriend, goes to the island of Vis and finds himself torn between his eccentric father, another ex-girlfriend and her fiancé. New situations and circumstances help Alan to view his own life from a new perspective.
Anjin očim
A story about 17-year-old Anja, one of those pretty and flirtatious girls whose life and self-image depend on the number of likes received in the social media. Overnight Anja becomes a target of a web scandal as someone posts her intimate video clip on the social network. The video clip spreads like a blaze and creates a maelstrom of disgust and ridicule aimed against our protagonist. On the night of her birthday Anja decides to forget the unpleasant emotions by going out to party with her best friend Nina and her boyfriend Peter.
Branko has been a truck driver for only a few months, a choice that is quite understandable, given that he now earns three times as much as he did as a schoolteacher. But everything has a price, which is not always quantifiable in terms of money. As children we were told: “work ennobles man”. But here the opposite seems true: it is Branko, with his efficiency, his obstinacy, his good will, who ennobles a job that grows more and more alienating, absurd and enslaving.
Branko has been a truck driver for only a few months, a choice that is quite understandable, given that he now earns three times as much as he did as a schoolteacher. But everything has a price, which is not always quantifiable in terms of money. As children we were told: “work ennobles man”. But here the opposite seems true: it is Branko, with his efficiency, his obstinacy, his good will, who ennobles a job that grows more and more alienating, absurd and enslaving.
Adria Blues
Aging Bosnian rocker Toni Riff hasn’t written a single song in twenty years; suffering from depression, he relies on financial support from his wife Sonia. The latter decides to make a last-ditch attempt to salvage Toni’s talent – and their marriage.
레아와 다리아
Gustav Gasteiger
열세 살 소녀, 레아는 크로아티아 국립극장에 소속된 어린이극단, ‘어린이 천국’의 스타다. 1938년 유럽에는 전운이 감돌지만 레아는 극단에 새로 들어온 다리아와 공연을 다니기에 바쁘다. 어른들은 유태인 소녀 레아와 독일계 다리아를 라이벌이라고 생각하지만 소녀들은 그저 무대에서 함께 춤추고 노래하는 것을 즐길 뿐이다. 그러나 나치가 크로아티아에 입성하고 유태인 탄압이 시작되자 레아는 학교와 극단에서 쫓겨난다. 레아의 부모는 아이들을 가톨릭으로 개종시켜서 레아를 다시 극단에 들어갈 수 있게 만들지만 모든 갈채는 다리아에게 돌아간다. 전쟁이 심해지고 급기야 레아는 극장 출입까지 금지 당한다. 주변의 유태인이 하나 둘씩 수용소로 끌려가고 레아의 가족을 지켜주던 청년마저 러시아 전선으로 배치되자 레아도 아우슈비츠행 열차에 오르게 된다. (출처: EBS 영화)
The Visit
An evening in a nursing home for the elderly and a son with an agenda to break some bad news to his father.
Personal Baggage
Vid is talented but spoiled young man smothered in his affection to the adoring mother and heedless of his aloof father. His grandfather is benevolent but self-important patriarch and his new girlfriend is a creature of voluptuous innocence wrestling with the torment of a dysfunctional home. These are main characters in a story of strained love and spiraling desire. Characters reveal inexorable issues- baggage that they brought with them. Ultimately this baggage becomes a ruinous burden.
Installation of Love
Married to a wealthy meat dealer, Mojca (45) is worshiper of fine art and mother of two grown-up kids. Desperate for love and passion, she becomes an object of video installation which her ex-lover and now renown conceptual artist Milos is completing with a help of her daughter Nika. Mojca’s hunt for love becomes a wild journey for everyone involved in this film, including the crew shooting the film Installation of Love…
The Hostage
The Hijacker lands the plane at the Rīga Airport. 7 year-old Tom, travelling on his own, voluntarily becomes a hostage. Along with the traditional demands, the Hijacker adds the demands of the little hostage – beginning with some local chocolate and a self-instruction tape for learning the native language, and ending with organizing a Song Festival and a special biathletes’ performance – all ideas originating from a CD on Latvia.
Portrait of the Poet with His Double
Blaž Crobath
A look at the life and thoughts of France Presern, arguably the most prominent Slovenian poet, as well as historical background of his time. How our tragic hero became a symbol of Slovenian culture.
노 맨스 랜드
한치 앞도 보이지 않는 짙푸른 안개를 뚫고 ‘치키’를 비롯한 보스니아 순찰대가 걸어온다. 세르비아군의 사정거리에 들어섰을지도 모른다는 생각에 그들은 가던 길을 멈추고 잠시 잠이 드는데... 눈을 뜨자마자 햇살 너머로 쏟아지는 세르비아군의 총격세례. 순찰대는 순식간에 몰살당하고, ‘치키’는 가슴에 부상을 입은 채 참호로 들어간다. 한편, 세르비아군인 신참 ‘니노’는 상사와 함께 참호를 살피러 들어온다. 생존자가 있는지 확인하기 위해 둘러보던 그들은 잠들어있던 치키의 동료 ‘체라’를 발견한 후 그의 등 밑에 지뢰를 설치한다. 발을 떼는 순간 2천개의 납조각이 튀어나와 모든 걸 파괴해버리는... 이를 몰래 숨어서 지켜보던 보스니아 군인 ‘치키’는 그들이 한 눈 파는 사이, 총을 겨눈다. 상사 1명은 죽고, ‘니노’는 치키의 포로가 된다. 서로를 탓하며 적의감에 불탄 것도 잠시, 체라가 잠에서 깨어나면서 지뢰의 위험성은 더해가고... 결국 두 사람은 팬티만 입은 채 수건을 흔들며 양쪽 진영에 구조를 요청한다. 그러나 어느쪽도 섣불리 접근을 피하는데... 결국 UN군이 구조를 위해 참호에 도착하지만, 상부는 그들에게 곧바로 철수할 것을 명령한다. 그들은 치키와 니노에게 동행할 것을 제안하지만, 체라를 남겨두고 떠날 수 없는 치키. 니노가 그들을 따라가려 하자, 치키는 그에게 총을 쏜다. UN군이 떠난 후 다시 적대감과 증오에 휩싸인 두 사람. 곧, UN군은 특종을 잡아내려는 기자단과 함께 지뢰제거군인을 데리고 다시 참호를 찾는다. 그러나 지뢰는 제거되지 않고, UN군과 기자단이 정신없는 사이, 꼼짝않고 누워서 어쩌면 죽을 날만 기다려야 하는 보스니아군인 ‘체라’는 참호 밖에서 울리는 슬픈 총성을 듣는데..
Socializing The Bull?
Charlie (voice)
A bald-headed professor Rozina, with the help of his brother and female assistant, for many years tests all possible chemical compounds and solutions that could accelerate the growth of hair cells. Meanwhile, in the far galactic kingdom, at the edge of the Andromeda nebulae, King Alfred caught his son smoking cigarettes. A single poof of that substance can be fatal, since gasified tobacco causes anti-evolution process in the population of this kingdom. Fortunately, the inhaled dose was so small that the prince devolves only to the level of a bull. As a punishment, father King sends him to Earth, which is famous for the worst grass in the galaxy, so he could socialize well and come to his senses. Grizel supposed to seven long years, to come to his senses and to socialize better. Coincidentally or not, the prince-bull finds himself in the laboratory of professor Rozina, where he becomes the subject of professor's research. And here the story of evolution and anti-evolution interweave.
The Patriot
NATO prepares a global plan as a protection of Central Europe, which is why they set up an aerial defense system in Slovenia named as The Patriot. International terrorist organization attempts to destroy it together with the nuclear power plant. An ex-criminal who's in charge of The Patriot, tries to prevent this catastrophe and also stop the internal enemies.
Executioner's Fresco
In a small seaside town, a group of people discover their dark past and repeat their bad habits, even those from the time of inquisition and persecutions of witches. They're ought to repeat these actions as long as they start to experience love and forgiveness in some of the following stages of reincarnation.
A group of nine friends go to the mountains of Triglav in seek of Morana, goddess of death. And end up being killed one by one.
The story is told through different points of view. A woman loves everything green, her husband loves his car, a magician knows the secrets of the stars, a professor knows everything about sound and a cyclist solves a difficult problem. A surreal travel through time and space.
로젠크란츠와 길덴스턴은 죽었다
셰익스피어의 햄릿을 햄릿과 그의 의붓아버지 간의 권력 싸움에 말려들어 희생된 햄릿의 학교 친구 로젠크란츠와 길덴스턴의 관점에서 재해석한다.
Two girls who study theatre & drama and their friend photographer decide to rob a bank, using all sorts of their creative force and imagination to implement the idea.
Our Man
Milan, a successful company director, is replaced, and he decides to find out why.
In 1940, shortly before the outbreak of war, a young boy Marjan lives a carefree life with his gang in Ljubljana, experiencing all the problems of his age. With Lenka he's experiencing his first "pure" love, while discovering sexuality... The Italian occupation brings many changes, gang breaks up, some join the liberation movement, the others join collaborationist forces. Marjan remain "unlisted". Italians surrender, and hand over the city to Germans. Frivolous Milena, who has good connections with them, seduces Marjan whom she lost her innocence with. The war is over and the partisans win. The new authorities mistakenly imprison Marjan.